Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 452 Liu Yufeng kicked her bangs away

I heard what the neighbors said.

The deaf old lady didn't dare to persist anymore.

Having lived for most of her life, she knew that she had to avoid the limelight of the Liu family and his son at this time. She was no good, and the neighbors were all making their own plans.

If the neighbors were really forced to move Yi Zhonghai into the house, I guess many people would come and report on her, using the deaf old lady as a stepping stone.

In addition to not being able to help Yi Zhonghai, he would also end up getting burned.

Not worth the candle.

A sigh.

flew out of her mouth.

The deaf old lady knew a little about what the steel rolling mill was like during this period of time.

It can be called dire straits.

Looking at the arrogance of the Liu family and his son, we already knew the result.

Director Yang of the steel rolling mill had some friendship with the deaf old lady. It was also because of this relationship that Yi Zhonghai took the initiative to take care of the deaf old lady's food and daily life. If he wanted to live in a nearby building, he would get the first one.

At this moment.

That moment.

The current steel rolling mill is under the leadership of Deputy Director Li, and Director Yang is in charge of the power. He is now a career ruiner, and his glory is no longer good.

The smart deaf old lady knew what she was going to choose at this time. She chuckled in her mouth, walked up to Yi Zhonghai, and whispered a few words that the neighbors couldn't hear clearly.

The neighbors just watched, and some even frowned slightly, wondering whether they should tell Liu Haizhong and his son about the current situation.

Yi Zhonghai's legs were broken, let alone people like them.

What if Liu Haizhong wanted to cause trouble for them anyway? Back then, he had followed Yi Zhonghai's wishes to embarrass Liu Haizhong.

The deaf old lady felt the strange looks from the neighbors.

She is now riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.

On the one hand, we have to worry about the beastly behavior of Liu Haizhong and his son, and worry that Liu Haizhong and his son will cause trouble and end up like Yi Zhonghai, who had his leg broken and was liquidated. On the other hand, she had to establish a persona. She knew that talking to Yi Zhonghai would offend Liu Haizhong and his son, but she still had to comfort Yi Zhonghai. The main reason was that she didn't want to make Yi Zhonghai sad, so she wanted to create a persona that was affectionate and righteous in front of the neighbors.

Yi Zhonghai knew her details.

It's urgent.

Once the jar is broken, it is broken.

The deaf old lady can't do well either.

She comforted Yi Zhonghai as much as possible and talked about her difficulties.

Yi Zhonghai also knew that her bangs were now strong. She gritted her molar teeth and said nothing. If her legs were broken, just break them. She was a fitter, so it would be better than having her hands broken.


In the steel rolling mill, after listening to the report of his two sons, Liu Haizhong was very satisfied with what his two unfilial sons had done, and actually came up with the idea of ​​punishing Yi Zhonghai to bask in the sun in the yard.

He gave some compliments.

Then he whispered a few words to the two boys.

The expressions on the faces of brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were a little strange for a moment.

I thought that after taking care of Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong would stop looking for trouble from the neighbors in the courtyard. Unexpectedly, Yi Zhonghai was just the beginning, and the neighbors would all follow in the footsteps of Yi Zhonghai.

Liu Haizhong has a big plan.

Prepare to punish the neighbors in the courtyard one by one.

It wasn't those people who offended Liu Haizhong, but Liu Haizhong was interested in the house in the courtyard and wanted to use this matter to turn the courtyard into his own private property.

I heard that someone in the machinery factory next door built a one-entry courtyard for him. Liu Haizhong thought that he was no worse than that person, so he had to build a three-entry courtyard no matter what.


This is original sin.

When Liu Haizhong interrogated Yi Zhonghai last night, he had already made a plan in his mind. He would start from the backyard first. After the backyard was named Liu, he would then plan on the middle courtyard, and then the front yard.

A method of cannibalization was adopted.

This is why Liu Haizhong used a big wrench to break off Yi Zhonghai's right leg.

Kill one policeman and a hundred.

Yi Zhonghai is Liu Haizhong's unlucky chicken who scares the neighbors and scares the monkeys.

It’s okay not to be ruthless.

After feeling that he has occupied the entire courtyard, the eldest son who ran away from home with his wife will obediently return to the courtyard and fulfill his filial piety.

No matter how well Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu performed, only Liu Haizhong obeyed Liu Haizhong's orders. Liu Haizhong still felt that his eldest son was good and wanted his eldest son to inherit the Liu family business.

The next person he picked up.

It's Xu Damao.

The words that warned Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were also the instructions for them to go to the Propaganda Section to arrest Xu Damao.

The reason why Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu changed their expressions was because they felt that Xu Damao was someone they could not afford to offend.

Don’t say anything else.

As for Xu Damao and his wife Liu Yufeng, she is not someone to be trifled with.

Pulling a face.

Look at the bangs.

Liu Hai cursed a few times angrily, and said harshly that if he could do it, he would replace him if he couldn't, forcing Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to promote Xu Damao.

The two brothers had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the Publicity Department to find Xu Damao.

Xu Damao was also unlucky. He happened to not go to the countryside to play a movie today, so he was pushed to the ground by the two brothers without saying a word. By the time he reacted, he had already been escorted out of the Publicity Department.


Silly Zhu in the Second Canteen.

I still heard about this from Liu Lan's mouth.

Lunch box in hand.

It fell to the ground with a clatter.


He found that the fate of everyone still did not escape the arrangement of the script. As we all know, Xu Damao did not plan against Liu Haizhong in the beginning because Liu Haizhong withheld part of the Lou family's family property and was a little greedy. He felt that Xu Damao also had a lot. The yellow and white things in Liu Haizhong's private collection, relying on his status as the number one general under Deputy Factory Director Li, forced Xu Damao to donate his private collection of yellow and white things to Liu Haizhong.

The purpose was to hand over Xu Damao to Deputy Director Li.

In desperation, Xu Damao thought of killing someone with a borrowed knife. With a report letter, he successfully knocked Liu Haizhong off his horse and replaced him.

last night.

Take advantage of the opportunity to drink.

Silly Zhu tested Xu Damao, but Xu Damao had no intention of competing for power with Liu Haizhong, and gave an explanation of who was the captain and who was immoral.

The fact that Liu Haizhong sent Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian to arrest Xu Damao today will make Xu Damao think a little bit, "I won't kill Boren, but Boren will kill me, Xu Damao."

With this kind of thinking, he would definitely have to fight to the death with Liu Haizhong.

The fate of bangs.

Just around the corner.

Silly Zhu sighed, bent down, picked up the lunch box in his hand, and washed it on the water faucet. Liu Lan continued to tell the story of the subsequent development of the matter.

Xu Damao married a good wife.

Liu Yufeng was given a good wife card by her co-workers.

Just now, Xu Damao was escorted to the Security Section by Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Liu Yufeng, who heard the noise in Workshop 16, rushed over and slapped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu away. He was kicked back to the house.

Without waiting for those in the security department to speak up, Liu Yufeng revealed her identity. The fact that she was Miao Hong made the Liu family father and son unable to follow up immediately after being beaten, and they did not dare to label Liu Yufeng casually and clean up the matter. The Xu Damao incident also ended in an anticlimax.

such a result.

pretty good.

In the script, Xu Damao married Lou Xiao'e and had no children. During the turbulent days, the couple had to live with their tails between their legs. In reality, after marrying Liu Yufeng, Lou Xiao'e's family went to other places, and Xu Damao also had his own child because of his marriage to Liu Yufeng. , got rid of the fate of being homeless. This is a good thing.

If it were Lou Xiao'e, she probably wouldn't have the courage to stand up for Xu Damao like Liu Yufeng, and it would be too late to hide.

One drink and one peck.

It can be regarded as a consummation of the couple's feelings.

After washing the lunch box, Shazhu sat on the stool and thought about things quietly. Liu Haizhong and his son had suffered such a big loss. When they returned to the courtyard, they would definitely vent their anger on some people. But they didn't know this. Is it yourself or someone else? If it is you, how can you refute it?


appeared on Silly Zhu's face.

After thinking about it for more than an hour, I had a rough idea in my mind, followed the street photography after get off work, and followed the crowd towards the courtyard.

Watching the workers and pedestrians coming and going.

Silly Zhu didn't know what to say. Everyone's face was filled with that kind of contradictory anxiety, and there was no self-indifferent attitude at all.

There are no eggs under the covering nest.

The steel rolling mill was in trouble due to Liu Haizhong, let alone others.

When I returned to the courtyard, I didn't see Yan Fugui, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

Liu Haizhong became the captain and actually killed Yan Fugui, the eternal door god of the courtyard. Yan Fugui, who stood guard at the door every day, was very honest during this period. He hid back at Yan's house after work. Nothing happened. If he doesn't come out, even if he comes out, he will treat himself as a wooden person. He won't speak, make a sound, or express opinions. He will do whatever Liu Haizhong asks him to do.

Silly Zhu looked in the direction of the Yan family.

Seeing Yan Fugui lying on the glass, he gestured to Silly Zhu through the glass, saying, "You are unhappy in your bangs, please be careful as much as possible."

He nodded towards Yan Fugui.

Looked up.

Walking towards the middle courtyard.

At that time in the steel rolling mill, I also figured out that Liu Yufeng's excuse to choke Liu Haizhong could be copied by him, and he was not afraid that Liu Haizhong would cause trouble for him.

Arrived at the middle school.

I saw that every house had its doors and windows closed.

He complained and walked towards his home.

Li Xiuzhi is back and cleaning up the housework in the house.

Silly Zhu put down the satchel in his hand, washed his hands, kissed his daughter again, and asked Li Xiuzhi questions.

"Daughter-in-law, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

Li Xiuzhi had already guessed what Silly Zhu was going to ask.

Thinking that Sha Zhu was already busy enough at the steel rolling mill, and didn't want Sha Zhu to worry about his own affairs, he was not prepared to tell the truth.

Announce the good but not the sorrow.

"How's your street doing?"

"Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"Suddenly I thought of such a question. I want to ask you casually. I care about you. If nothing else, you can't be bullied on the street. Our family is not the kind of people to be bullied. If someone really picks on you and dumps her, we are not afraid. It’s okay, you have your man standing behind you, and you don’t even look at what your man is doing.”

"I'm fine."

Silly pillar's heart.

Raised his throat.

He glanced at his wife who was busy cooking.

It's good but it's not good either.

The couple had been married for so many years, so they knew everything. If Li Xiuzhi was fine, she wouldn't say "I'm good", but would talk to Silly Zhu in a disgusting tone.

Did something really happen?
Silly Zhu wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out. He sat on a stool alone, thinking about going to the street to support his wife one day.

My daughter-in-law, who I couldn't bear to let cry, couldn't bear to suffer all the injustice in the street.

While thinking about things, he teased his daughter.

The little girl is chubby and very annoying.

Amused for a while.

Li Xiuzhi brought steamed buns and porridge, and the three of them chatted while eating and drinking. Silly Zhu told Li Xiuzhi what happened in the steel rolling mill.

The main reason is to make Li Xiuzhi mentally prepared.

When she heard that Liu Haizhong was attacking Xu Damao in the steel rolling mill, Li Xiuzhi took a breath and looked at Silly Zhu with burning eyes. As a street clerk, she knew what this meant, which meant that Liu Haizhong had given up and ignored him. Silly Zhu will also face Liu Haizhong's attack at any time.


"Liu Haizhong, the bastard who killed a thousand swords, is about to be unlucky." In the Yi family house, the deaf old lady complained in a low voice towards the pale Yi Zhonghai, "Zhonghai, God will take it out on your behalf. In the bangs, he is like a rabbit’s tail, and there is not much bounce left.”

Yi Zhonghai said nothing.

Looked straight at the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady knew what Yi Zhonghai meant.

A fallen phoenix is ​​not as valuable as an old hen that lays eggs.

The golden body of the five-guarantee household was broken again.

When a clay Bodhisattva crosses a river, he cannot even protect himself.

"I know you hate my old lady, but now, the old lady has no choice. The only thing I can promise you now is that after my old lady leaves, all my things belong to you Yi Zhonghai, who else can There’s no way to take it away!”

Worried that Yi Zhonghai would point her down.

As a last resort.

He sacrificed a lot of money and there must be a brave man.

Prepare to confuse Yi Zhonghai with gold and silver treasures.

"Outsiders don't know my old lady's family background. Don't you know my old lady's net worth? I can't give it to you now. If I give it to you, I will harm you. How many years I can live at my age are all yours. ”

Yi Zhonghai said nothing.

He looked at the deaf old lady and his eyes narrowed slightly.

With those treasures.

What can't be done.


"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of knocking pots.

Echoing in the courtyard.

Regardless of whether they had finished eating, people who had not eaten, or people who were eating, they all ran out of each house. Maybe they attended the all-staff meeting just to kill time, but now they have no such thoughts. , worried about being caught in bangs and wearing small shoes.

It's all out.

Not a moment's time.

The middle courtyard was surrounded by neighbors.

Even the deaf old lady helped Yi Zhonghai move out of the house.

This made Liu Haizhong very unhappy.

In the afternoon, I was kicked by Liu Yufeng at the steel rolling mill. Deputy Director Li also reprimanded Liu Haizhong for this incident, which made Liu Haizhong suffer a loss and became angry.

I thought about venting the evil fire in my belly on the neighbors.

As a result, all the neighbors came out, which made Liu Haizhong's idea of ​​using the topic useless.

Not bad!

He looked around at the neighbors present with ferocious eyes. (End of chapter)

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