Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 468 Yi Zhonghai, please start your performance

Yi Zhonghai's heart.


When he learned that Liu Haizhong and his wife had escaped overnight and disappeared, the breath held in his throat almost suffocated him to death.

The hatred of a broken leg.

How can we not repay it?

Out of concern for reputation, and not wanting to take Liu Haizhong's back, after some calculations, he planned to use Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to deal with Liu Haizhong. If one of his two sons broke one of Liu Haizhong's legs, he would then The identity of the captain was finalized, and Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian were dealt with.

It's really a good strategy that kills two birds with one stone.

Unexpectedly, Liu Haizhong saw that the situation was not good and ran away overnight.

This left Yi Zhonghai with no place to vent his anger, and no place for his best strategies to be used.

It's now 7:30 in the morning, so I guess Liu Haizhong and his wife ran away around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Three or four hours passed, and everyone had already disappeared.

In all directions, who knows which direction Liu Haizhong ran from, and Yi Zhonghai did not ask the neighbors to help pursue Liu Haizhong's rights.

The anger in my heart, the suppressed interest.

Turning his face, he saw Yan Fugui muttering to Silly Zhu, not knowing what to say.

He couldn't offend Si Zhu. Li Huaide told him that unless Yi Zhonghai could find a better cook to replace Si Zhu, he wouldn't even think about it.

I can't deal with Silly Zhu, but I can deal with you, Yan Fugui.

Yi Zhonghai, with a droopy face, looked at Yan Fugui fiercely. It seemed that Yan Fugui had always been responsible for the gate of the courtyard. Yan Fugui had an unshirkable responsibility for Liu Haizhong's late night escape.

"Old Yan, why is this door open? Did you forget to lock it last night?"

Yi Zhonghai's cleverness.


He issued the most severe question with gentle words.

He will not be like Liu Haizhong, who will come up to you and ask you whether you plead guilty or not.

The neighbors looked at Yan Fugui with a self-contained expression, and they knew some of the reasons. Normally, they would definitely make fun of him, but now they can only watch on the sidelines, not daring to take a breath.

Yan Fugui's heart skipped a beat. As the third man in charge of the courtyard, he knew that he had been implicated by Yi Zhonghai, so he replied calmly.

"Captain Yi."

A formal title for captain.

Much beyond Yi Zhonghai's expectation.

The hypocrite was a little dumbfounded, looking straight at Yan Fugui and squinting his eyes slightly.

Yan Fugui ignored Yi Zhonghai's wink and continued to talk about what he had to say. He would not take the blame for Yi Zhonghai without thinking. He was in the work unit and his life was not easy, but it did not deteriorate to the point of death. I can also see what Yi Zhonghai is thinking about, so just have some scruples.

"You came back last night and said this. In order to make it easier for the neighbors to come in and out, you asked me to hang the key to the wooden door of the courtyard on the porch to make it easier for the neighbors to come in and out. I didn't expect that Mr. and Mrs. Liu would run away. If I had known this, The only thing is, I won’t take out the key even if I risk my life.”

Kill the enemy with a soft knife.

A painless choking.

The fuss made Yi Zhonghai lose his temper.

One person paused on the spot.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, he made up for himself and found a step down.

"I didn't think it through clearly. Lao Yan, don't be angry. I was also disturbed by the incident involving Liu Haizhong and his wife. If you say Liu Haizhong and his wife have anything to do, please tell the neighbors. How can I not give them this face? I ran away all night and spread the news. They thought what happened to me, Yi Zhonghai. Yesterday, I made a promise in front of so many people in the steel rolling mill that I would not liquidate what Liu Haizhong did to me. Liu Haizhong didn’t believe me about the things he did.”

An expression of extreme annoyance appeared on his face.

Outsiders who don't know the reason may really believe Yi Zhonghai's nonsense, thinking that Yi Zhonghai is so generous that he doesn't want to settle the feud with Liu Haizhong for his broken leg.

Shazhu, who has read the script, doesn't think so.

Yi Zhonghai is a very deep man, and his thoughts are very deep. In the script, Yi Zhonghai also took the initiative to reveal some secrets from the past. Only then did Liu Haizhong learn that Yi Zhonghai had started to provide for retirement more than ten or twenty years ago. He made preparations and believed that Sha Zhu could provide for him in his old age. He planned Sha Zhu wholeheartedly, from arranging for Sha Zhu to help Qin Huairu to preventing Sha Zhu from seeing Lou Xiao'e and his mother. He did all kinds of troublemaking things.

A person's eyes cannot be faked. There was obvious hatred in Yi Zhonghai's eyes. He addressed Liu Haizhong by his first name instead of calling him Lao Yan like he addressed Yan Fugui.

"I'll repeat what I said yesterday. If anyone in the neighborhood meets Liu Haizhong and his wife, please tell them that what I, Yi Zhonghai, say will always count. If I don't bear grudges against them, I won't bear them. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. This requirement can still be achieved.”

A selfless expression.

appeared on Yi Zhonghai's face.

I saw that the neighbors were all looking at me.

He smiled awkwardly.

His eyes fell on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

His brows were cold.

His tone also became colder.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, didn't I say something about you two? What's going on with you two? I just wanted to say a few words to you last night. Thinking that Liu Haizhong and his wife were here, there are some things I want to avoid saying. Liu Haizhong The couple ran away, so I didn't care about their face. What you two did really disappointed me. There are no parents in the world who are not good, only children who are not considerate. Look at what you have done. I have gone against my parents for everything, so I figured it out. Apologize to your parents and bring them back. You can’t let go of the job in the steel rolling mill.”

In other words.

You two think carefully about where Liu Haizhong and his wife can go and let them coax Liu Haizhong and his wife back.

I don’t know if others understood it. Anyway, Shazhu understood the implicit meaning of Yi Zhonghai’s words. He also knew that these were the words Yi Zhonghai said through gritted teeth. If he hadn’t felt that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were still useful, he would have guessed just now He fell out.

After Yi Zhonghai waved.

The neighbors dispersed one after another.

Everyone goes back to their homes.

Taking advantage of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's opportunity to consult Yi Zhonghai, Yan Fugui moved to Sha Zhu and said a few words to Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu nodded, smiled again at the security department who lived in Jia's house, turned back to his home, said a few words to Li Xiuzhi, grabbed his satchel, walked out of his house, and rode his bicycle towards the steel rolling mill. Drive away.


On the road.

Thinking about things.

Perhaps Xu Damao wanted to talk to Sha Zhu, so he rode his bicycle and caught up with him. He and Sha Zhu rode side by side, and he gave Sha Zhu a hesitant look.

Silly Zhu stopped his bicycle and looked at Xu Damao intently.

I know Xu Damao very well.

I guess I have something to talk to myself about.

It would not be so difficult for Xu Damao to deal with Silly Zhu. The only thing that can make Xu Damao feel so embarrassed is something related to Li Xiuzhi.

Silly Zhu clearly saw the recent situation. When Liu Haizhong was the captain, he once used Li Xiuzhi's identity to make a fuss and indirectly use his knife to strike Silly Zhu, but it was unsuccessful.

Lice on a bald man's head.

The obvious thing.

It is impossible for Yi Zhonghai not to do the same things that Liu Haizhong did when he was the captain. It is just that the methods are different and the calculations are more hidden.

He said it directly.

"What about my wife?" he asked.

Then Xu Damao's defense was broken.

Last night, Xu Damao thought about it all night, but he really couldn't think of how to deal with this matter, that is, whether to tell Silly Zhu about Li Xiuzhi or not.

Did not say.

Worried about Li Xiuzhi's future, Sha Zhu would blame him if he knew about it, which made Xu Damao feel uncomfortable.

As a good friend of Silly Pillar.

He had to say it.


But he didn't know how to speak.

Li Xiuzhi's shrewdness was obvious to all, and she guessed that Li Xiuzhi must have some countermeasures in mind. If Silly Zhu was too worried about his wife, he ran to the street without caring, shouted at those people, made a big fuss, and was disgraced. After Li Xiuzhi's plan was broken, things turned out to be unsightly, and Xu Damao became an accomplice of those people.

I'm worried.

This was also the reason why he just saw Silly Zhu riding a bicycle in front, regardless of the reason why he caught up with him. The moment he saw Silly Zhu, he felt that this matter should not come out of his mouth.

He didn't expect that Shazhu knew everything.

The commotion made Xu Damao speechless, as he was the clown.

The expression on his face was a bit strange.

Hehehe smiled.

"You knew already?"

asked rhetorically.

I want to see what Shazhu would say.

"Didn't Liu Haizhong make trouble once before? Yi Zhonghai has been hating me so much these years. The better I live, the more unwilling Yi Zhonghai is and the more he wants to destroy our marriage."

Xu Damao admitted that what Sha Zhu said was reasonable. In the courtyard, the person who hated Li Xiuzhi the most was Yi Zhonghai. Just as Sha Zhu said, the more virtuous Li Xiuzhi behaved, the more Yi Zhonghai did in bringing Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu together. The more beastly he is, the more he is looked down upon by others.

Time has diluted everything over the years, and the neighbors mentioned it less. In the past few years, some people saw Yi Zhonghai and deliberately used Li Xiuzhi to stimulate and ridicule the hypocrite.

being targeted.


"It's okay if you know. I was still thinking about these things at that time, how to tell you. I said it, because I was afraid of ruining the plan of you two. If I didn't say it, I would feel uncomfortable. Anyway, it's good that you know it. I don't need to say anything. , I won’t say anything anymore, if you need a brother, just ask.”

"You don't need to tell me this. If you are needed, you can't run away."

Silly Zhu got back on his bicycle and rode towards the steel rolling mill.

Xu Damao was still side by side with him.

Xu Damao, who is not married, is really annoying. Few people in the hospital agree with him. He has a lot of bad habits. After getting married, some of his problems have really improved.

At the very least, Xu Damao would no longer do anything like flirting with others.

I guess he was also educated by Liu Yufeng.

When I go to the countryside to watch a movie, I won't come back with some local specialties as openly as before, so I have restrained my behavior a bit.

After entering the steel rolling mill, one went to the south and the other to the north, one walked towards the second canteen, and the other went to the Publicity Department.

Silly Zhu was one of the first people to come to the Second Canteen earlier.

Put down what you are holding.

Sit on the stool.

I racked my brains and remembered a few things.

This is Li Xiuzhi's method of breaking the situation.

According to the description in the script, Silly Zhu was sucked by Qin Huairu, and behind him stood Yi Zhonghai and his wife. The deaf old lady lost to Qin Huairu in the lunch box fight. It happened that Lou Xiao'e had been silent since she married Xu Damao, and the neighbors were all worried. Saying it was Lou Xiao'e's fault, the deaf old lady came up with the idea of ​​using Lou Xiao'e's power to fight against Qin Huairu. She thought that if Silly Zhu married Lou Xiao'e, the ancestors of the courtyard could live a good life and take care of themselves with the help of Lou Xiao'e's family's financial and material resources. But by accident, Lou Xiao'e became pregnant with Sha Zhu's child.

It was also because Lou Xiao'e wanted to be with Sha Zhu, which irritated Xu Damao, that Xu Damao chose to sacrifice Lou Xiao'e's family to become the leader. And because of this incident, he was obsessed with not dealing with Sha Zhu, until Sha Zhu cleverly used the banner of the big leader. , came to Li Huaide to lend a hand to fight, and used Li Huaide's hand to kill Xu Damao.

in reality.

Sha Zhu married Li Xiuzhi, Qin Huairu disappeared, the Jia family was removed from the courtyard, and Yi Zhonghai had a leg broken by Liu Haizhong.

Yi Zhonghai became the captain, which was a scene that never appeared in the script.

Silly Zhu also knows what kind of relationship he has with Yi Zhonghai, the kind who never interact with each other until death. Yi Zhonghai also resents Silly Zhu, so how should he deal with it.

One after another.

One by one.

They are all a little worried.

Think about it.

It was discovered that Yi Zhonghai only had a few tricks. Liu Haizhong went on a rampage in the steel rolling mill for a month, causing a chaos in the steel rolling mill. This was true, but it also confirmed some things. In this month, Liu Haizhong used every excuse that could be used. Yes, Si Zhu was also targeted by Liu Haizhong.

Li Huaide is in office.

Not afraid.

I am in a much better mood, and I think I should prepare a table of food and give Li Huaide a good banquet. It seems that Liu Lan will be involved in this. Who knows that Liu Lan and Li Huaide have that kind of relationship.

Looked up.

He moved his limbs briefly.

Waiting for Liu Lan.

After Liu Lan appeared, Shazhu looked at her first, then waved Liu Lan to him and murmured in a low voice.

"Liu Lan, something happened in our courtyard last night. Liu Haizhong and his wife ran away. Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he almost vomited blood."

Just as Shazhu expected.

The listless Liu Lan suddenly became energetic.

He pestered Shazhu and insisted on explaining some processes.

Silly Zhu selectively told Liu Lan the things about the courtyard, and then Liu Lan went out to inquire about news and other things that happened.

Professional stuff.

It has to be left to professionals.

Liu Lan is really good at getting information.

In more than an hour, she heard the news that she shouldn't hear and the news that she should hear. With a look of satisfaction on her face, she happily returned to the Second Canteen.

Quegenxian, Ma Hua and others gathered around Liu Lan with a roar, and Shazhu also set his sights on Liu Lan.

Looking around at the crowd, Liu Lan told the news exactly what he had learned.

The bangs did indeed run away.

Not only did he run away, but he also sold his workstation in the blacksmith workshop. (End of chapter)

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