Yi Zhonghai lay depressed on the hospital bed, feeling very unhappy. In his hand, he held the diagnosis certificate from the doctor's examination, which clearly stated the fact that Yi Zhonghai's wound was a second trauma.

He is lame.

The hatred was suppressed to the extreme.

They all blame Liu Haizhong. It was Liu Haizhong who killed him and turned Yi Zhonghai into a cripple.

From the hospital staff, he learned about Liu Haizhong being fingered, being beaten by fellow workers at the steel rolling mill, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's betrayal of Liu Haizhong. He felt that he had to do something. This leg couldn't be broken like this. Bar.

Liu Haizhong has to pay the price.

He turned over and got off the bed, dragged his useless leg out of the ward, and found the deaf old lady.

Make it a habit to discuss things with the old deaf lady.

The main thing is to be obedient.

This is also the false side of interpretation shown to outsiders.

Only he knew what Yi Zhonghai wanted. Before the deaf old lady could say anything, he sat down on the stool next to him and looked at the deaf old lady lying on the hospital bed without saying a word. Even though he was a hypocrite who had seen a lot. Guang, but was still startled by the facial expression of the deaf old lady.

very bad.

A look of deathly grayness on his face.

It gave Yi Zhonghai a feeling that his life was about to end.

A thought came to mind.

It's not that the deaf old lady can't die, it's that the deaf old lady wants to hand something into Yi Zhonghai's hands before she dies.

It's not anything valuable, just some yellow and white stuff.

If it weren't for these gold and silver treasures, Yi Zhonghai wouldn't be bothered to talk to the deaf old lady. He knew the details of the deaf old lady. If the princess who came out of the palace had not been destroyed, he would definitely be in a high position now. He would never have anything to do with the deaf old lady. To have the chance to be equals, you have to kneel down when you meet.

Not telling the truth.

After a moment of silence, he slowly asked about the deaf old lady's body.

Be prepared to play the emotional card.

The deaf old lady said a few casual words that were not painful or unpleasant.

Seeing that the answer was not what he wanted, Yi Zhonghai stopped talking and turned himself into a wooden man.

The deaf old lady stared at the electric light on the roof, in a daze.

The two sides competed for success.

In the end, Yi Zhonghai broke through. After all, he was not as old as the deaf old lady. He wiped his face vigorously with his hand to soothe the nerves on his face, and slowly said to the deaf old lady: "Old lady, I The legs are useless."

The deaf old lady turned her head towards Yi Zhonghai. If Yi Zhonghai hadn't said it, she wouldn't have known about it.

Yi Zhonghai is a man of great dignity, but now that he has become a cripple, no wonder he looks miserable.

"What do you want?"

The deaf old lady, who has become mature in age, knew that Yi Zhonghai would not take the wrong target, so she must have had an idea, so she asked.

As Yi Zhonghai's ally in the courtyard, he might have been able to use his age to intimidate those people by showing off his coffin content. During this period, as Li Huaide came to power and Liu Haizhong was re-employed, a series of bloody things happened one after another, which made the well-informed deaf old lady also have the idea of ​​​​being a human being with her tail between her legs. The older I get, the more I cherish my life. I don’t want to lose my life in vain, because those people are like madmen, they can do anything, and they don’t care who you are. If you block their way, they will deal with you.

The deaf old lady had seen that kind of scene that was worse than death. It was right in front of her eyes, and it was caused by Liu Haizhong. The old deaf lady was so frightened that she couldn't sleep for several days. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw the falling head and the torn body.

She just wants to live a peaceful life now and live her whole life in peace. She really doesn't want to be involved in certain things anymore.

Especially the matter of Yi Zhonghai.

The main reason is that the deaf old lady cannot understand the recent situation and is worried about getting herself into trouble and implicating herself.

"Tell me what you think."

"If it hadn't been for Liu Haizhong, my legs would not have been broken, let alone become a cripple. I want to settle this debt with Liu Haizhong, otherwise I will never forgive myself in this life. Old lady, you might I don’t know, my leg could have been restored, but Liu Haizhong insisted on driving me out of the hospital. He destroyed me and I will not let him go.”

The heart of a deaf old lady.

There was a thump.

His turbid gaze fell on Yi Zhonghai like a knife, as if he wanted to see through Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai looked back at the deaf old lady generously.

"You know what my character is. I can tolerate everything else, but I can't tolerate this tone. I want Liu Haizhong to repay you twice as much."

A ferocious expression.

The deaf old lady was a little frightened.


A word that had never appeared in the mind of the deaf old lady suddenly flashed through her mind. She looked at Yi Zhonghai in front of her and thought to herself, a bang that was not bangs appeared in her mind.

"Zhong Hai, you have seen what happened to Liu Haizhong. Old lady, I really don't want you to follow in his footsteps."

"Old lady, I think you should stand on my side. My legs were damaged by bangs." Yi Zhonghai was so excited that he lifted his butt off the stool and stared at the deaf old lady condescendingly. , "I didn't expect you to persuade me. It's useless for anyone to persuade me."


Yi Zhonghai ignored the deaf old lady.

Turn around.

Walk towards the door.

The moment he stepped out of the porch, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the deaf old lady from a distance.

The deaf old lady was so frightened that she didn't know what to say. The look in Yi Zhonghai's eyes reminded the deaf old lady of the kid who chopped off several heads in front of her with a samurai sword.

This guy can't be dealt with.

As mentioned before, in order to get revenge on Liu Haizhong, she was a little bit reckless. The deaf old lady didn't want to end up being implicated because of Yi Zhonghai's revenge on Liu Haizhong.

After you sing, I will appear.

Everyone said that he was a great king, but this great king was destroyed by another great king the next day.

Silly Zhu still found out about the bangs getting into the cesspool from Que Genxian's mouth.

No words were spoken.


I casually took off the apron from my waist. I didn't know what was going on with my stomach. It hurt so bad that I felt I needed to go to the toilet.

Once the sewage is removed, it should be better.

He grabbed a few pieces of straw paper and said, "I'm going to use the toilet." Others had not come out from the second cafeteria, and they specifically told Shazhu that the missing piece of his bangs was beaten into a cesspit. He also grabbed the paper and followed Shazhu. Behind the pillar's ass.

All these years. I’ve never seen anyone go to the toilet in a group.

Silly Zhu is not used to such rules.

He glanced at the missing string.

Seeing Sha Zhu looking at him, Quegenxian smiled mysteriously and stretched his head towards Sha Zhu unnaturally, as if he wanted to whisper to Sha Zhu.

Silly Pillar dodged.

After a boring discussion, he told Silly Zhu loudly the second half of the matter.

It has something to do with bangs.

It can be regarded as the follow-up incident of Liu Haizhong being beaten into a manure pit.

The steel rolling mill has been suffering from bangs for a long time.

This is fundamental.

After hearing that someone had taken the lead in bangs blowing, some people who had suffered bangs blows were ready to follow suit. They rushed from various workshops, and within a short time, the toilet was surrounded by water.

It was completely dark, filled with workers who wanted to settle accounts with Liu Haizhong.

Liu Haizhong escaped the beatings of his co-workers by drilling into a manure pit. He was holding back a ball of anger in his heart and was preparing to ask Li Huaide for an official position. He thought that he had no merit, but he also had hard work. He could not be punished by Li Huaide for anything. He kicked his feet away and was about to climb out of the manure pit when he suddenly saw the coworkers who were eyeing him. The lice on the bald man's head became obvious. As long as he went up, he would be beaten violently by those people. Those who were beaten just now The area is still painful to this day.

Hundreds of people took action together, and Liu Haizhong estimated that he didn't even know how he died.


I'm scared.

Don't dare to go out again.

The cesspit smelled bad, and it didn't smell very good, but it was better than being beaten to death.

Better to die than live.

Don't look at the fact that when Liu Haizhong was the captain, he easily caused the death of some workers. When it was his turn, he was even more guilty than the bastard, so he stayed in the cesspit unable to get out. The workers standing above saw that Liu Haizhong could not come out, and they felt disgusted. They were unlucky and didn't want to go down, so they used words to stimulate Liu Haizhong. All kinds of unpleasant words kept flying out of their mouths, such as Liu Haizhong was a bastard, Liu Haizhong was a bitch, Liu Haizhong was a villain, Liu Haizhong was a villain, and Liu Haizhong was a villain. It's a bitch who wants to use the provocative method to prod the bangs up.

Liu Haizhong may not have seen the evil intentions of the workers, but he knew that he could not go up even if he said anything. He didn't say anything at first, but later he was so irritated that he broke his guard and started scolding the workers. "Who are you capable of? Come down." Make trouble for me, if my bangs are frowning, I am not bangs.

A perfect situation to add fuel to the fire.

The workers racked their brains to think of a solution, that is, how to deal with this matter, and finally came up with a way to add excrement and bangs to the middle of the body. Aren't your bangs hiding in the cesspit and not coming out? Well, we won't force it. You come out and we go to the toilet. The word spreads to ten, hundreds, and thousands. All the workers in the steel rolling mill know about it. Regardless of whether they have been angry with Liu Haizhong or not, they have to come to this toilet to drain the water. The sewage discharge makes Liu Haizhong even more ecstatic.

Quegenxian followed Shazhu out to the toilet because he thought that Shazhu was also going to pee and feces Liu Haizhong.

Quegenxian knew about Liu Haizhong's trouble with Silly Zhu.

If it were him, if the enemy was in trouble, he would have to suffer a little.

Unexpectedly, Silly Zhu rolled his eyes at him, walked towards the nearest toilet, walked around in a big circle, ran to other toilets, and gave Liu Haizhong a package of shit and urine. Silly Zhu didn't have such free time.

Someone tidied up the bangs.

Just watch a show.

Liu Haizhong's situation was very uncomfortable.

head on.


It was all that stuff, and some of it got into his mouth, making him sick in his bangs.


There is no regret medicine in the world, and Liu Haizhong, who had no choice but to grit his teeth and hold on, suddenly found that he seemed to be unable to stay in the steel rolling mill and had to run away unless the people in the steel rolling mill no longer resented him.

How can I not resent myself?

Liu Haizhong knew what he had done.

The four words "blood feud" already explained the problem.

He suddenly widened his eyes, raised his neck, and looked at the person above.

Yi Zhonghai.

I never thought that Yi Zhonghai would appear here and do those things to him.


Yi Zhonghai should have been killed in the first place.

Yi Zhonghai peed towards his bangs, with a cold smile on his face. After he left the deaf old lady, he went to the factory to find Li Huaide. If he wanted to clean up his bangs, he had to have a good reputation, like Liu Haizhong is like Liu Haizhong, but he will not be as brainless as Liu Haizhong, leaving no escape route for himself. Only with Li Huaide's approval can he gain a firm foothold in the steel rolling mill. Otherwise, just anyone can scold his grandson. Yi Zhonghai was scolded.

On the road.

After hearing about the co-workers forcing Liu Haizhong into the manure pit, Yi Zhonghai rushed over to watch Liu Haizhong's good show. When Yi Zhonghai witnessed the scene of Liu Haizhong being forced into the manure pit, his depressed heart was relieved to the greatest extent. Seeing someone pooping on Liu Haizhong, he followed suit. After peeing on Liu Haizhong's head, he condescendingly said the words "We'll see" towards Liu Haizhong, and dragged the With his useless legs, he walked towards Li Huaide's office.

No one knows what Yi Zhonghai talked about with Li Huaide, nor what kind of promises Yi Zhonghai made. Anyway, Yi Zhonghai left Li Huaide's office with a somewhat energetic expression on his face, and he also looked at the workers watching around him. They shouted out words for them to listen to the radio.

The co-workers pricked up their ears.

not long.

Yu Haitang's voice was heard.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. I am Yu Haitang from the Publicity Department. Now I will announce to the workers the latest personnel appointment of Director Li of the steel rolling mill committee. Yi Zhonghai, a worker in the ninth workshop, is hereby announced to inspect the employees of the steel rolling mill. The acting team leader hopes that the workers will cooperate with Captain Yi's work as much as possible and submit a satisfactory answer to the steel rolling mill. I hope that Captain Yi can fulfill his duties in his new job."

What was said next.

No one paid attention.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the words Yi Zhonghai, acting captain of the steel rolling mill employee inspection brigade. If their memories are correct, Liu Hai, who was fired from his position today and forced to hide in a manure pit by his fellow workers, was still there yesterday. Captain of the steel rolling mill employee inspection brigade.

An inspection brigade.

An inspection team.

The hearts of the workers.


After all, Liu Haizhong's incident of using the title of captain of the inspection team to bring trouble to the steel mill has just ended. If the newly appointed Yi Zhonghai follows the same example, will the workers still have a way to survive?
How to do?
Why is Yi Zhonghai at the top?

Why set up an inspection brigade?

The steel rolling mill that was bustling one second became as quiet as silk the next.

The workers were all waiting and watching, cursing Li Huaide and Yi Zhonghai's eight generations of ancestors in their hearts, thinking about how they could save their lives.

Some workers felt that Yi Zhonghai came to the top simply because of Liu Haizhong. They all knew that Yi Zhonghai had his leg broken by Liu Haizhong. If they were Yi Zhonghai, the first enemy they would deal with would also be Liu Haizhong. Thinking about Liu Haizhong, With Zhong carrying them in front, Yi Zhonghai would not be as familiar with them. (End of chapter)

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