Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 460 Xu Damao takes advantage of the deaf old lady

Seeing that Liu Guangtian showed the Liu family's status by stepping on Xu Damao, Liu Guangfu copied it.

My lady, my gentleman is good.

The heart of spring is stirring.

Just now, while two female nurses were changing the dressing for the deaf old lady, Liu Guangfu asked someone to inquire about the situation of the two female nurses. The tall female nurse's name is Zhang Yali. Her father is the deputy director here, who is older than Liu Guangfu. Three years older.

As the saying goes, a female junior is a good-looking woman with a good background.

In every aspect, it is more in line with Liu Guangfu's requirements for a daughter-in-law.

The short female nurse, whose name is Kang Hongxia, is not affiliated with the hospital, but her mother works as a salesperson in a street supply and marketing cooperative.

To put it bluntly, the street director probably isn’t as popular as the salesperson from the supply and marketing cooperative.

Kang Hongxia was the same age as Liu Guangfu. After marrying her, the family was not short of supplies.

Subconsciously, he regarded Liu Guangtian as his love rival, and with the intention of competing with Liu Guangtian, he also started to show off.

"In your eyes, Xu Damao is some kind of movie projectionist. He is aloof. But in our eyes, he is a dispensable big fart. It is his blessing that he can show movies to us. What do you want to watch tonight?" Movies, you said, as long as you name the movie, there is no movie that cannot be shown, Railway Guerrillas? Honghu Red Guards? "

"Guangfu, look at the names of these movies you mentioned. In addition to fighting, or fighting, can't you watch some constructive movies? My hometown, the female village chief, the female militia captain, these are all movies depicting lesbians. "

"We have something to do tonight, so we won't go to the movies. Thank you for your kindness."

After Kang Hongxia took a look at Zhang Yali, she politely declined the invitation from Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. They knew something about the Liu family's situation. The family tradition is not good, and the family tradition of spanking children cannot be treated equally. I heard that after the eldest brother got married, he would rather bear the reputation of being an intruder than live with Liu Haizhong and his wife. And because of Liu Haizhong's ruthless behavior after becoming captain, he felt that he had to keep a certain distance from the Liu family.

Liu Guangtian obviously had no intention of giving up, and gave himself another excuse to combine work and rest.

"A combination of work and rest can lead to better work."

"Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, what do you mean, my lesbians don't agree. You are trying to force yourself. Do you really think that since your father has become the captain of the inspection team, you two will become the yamen?"

Xu Damao's angry voice.

Sounded at the right time.

Ever since Liu Haizhong was knocked out of the captaincy, Xu Damao wanted to solve Liu Haizhong's troubles once and for all. He didn't want his mistake to hit the snake before it died, but he didn't want it to fall on his own head. He remembered that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu knocked him out and deafened last night. Regarding the old lady's matter, he felt that he could take advantage of this matter and came here to inquire about the news. This was equivalent to taking advantage of the deaf old lady.

It's been a while since I arrived, and Xu Damao already knows everything he needs to know.

What Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu just said about Xu Damao picking up girls was clearly heard by Xu Damao. Before, Xu Damao might have really endured this tone. He is not stupid. Now Liu Haizhong is bullshit, so there is no need. Afraid of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

The turtle grandson was also bad. Liu Haizhong was stripped of his title of captain, and he directly told Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, but he didn't. Instead, he pretended to know nothing and used an adjective for yamen.

People have heard a lot of stories about Water Margin, and they all know what kind of person Gao Yanei is.

This is to nail the three members of the Liu family to the pillar of shame.

Zhang Yali and Kang Hongxia covered their mouths and hid aside obediently, signaling Xu Damao with their eyes.

Xu Damao smiled at the two female nurses.

Don't be shy in front of a beautiful woman, not to mention that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu now have no backers, so there is no possibility that Xu Damao will still be afraid.

"Xu Damao, what do you mean? You are already married. What do you want to do by doing this?" Liu Guangtian saw the scene of Xu Damao winking with the two female nurses and mistakenly thought that Xu Damao had some evil thoughts and wanted to stage a show. The big drama of 'the red flag does not fall down at home, but the colorful flags are flying outside', glared at Xu Damao displeasedly, lifted up his bangs, "My father is the captain of the steel rolling mill, and Director Li is full of praise for my father."

In addition to using Liu Haizhong's identity to suppress Xu Damao, Liu Guangtian could not think of any other way. His title as the leader of the inspection team was incomparable with Xu Damao's identity as a film projectionist. After all, Xu Damao was the kind of person Director Li drank with. people.

"Xu Damao, please be honest. I hate people like you the most. You are already married and you are full of dirty tricks. Believe it or not, I will ask my father to arrest you." Liu Guangfu cooperated with Liu Guangtian and threatened Xu Damao. , "Apologise to us and let this be over."

"If you want me to apologize, it's easy to say. I'll apologize to you right now."

Xu Damao's apology was not just a few words of apology. He directly moved his hand and slapped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu twice. The crisp slaps shocked everyone in the corridor. Xu Damao slapped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Did he not want to have two sons with Liu Haizhong?
Including Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, who were beaten by Xu Damao, they also thought so.

Covering his beaten cheek, he looked stupidly at Xu Damao in front of him. He wanted to take action, but did not dare. They could not beat Xu Damao's wife Liu Yufeng. His wife is Liu Yufeng, and now he dares to do things that he dared not do. In the script, Xu Damao specifically targets women in fights, but now he dares to slap Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu with big slaps. This is what Liu Yufeng brings to Xu Damao confidence.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, are you satisfied with Brother Xu's apology?" Xu Damao moved his right wrist, looked at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu with a smile, and said, "If you are not satisfied, Brother Xu will apologize to you again. ,How about it?"

What an apology.

It was clear that he still wanted to hit someone.

"Xu Damao, you are in big trouble. Do you know that you dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I will go find Captain Liu now and ask Captain Liu to arrest you. Just wait, I will call someone right away."

Liu Guangtian said harsh words towards Xu Damao.

This is the only thing he can do.

I had already thought about it, found Liu Haizhong, and told Liu Haizhong what was going on here in a embellished way, asking Liu Haizhong to personally send people to arrest Xu Damao. He must give Xu Damao a good look.

"Go, I'll wait." Xu Damao felt that the play was almost over, and told the truth gloomily, "I'm afraid you don't know yet, but your father, Liu Haizhong, is no longer the captain."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's brain circuits were different from those of normal people. When they heard what Xu Damao said, they were happy and murmured the words "promoted". They felt that Liu Haizhong had been promoted and became deputy director and captain of the inspection team. , thinking about whether they, as the sons of Liu Haizhong, should also improve themselves as the tide goes up, their languid aura suddenly became full, and their arrogance started to rise again.

"Yes, yes, your father Liu Haizhong has been promoted, from the captain of the inspection team to the person responsible for sanitation." Xu Damao said: "The sanitation of the steel rolling mill is the responsibility of your father Liu Haizhong alone."

"What do you mean? Xu Damao, please explain to me clearly, what do you mean?"

"Liu Guangtian, is your mind filled with donkey urine? What do you mean by what I said? Liu Haizhong is no longer the captain of the inspection team. He was transferred to the Cleaning Department by Director Li, who is responsible for toilets. At work, the good days for you two brothers are gone. For more than a month, you two brothers have been the captain with your bangs, making the steel rolling mill a mess. How many workers have ended up with their families broken up and their families destroyed because of you three beasts? Guess Guess what they will do, and they still have the nerve to brag. If you say anything, I, Xu Damao, will rush over. Are you worthy? Director Li is pretty good."

Xu Damao gave Li Huaide a small compliment.

Big and small kings.

He still knows.

"Xu Damao, you are talking nonsense. My father has the trust of Director Li, so you are lying."

"I lied, I really lied."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Damao flew up and kicked Liu Guangtian viciously in the stomach, knocking Liu Guangtian a long way away.

Liu Guangfu's body softened. He did not have the courage to stand up for Liu Guangtian.

The people in the corridor all looked at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu unkindly. Even Zhang Yali and Kang Hongxia stared at Liu Guangfu with disdain.

Under such gazes, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu felt very uncomfortable, especially Liu Guangtian who was beaten the most. He suddenly realized that what Xu Damao said might be true. If Liu Haizhong was the captain, it would be impossible for a shrewd person like Xu Damao to Do something to hit them.

Oh no.

Something big happened.

The captain had his bangs pulled out.

How to do?
Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, like Liu Haizhong, are both brainless. They took advantage of Liu Haizhong as the captain to show off their power in the steel rolling mill without leaving any way out for themselves. Now that Liu Haizhong has been knocked out of the mortal world, they are gone too. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu both knew about the things Liu Haizhong did when he was the captain. They really didn't leave any way for others to survive.

Retribution fell on his own head.


Like ants on a hot pot.

After racking his brains, he finally came up with a ridiculous method, which is to slap a hat on his bangs in front of countless people. They will not die in the dead bangs.

"Brother Xu, you did a good job. You woke me up. If it weren't for you, I might have kept making mistakes for a long time. I will definitely draw a clear line with Liu Haizhong and be a good person."

Liu Guangfu immediately understood Liu Guangtian's behavior, and he also said: "And I, Liu Haizhong and I have no sworn relationship. Every mistake is Liu Haizhong's fault. He forced us to do these things."

In order to survive, or not to be implicated by Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu told them everything about how they were beaten by Liu Haizhong.

"Outsiders don't know, but you must know, Brother Xu. Ever since we can remember, Guangfu and I have been beaten from time to time by bangs, either with belts or feather dusters. We live a miserable life. I know that in the eyes of outsiders, "We deserve to die, but we also have our own difficulties. It was Liu Haizhong who forced us to do these things. If we didn't do what he wanted, he would beat us, and we were afraid of being beaten."

"Brother Xu, you have to save us. We were all forced by Liu Haizhong. Even our mother forced us to do this."

About livestock.

Liu Guangfu recommended it first.

In addition to talking about all the mistakes in bangs, he also brought up his own mother.

many people.

They all shook their heads.

Who are these people?

However, Xu Damao quietly moved closer to their ears and whispered a few words. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu each stopped criticizing Liu Haizhong and looked at Xu Damao with unkind expressions. Their uncertain cheeks showed the depth of their hearts. They were considering some kind of profit and loss. After more than ten seconds, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu seemed to have an idea. They each had a calm expression on their faces, nodded towards Xu Damao, stood up and walked toward the steel rolling mill. The factory ran away.

No one knew what Xu Damao said to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, only Xu Damao himself was well-connected.

Kill people and kill your heart.

Is there anything more depressing than Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu using loudspeakers to complain about Liu Haizhong's animal behavior?

Xu Damao is really an expert.

After tricking Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu away, Xu Damao asked the two nurses about the deaf old lady's room, and then walked towards Room 104. At the door, he deliberately knocked on the door, and then smiled, thinking that he could visit the deaf old lady. Madam, just to give the deaf old lady face, she knocked on the door, so he opened the door and walked in.

The old deaf lady was lying on a hospital bed by the window. She was not in a bad condition.

Good people don't live long, bad people live for thousands of years.

The deaf old lady was kicked unconscious, but nothing happened.

Seeing Xu Damao come in, a strange look flashed across the face of the deaf old lady. She probably didn't expect that Xu Damao would come to see her. She was a little stunned for a moment. Her eyes fell on Xu Damao's empty hands, and she felt unhappy. I'm in the hospital and you come here empty-handed, that's too much.

He turned his head to the side directly.

Afterwards, I thought about it, I didn't do anything shameful, so why should I avoid Xu Damao, so I turned my head towards Xu Damao again.

"now it's right."

"You want to buy me roast chicken?"

Pretending to be deaf and dumb is the specialty of the deaf old lady. Because no one takes care of her, and the nurses in the hospital are too busy to take care of the old deaf lady, the old deaf lady has a hard time in the hospital, and she only spends her time in the morning. My son drank a bowl of sorghum rice porridge. It was almost noon, and his stomach grumbled non-stop from hunger.

So he regarded Xu Damao as the one who was taken advantage of.

Let Xu Damao buy her roast chicken.

"You're not hungry." Xu Damao didn't want to be fooled by the deaf old lady, so he responded with the trick of pretending to be deaf and mute that his ancestors in the courtyard used. "What's wrong with you? You don't want to eat. It's okay, it saves trouble." ”

The old deaf lady was so angry that she had a toothache. She found that she couldn't use common sense when dealing with a wicked and smoking bastard like Xu Damao.

Lost the idea of ​​playing tricks with Xu Damao.

Get to the point.

"Xu Damao, you don't come to see me specifically, don't say so, because my old lady doesn't believe it. Who are you, Xu Damao? My old lady knows, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. If there is anything, let's put it out in the open. "

"You are an old lady who is quick to talk. If you say so, I am embarrassed to refuse you. I will send you a few words of blessing. I hope you live a long life."

The deaf old lady snorted coldly.

A thousand good words are not as valuable as a steamed bun.

Xu Damao was fooling her into thinking she was a stupid girl.

"Let the fart go."

"I'm thinking about you being hospitalized. How did you stay in the hospital? I know it's all because of the Liu family. I have good news that I want to share with you. You must be happy to hear it. This morning, the steel rolling mill issued a Regarding the announcement of Liu Haizhong's demotion, Liu Haizhong has changed from the high-ranking captain of the inspection team to the person in charge of toilet hygiene. How about this news? "

If it weren't for my throat being too small.

The deaf old lady might have been frightened out of her heart.

She looked directly at Xu Damao.

From the expression on Xu Damao's face, she felt relieved that Xu Damao had no need to deceive her.

In other words.

This is true.

As the victim of what happened last night, the deaf old lady knew that Liu Haizhong had just attacked Xu Damao and was resented by Xu Damao. Smart people often reveal the truth at first glance. She blinked at Xu Damao.

"As long as you, the old lady, have a good idea."

"Xu Damao, go to the courtyard and inform the first man. Tell me what my old lady means. He knows what to do."

"Got it."

Xu Damao happily agreed to the deaf old lady.

Come out of the hospital.

Riding a bicycle, walking towards the courtyard.

On the road.

He suddenly stopped his bicycle and looked at the people in front of him stupidly. The leading person, if he read correctly, was Si Zhu's wife Li Xiuzhi. As everyone knows, everyone knows that Li Xiuzhi is the clerk of the street. A good clerk will not do anything. But he started to sweep the streets. Did it affect the streets?
With a sigh in his mouth, he rode his bicycle and drove past Li Xiuzhi. He nodded slightly towards Li Xiuzhi and left this place of right and wrong very quickly.

I was thinking about whether I should talk to Silly Zhu about it tonight.

Silly Zhu always held Li Xiuzhi as his darling, and was reluctant to say a harsh word.

What Xu Damao couldn't figure out was why everyone in the street showed up. Could it be that everyone was mobilized? This had nothing to do with Li Xiuzhi being put in small shoes.


Riding to the courtyard, I saw that the second aunt was still showing off to the neighbors, saying that Liu Haizhong was doing something. As Liu Haizhong's daughter-in-law, she wanted to do something in the courtyard. She didn't know how to write the word "death", and she also had Liu Yufeng's idea to let Xu Damao Liu Yufeng was notified that he would go back to Liu Haizhong's house in the evening to listen to the second aunt's teachings. Xu Damao was so angry that he parked his bicycle and told the second aunt the truth about Liu Haizhong's title of captain. (End of chapter)

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