Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 473 Yi Zhonghai forces the deaf old lady

Faced with Liu Guangfu's doubts.

Liu Guangtian first put his head in front of Liu Guangfu.

This idea is a bit shady.

Worry about being heard.

In a very small voice, he spoke out his method. As he spoke, Liu Guangfu's eyes gradually showed a look of shock.

After Liu Guangtian finished telling his little trick, Liu Guangfu asked him a question.

"Is this okay?"

No wonder Liu Guangfu asked this.

The main reason is that the method given by Liu Guangtian is full of too many incredible things.

They started from the fact that Yi Zhonghai had no children, and wanted to recognize Yi Zhonghai as a foster father and provide Yi Zhonghai with a one-stop service of filial piety, care and retirement.

Yi Zhonghai is now the second most powerful person in the steel rolling mill after Li Huaide. With Yi Zhonghai as their backer, the workers in the steel rolling mill will definitely not dare to attack Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

The reason why he took action today was because Yi Zhonghai said that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were not his men, so they were beaten violently by the workers.

I don’t want to live like this anymore.

It's better to be someone's son than to be beaten every day.

"What can't be done?" Facing Liu Guangfu's questioning eyes, Liu Guangtian gave his own reason, "Yi Zhonghai will do anything for Qin Huairu, and he will not hesitate to let stupid Zhu marry a widow. Qin Huairu is gone, and the stick is gone. Now that he’s gone, does Yi Zhonghai need us two for his retirement?”

"I have a small bell."

This is where Liu Guangfu feels unreliable.

Among the three children of the Jia family, Bang Jie disappeared, Sophora japonica was given away, and Yi Zhonghai took in Xiao Dang. In the past few years, without the abuse of the Jia and Zhang family, Xiao Dang was raised by Yi Zhonghai and became fat and healthy. few.

The name Jia Dang was also changed to Yi Dang.

Yi Zhonghai said that he would recruit a son-in-law for Xiaodang in the future, and the Yi family would be in good hands.

Moreover, the Liu family really didn't have a good impression on Yi Zhonghai.

"If Xiaodang disappears, will Yi Zhonghai have to rely on just the two of us?"

Liu Guangtian's tone.

With a bit of ferocity.

Last night, Yi Zhonghai took refuge with Yi Zhonghai. Just because Liu Haizhong and his wife ran away, Yi Zhonghai vented his evil fire on Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, causing the two brothers to be beaten violently.

Injuries on the body.

It still hurts to this day.

"you think?"

"It all depends on manpower. This is what Yi Zhonghai forced us to do."

Liu Guangtian was furious.

Either you die or I die.

He didn't want to be beaten up by the workers in the steel rolling mill all day long. If any worker was careless and beat them up, who would be responsible.

A life truly ruined.

As a last resort, you can only save yourself.


Yi Zhonghai felt anxious.

Came to the hospital.

It was only a distance of 1,780 meters, but he walked for almost two hours, stopping and going, stopping and going. The main reason was that Yi Zhonghai didn't know how to talk to the deaf old lady. .

This yellow and white thing.

The deaf old lady will not take it out easily, it is her defense.

But Yi Zhonghai had to use these yellow and white things, otherwise Li Huaide would not be able to spare him.

In this way, Yi Zhonghai had to think of a perfect set of words to persuade the deaf old lady and make the deaf old lady willingly hand over the yellow and white things.

Yesterday I told the deaf old lady about becoming an official.

There didn't seem to be an overly surprised expression on the deaf old lady's face, and her eyes even contained a bit of contradiction. Because both of them were thinking about cleaning up their bangs, they didn't do too much about being the captain. During the discussion, you said something, I said something, and I said some words to trick Liu Haizhong.

According to the agreement between the two parties, today should be the day when the deaf old lady returns to the courtyard.

God is pitiful.

The deaf old lady has been living with her tail between her legs these years.

Who knows that Yi Zhonghai is no longer the chief steward, but his reputation is still bad, and even the deaf old lady, the ancestor of the compound, has become less popular.

The neighbors in the courtyard disliked her in every way. The deaf old lady lost her status as a five-guarantee household because of reselling supplies, and her life was very aggrieved. When Jia Zhang married Yi Zhonghai, they all looked down upon the deaf old lady. At the mercy of the maid, she forced the deaf old lady to wash her urinal.

Not to mention the neighbors, they didn't look down upon the deaf old lady when they met, and some children scolded the deaf old lady behind her back.

Yi Zhonghai became the captain.

The deaf old lady felt that she could feel proud.

I want to take the opportunity of returning to the courtyard today to re-establish the ancestral style of her courtyard in the courtyard, and let the neighbors know the majesty of the deaf old lady.

There is also the consideration of serving as a military advisor to Yi Zhonghai.

Liu Haizhong is a lesson learned from the past. Yi Zhonghai cannot be allowed to follow in Liu Haizhong's footsteps. Even if he does, he has to wait until the deaf old lady dies.

One is thinking about what will happen after his death.

One is thinking about his past affairs.

They all have their own agendas.


We chatted for a few words.

There were outsiders around, so it was inconvenient to say some things, and everyone was making up their own minds.

Yi Zhonghai left the hospital with the deaf old lady on his back, thinking that he must have a good attitude in order to plot against the deaf old lady's yellow and white things, so he deliberately carried the deaf old lady back to the courtyard from the hospital.

After carrying the deaf old lady into the house, Yi Zhonghai performed a painful drama. He showed himself panting and tired in front of the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady must see Yi Zhonghai's dedication.

How could the deaf old lady, who has become refined with age, fail to see Yi Zhonghai's tricks.

My heart skipped a beat.

The topic turned to Liu Haizhong.

The deaf old lady didn't know that Liu Haizhong and his wife had escaped late at night, and she wanted to fix up Liu Haizhong to regain a foothold in the courtyard and live a life like her old Buddha.

"I know everything about you. When you become a captain, you are a leader, but you can't be too careless. The current steel rolling mill is a place that eats people. Liu Haizhong worked for more than a month, just because The value has been used up and ended up being kicked out. Zhonghai, I won’t say anything, but you know that you can’t let yourself become Liu Haizhong who is not Liu Haizhong.”

"Old lady, I know."

"After you told me about this incident yesterday, my old lady was thinking about how to use this incident to regain your right to speak in the courtyard. You are no longer the boss, and I am not a five-guarantee household. The two of us You have also tasted the life of a street rat. The bangs broke one of your legs and turned you into a cripple."

Yi Zhonghai stared at the deaf old lady.

Cripple became the second taboo that Yi Zhonghai couldn't extricate himself from after being exterminated.

"My old lady's words are rude or not. Whether she says them or not, they are the truth."

Yi Zhonghai nodded helplessly.

in silence.

"It's not okay for you to break both of Liu Haizhong's legs. You want Liu Haizhong to live in a courtyard that is worse than death. He can't even eat shit to keep up with the heat. Liu Haizhong has done so many things in the steel rolling mill, and everyone will punish him. You Even if Liu Haizhong makes a fuss and eats urine to satisfy his hunger, outsiders will not say a bad word about you Yi Zhonghai. They will only say that Liu Haizhong has suffered retribution. You cannot let Liu Haizhong's three sons go. It's best if you Let’s hold a courtyard meeting as your captain.”

"Old lady, Liu Haizhong and his wife ran away."


"The couple ran away from Liu Haizhong."

The deaf old lady heard Yi Zhonghai's words clearly this time. The whole person froze on the spot.

How did she establish her authority when her bangs ran away?

The situation inside the hospital.

she knows.

All of them are poor households.

Who dares to make trouble against these poor households?

Even the brainless guy in Liu Haizhong didn't dare to take advantage of the neighbors easily, so he broke Yi Zhonghai's legs because of Yi Zhonghai's reputation, and beat Yan Fugui because of the trivial matter of talking to Ran Qiuye. Look at Yan Fugui.

Bad thing.

There was a flaw in the plan.

The deaf old lady, who was like an ant on a hot pot, suddenly had an idea.

"Liu Haizhong ran away. Liu Haizhong's two sons are still in the courtyard. If it's not possible, take these two cubs out."

"I was beaten up by people from the steel rolling mill today. Who is responsible?"

Yi Zhonghai looked sad.

I really thought he hadn't thought about the deaf old lady's suggestion.

Liu Haizhong and his wife ran away. If he caused Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to die, it would be a murderous revenge. Yi Zhonghai didn't dare to imagine the consequences if they started making trouble. He couldn't take so many people around all day long. Inside the factory, go up On the way to get off work, he can invite people to stay with him. What should he do when he sleeps at night? Arrange a few people to guard outside. As long as he does this, the next person to die will be Yi Zhonghai, the kind of death without a burial place.

I made a mental draft.

I don’t want to chat with the deaf old lady anymore.

Get to the point.

"Old lady, this is what happened. Yesterday I found Director Li and told me some things. Director Li then appointed me as the captain of the inspection team of the steel rolling mill."

"Did he make a condition?"

Yi Zhonghai said nothing.

But he nodded.

The deaf old lady, who had taken this scene into her eyes, felt a little bad in her heart. She frowned slightly, comforted herself, and said that she was overthinking it.

It was impossible for Yi Zhonghai to use the deaf old lady to make conditions with Li Huaide.

We have been together for so many years.

There is still camaraderie.

"What conditions? Tell me, my old lady, I'll see if I can help you. If I can, I'll do whatever you want. If the conditions are too much, there's nothing I can do about it."

"It's not an excessive condition. He wants something yellow and white."

Yi Zhonghai finished speaking.

Looked up.

Look at the deaf old lady.

His eyes were somewhat solemn.

The deaf old lady's heart skipped a beat. She was really afraid of something, but it just happened. She wanted something yellow and white. It was easy to say but difficult to do.

Who can easily take out yellow and white things?
Who is the person who brought out the yellow and white things?
What are you here for now?
The deaf old lady has a head as big as a bucket.

"Old lady, I know you have some yellow and white things hidden in your house. As long as I have these yellow and white things, I can secure my position as the captain of the steel rolling mill inspection team. If nothing else, you can do whatever you want in the courtyard. Neighbors Even if they don't give you face, they still have to worry about me, the captain."

The wind changed in Yi Zhong Haikou.

He said some threatening words.

"In the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide kept his word. I never told you about your previous relationship with Director Yang. He is now in charge of the health of the steel rolling mill. You know Liu Haizhong's fate. Don't tell me anything else. , These things cannot be given to Li Huaide. Once I lose the title of captain, you will not have a good life. Our two families have a bad reputation in the courtyard. Without this captain as a talisman, let me say something unlucky. Everyone will die without a burial place.”

Deaf old lady eyes.

Open your eyes wide.

She knew what Yi Zhonghai meant and what the current environment was like.

A situation that affects the whole body.

Yellow and white things.

she has.

It's just that these yellow and white things have some special markings on them. Once exposed to others, they really live up to that sentence and can't even keep up with the heat of eating shit.

The deaf old lady hesitated.

Considered the gains and losses involved.

"Old lady, I can only provide for you if I am alive. If I am gone, guess what will happen to you. Silly Zhu is no longer the same as before. Please consider what I say and give it to me in a day or two. A sure letter."

Yi Zhonghai turned around and left the deaf old lady's house.

Standing in the courtyard.

He looked at the sky.

A sigh came from his mouth.

He walked toward the front yard.

On the road.

Suddenly he thought of Qin Huairu. Although he felt that Qin Huairu was not dead, Yi Zhonghai was worried because he had not seen people alive or dead bodies for so many years.


Xu Damao gets off work.

I went home and met Xu Wood.

The father and son said a few words, and the expression on Xu Wood's face became a little strange. Even Xu Damao's mother looked frightened.

I originally looked down on Liu Yufeng because Liu Yufeng was not as rich as Lou Xiao'e.

According to Xu Wood and his wife, Xu Damao became Lou Xiao'e's man, the uncle of the Lou family.

One son-in-law and half a son.

Even if the Lou family's property has nothing to do with Xu Damao, Xu Damao will still make a lot of money because of Lou Xiao'e.

As a result, Xu Damao married Liu Yufeng.

All these years.

Father and son don't interact much.

Xu Damao was worried that Xu and Wood would show off to Liu Yufeng and prevent Liu Yufeng from going home.

If you lose your horse, you will know no blessings.

No one expected that because Xu Damao did not marry Lou Xiao'e, he was spared the fate of being liquidated. This was equivalent to saving a dog's life and saving the Xu family.

Because of this incident, Xu Wood and his wife had feelings for Xu Damao and his wife.

Big change.

Faced with Xu Damao's request for help, Xu Wood thought of a way to leverage his strength. He made Xu Damao see clearly who was the real boss of the steel rolling mill.

Li Huaide.

Whether it's Liu Haizhong or Yi Zhonghai, they are all puppets in Li Huaide's hands. Once Li Huaide lets go, the two of them will be nothing.

Liu Haizhong's fate was Yi Zhonghai's fate.

Yi Zhonghai wants to use Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to establish his power. He only needs to find a way to get Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to join Li Huaide's disciples. This is a dog-eat-dog situation.

Today, because of Yi Zhonghai, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were beaten up. With this attitude, once Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu gain power, they will definitely settle with Yi Zhonghai.

Two beasts who could even betray their own father, there was nothing they couldn't do.

Yi Zhonghai didn't have the energy to target Xu Damao. (End of chapter)

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