Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 451 Clerk Li Xiuzhi’s title was revealed

He came to both sides of Yi Zhonghai's bed, stood firm one behind the other, stretched out his hands, grabbed Yi Zhonghai's shoulders and legs like a dead pig, and lifted him up from the bed.

The hypocrite's right leg is broken.

The pain was excruciating.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu did not worry about Yi Zhonghai's condition, nor did they consider Yi Zhonghai's broken leg. They even planned to perform well in front of Liu Haizhong.

Everyone knows that Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong can't deal with each other.

Yi Zhonghai suffered a great disaster.

When he touched the wound, he couldn't help but scream out in pain.

"Oh, it hurts me to death."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu looked at each other and threw Yi Zhonghai, who kept shouting in pain, on the bed.

Second injury!

Yi Zhonghai's tears, snot, and saliva flowed out of their respective areas and mixed together.

very disgusting.

The doctor who heard the noise ran in from outside and saw the father and son Liu Haizhong looking at him with eager eyes, and also saw Yi Zhonghai holding his broken leg and wailing in pain.

I know that Liu Haizhong is now the boss of the steel rolling mill.

One person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Most people dare not touch its limelight easily.

But for his profession, he must be worthy of the clothes he was wearing, and said bravely: "What are you doing? This is a hospital, not a place for you to act recklessly. No matter how bastard or beast Yi Zhonghai is, he is also a patient. A man with a broken leg needs to Resting patients, nothing is wrong. Please go out. Yi Zhonghai needs to rest for a long time. We also need to organize doctors to conduct a second examination on Yi Zhonghai. "

Pointing to the door.

He looked like he was driving away guests.

The bangs didn’t move.

But Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu moved. The two brothers fully transformed into the doglegs in the bangs, pointing their thumbs diagonally at the bangs, showing off.

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"It's Captain Liu Hai of the steel rolling mill worker inspection team. The two of us are the leaders of the inspection team below the inspection team. Who asked you to talk to us like this? Yi Zhonghai is a patient, but he is also a sinner of the steel rolling mill. ”

Yi Zhonghainao melon seeds.

There was a buzzing sound.

He never thought that Liu Guangtian would put such a big label on him.

Rolling Mill Sinner.

Where have I sinned? Where did I sin?

Isn't it just for old age, to scheme against stupid people, to gain notoriety, and to implicate the reputation of the steel rolling mill? Isn't it just because of a series of things that he lost his life in the steel rolling mill? Isn't it because of technical problems that caused colleagues and superior leaders to question the technical level of the steel rolling mill and send a working group to the steel rolling mill? Isn't it because of me that the steel rolling mill was repeatedly named and criticized by the superior leaders?
Fortunately, the people present could not hear Yi Zhonghai's thoughts, otherwise he would have been angry to death by Yi Zhonghai.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, stop talking." Liu Haizhong spoke with a selfless look, "Yi Zhonghai is a beast. We are going to send him back to the Siheyuan. He can't stay here anymore. He will be harmed." People who have a bad reputation in the steel rolling mill have no right to stay here. We have to use our limited resources on those old workers who have dedicated their lives to the steel rolling mill. Yi Zhonghai is a bastard. He does not deserve and is not qualified to enjoy these resources. "

The doctor knew a little bit about Yi Zhonghai's past and the evil things he had done, so he didn't stop him anymore. He tried his best.

The nurse was called, a pulley cart was found, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were helped to carry Yi Zhonghai to the cart outside.

Liu Guangtian was pulling in front, and Liu Guangfu was pushing behind, walking towards the courtyard.


Liu Lan, a well-informed person, told the people in the second cafeteria that Liu Haizhong sent Yi Zhonghai back to the courtyard to recuperate, as if it was a joke.

Silly Zhu misheard at first, looked at Liu Lan, and thought to himself, Liu Haizhong's ruthless style of doing things, how could he understand that Yi Zhonghai had no children and kindly sent him to a courtyard for rest. It was only later that I thought about it and realized that Liu Lan's words about sending him back to the courtyard meant adding insult to injury to Yi Zhonghai. He let out a long sigh and thought to himself, this is the bangs that Silly Zhu remembers as doing things without leaving any way out. Yes.

Something to be expected.

After the leg surgery, Yi Zhonghai was sent back to the courtyard to recuperate. The people who took action were Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Can these two bastards who even dared to beat their own fathers take good care of Yi Zhonghai?

He has hatred and wants to please Liu Haizhong.

Yi Zhonghai is also Yi Zhonghai.

Liu Lanke had told Shazhu before that Yi Zhonghai needed to rest, and the consequences of not being able to rest would be that Yi Zhonghai might become a lame.

He really wanted to make Yi Zhonghai a cripple.

I sighed in my heart.

He will not stand up for Yi Zhonghai, and he is also happy to see Yi Zhonghai become a cripple.

Deserve it.

The evil will be punished by evil people.

The wicked Yi Zhonghai fell into the hands of Liu Haizhong. This was his fate. I don’t know how Liu Haizhong, who was beaten to the end by Deputy Director Li and no longer served as the captain a few months later, would use to deal with Yi Zhonghai. Zhonghai’s counterattack.

Now that he is the captain, Yi Zhonghai is no match for Liu Haizhong. Now that he is no longer the captain, and facing the fate of being liquidated by his co-workers, Yi Zhonghai will definitely take action.

Things are unpredictable.

Just be good to yourself.

Silly Zhu lowered his head.

Started doing my own thing.

This reaction.

But not as Liu Lan expected, seeing that Sha Zhu looked uninterested, Liu Lan became anxious and pulled Sha Zhu's arm with his hand.

"Silly Zhu, why did you react like this?"

"How should I react?"

"You won't forget what Yi Zhonghai did to you, right? I think you should shout happily a few times."

"Don't talk nonsense. I yelled a few times, and the workers thought I was crazy. It was almost time, and they all started to work. They picked out the steamed buns and put a cloth underneath them. Be careful to scald your hands. When the vegetables were ready, they scooped them into the basin and brought them all. window position."

According to Shazhu's instructions.

The workers are all busy.

Liu Lan stopped pestering Silly Zhu and started busy with his own affairs.

With a clanging sound, the door of the second canteen was opened, and hungry workers swarmed in from the outside, chatting and laughing and lined up in front of the window.

Some people smell the aroma of food with their noses.

Praise started.

Seeing Si Zhu sitting idle at a window with no food, a worker with a mustache moved over, looked around, and murmured in a low voice toward Si Zhu alertly.

"Master He, have you heard about it? It's about the streets!"

The words before.

Silly Zhu is not interested.

The following words attracted Silly Zhu’s attention.

Seeing Shazhu looking at him, Xiaozhu hurriedly explained his purpose.

"I heard that the other side of the street, Hongxing Street, is also preparing to learn from our steel rolling mill."

They are all smart people.

Know what learning means.

Silly Zhu looked at Mustache calmly.

"What else do you know?"

"I heard people say things are not going well over there. You should go back and ask your wife at night to see what's going on in their streets."


"We are all co-workers, so what can we thank you for?"

Mustache went to the window next to him to get some food.

Silly Zhu sat down on the stool. He realized that things did not seem to be progressing step by step according to his own wishes. All along, Silly Zhu had been on guard against the steel rolling mill, thinking that he would be able to get along well in the steel rolling mill. You can protect yourself wisely during this period of time, and your wife can live a good life.

A gourd in a water tank.

Press this end. The other end floated.

That's really a place that Shazhu can't touch.



Everyone looked at Lao Jia who was leaving with concentration, feeling a bit of inexplicable pain in their hearts. They suddenly felt that one day they would be as miserable as Lao Jia.

Look at me.

Let me look at you.


Everyone sat in their respective seats dejectedly.

How can the work be carried out?

So sad.

"Xiuzhi, please come in."

The new director who replaced Director Jia.

The surname is Wang.

The name is Wang Xiujuan.

She sat on Director Jia's seat and shouted to Li Xiuzhi through the open door.

Li Xiuzhi, who was immersed in her thoughts, quickly stood up, walked quickly to Director Wang, said hello, and closed the office door in accordance with Director Wang's wishes.

A small wooden door.

Two worlds have been artificially formed.

Colleagues outside all cast their eyes on the closed wooden door, each thinking wildly about what was being discussed inside, wondering whether Li Xiuzhi would end up like Director Jia.

Li Xiuzhi was promoted by Director Jia single-handedly. She went from a street helper to a street agent to a formal clerk.

Thanks to Li Xiuzhi’s hard work and Director Jia’s support.

One emperor and one courtier.

Director Jia was defeated. As Director Jia's first confidant and capable general, what should Li Xiuzhi do?

Be them instead.

Li Xiuzhi also had to be beaten.

The problem is that what Li Xiuzhi did deeply impressed the colleagues around her. I really couldn't bear to see Li Xiuzhi end up doing nothing.

Three or four minutes later.

The closed door was opened.

Li Xiuzhi came out.

Colleagues cast their eyes on Li Xiuzhi's face to see whether Li Xiuzhi's expression was good or bad, and then judged whether the matter was good or bad.

Li Xiuzhi's face looked the same as before. She looked the same when she went in, and she looked the same when she came out.

Weird things.

Could it be!

While colleagues were making random guesses, Director Wang stood behind Li Xiuzhi and told his colleagues about Li Xiuzhi's work arrangements.

He no longer serves as a clerk and is specifically responsible for the file management of the street.

Anyone familiar with it knows that it is an unpopular department that is just waiting to die.


Want to say something.

But I don’t know where to start.

He was busy with his own affairs. Even if he was not busy, he still had to pretend to be busy at this time. Then he took advantage of Director Wang's absence to comfort Li Xiuzhi in a low voice.

Li Xiuzhi chatted with them for a few words with a smile, and explained what department she worked in to serve the neighbors.



Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were pushing the cart.

Pushed Yi Zhonghai back to the courtyard.

The idle neighbors looked at Yi Zhonghai with his leg wrapped in a splint. They each took a breath in their hearts and cast their horrified eyes on the three parties involved.

As neighbors, they clearly remember what happened last night.

Knowing that Yi Zhonghai was taken away by Liu Haizhong.

We were gathered together just now, discussing some relevant opinions, that is, what should happen to Yi Zhonghai, and what should happen to Liu Haizhong. The neighbors mainly did not believe that Liu Haizhong would kill Yi Zhonghai regardless of the friendship between the neighbors.

A very simple truth.

If you can attack Yi Zhonghai, you can also attack these people present.

From Yi Zhonghai's appearance, he thought of himself.

Some people immediately had a faint smile on their faces and bent towards the two juniors Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu enjoyed this kind of praise.

Instead of sending Yi Zhonghai back to the house, he directly threw Yi Zhonghai on the ground in the middle courtyard. Seeing the neighbors gathering around him in twos and threes, he said a few words.

"Did you see everything?"

His hands were facing Yi Zhonghai on the ground.


"This is the result of going against Captain Liu. This is the result of stubbornly resisting Captain Liu. Open your eyes and take a good look. I'll tell you the truth. Yi Zhonghai's leg is broken. Do you know how it was broken?" ? Interrupted by our captain Liu with a big wrench!"

"This incident also serves as a reminder to you. Please open your eyes wide and take a good look. Don't follow some people around. There is no future. In the courtyard and the steel rolling mill, you must think Well, people like us need to be supported. If you support some people, it will be in vain. If you are anxious, you will offend others. "

"Guangtian and Guangfu are right. Our courtyard house depends on Guangtian and Guangfu."

"What did you call me? Guangtian was also called by you?"

"Team Leader Liu."

"Yi Zhonghai is basking in the sun in the yard. You guys take him back to the house after a while."

After warning, Liu Guangtian pulled Liu Guangfu towards the outside.

Yi Zhonghai didn't care.

There are neighbors, so there is no need for them.

It is said that there are no secrets in the courtyard. The news that Yi Zhonghai was sent back with a broken leg quickly reached the ears of the deaf old lady in the backyard. Like the neighbors, the ancestors of the courtyard were particularly worried about Yi Zhonghai, mainly because they were worried about Yi Zhonghai. Zhong Hai couldn't bear it anymore, and he wanted to atone for his sins, so he told the deaf old lady's glorious past.

At that time, the ancestors of the courtyard will also be the ancestors of the courtyard.

Don't care about many.

Wearing a cane.

After coming out of the backyard, he tremblingly came to the middle courtyard. From a long distance away, he saw Yi Zhonghai with an unfortunate look on his face, and his heart ached.

Yi Zhonghai's leg was broken.

Who takes care of her food and daily life?
He looked at the sun in the sky and greeted the neighbors.

"His third aunt, her sixth aunt, and her fifth mother, please help. We can get Zhong Hai inside the house. His leg is broken, so we can't do it outside."

Overestimating yourself.

He also underestimated the threat posed by the Liu family.

The neighbors seemed not to have heard it, and all the theatergoers looked at the ancestors in the courtyard.

The deaf old lady was shocked. The crutch in her hand poked the ground viciously, and she became angry.

"Old lady, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu have told you to let Yi Zhonghai bask in the sun outside. We dare not disobey. If someone pursues them, we cannot bear the responsibility." (End of Chapter)

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