Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 469: One of Yi Zhonghai’s bangs was placed in the bangs that ran away

Chapter 469: The bangs that ran away included Yi Zhonghai’s

Just as Shazhu expected.

Liu Haizhong's escape caused an uproar in the steel rolling mill.

They were all shocked.

I really didn't expect that Liu Haizhong would stage an escape drama.

Some people were dejected and looked like they had suffered a huge loss. They were those who had been bullied by Liu Haizhong, but failed to take advantage of Liu Haizhong's opportunity to retaliate against Liu Haizhong by punching and kicking him.

Others were ridiculing Yi Zhonghai in their hearts.

Everyone knew that the first fire for Yi Zhonghai's rise to power would be directed at Liu Haizhong. After all, Liu Haizhong broke Yi Zhonghai's leg with his own hands, turning Yi Zhonghai into a cripple.

With Liu Haizhong running away, Yi Zhonghai could no longer avenge his broken leg. They all began to speculate as to who would hit Yi Zhonghai's gun and become the scapegoat for Liu Haizhong's escape. , was very dissatisfied with the young man who replaced Liu Haizhong, and speculated that the young man would encounter Yi Zhonghai's murderous hands.

Feeling sorry.

I'm afraid that in Yi Zhonghai's heart, the young man who took Liu Haizhong's position has been regarded as the incarnation of Liu Haizhong by the hypocrite, and he wants to get rid of him quickly.

The starting point for Sha Zhu to ask Liu Lan to go out and inquire about the news was to use Liu Lan's mouth to learn the specific arrangements for Liu Haizhong's workstation.

This is what Yan Fugui muttered to Silly Zhu when they were in the courtyard.

After learning that Liu Haizhong and his wife escaped overnight.

Yan Fugui's heart.

is contradictory.

Please ask Shazhu to help inquire about Liu Haizhong's work arrangements. Someone asked for it, but he failed to get the job. Yan Fugui was happy in his heart, thinking that he had saved a lot of money.

On the contrary, it is equivalent to losing a sum of money.

Liu Lan lived up to expectations, went out for a walk, and found out clearly what Sha Zhu had entrusted him to do, including who sold Liu Haizhong's work station, how much it cost, and what the person's name was. ,clear and direct.

According to the remarks given by Liu Lan, Yi Zhonghai had taken Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to find trouble with the young people, under the guise of inheriting their father's legacy.

Silly Zhu chuckled.

The idiom "a son inherits his father's legacy" is fine and appropriate when applied to others. However, when applied to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, these four words are simply in vain.

Silly Zhu knows who is in the bangs.

Silly Zhu still knows who Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are.

What happened in the past few days was clearly laid out in front of Silly Zhu. It would be better to describe the Liu family as father and son killing each other. The father is not the father, and the son is not the son.

He waved his hand.

Liu Lan laughed and ran to watch the fun again, and Quegenxian followed behind, running away quickly under the pretext of asking for news for Silly Zhu.


Personnel Section.

There were many people around inside and outside. Some people simply climbed on the big trees planted in the green belt outside the office building because of the small space. They sat on the branches of the trees and stretched their necks to look at the bustle in the personnel department. .

Although it is not stated explicitly.

But it is also the rhythm of the picture.

What are you thinking and running for?

Yi Zhonghai knew it.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu also understood.

It's really a good show.

How will it end?

They don't know, but the three of them know that they have no way out.

After running away from Liu Haizhong, Yi Zhonghai's face was already stepped on the ground.

No one thought that after escaping, Liu Haizhong would use an afterthought to trick Yi Zhonghai. If it is handled well, Yi Zhonghai is the captain. If it is not handled well, Yi Zhonghai will be looked down upon by his co-workers no matter what.

As the sons of Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu have lost their role. Once Yi Zhonghai turns against him, neither of them will end well. Who made them follow Liu Haizhong and do many immoral things in the first place? It has become a fait accompli that Liu Haizhong escapes. Under such circumstances, those who have suffered from Liu Haizhong will definitely vent their revengeful anger on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Yi Zhonghai is the only way for them to protect themselves.

He didn't want to end up like Liu Haizhong, who was chased and beaten into a manure pit by his co-workers. Liu Haizhong ran away under the dark lights, but Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu had no chance in this regard.

After looking at Yi Zhonghai, he started to scold the young man one after another.

The two brothers cooperated with each other and became real brothers in fighting tigers. When Liu Haizhong found out about this, he didn't know what he would think. Anyway, the workers present felt that it was quite bloody.

He cast his gaze on the young man and wanted to know how the young man responded to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's questions. Who knew that Yi Zhonghai was standing behind them.

This matter is not so much that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu are making trouble for young people, but it is better to say that Yi Zhonghai is taking advantage of young people to establish their authority.

The young man said nothing and ignored Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Instead, his eyes fell on Yi Zhonghai and stared at Yi Zhonghai without saying a word.

Seeing that they were ignored, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were not in a good mood.

Each clenched their fists.

Especially Liu Guangtian, who first raised his fist and waved it in front of the young man a few times, showing a threatening tone.

Liu Guangfu did not raise his fist like Liu Guangtian, but it was almost the same. He repeated the threatening words just now.

"Do you want to do this job? I ask you to do it. This is to give you face. Otherwise, when you get to the Security Department, you will have to walk around with no food. As Liu Haizhong's son, Liu Haizhong's job should be done by the two of us. Who are you to take the post? What qualifications do you have to take the post?"

You have to take a tough stance.

The reason is that as Liu Haizhong's sons, they have the right to inherit Liu Haizhong's work.

Yi Zhonghai's heart was also in his throat. This was his only chance to target Liu Haizhong. He had already explained everything just now.

Do the opposite.

Let the young man clean up Liu Haizhong and dare to spend 1,200 yuan to buy a job from Liu Haizhong. They must know each other. If you think about it further, you may have a hiding place after Liu Haizhong escapes. This young man knows that as long as he If you follow the clues, you can find out the bangs.

Find Liu Haizhong and break Liu Haizhong's legs no matter what.

Let him run like crazy.

Not a bad idea.

The reality is even crueler.

God didn't give Yi Zhonghai a chance.

The young man ignored the threats from Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and directly threw his household registration book in Yi Zhonghai's face. Then he provocatively asked Yi Zhonghai to open his eyes and take a good look at the identity on his household registration book. Then make a conclusion.

Liu Guangtian clumsily grabbed the household registration book that fell in Yi Zhonghai's hand.

Open it and take a look.

His face suddenly changed.

Liu Guangfu stretched his neck and took a look, then his expression changed.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yi Zhonghai probably saw the identity information on the household registration book. He turned towards Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and scolded them, then comforted the young man with a pleasant look, letting them Young people come to the factory and work hard, saying that he can take young people as apprentices and teach them how to work in fitters.

The young man didn't appreciate Yi Zhonghai's kindness, so he snorted coldly and took the employment information to report to the forging workshop.

What exactly is in the household registration book can make Yi Zhonghai feel embarrassed.

The workers began to speculate wildly, and there were various opinions. The most reliable theory was that Liu Haizhong knew that Yi Zhonghai would use Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to cause trouble, and deliberately gave Yi Zhonghai a pair of tricks. I found a young man whose parents were still alive, but his grandfather and grandmother were martyrs. Five generations from the young man's parents had lived on renting land from landlords, and they were tenant farmers. With this status, Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to say anything even if he had the courage to do so.

No wonder Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were scolded bloody.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's role was to take care of Liu Haizhong. Liu Haizhong ran away. Liu Haizhong's backup plan also made Yi Zhonghai embarrassed in public.

The two of them had no value in being used.

The hypocrite left full of disappointment, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were chased to the toilet by the covetous co-workers.

Looking at the smelly toilet, the two of them remembered the embarrassing incident of Liu Haizhong being beaten and standing there for several hours yesterday. They hurriedly turned back and tried their best to run away, but were blocked by a group of people. In the open space not far from the toilet door.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu raised Yi Zhonghai as their backer in a stern voice, hoping to use Yi Zhonghai to scare these workers who were ready to make a move, so that they would avoid suffering and being beaten.

Wrong calculation.

The workers saw clearly that Yi Zhonghai gave up Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu's little tricks did not work and failed to frighten the angry workers at all.

The two sides reached a stalemate.

You say something, I say something.

Each has its own reasons.

It eventually turned into a one-sided battle. Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu faced off against more than a dozen angry workers, and were then pinned to the ground and beaten violently by a dozen of them.

The beating made me cry for father and mother.

Screaming again and again.

After beating the two men violently, before the workers could vent their anger, someone yelled that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would be thrown into the toilet and fed with feces.

When I think about the fate of Liu Haizhong.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were about to cry but had no tears. They began to beg for mercy and called them grandpa and grandma.

The co-workers didn't take his advice.

He said that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would be left to other workers.

Upon hearing this, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu wanted to die.

The workers wanted to eat them alive.

Liu Haizhong, who suffered the loss of escaping, would not fall down twice in a row at the same place. Among the remaining workers, some of them must have been beating Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu violently. As if they got the signal, they dropped what they were doing and ran over. , it was so dark that there were probably two to three thousand people.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were beaten so violently that their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. They had no strength at all and could not stand up at all.

This occasion.

Even if he stood up, he would be beaten.

It's better to lie down.

Because of the violent beating of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, they all got into an argument. They were worried that they would run away with Liu Hai Middle School, leaving them without a goal. I don’t know which god came up with a plan to temporarily lock the two of them in the security department. When will they think of it? After venting his anger, he took the two of them out of the security department.

Eliminate the escape route for Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

A bunch of people.

The two were escorted to the security department.

This is a wonderful sight in the steel rolling mill.

Silly Zhu, who was in the second canteen, learned about this matter from Liu Lan and Que Genxian. He said, "It's not that I won't report it, it's not the time yet," and then he called the workers to prepare for lunch. meals.

Liu Lan stamped her feet and went to find Li Huaide.

Silly Zhu ignored Liu Lan, as long as he didn't delay the work in the second canteen.


Yi Zhonghai stood in front of Li Huaide honestly.

The bitterness in my heart.

Only he knows.

Originally, he wanted to use the title of captain to clean up his bangs, then clean up his stupid pillars, and express his inner resentment.

Unexpectedly, Li Huaide told Yi Zhonghai clearly that it was okay to take care of Sha Zhu, but he had to find a chef who could replace Sha Zhu, otherwise there was no need to think about it.

The profession of chef is separated from Yi Zhonghai by a mountain. I don't know where there are good chefs and where there are bad chefs. The idea of ​​​​cleaning up the silly column was abandoned. Instead, I thought about cleaning up the bangs. The revenge of the leg must be avenged.

As a result, Liu Haizhong ran away without a trace, and even slightly cheated Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai failed to accomplish either of the two things he did when he was the captain, and Yi Zhonghai himself was involved.

Li Huaide originally did not plan to set up another captain. He had already firmly controlled the steel rolling mill. Those who were disobedient and unruly were all punished by Liu Haizhong. By doing so, Liu Haizhong gathered a wave of people's hearts. In the steel rolling mill, he kept his word.

But Yi Zhonghai came to the door and said that he knew the secret of the deaf old lady and that there were some pornographic things in the deaf old lady's home. In exchange, Li Huaide wanted to promote Yi Zhonghai to be the captain.

Li Huaide has already accomplished what he promised Yi Zhonghai.

Now it's time for Yi Zhonghai to fulfill his promise to Li Huaide and hand over the deaf old lady's yellow and white things to Li Huaide.

Know the consequences of cheating Li Huaide.

Life is worse than death.

I felt a little uncomfortable.

I feel like I am marrying someone else.

In the script, Li Huaide ransacked Lou Xiaoe's house and took the yellow and white things in Lou Xiaoe's house as his own. In reality, because Sha Zhu had read the script, Xu Damao accidentally married Liu Yufeng, and Lou Xiaoe did not marry Liu Yufeng. For Xu Damao, his family went to Hong Kong Island a few years ago.

The commotion made Li Huaide feel very uncomfortable. This bastard has been thinking about the Lou family's family business for more than a day or two.

But because Lou's family left, the things that were dear to his heart were gone, and he felt very lost.

When he was feeling depressed, Yi Zhonghai came to the door and said some yellow and white words, which made Li Huaide's silent heart come alive again.

He tapped his hand on the table a few times.

He looked up at Yi Zhonghai.

"Captain Yi, you, let me tell you what's good about you, such a good opportunity slipped away like this."

The body leaned back a bit.

The tone of conversation has also changed.

"This incident actually reminds me that when an opportunity is in front of you, you must seize it firmly, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life. Captain Yi, you won't let me, Li Huaide, down too, will you?"

A warning that is not a warning.

Yi Zhonghai didn't know what to say.

I feel like it's heavy on my shoulders.

He looked at Li Huaide's concerned gaze and nodded helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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