Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 461 Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu denounce Liu Haizhong


Countless people were stunned.

His bangs were removed from his captaincy, and he is now responsible for toilet sanitation in the steel rolling mill. This is a good thing, as it means that the neighbors no longer have to be wary of the stick experts. There is nothing that a man who can do cruel things to his neighbors can't do. The Liu family's ambitions skyrocketed day and night, and even the second aunt wanted to make the courtyard her own. This is not a good sign.

"Xu Damao, you didn't tell lies?"

"Third aunt, I look like I'm telling a lie. Director Li personally read out the notice from the steel rolling mill committee to remove Liu Haizhong from the title of squadron leader. The workers are all sorting out Liu Haizhong."

Xu Damao set his sights on the second aunt.

His expression was a bit disdainful.

He has never seen such a stupid couple. The man leaves no way out for himself, and the woman tries her best to trick her man.

He now understood the inner meaning of the saying "Marry a wife and marry a virtuous man."

Because Si Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, he got rid of his bad habit of hitting people when he disagreed, and now he is as stable as an old dog.

He married Liu Yufeng, who dared to look down upon him.

If only the second aunt could persuade Liu Haizhong a little, the Liu family would not be in this situation now.

If things go wrong, the Liu family will be expelled from the courtyard like the Jia family.

"Second aunt, let me tell you something. When I came back, Guangtian and Guangfu knew that Liu Haizhong was responsible for toilet sanitation, and went to the steel rolling mill to denounce Liu Haizhong. When I came back, listen Those who said Liu Haizhong was bullied surrounded Liu Haizhong and beat him violently."

The second aunt's head sank.

Passed out directly.

Rather than being angry, it would be better to say that I was scared.

Liu Haizhong has done so many things that have ruined the families of his co-workers. It is impossible for the second aunt not to know that she must have seen the miserable end of Liu's family and that's why she did this.

Neighbors around.

Like Xu Damao, he showed a disdainful expression.

He didn't care about the second aunt's life or death.

He cursed angrily.

I was disgusted by the second aunt just now. As Liu Haizhong's daughter-in-law, I have to take responsibility in the courtyard for the future of the neighbors. You all have to listen to me. Whatever I ask you to do, you You have to do something, otherwise if something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you.


Don't you just want to show off your power?

Cursing and cursing.

He spat at the second aunt.

It is the handiwork of the third aunt.

During the period when Liu Haizhong was the captain, the Yan family had the most difficult time. On the one hand, it was Yan Fugui's embarrassing identity, and on the other hand, the Yan family's past style of doing things was disliked by others.

Being suppressed for so long.

I have to vent my feelings no matter what.

Seeing Xu Damao looking at her, the third aunt even explained.

Xu Damao smiled, pretending to believe it was true.

Someone was kicking the second aunt who was lying on the ground, kicking hard and forcefully, and the second aunt woke up.

He looked around at the neighbors, sighed, and howled, saying something like "I won't let you do it, but if you insist on doing it, the Liu family will be in trouble."

As for whether he was sincere, Xu Damao didn't know.

Anyway, the picture is rather weird.

Looking at the second aunt who broke the defense, Xu Damao was murderous and heart-wrenching. He specially added, "Second aunt, do you think this matter will affect Guang Qi?" This sentence instantly stimulated the second aunt who had just woken up. Fainted.

"You will not live if you do your own evil."

Xu Damao muttered something, abandoned the neighbors in the courtyard, and walked towards the east wing. He still had things to do. The deaf old lady asked him to inform Yi Zhonghai, so just give Yi Zhonghai a shout.

The bastard has to be dealt with by the bastard.

The desolation in bangs should be the scene that Yi Zhonghai wants to see the most. With Yi Zhonghai taking action, Xu Damao is like watching a dog-eat-dog drama.

As soon as he walked to the door of Yi Zhonghai's house, Xu Damao was stunned. Yi Zhonghai dragged his right leg that was broken by bangs and stuck it like a wooden stake at the door of the house, looking straight at Xu Damao.

"Master, have you heard everything?"

Xu Damao, who was quick to talk, had no intention of playing tricks with Yi Zhonghai and went straight to the topic. The neighbors were shouting so loudly just now. Yi Zhonghai was not deaf, so he must have heard those words.

"Xu Damao, do you think Liu Haizhong has really been dismissed?"

"How can you learn from the third aunt? I dare to joke with you about such a big thing? The old lady specifically told me to tell you this matter. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. I can't force you. You believe it.”

"Hahaha." Yi Zhonghai looked up to the sky and laughed, his hands in the shape of fists, and he looked like he was hoarse, "Liu Haizhong, you also have today, you bastard, you deserve it."

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.


He was a good person, but Liu Haizhong broke his leg, but he still refused to let Yi Zhonghai stay in the hospital to rest. Since last night, the wound on his broken leg began to hurt, and he guessed it was inflammation.

After receiving the letter, Yi Zhonghai changed his excited expression, looked at Xu Damao sincerely, and said a few nice words.

"Da Mao, the uncle was wrong about what happened before. Considering that we are all neighbors in the same compound, this matter is like this."

Xu Damao didn't think about anything else. He carried Yi Zhonghai back to the hospital on his bicycle. He kindly helped Yi Zhonghai go through the relevant procedures. He was so busy running around that he actually wanted to see Yi Zhonghai's legs. Is there any need to recover? After learning that Yi Zhonghai's leg became lame due to delay and secondary trauma, Xu Damao no longer wanted to take care of Yi Zhonghai. He was not Yi Zhonghai's apprentice, and he was not Yi Zhonghai's. The son, instead of fulfilling his filial duty to Yi Zhonghai, said a few words of concern, patted his butt and left directly.

He wanted to tell Shazhu this good news, so that Shazhu would also be happy, guessing that Yi Zhonghai would definitely liquidate Liu Haizhong.

Whether it was Yi Zhonghai's death or Liu Haizhong's death, it was a scene they were happy to see.

Yi Zhonghai slowly closed his eyes. He couldn't believe the fact before him that he had become a lame.

A wry smile flew out of his mouth.

He grabbed his hair with both hands, his face was extremely ferocious, and he suddenly howled loudly, as if he wanted to vent all his depression.

Break the defense.

The body is one factor, and the departure of Xu Damao is another factor.

Yi Zhonghai is not alone in the ward. This is a ward with four or five beds. There are men and women living there, all about the same age as Yi Zhonghai. In front of each bed, there are more or less a few people accompanying them. The young people who spoke or helped feed him were either his son, his daughter-in-law, or his daughter and uncle. Only Yi Zhonghai was alone in front of his hospital bed.

He thought of Qin Huairu, that poor girl.

Since he went to find Banggeng three years ago, he has disappeared mysteriously. Some people in the hospital said that Qin Huairu was dead, but Yi Zhonghai did not believe that Qin Huairu was dead. He believed that Qin Huairu was still alive.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age.

How to do?
Liu Haizhong felt more and more resentful in his heart.

All the mistakes were Liu Haizhong's fault.

I want you to die.

How to kill a dog with bangs? Let the Liu family's life be worse than death?
Yi Zhonghai racked his brains to think of a way. After much deliberation, he found that he had no other way to go except the path Liu Haizhong had taken. Before his leg was broken, he looked down on Liu Haizhong and felt that Liu Haizhong was An incompetent villain, after his leg was broken, he felt that Liu Haizhong's behavior of asking Li Huaide for help was not so shameless. Liu Haizhong at least knew what he wanted. Yi Zhonghai lives a more thorough life than him.

Liu Haizhong can get the title of captain of the inspection team from Li Huaide, can't he Yi Zhonghai?
Apart from his bad reputation, he doesn't have any major problems. As long as he can help Li Huaide do things, he has to learn from the experience of bangs being kicked away by Li Huaide.

Plan for today.

It's about taking good care of your body. Even if there is 1% hope, you don't want to become a useless person dragging a useless leg.

"Silly Zhu, why are you running? My brother has good news for you."

Xu Damao, who specially sent Yi Zhonghai to the hospital and watched Yi Zhonghai's good show, came to the second cafeteria as soon as he left the hospital and blocked Sha Zhu who was busy cooking for a living. He didn't care about Sha Zhu. Whether he was happy or not, he immediately let it slip, looking like you are begging me to talk to you so cheaply.

Silly Zhu ignored him.

Liu Lan came up to Xu Damao and looked at Xu Damao expectantly. Although he said nothing, everyone understood what Liu Lan meant. As a well-informed person, he cannot grasp the news at the first time. This is the biggest problem. dereliction of duty.

Seeing that Xu Damao didn't agree with him.

Liu Lan glared at Si Zhu.

For the sake of Deputy Director Li, Shazhu decided to give Liu Lan a chance. He stopped what he was doing, looked at Xu Damao, and said seriously: "You can talk now."

"De Xing." Xu Damao rolled his eyes and told the truth, "Yi Zhonghai is lame and has become a cripple."

Silly Zhu had a thought.

The moral god has become a tough guy?
This is a description that has never appeared in the script.

He glanced at Xu Damao.

"The doctor's diagnosis clearly stated that Yi Zhonghai did not receive timely treatment due to wound infection, and suffered a secondary injury that caused his muscles and bones to become dislocated. After he was cured, he still walks like this."

Xu Damao showed Wu Laoer's standard walking posture in front of everyone in the second cafeteria.

The funny look made the workers laugh loudly.

The expression on Silly Zhu's face also became much happier, and the pressure in his heart was suppressed and disappeared.

Xu Damao looked at Silly Zhu, but still did not dare to tell the fact that Li Xiuzhi led people to clean the streets.

There are some things that Shazhu should pursue on his own. If Li Xiuzhi doesn’t tell Shazhu, there must be Li Xiuzhi’s scruples. Even though he, Xu Damao, has a good relationship with Shazhu, he is still an outsider. He has to avoid certain taboos, mainly because he is worried about disturbing the public. Li Xiuzhi's plan and arrangements. In Xu Damao's heart, Li Xiuzhi is a smart person who can take into account all aspects. He took a few steps and came up to Shazhu, muttering about how he encouraged Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to fight Liu Haizhong in public, and asked Shazhu not to forget to watch the Liu family and his son fight each other.

Silly Zhu's thumb stood up in front of Xu Damao. In terms of bad ethics, no one could compare with Xu Damao. Xu Damao was a professional bad player.

He's so tall.

Waving his hand towards Xu Damao, Shazhu started busy cooking, and was also thinking about certain things in his mind. Liu Haizhong was dismissed from his post, and Yi Zhonghai wanted to liquidate Liu Haizhong. He didn't have to worry about being found by Liu Haizhong. Trouble.

A sigh flew out of Shazhu's mouth.

Many emotions included.

The silent loudspeaker of the Propaganda University of Science and Technology suddenly made a sound, which made Silly Zhu, who was busy in the second cafeteria, involuntarily raise his ears and guess whether Xu Damao's trick was successful.

as predicted.

It really is.

The voices of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu denounced Liu Haizhong were heard from the loudspeaker.

"Hello to all workers in the steel rolling mill, my name is Liu Guangtian."

"I am Liu Guangfu."

"Anyone who is familiar with us knows that we are the sons of the beast Liu Haizhong. Why do we say that because Liu Haizhong is a beast. Our three children, the eldest Liu Guangqi, have been hit by two of them as long as we can remember. We hold the mouth in the palm of our hands and take care of him in every way. We are not sure if he is Liu Haizhong's biological son. We say no. Our surname is Liu and we call Liu Haizhong daddy. We say yes, but some of Liu Haizhong's actions make us very suspicious. "

"In the steel rolling mill, there are many neighbors from the courtyard, such as Xu Damao from the Publicity Department, Silly Zhu from the No. 2 Canteen, and so on. They can all testify to how our two brothers were beaten violently by Liu Haizhong. In one word, If we disagreed, we would be beaten, either with a belt or with a feather duster. I remember the most severe beating. I couldn't get out of bed for several days and couldn't even get up."

"Parents of other families give priority to their own children when they have some delicious food, and they don't hesitate to tell white lies, saying that they don't like the food. Our Liu family is different. Workers who don't believe it, go ask Xu Damao, go Ask Silly Zhu to see what they say about our Liu family. As always, only Liu Haizhong can eat the eggs spread at home. We are just supposed to smell the smell. Sometimes we are not allowed to smell the smell, saying that we are not worthy of smelling it. The smell of eggs, I just want to ask Liu Haizhong, as your son, why can Liu Guangqi eat the eggs while Liu Guangfu and I have to watch? "

"Liu Guangtian made a mistake. Instead of beating Liu Guangqi, Liu Haizhong beat me and Liu Guangtian to death. He said that this was to scare the monkeys. He beat the second and third children violently to warn the boss. When they got married, he gave the boss all his family wealth. As a result, the boss He immediately became a son-in-law. Because of this incident, we were beaten again and were not allowed to eat. Liu Haizhong, are we your sons? "

"Liu Haizhong became the captain of the steel rolling mill inspection team. When he returned home, he beat me and Guangfu, forcing the two of us to become team leaders and do immoral things with him. We resisted, but we were no match for Liu Haizhong. , we have no choice but to compromise and give in to Liu Haizhong for the time being. Now we are not afraid anymore. We stand up bravely and say no to Liu Haizhong. We want Liu Haizhong to know that wherever there is bullying, there will be fight back. "

"I, Liu Guangtian, declare to sever ties with Liu Haideng. He is no longer my father, and I am not his son."

"I, Liu Guangfu, am the same. I feel disgusted to have a father like Liu Haizhong. I will apply to the steel rolling mill and notify Liu Guangqi, the machinery factory, in a written letter of what Liu Haizhong did in the steel rolling mill. Only in this way can I return the favor." Let the workers see clearly the true face of Liu Haizhong.”

"Say no to the bastard Liu Haizhong, we have no sworn relationship with this bastard Liu Haizhong."

"Liu Haizhong doesn't deserve to be a human being. He is a beast, a bastard in human skin."

In order to avoid their responsibilities as much as possible, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu followed Xu Damao's wishes and fully expressed Liu Haizhong's words to break up. They also believed in Xu Damao's instructions.

On the way back to the steel rolling mill from the hospital, I saw the scene where the workers were trying to settle a score with Liu Haizhong, and I heard the workers cursing Liu Haizhong. With so many people, Liu Haizhong could have been spitted on and drowned alive.

Liu Haizhong can die, but they can't. There are still a lot of years waiting for them to enjoy, and they haven't married yet.

He was worried that if the workers couldn't find Liu Haizhong, they would look for the two of them to settle the score. He racked his brains to put all the shit basins on Liu Haizhong's head, and was even prepared to do it in front of the workers afterwards. In front of them, they staged the fact of beating Liu Haizhong angrily, taking the opportunity to show their attitude of distancing themselves from Liu Haizhong.

This is also the method Xu Damao taught them, saying that only by setting an example can they win the forgiveness of their coworkers, and they feel that they have nothing to do with Liu Haizhong, a beast.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu think Xu Damao is a good person, better than Sha Zhu. At least they are helping Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu think of ways as much as they can, unlike Sha Zhu, who hides in a pot and watches the show.

The voices of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

through the loudspeaker.

Word spread throughout the rolling mill.

Make an already lively event even more lively.

Liu Haizhong, who was unhappy about being stripped of his title of captain, became even more depressed. The remarks of his two sons and the statement of severing the relationship between father and son were like a sharp knife, slashing fiercely at Liu Haizhong's body. Cut it to pieces.

My whole body was trembling in my bangs.

for myself.

Even the boss Liu Guangqi.

Liu Haizhong was still thinking just now that as long as his boss was fine, the Liu family would have hope. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's words were like a basin of biting cold water, directly extinguishing Liu Haizhong's last hope. The thought that his boss might be killed by him He was so implicated that his head became dizzy and his whole body fell limply to the ground, unconscious.

In a daze.

I noticed something cool.

When he woke up, he found that he had been doused with cold water. He was soaked all over and felt a little chilly when the wind blew.

He moved his lips.

I want to say something.

But as soon as the words reached his mouth, they were swallowed back into his stomach.


What else did he say?

He said he was innocent, but his two sons fell out with him. For the first time, Liu Haizhong realized that he had failed as a human being. He had a drooped face, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

It’s okay not to accept your fate.

Anyone who doesn't have the initiative in the matter is in Liu Haizhong's hands and can only bow to reality and give in. (End of chapter)

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