Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 477 The Deaf Old Lady’s Gold Bar

Silly Zhu used a pair of invincible fists to vent his grievances for Li Xiuzhi, and also relieved Li Xiuzhi from the worries of being wearing small shoes on the street.

No thought of stirring up trouble.

I just want to solve some problems once and for all.

Otherwise, if Wang Jingwei is gone, another Jingwei will appear, and there is no reason to guard against thieves all the time.

Read the script.

I know how miserable things are.

For Li Xiuzhi, for her children, and for herself, Shazhu had to show his fangs and show his two major supports in front of others.

Smash the fist of the protagonist in all the worlds.

Documents proving Si Zhu’s identity.



After beating Wang Jingwei, he slapped Wang Jingwei with words that he could not refute. Then he patted his butt and left the street, riding his bicycle towards the steel rolling mill.


Within the streets.

A mess.

Everyone looked at Li Xiuzhi.

Silly Zhu's strength made them respect Li Xiuzhi a bit.

The soft and frail woman in front of her actually managed to subdue such a powerful man as Silly Zhu. Just because of a slap, she came to stand up for her. Wang Jingwei was so slapped that his own mother probably couldn't even recognize her.

A heart-wrenching thing.

Wang Jingwei was labeled as a person who harmed the spouses of three generations of slaves.

This is a loss.

You can only knock out your teeth and swallow it in your stomach.

The next finishing touch.

Let’s see how Li Xiuzhi arranges it.

I dare not offend Li Xiuzhi again.

Li Xiuzhi saw her colleagues looking at her blankly, and said a few words to Wang Hongxia, who was also in a daze beside her. Wang Hongxia greeted everyone and became busy.


Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu faithfully carried out the tasks assigned to them by Li Huaide. No matter where Yi Zhonghai went, they followed Yi Zhonghai like two hounds. They never left Yi Zhonghai when going to the toilet, working, or eating. It seemed that After discussion, it was probably Li Huaide's arrangement. The two of them either surrounded Yi Zhonghai one behind the other, or surrounded the hypocrite on the left and right, causing Yi Zhonghai to feel depressed to the extreme.

With a lot of anger.

Back to the courtyard.

He didn't even enter the house and walked directly to the deaf old lady's house in the backyard.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu looked at each other and followed Yi Zhonghai closely.

Liu Haizhong ran away overnight because they didn't keep a close eye on them. The two brothers were beaten by the workers for two days. Finally, after Xu Damao's guidance, they finally hugged Li Huaide's lap.

If something happened and Yi Zhonghai staged the same escape drama as Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would probably have only one dead end.

Keep an eye on Yi Zhonghai.

With this idea in mind, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu followed Yi Zhonghai into the deaf old lady's house.

Yi Zhonghai wants to talk to the deaf old lady about yellow and white things.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu cannot be known.

He stood directly across the threshold, blocking the way of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

No words were spoken.

He glared at the two men with murderous eyes.

The Liu brothers also returned their vicious glances to Yi Zhonghai.

It's about time.

He is still pretending to be thirteen.

I really thought we brothers were afraid of you.


With Li Huaide as our backer, we have nothing to fear.

"I won't run."

"That's not certain. Liu Haizhong didn't say he ran away. He disappeared overnight. If you run away, where can we catch you?"

"The old lady lives in the courtyard, where should I run?"

"Can't you run away with the old lady? Who doesn't know that you two families wear the same pants?"


"What am I?"

"If it doesn't work, lock the door."

"Is there a tunnel at home?"

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"Nothing to do. We must do well what Director Li tells us."

Yi Zhonghai turned to look at the deaf old lady.

Liu Guangtian's words were equivalent to saying them for him.

Believing that even if she didn't say anything, the deaf old lady could guess what kind of life Yi Zhonghai was living in the steel rolling mill based on Liu Guangtian's words. He was being watched and couldn't help himself.

He blinked at the deaf old lady and turned towards his home.

After walking around at home, I took the two goods to the supply and marketing cooperative and bought some pork head meat, two bottles of Erguotou, and some peanuts and other things.

When she left the deaf old lady's house just now, the deaf old lady glanced at Yi Zhonghai.

I know that the deaf old lady has something to say to me.

But because there were two dogs, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, following behind him.

The prerequisite for discussing things is to get rid of these two tails.

There are some things that Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu cannot know.

Get ready to stage a drunken drama.

After buying the food and wine, Yi Zhonghai did not greet Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. The two brothers just sat on both sides of Yi Zhonghai. To use their original words, we can eat your food and wine from Yi Zhonghai because it is for you. Yi Zhonghai saves face.

Yi Zhonghai picked up two steamed buns and some pork head meat, got up and walked towards the backyard.

After giving it to the deaf old lady, I didn't stay too long, said a few words, and returned to Yi's house empty-handed.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu glanced at each other.

They didn't follow Yi Zhonghai just now. On the one hand, they were in front of these people who were greedy for food and wine. On the other hand, they wanted to test Yi Zhonghai to see how long it would take for Yi Zhonghai to come back. Each of them had a conclusion in their hearts.

Within five or six minutes, Yi Zhonghai came back.

My heart relaxed slightly.

I think their tracking was effective.

Yi Zhonghai sneered in his heart, grabbed the wine bottle in front of him, poured himself a glass of white wine, and drank it all in one gulp, followed by a sip of wine, a bite of pork head meat, and a bite of steamed buns. It was a pleasure to eat.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were just two sticks, but they actually fed themselves too much.

He lay down on the wine table on the spot.

Yi Zhonghai tried to push the two of them, but without warning, he kept the collars of their clothes with his handbag, slapped each of them a few times, and then threw them on the ground like mud.

He stood up and poured himself a cup of tea.

Sit on a stool.

Wait quietly.

He was also thinking about how to tell the deaf old lady that this was his last chance. He probably wouldn't be able to stage a drunken drama tomorrow, and Li Huaide was impatient to wait. If Yi Zhonghai guessed correctly, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu would be waiting tomorrow He would report to Li Huaide early in the morning. According to Li Huaide's knowledge, Yi Zhonghai's little tricks suddenly became apparent. In order to beat himself up, he would stage a trick of killing someone with a borrowed knife.

You can't really run away late at night like Liu Haizhong did.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't bear to work in the steel rolling mill.

anyway. Where can I escape to?

If Liu Haizhong hadn't run out of room in the steel rolling mill and Yi Zhonghai had become the team leader, he wouldn't have been able to run all night. It was just that he was desperate and had no other options.

After sitting on the stool for more than two hours, most of the neighbors were asleep and the courtyard was pitch dark. Only then did Yi Zhonghai quietly come out of the house and walk slowly towards the backyard.

The deaf old lady left the door open for Yi Zhonghai.

Give it a gentle push.

The door of the room opened, and a gap more than a foot wide appeared in front of Yi Zhonghai. He leaned his body and slipped his body into it.

The room was pitch dark and it was difficult to see clearly.

The deaf old lady didn't light a lamp, and she didn't want to be seen, so she deliberately created such a dark scene.

Yi Zhonghai calmed down for two or three minutes, and then he could barely see what was going on inside the room. The deaf old lady was sitting cross-legged on the bed, seeming to be looking at Yi Zhonghai.

The knees went weak.

He knelt down directly in front of the deaf old lady.

Didn't speak.

Bang, bang, bang, he kowtowed three times.

In order to show their sincerity, these three heads worked very hard, and the silence in the room was very pleasant.

"Get up, what's wrong with kneeling?"

The deaf old lady spoke.

She also counted on Yi Zhonghai to help with her retirement.

Don't let Yi Zhonghai feel cold.

The original plan was to hand over those yellow and white things to Yi Zhonghai when he was no longer able to survive. However, he did not expect that the plan could not keep up with the changes. There were such big changes and the plan was forced to be advanced.

Li Huaide sent people to follow Yi Zhonghai.


If we don't give it to Yi Zhonghai, those people will come to take it themselves.

During the day, the deaf old lady didn't do anything. She walked around outside with her cane. Good guy, what she heard and saw scared the deaf old lady and she didn't know what to say. He hurried back to the courtyard, hiding in the house and not daring to go out.

It was a mess.

This reminded the deaf old lady of the day when the palace fell. The arrogant servants waved their whips and beat the formerly aloof master to bruises all over his body.

She was afraid.

During the time when Yi Zhonghai was not here, the deaf old lady was also thinking about the gains and losses.

After all, the heart is separated from the belly.

Yi Zhonghai's kneeling attitude was very helpful to her.

"I've prepared everything you want. It's in the cabinet on the left corner of the house. You give it to the director. You can take care of the rest. I'm old and don't have much time. But now that he is old, he just wants to live in peace."

In other words.

Don't bother me anymore.

Yi Zhonghai politely kowtowed to the deaf old lady three more times, walked in the dark to the cabinet the deaf old lady mentioned, opened it, rummaged around inside, and found a one-foot-square box. He guessed that this It was the box the deaf old lady told him about.

I don't care.

He reached out and moved it.

I almost broke my waist.

It's a pretty heavy box.

With a little effort, he took the box out of it. When he was about to go out, he thought of something and expressed his attitude towards the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, I, Yi Zhonghai, will be responsible for your care in your old age. I will definitely throw a brazier for you, wrap you up in mourning and send you out in your glory."

"As long as you have the heart, go ahead."

Yi Zhonghai left the house.

He closed the door of the deaf old lady's house thoughtfully.

Carrying the heavy box, I arrived at my home.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were two unlucky guys still crawling on the ground. They kicked him with their feet, but there was no reaction. The stone in their hearts fell to the ground. I was really worried that they were playing tricks on him and pretending to be drunk.

The door bolts are in place and the curtains are drawn.

Opened the box.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still shocked by what I saw in front of me. The one-foot-square box was filled with gold bars.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly wanted to count.

Later, I felt it was inappropriate, so I hid the box under the quilt and slept with my arms around the box all night.

When I woke up the next day, I saw Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu still crawling on the ground. They were not polite at all. They walked up to them and kicked them hard twice, kicking them hard enough to wake them up.

I saw myself lying on the ground sleeping all night.

Liu Guangtian, who had a headache, told Liu Guangfu, who was feeling unwell, that he wanted to stop drinking.

Then he set his sights on Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai kicked them in disgust.

Yi Zhonghai looked at them condescendingly, picked up the small box next to him, and said to the two of them: "I'm going to work now, will you follow me?"

I knew they both drank too much.


Deliberately excited.

"Don't let Director Li deal with you just because you delayed Director Li's affairs."

Step towards the outside.

Even if Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were a hundred times unhappy, they were still so intimidated that they had no way to do anything about it. Who made Director Li the biggest?

He stumbled behind Yi Zhonghai.

See Yi Zhonghai holding a box.

He hurriedly asked.

"Yi Zhonghai, show us the box in your hand."

"Do you want to see the things for Director Li first?"

I heard it belonged to Director Li.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu suddenly stopped.

Much more honest.

Following Yi Zhonghai, he entered the steel rolling mill and followed Director Li. As soon as the box was put down, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were politely invited out of the office by Director Li, and then out of the office building.

inside the house.

Only Yi Zhonghai and Li Huaide were left.

Yi Zhonghai said nothing, pointed to the box in front of him, opened the lid, and twisted the box to where Li Huaide could see it.

Li Huaide, who had half-drooped eyelids at first, widened his eyes a second later, and the expression on his face was a bit strange.

I guess I didn't expect there to be so many things.

He picked one up casually and weighed it briefly in his hand. The expression on his face instantly turned into a smile. He stood up, walked to Yi Zhonghai, patted Yi Zhonghai's shoulder with his hand, and made a promise. , saying that he could agree to Yi Zhonghai on one condition, any condition.

If you guess wrong, Yi Zhonghai will take the title of captain, or get the position of deputy director.

Unexpectedly, in front of Li Huaide, he resigned from the title of captain and made Li Huaide promise that no one in the factory would cause trouble for Yi Zhonghai.

The title of the Inspection Brigade was originally a temporary position set up for the deaf old lady's things. Once the things were obtained, there was no need to exist.

Although I felt a little confused.

But he still agreed to Yi Zhonghai's request.

The loudspeaker of the steel rolling mill soon sounded Yu Haitang's pleasant voice.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill, a notice of appointment and removal from the steel rolling mill committee will be read below, removing the title of captain of the inspection brigade of Yizhonghai Steel Rolling Mill, and the inspection brigade will be merged into the security department."

What followed was praise for Yi Zhonghai, including his outstanding skills, moral role model, and enthusiastic neighbors. He bluntly stated that Yi Zhonghai was an indispensable talent for the steel rolling mill.

In fact, it is equivalent to an endorsement for Yi Zhonghai, telling the workers not to talk about Yi Zhonghai casually, especially not to do things like beating or killing Yi Zhonghai. (End of chapter)

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