Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 472 Li Xiuzhi also beats people

Chapter 472 Li Xiuzhi also beats people

Xu Damao chased for a long time, but because Sha Zhu was in a hurry to go back to the second cafeteria to cook, he failed to catch up with Sha Zhu, and then walked towards the Publicity Department dejectedly.

He kicked the stones on the ground with his feet.

Yi Zhonghai actually betrayed the deaf old lady, which was something Xu Damao didn't expect. In Xu Damao's mind, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai were two people working together.

For the sake of profit, Yi Zhonghai directly ordered the deaf old lady.

Then I thought about it.

What did the deaf old lady have that could make Yi Zhonghai make such a big sacrifice?

As someone who often drinks with Li Huaide, Xu Damao knows a little bit about Li Huaide's character, and he also knows what kind of character the deaf old lady is.

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady are playing a game, who will be better?
He guessed that Yi Zhonghai won.

The age of the deaf old lady was displayed there. The coffin was full of flesh and she didn't have much time to live. She needed someone to take care of her until she died. People in the courtyard thought the dog was a nuisance. Except for Yi Zhonghai, I guess no one was willing to pay attention to the deaf old lady. Mrs.

She only had one choice, Yi Zhonghai.

This is an unsolvable question.

How can I have a second option?

Xu Damao, who was confused, squatted down and sat on a stone, thinking about how to handle this matter.

Yi Zhonghai's rise to power was not a good thing for Xu Damao. Who made Yi Zhonghai always dislike Xu Damao, and through Xu Damao he established the status of the God of War in the Siheyuan.

Suddenly, I heard several chaotic noises.

Busy yelled out loud.

The grass was quickly opened, and two people with bruised noses and swollen faces came into Xu Damao's eyes. At first, he didn't take it seriously, thinking they were pig-headed monsters. After looking carefully, he heard the voices of the two people again, and Xu Damao was relieved. Who are the two pig-headed monsters in front of me? They are none other than Liu Haizhong's two unfilial sons, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

No need to ask.

The tragic situation of the Liu brothers must be the work of the workers in the factory.

Being awakened by Liu Haizhong's late night escape and understanding the need to take action as soon as possible, the workers at the steel rolling mill beat Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu into pig heads.

Looking at the two brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu who were begging him for help, Xu Damao had an idea in his mind and suddenly understood the truth.

The deaf old lady is not as simple as she appears.

Whoever wins will win.


Xu Damao felt that he should take time to go home in the evening.

Not back to the courtyard.

Go back to your home in Wangjia Hutong.

After meeting Xu Wood and learning some past secrets of the deaf old lady from Xu Wood, he subconsciously felt that this matter should be able to help him.



Wang Jingwei was still criticizing Li Xiuzhi regardless of the situation.

The sound and look were fierce and ferocious.

It was as if he was going to eat Li Xiuzhi.

Wang Hongxia and Li Xiuzhi joined forces and formed an alliance, focusing on dealing with Wang Jingwei.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Faced with Wang Jingwei's criticism, the two people said one thing and another, which fully verified what the truth is. Especially Li Xiuzhi, it made Wang Jingwei know what a clay figure is. She was still angry. She waved her palm and slapped her fiercely. On the face of Wang Jingwei who kept chattering.

A crisp 'pop' sound, like a pause command, instantly turned those in the room into unconscious wooden figures.

There is one, count it as one.

They all looked stupidly at Li Xiuzhi who slapped Wang Jingwei with a big slap.

In the eyes.

Full of shock.

As a virtuous daughter-in-law of the courtyard, Li Xiuzhi is well-known in the street. Everyone knows that there is a clerk in the street with a good temper, named Li Xiuzhi. Faced with all kinds of difficulties, her face is always full of smiles. She never treats others coldly, even if she is angry. I won't say anything dirty. As long as it's a neighbor's matter, no matter how small it is, I have to find a way to solve it so that the neighbors are satisfied in every aspect.

Can't fault it at all.

Many people said so privately.

It is said that Li Xiuzhi is a fairy from heaven.

Marrying Silly Zhu was purely to repay his kindness. Frankly speaking, Silly Zhu had spent eight lifetimes of bad luck before marrying a wife like Li Xiuzhi who was good in all aspects. It was said that in ancient times, Dong Yong married the Seven Fairies, and today, Silly Zhu married Li Xiuzhi.

Have children.

Do housework.

All good enough to give a thumbs up.

There is not a single flaw on the body.

He thought about everything, except that he never thought that Li Xiuzhi would beat people one day. Instead, he gave Wang Jingwei a big slap in front of them.

Who doesn't know that Wang Jingwei is the kind of person who sticks to his word in the streets now? Even the street director Wang Hongxia has to act based on Wang Jingwei's face.

Good guy.

Beat Wang Jingwei.

It was beyond the expectations of everyone present.

Only then did colleagues discover that Li Xiuzhi was not a fairy in the world, she was a living person who had a temper, had to eat, and had to go to the toilet when necessary.

Hit someone.

Not bad.

His eyes shifted from Li Xiuzhi to Wang Jingwei.

Wang Jingwei probably hadn't recovered from the beating. He covered his slapped cheek with his hand and looked at Li Xiuzhi stupidly.

one second.

Ten seconds.

A full minute passed before Wang Jingwei came to his senses. The pain on his face told him that he had been beaten by Li Xiuzhi.

So many people around.

Where to put your face?
Eyes widened.

He slapped Li Xiuzhi with his backhand.

Li Xiuzhi didn't like Wang Jingwei, so she raised her other hand and slapped Wang Jingwei in the face.

When Wang Jingwei saw Li Xiuzhi slapping him again, he cursed and hit Li Xiuzhi. Wang Hongxia moved, waving her hands, and grabbed Wang Jingwei with her teeth and claws. A pair of five-stranded flame forks caught Wang Jingwei's face, and Wang Jingwei was instantly stunned. There were a few bloody cuts on his face.

Seeing that Wang Hongxia had also taken action, and it was Li Xiuzhi who had caused the incident first, there was no way she could just hide aside and watch the show, so Li Xiuzhi also followed suit.

Women fight.

Just a few tricks.

Scratch the face, pull the hair, pick the nose and mouth, twist the ears, and cut off the children and grandchildren.

Four hands.

Twenty fingers.

He grabbed Wang Jingwei's face regardless.

A good man cannot stand the crowd.

What's more, Wang Jingwei is not a hero, he is just a mangy dog. In a very short period of time, he was caught by Wang Hongxia and Li Xiuzhi, unable to resist, and screamed repeatedly.

Hengxing's support is the young people behind him who are about the same age as him.

Suddenly a fight broke out.

The young people were stunned on the spot, not wanting to make a move with the women. One was about the same age as their mother, and the other was about the same age as their sister. Some of them, in particular, took advantage of Li Xiuzhi. Following Wang Jingwei, they were also treated by Wang Jingwei's sweet talk. Instigated.

Seeing Li Xiuzhi and Wang Hongxia beating Wang Jingwei, some people chose to sit back and watch. Some seemed to want to help, but were stopped by others.

This way.

Wang Jingwei's end was not very pleasant.

The two women scratched his face, which was burning with pain.

His mouth couldn't help but curse.

Li Xiuzhi is easy to talk about and is only twenty-seven or eighty years old.

Wang Hongxia was over 40 years old. She had seen everything and knew the world. Her heart was filled with endless hatred for Wang Jingwei. She did not care about the severity of her blows. In the end, when she saw Wang Jingwei being knocked to the ground, Wang Hongxia didn't know what to think. Perhaps she really hated Wang Jingwei, so she directly used the kick that would cut off his descendants.

One kick made Wang Jingwei lose the ability to fight back.

lie on the floor. He covered the place where he was kicked with his hands, gasping for air and rolling his body back and forth.

His miserable appearance made those who came with Wang Jingwei feel numb.

These old ladies are really hateful.

He actually kicked that place.

A bald young man helped Wang Jingwei up from the ground and sat on the table next to him. Wang Jingwei's vitals were attacked and he lay on the table like a shrimp, completely losing the ability to move.

Some people shed tears when they saw Wang Jingwei's eyes.

Deserve it.

A paper.

He was thrown on the table by Li Xiuzhi.

Kill people and kill your heart.

That's it.

"Wang Jingwei, open your eyes and see what's on it. You said that I, Li Xiuzhi, am a ***, and I, Li Xiuzhi, also said that Wang Jingwei is a ***. Who gave you the courage to even issue a certificate from the department?" You don’t believe the information? Look at the official seal above. Is it fake? Wang Jingwei, I, Li Xiuzhi, put it down. If I, Li Xiuzhi, don’t give me a satisfactory answer on this matter, I don’t believe that there is no one in such a big capital. A place where you can reason with me, Li Xiuzhi.”

Wang Jingwei was in so much pain that he almost died.

He had no intention of looking at the piece of paper Li Xiuzhi threw to him.

Still the same bald head just now.

Grabbed the paper.

turn on.

After reading it carefully, the expression on his face changed drastically. He stretched out the paper in front of Wang Jingwei's eyes, leaned his mouth in front of Wang Jingwei's ear, and said a few words that outsiders could not hear clearly.

Li Xiuzhi guessed it was words of persuasion.

This matter has become serious.

There is no benefit to Wang Jingwei at all.

Even though the pain was severe, Wang Jingwei gritted his teeth and looked at the content above, and noticed a few limited words, Li Xiuzhi, tenant, followed by a big red official seal.

With this thing.

Wang Jingwei's accusations against Li Xiuzhi had no effect.

Turned away.

He smiled at Li Xiuzhi.

Because of the pain, this laughter is not much better than crying.


He spat on the open space in front of Wang Jingwei.

It's Wang Hongxia.

When he saw Wang Jingwei's expression, he knew that Wang Jingwei had suffered the loss of being mute. He glanced at Li Xiuzhi and reached out to grab the information.

Take a look.

Adding insult to injury.

"Wang Jingwei, this is a certificate issued by the department. It clearly states that Li Xiuzhi was born as a tenant. You actually said that Li Xiuzhi was a ***. What on earth do you want to do? From your mouth, Wang Jingwei, the tenant turned into * **, you are really brave, aren’t you..."

Eyelids rolled.

Wang Jingwei was so frightened by Wang Hongxia's words that he fainted.

This accusation.

Not to mention Wang Jingwei, even the bald confidant beside Wang Jingwei was frightened to death. Those who followed Wang Jingwei instantly dispersed and disappeared.

Only Wang Jingwei who fainted and a bald henchman who didn't know how to end it were left.

Wang Hongxia waved her hand.

The bald man dragged Wang Jingwei and ran towards the back very quickly. He really didn't dare to stay here anymore. Who knew what would happen if he stayed here.

It was they who misjudged Li Xiuzhi.

Originally they wanted to use Li Xiuzhi to get the position, but it turned out that Li Xiuzhi stepped on them to get the position.

The pain in my heart.

I don’t know how to describe it in words.

Get out of this place of right and wrong quickly.

During the dragging process, because Wang Jingwei was lying on the ground and his bald head was worried about the long night and heavy dreams, he did not carry Wang Jingwei on his back.

Wang Jingwei suffered.

In the process of pulling, his head accidentally hit the threshold.

Just heard a popping sound.

Wang Jingwei let out a scream.

woke up.

But because she was worried about being settled by Li Xiuzhi and Wang Hongxia, she gritted her teeth and continued to pretend to be faint.

Wang Hongxia and Li Xiuzhi, who witnessed this scene, burst into laughter, and the heavy stone that had been weighing on their hearts was gone.

Maybe there is no diaphragm.

The two talked openly about their respective affairs.

The relationship suddenly became much closer.



Liu Guangtian made a gasping sound.

Just now he tried touching his cheek with his hand.

The scar on it.

It hurt like hell.

His eyes fell on Liu Guangfu, and he couldn't help but choked.

"Guangfu, what did you do? Can't you just stare at your bangs?"

"Why don't you keep an eye on me?" Liu Guangfu retorted, "This matter isn't my business alone, it's the business of both of us. Why are you talking about me?"

"I'm your brother."

"I'm still your brother, why didn't you tell me."

"It's all because of the bangs."

"Who says it's not the case? He has disliked both of us since he was a kid. He has been fighting him since he was a kid. Why should we two brothers pay for the trouble he caused?"

Liu Guangtian complained.

The depression in my heart.

Depressed to the extreme.

Like Liu Guangfu, he was extremely resentful of Liu Haizhong.

I am also worried about the days ahead, but how will I live? Today is only the first day, and the co-workers have beaten them into pig heads. There may be some evil tricks waiting for the two brothers tomorrow.

In the steel rolling mill with more than 10,000 people, more than 10,000 people hated Liu Haizhong, and vented their anger against Liu Haizhong on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

You can't just hide in the cesspool like Liu Haizhong did.

They wanted to do this today, but the workers at the key steel rolling mill didn't give them a chance.

"Guangtian, how about we ask Yi Zhonghai?"

"How do you ask for it? You know who Yi Zhonghai is. He has always disliked our Liu family for so many years. If Liu Haizhong runs away, can we two brothers enjoy the good harvest?"

Liu Guangfu disliked Liu Haizhong when the couple ran away.

They were not informed.

I feel more sorry for the money.

Liu Haizhong's work station sold for one thousand two hundred yuan.

They didn't look for reasons from themselves at all. When they found out about this matter, they acted like animals to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. It must be the result of reporting Yi Zhonghai.

"Yi Zhonghai plotted against Silly Zhu, you know, for the sake of retirement."

"There is Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu is the daughter of Yi Zhonghai. The neighbors in the courtyard have been spreading rumors that Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu have an immoral relationship. Jia Zhang even scolded Yi Zhonghai in public. It's shameless to say that Yi Zhonghai is old and doesn't cultivate, but it turns out the relationship is between father and daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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