Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 463 Liu Haizhong, who had nowhere to escape, finally got into the cesspit

Chapter 463 Liu Haizhong, who had nowhere to escape, finally got into the cesspit

The Liu family's family tradition is not good.

To use the exact words of the deaf old lady, an unkind father and an unfilial son.

Seeing Liu Guangtian forcing Liu Haizhong to work quickly, Liu Guangfu, who was doing exactly the same errands as Liu Guangtian, also quickly imitated him. He would not let Liu Guangtian focus on beauty while focusing on unfilial piety.

"What are you looking at? What is there to see? Do you still have the heart to look at us two brothers? Look at our two brothers, we can't help you clean it. This is a task assigned to you by the cleaning department. Only you are qualified to do it, so let's forget it As your son, I can't compete with you at this juncture. Think about the things you have done, and now I ask you to clean the toilet. This is giving you a chance to clean it, otherwise you will be asked to clean it again. "

"This is also what I want to say. If you want to do something, you have to do your best. Don't let people say that our Liu family is not good. I forgot to tell you. We are going to change our names. We will no longer call them Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. I will change my name to Jianguo. , Liu Jianguo.”

"I changed my name to Jianjun, Liu Jianjun."

Liu Haizhong completely stopped what he was doing.

Looking straight at the two silly sons in front of him.

change name.

Who asked you to change your name?

I wanted to say no, but there was nothing I could do.

He groaned.

He turned his head to the side and frowned unnaturally. When he was peeing, there was a little more dirt in the place he had just cleaned. He was instantly angry. According to this kind of behavior, he would spend a whole day I can't even clean a toilet.

The Cleaning Department is the only place where Liu Haizhong can stay now. He is worried that if he cannot complete the task of cleaning toilets in the Cleaning Department, some people will continue to take advantage of him and continue to liquidate him. As the culprit of the rolling steel mill, Liu Haizhong has single-handedly led many This was the first tragedy that destroyed the lives of all the workers. I didn’t want these things to happen to me, as I was worried that my boss would be implicated.

Subconsciously I wanted to curse a few times.

When the words came to my lips, I woke up and realized that my current status was not very honorable. Swearing and swearing would only make people more disgusted and stimulate some people's fragile nerves, so I stopped saying it, honestly. Really use a broom to sweep away the dirt that was created by people just now.

Finished scanning.

I saw several workers who came specifically to clean the toilet and looked at me with disdain.

From the bangs that his family knew about their own affairs, he knew what these people had in mind. They didn't want to do certain things over and over again, so they forced a somewhat flattering smile on their faces and nodded towards each other. , be as pleasant as possible.

Be humble.

"Er Donkey, we are all workers in the same factory. We never see each other without looking up. No matter what, the friendship between workers is here."

In fact, he just said soft words.

Please let me go.

He begged for mercy to several other people one by one.

"Sangouzi, I have never done anything sorry for you in my bangs. You can't just let the wind be the rain."

"Si Huzi, I said some harsh words before and punished you for doing certain things, but I also considered it for you. If you don't punish, it won't work. If you don't punish, you won't remember the lesson. As an old man in the factory, I This is what I should do.”

"Liu Haizhong, so we should thank you?"

"Thank you. I'm older than you. I have a long-term perspective on some things. I'm helping you."

"You asked someone to lock me up in the security department. Are you doing this to help me? Is this for my own good?"

"You should have heard of the word "playing". Those apprentices learn skills from their masters, and the masters beat them specifically to make them remember. I am just like those masters. I beat you for your own good. If you don't believe it, just ask Ask my two sons, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, what happened to them and whether they were beaten by me since childhood, otherwise their bodies would not be so strong. "

"Liu Haizhong, what are you talking about? We have just made it clear that this is not your child, so don't put your own face on it. We have never seen a father like you who beats his children every day."

The dismantling of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

Liu Haizhong was stunned for a moment.

But he reacted very quickly and changed the topic to something else.

The main one is shameless.

He mistook himself for Yi Zhonghai and used Yi Zhonghai's method of moral kidnapping. However, because Liu Haizhong was never Yi Zhonghai, this method of moral kidnapping seemed a bit anticlimactic and did not achieve the expected effect. Things got even worse. Erluzi and Sangouzi, like Zhou Datou who just blocked Liu Haizhong's path to ask for an explanation, were all victims of Liu Haizhong's captain. They took advantage of Liu Haizhong being sent to the cleaning department to clean up I took the opportunity to go to the toilet and wanted to seek justice from Liu Haizhong.

What is justice?

Just fists and kicks.

In the past, Liu Haizhong used his status as captain to show off his power in the steel rolling mill, which made the workers dare not speak out. They were so depressed that they naturally wanted to vent all the grievances they had suffered on Liu Haizhong.

This is the first wave.

There will be a second wave and a third wave later.

Sangouzi, who couldn't stand Liu Haizhong's chattering and shameless behavior, slapped Liu Haizhong's chubby face.

The ten points of strength were boosted by him to twelve points.

I wish I could slap the dog face away from my bangs. Liu Haizhong, who thought he could persuade Sangouzi with words, never expected that Sangouzi would hit him. He paused stupidly on the spot and covered his slapped cheek with his hand.

Yi Zhonghai can do it, but he can't?
He was beaten all this time, and his face hurt terribly.


The words behind.

There was no chance to speak out.

San Gouzi, who succeeded in the attack, flew up and kicked Liu Haizhong in the stomach. Liu Haizhong was kicked to the ground. He covered his stomach with his hands and rolled back and forth. If it didn't hurt, he had to pretend to be in pain. come out.

Er Luzi, Si Huzi and Wu Sloppy saw that San Gouzi took action first, and there was a little complaint in their hearts. They agreed that we should all take action to clean up the bangs together. Why did you, San Gouzi, want to be the second one? After a beat, each of them took a breath, and then took steps to move to the bangs on the ground.

Liu Haizhong thought that these people were coming to help him, and the expression on his face was a bit strange. He was thinking about why he didn't take care of Erluzi, Wuslutty and others when he was the captain.

True love is revealed in times of adversity.

Just the courage to protect him.

Not bad.

Things took a big turn, and Liu Haizhong, who was taking it for granted, instantly widened his eyes.

Good guy.

He was not here to help him, but also to beat him. San Gouzi beat Liu Haizhong until he cried for his father and mother. If Er Luzi, Wu Sloppy and others were added to this, Liu Haizhong would still have Liu Haizhong. good?

Don't care about many.

He shouted to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu who were watching the show next to them.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, what are you looking at?"

He brought out the power of being a father in the family and wanted to use the power of the patriarch to get Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to help him. As for what would happen to the two children afterwards, Liu Haizhong didn't care.

Just be fine, boss.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu didn't even look at Liu Haizhong, and hurriedly spoke to clear up their relationship.

"Liu Haizhong, what are you talking about? Do you want us to help you? Why should we help you? We broke up with you because of the things you did. We don't have a bastard father like you. You are not worthy of being our father."

"What the hell." Liu Guangfu, who was even more vicious, said to several workers watching the show: "What do you think I'm doing? We are two families with Liu Haizhong now. Liu Haizhong has done so many immoral things, even though he is in the cleaning department Even if we dig out the toilet, we can't wash away the shame he brought to the workers. We'll slap him in the middle of his bangs to let him know how powerful we are."

A few co-workers watching a show.

Originally I had no intention of competing with Liu Haizhong.

I'm worried about blowing out my bangs.

After listening to Liu Guangfu's words, they each looked at each other and found that his son had invited them to beat up his own father. There was nothing to worry about, so he also joined the fighting group.

A good man cannot stand the crowd.

Two fists are no match for four hands.

Five or six people surrounded Liu Haizhong, which already caused Liu Haizhong to moan and suffer in agony. Several workers who resented Liu Haizhong to the extreme joined in. The situation changed accordingly, and Liu Haizhong was beaten on the ground. , even more unable to resist, there were people attacking him on his body, legs, and head. He had no choice but to curl up his body as much as possible and protect his bangs with both hands. The brain, at least, is fine.

Just now, Zhou Da's head was knocked to the ground and he accidentally injured his tail bone. Liu Haizhong curled up and unexpectedly exposed the injured tail bone. Someone didn't know who kicked Liu Haizhong in the butt. superior.

A burning pain was felt in the bangs that were torn apart physically and mentally. He let out a howl in his mouth, and his curled body straightened involuntarily.

Ergouzi and the others worked harder to blow up their bangs.

He glanced at a gap in Liu Haizhong and crawled out of the crowd that was beating him wildly. He saw a squatting pit next to him and hurriedly pushed his body along the squatting pit into the cesspit. Only then did he save his life.

I don’t mind the smell of excrement either.

At least you don't have to get beaten.

I even felt a little lucky in my heart. Thanks to the big pit, Liu Haizhong's chubby body couldn't get in if it was a smaller pit and got stuck at the entrance of the pit.

There are no secrets in a rolling mill.

The news that Liu Haizhong was pinned down in the toilet and beaten violently spread like the wind throughout the huge steel rolling mill, and countless people knew it.

No one cried out for Liu Haizhong, and they all felt that Ergouzi and the others had done a good job. A beast like Liu Haizhong who had done evil things should be baptized by the fists and kicks of the co-workers.

Taking advantage of their free time, they sat together in twos and threes and talked about something.

If you listen carefully, you will find that they are talking about whether they should take over Ergouzi's career tomorrow, and also go to the cleaning department to find Liu Haizhong and beat Liu Haizhong violently.

The anger in my heart must be vented no matter what. Why can Liu Haizhong bully us, but we can't retaliate against Liu Haizhong.

(End of this chapter)

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