Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 470 Yi Zhonghai betrayed the deaf old lady

Chapter 470 Yi Zhonghai betrayed the deaf old lady
Seeing that Yi Zhonghai took his warning words seriously.

Li Huaide's face changed from the previous indifference to a smile, and he began to draw a pie for Yi Zhonghai.

Just coercion and inducement.

For those yellow and white things, Yi Zhonghai was given the promise that he could be his deputy, that is, the title of deputy director of the steel rolling mill committee.

After Li Huaide became the director, he promoted two people. One was Liu Haizhong, whose value had been used up, and the other was Yi Zhonghai in front of him.

They are all captain titles.

Captain of a steel rolling mill inspection team.

Captain of a steel rolling mill inspection team.

People who are not stupid.

all know.

This is purely a false position and should not be taken seriously. The first person who took it seriously has become a thing of the past. He fled the steel rolling mill with his tail between his legs. The latter one took him seriously and is still being treated as a co-worker in the steel rolling mill. They ridiculed me and didn't know how to respond.

Agree with Li Huaide.

It must be done.

The consequences of not being able to do it.

Yi Zhonghai's other intact leg may also be broken.

Yi Zhonghai, who was well aware of this result, smiled as much as possible at Li Huaide, made a promise to complete the task, and turned around to leave.

The moment he left the office, Yi Zhonghai heard Li Huaide's promise to promote him to deputy director after his success.

My heart sank to the bottom.

Let’s not mention being the deputy director.

Not in a hurry.

The anxious thing was how Yi Zhonghai could get something out of the deaf old lady's hand.

There are no such yellow and white things.

Yi Zhonghai's end was really unpleasant.

The moment he stepped out of Li Huaide's office, Yi Zhonghai felt regretful. When the breeze blew, Yi Zhonghai's chaotic thinking suddenly became clear. After sorting it out in his mind, he realized that he was dominated by his emotions. He lost his mind and did something that might cause him to get burned.

The identity of the deaf old lady is kept secret.

Yi Zhonghai had something to do with the deaf old lady.

A situation that affects the whole body.

Yi Zhonghai, who was eager for revenge after hearing that his bangs had been fingered, didn't think much about the consequences of the problem. He went to Li Huaide in a daze, thinking that he could use the deaf old lady's yellow and white things to negotiate terms with Li Huaide. He also firmly believed that he had the initiative in the matter.

Now it seems.

It's obviously asking for death.

To retaliate against Liu Haizhong, there is no need for Yi Zhonghai to ask Li Huaide for an official position or to be a captain.

He should rely on his brain.

Liu Haizhong's IQ is what he himself is, not to mention that he can use the hands of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to deal with Liu Haizhong.


Smart is mistaken by smart.

This is how to do ah.

Melancholy emerged in Yi Zhonghai's mind.

Looking at the office behind him, he vaguely saw Li Huaide looking down at him through the glass, sighing, and walked towards the hospital.

The situation is a done deal.

He needs to discuss this with the deaf old lady.

Anyway, the deaf old lady only has a pension and a greedy mouth, so the worst thing is to give her the right medicine.


Yi Zhonghai's reaction.

Li Huaide saw it.

Thinking that since he was in great power, there was nothing that could not be solved in the steel rolling mill. Yi Zhonghai should not join him. He sat on the stool and thought about it carefully. He felt that it was still a little unsafe. The deaf old lady... I've never seen him, but I've heard rumors. He seems to be difficult to deal with, and he's very calculating. He doesn't want to become the second bangzhong.

He sent someone to call Si Zhu in front of him.

Living in a courtyard, Shazhu doesn't deal with the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai. There are some things that Shazhu won't tell lies.

The main reason is that the title Silly Zhu gives people a lot of imagination.

Just like Yi Zhonghai's face, it is too full of illusion.

After receiving the notice, Shazhu trotted all the way from the second cafeteria to Li Huaide. On the way, he thought about looking for him with something, guessing that it was not a bad thing.

This movement.

It was seen by some people.

He made wild guesses about whether Shazhu would become a captain or something. Liu Haizhong was the first captain of the courtyard, followed closely by Yi Zhonghai, and now it was Shazhu's turn.

Being the captain of Silly Zhu is not as urgent as Liu Haizhong being the captain or Yi Zhonghai being the captain.

Popularity is good.

Be convinced by Silly Pillar.

At the door of the office, he shouted "Please come in", and Li Huaide's joking voice came from inside. Silly Zhu then stepped in, took a brief look at the surrounding layout, and stood opposite Li Huaide honestly.

Li Huaide pointed to the stool and asked Shazhu to sit down. Shazhu followed Li Huaide's wishes and sat on the stool. Li Huaide also brought tea.

Silly Zhu didn't know how outsiders felt, but he was rather moved anyway.

Such an idiom comes to mind.


At least you won't be disgusted by their behavior.

"Do you have anything to ask me about? If it's about cooking, you'll take care of it. I don't know how to do anything else. When it comes to cooking, I'm the second best. No one dares to be the first."

Silly Zhu spoke first.

Guess he was playing a trick.

He was worried that Li Huaide would ask him to do other things, such as liquidating someone, which was purely an offending job. If he didn't do it, he would be disliked by Li Huaide.

That said, there will be an excuse to decline for a while.

Li Huaide looked at Sha Zhu, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated the cook in front of him. He was so transparent. Half a year ago, he said that Sha Zhu would be promoted to the position of logistics director, but Sha Zhu refused to do it. The reason given was that he was afraid When he couldn't do his job well, Li Huaide promoted Kang Weixiong to the position of logistics director. Within a few days, Liu Haizhong took care of him. Many people said that Silly Zhu had escaped a disaster.

He smiled.

"Silly Zhu, you are giving me a head start."

"Director Li, if you lend me ten courages, I wouldn't dare to play tricks with you."

"Okay, stop flattering me. I'm here to ask you guys about the old lady in the courtyard. Can you tell me about her situation?"

Silly Zhu became more and more confused.

I’m not sure what kind of medicine Li Huaide sells in his gourd.

It happened before that Yi Zhonghai was promoted to captain by Li Huaide. In the eyes of many people, including Silly Zhu, they thought that Li Huaide wanted to reuse Yi Zhonghai.

In other words, Yi Zhonghai became Li Huaide's confidant.

Yi Zhonghai is not Liu Haizhong.

I didn't know the inside story of Yi Zhonghai being the captain, so I didn't consider Yi Zhonghai's mistake in selling the deaf old lady to Li Huaide.

There will be a sense of urgency.



Talk bad.


Thinking deeply.

Later, he looked at Li Huaide seriously and asked. "What exactly do you want to know? About Yi Zhonghai?"

That's half the story.

Li Huaide still understood the caution in Sha Zhu's words, and he felt a little calm in his heart. He felt that Sha Zhu had done a good job. At the moment, everyone was like Sha Zhu.

Live carefully.

"Don't worry about Yi Zhonghai, just tell me about the deaf old lady."

Li Huaide's tone.

Seemingly full of peace.

But Shazhu still heard some connotations.

Hezhu and Yi Zhonghai are not two grasshoppers tied to the same rope. In this case, Shazhu is not afraid anymore. He cleared his throat first, then made some mental plans, and thought about it seriously in his mind. The things about the deaf old lady were narrated to Li Huaide based on the contents of the script.

"Director Li, when you say this, I feel confident. To be honest with you, along the way, including when I sat in front of you, I always held a rope in my heart. I never wanted that or anything. I worked with you for Knowing what happened to the old lady, let me tell you, the old lady is like this..."

In short words, he told the life story of the deaf old lady.

Mainly a high praise.

The heritage of the deaf old lady is revealed everywhere, from pigtails to baldness, then from baldness to little brat, and now, she has remained standing. What he said about claiming to be the ancestor of the courtyard, smashing the windows of other people's houses when he disagreed, what about being greedy and greedy, etc., he explained everything clearly, and everything showed that the deaf old lady was special.

Even Yi Zhonghai's starting point for taking care of the deaf old lady was emphasized by Silly Zhu. He did not say it clearly. He borrowed it from He Daqing and said that He Daqing had told him that Yi Zhonghai was very selfish and would never gain anything if he did not fight. It was said that Yi Zhonghai took care of the deaf old lady, and he must have taken a fancy to the things in the deaf old lady's home. As for what they were, Silly Zhu couldn't tell, saying that He Daqing hadn't told him, and Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady didn't. Never mentioned it to him.

Li Huaide's heart.

I felt confident instantly.

Silly Zhu didn't say anything, she also knew what kind of person Yi Zhonghai was, a complete villain, but when it came to the deaf old lady, Yi Zhonghai held high the banner of respecting the elderly and loving the young.

Lice on a bald man's head.

The obvious thing.

If there is no benefit, why set up a helpless old lady as a model?

Not a saint.

"Shazhu, it's okay, go and do your work."

"Director Li, if you have time that day, I will cook some of my specialty dishes, and you can help me check them."

The only thing that Silly Pillar can do.

It's his cooking skills.

"Silly Zhu, I understand what you mean. If you don't want to eat, you just need to make the reception in the factory so good that you can't find fault with it. I, Li Huaide, can't guarantee anything else. I've been in the steel rolling mill all day and no one dares to provoke you. ”

"Director Li, what you said makes me feel relieved. You also know that in our courtyard, Yi Zhonghai is obsessed with providing for his old age. I am also worried. Okay, I won't disturb your work."

Silly Zhu exited Li Huaide's office.

With Li Huaide's promise, it will be done.

On the way back to the second cafeteria.

Silly Zhu suddenly figured it out.

So that's what happened.

Why Yi Zhonghai became the captain, and why Li Huaide asked Yi Zhonghai to be the captain. Before meeting Li Huaide, Si Zhu was quite confused about these inside stories. He couldn't figure it out. After meeting Li Huaide, especially after Li Huaide asked him about the deaf old lady, If you don't understand anymore, you will really become a fool.

The stubborn Yi Zhonghai does things unethically.

Give some to the deaf old lady.

Doesn’t he have a good relationship with the deaf old lady?
Co-authoring is bullshit.

When things came to a close, the deaf old lady was pushed out and sold to Li Huaide. No wonder Li Huaide promoted Yi Zhonghai so suddenly, and also specially set up the title of captain of the inspection brigade for Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai regarded the deaf old lady as a stepping stone to advance.

I just didn't know what the deaf old lady was hiding in her house, which could make Li Huaide so excited that she even inquired about some information from him.

In my mind, I remembered the things in the script.

When Li Huaide was the deputy director of the factory, he was always thinking about the Lou family's property, and because Lou Xiao'e married Xu Damao, he did not go to other places in time. After Xu Damao and Silly Zhu were plotted by Qin Huairu, Xu Damao married Qin Jingru. Silly With the help of the deaf old lady, Zhu got involved with Lou Xiao'e, and both of them began to discuss the wedding date.

One is a rival and the other is an ex-wife. The two got married and lived in the same courtyard after marriage. They were both men and couldn't stand it. Xu Damao chose to live with the family of the priest Lou Xiao'e.

in reality.

Because of the script, Sha Zhu and Xu Damao eased their relationship, and Li Huaide did not think of taking the Lou family's property as his own as described in the script, and he is still alone today.

Good guy.

The deaf old lady made up for the part in Li Huaide's script about occupying the Lou family's property.

I just don't know how Yi Zhonghai will start, and I don't know if the deaf old lady will obediently hand over the yellow and white things in her hand.

Hand in hand honestly.

no problem.

Not honest.

Li Huaide could not spare Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai knew this clearly, so he would definitely use his methods, which was equivalent to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai being separated from each other.

This is a good thing.

Silly Zhu felt as if he had been hit in the head by a pie falling from the sky.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are important members of the pension group. They have a collusive relationship, but they have conflicts over pornographic things.

This is equivalent to giving Silly Pillar an opportunity.

If you think about it carefully, there is a possibility that you can take advantage of it.

Yi Zhonghai, you too have today.

Deaf old lady, you deserve your misfortune.

How to take advantage of this.

You also need to think carefully about it.


"Wang Jingwei, what exactly do you want to do?"

Wang Hongxia angrily scolded Wang Jingwei in front of her.

The more I look at Wang Jingwei.

The more I feel that Wang Jingwei is nothing.

The idiom "wolf-hearted and dog-lunged" is not enough to describe Wang Jingwei's evil. In just two or three days, Hongxing Street was turned into a mess. He must also require the people on the street to cooperate with him unconditionally.

good thing.

If you cooperate, you will cooperate.

The key point is that these things mentioned by Wang Jingwei are all evil plans thought up by the ass. They are all bastard tricks that harm others but do not benefit oneself.

It's okay if you can make a profit for yourself.

He gave up all his own interests.

Colleagues complained.

The people in the jurisdiction were also extremely disgusted. They scolded Wang Jingwei's eighth generation ancestor countless times in private. They did not restrain themselves at all, and even went so far as to intensify their behavior.

A purely thankless thing.

I don't understand.

I can’t figure it out even more.

By now.

Only then did Wang Hongxia realize how wrong she had been.

It's completely inviting the wolf into the house.

He blamed himself for not understanding Wang Jingwei's true face and doing something so outrageous that the entire Hongxing Street fell into a passive situation.

Faced with Wang Jingwei's attempt to push Li Xiuzhi out to fight the thunder, Wang Hongxia stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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