Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 478 Li Huaide became suspicious

this notice.

It caused an uproar.

Everyone knows what Yi Zhonghai is.

In particular, he saw Yi Zhonghai carrying a small box into the office building, and guessed that Yi Zhonghai must have reached some kind of deal with Li Huaide.

Good and bad.

It doesn't matter.

But Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu can't. Yi Zhonghai has become an ordinary person. Where will the positions of the two brothers go!
Just gone?

Without the cover of the team leader's identity, the co-workers would have to beat the two of them every day.

Liu Guangtian saw the workers with ulterior motives and walked towards them eagerly, not wanting to be beaten violently by the workers again.

They arrived at the office in three steps at a time, looking for Li Huaide, but were told that Li Huaide was busy at work and asked them to wait for a while.

He stayed downstairs honestly.

He looked at the window glass of Li Huaide's office bitterly, thinking about what Li Huaide was doing, and wondering what was in the small box.

Li Huaide's attitude towards Yi Zhonghai illustrates the problem.


Why not grab the box and hand it over to Li Huaide for Yi Zhonghai.


What did you think it was?

The result was to ask about the details of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu had actually seen the box on Li Huaide's desk, and thanks to Liu Lan, he knew to some extent that Yi Zhonghai came to Li Huaide with the box.

He now suspected that Li Huaide did not treat him as an outsider.

Be someone else.

This box.

It has to be hidden no matter what.

Li Huaide placed it directly on the table.

Who is the deaf old lady and who is Yi Zhonghai? This issue was reported to Li Huaide seriously last time. What should I say this time? He said something that Li Huaide had never heard before. Li Huaide must have thought that Silly Zhu was contemplating him and said something that Li Huaide had heard of. Li Huaide called him here, obviously wanting to know something from him.

Started brainstorming.

You have to think of a good word to say anything.

After racking his brains for two or three minutes, Shazhu suddenly slapped his forehead with his hand. He really remembered such a dispensable thing.

The action of slapping his head seemed to scare Li Huaide.

The body leaned back a bit.

His eyes fell on Shazhu.

Silly Zhu didn't dodge, and faced Li Huaide's slightly doubtful eyes when he talked about this matter.

"Director Li, when you reminded me like this, I really remembered this thing about our old man."

I saw Li Huaide's eyes filled with confusion.

He hurriedly explained.

"The one who follows the widow to protect the city."

"Your father, I thought he was that old man."

Li Huaide grinned.

very good mood.

This box full of gold bars really blinded his eyes.

Although he had some doubts about the identity of the deaf old lady, his joyful mood always enveloped him.

"Just say whatever you want."

"Our old man followed the widow to Baocheng, and Yi Zhonghai took the old lady to tell me that he wanted to try my cooking skills and asked me to cook a dish."

Li Huaide frowned.

Staring at Silly Zhu.

He is also a talkative person, and Shazhu is also the cooking star of the steel rolling mill. Many colleagues know that there is a chef named Shazhu in the steel rolling mill.

"You know that my family's cooking skills, Tan's cuisine, specializes in Tanhua. When you have time, you can give me your order, and I will definitely cook it for you, which is both delicious and delicious."

"Now is not the time."

It is rumored that Li Huaide ate Tanjia cauliflower.

He figured he would have to go in and stay for a while.

It's better to be honest.

"Tan's cuisine includes braised shark's fin. The deaf old lady named this dish. It pays attention to a stock. The chicken soup base used is made from free-range hens in Xishan, Beijing. It is golden and translucent, fresh and thick but not greasy. The delicious aftertaste is long after entering the mouth. The shark fin is made of precious Luzon yellow and is braised for more than 6 hours after special treatment, which will produce the best soft and glutinous taste. "

Silly Zhu used special terminology to talk about the extraordinaryness of the deaf old lady.

He forgot about it.

It was only because Li Huaide was forced here that I remembered it.

"It was my first time to make this dish, and I didn't have all the ingredients ready. Ordinary diners can only say yes, but the deaf old lady made some requests, saying that my chicken soup was not authentic and the ingredients were wrong. He said it was not time to make the soup, and he also said that the beauty of this dish can only be reflected after drinking rice wine. "

The expression on Li Huaide's face.

Very complicated.

Mostly happy.

He knew the meaning behind Silly Zhu's words. He was just talking about the extraordinaryness of the deaf old lady. How could an ordinary old lady know that there was braised shark's fin in Tan's cuisine? How could she know about braised shark's fin and order it? The ingredients were wrong, the cooking time was inconsistent, and I drank rice wine before trying this dish.

It proved that the deaf old lady had eaten the authentic Tan’s braised shark’s fin, and had eaten it many times.

Old lady with little feet.

There are so many gold bars hidden at home.

I often eat Tanjia cuisine.

I really can’t do it without money in my pocket.

Therefore, Li Huaide's face was slightly gloomy.

Silly Zhu also guessed the reason for Li Huaide's gloomy face. He simply felt that he had been deceived by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. With a box of small gold bars, Li Huaide was able to make Li Huaide smile.

Just when Silly Zhu was about to say something, the expression on Li Huaide's face turned into a smile again.

He turned over and opened the box, took out five gold bars from inside, stuffed them into Shazhu's hand, and waved Shazhu away.

Silly Zhu did not dare to refuse the things that Li Huaide gave him. He said a few words of gratitude to Li Huaide, put the gold bars in his pocket, and then left Li Huaide's office.

When I left the office building.

I met the brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

After thinking for a moment, they realized that these two brothers were going to follow in the footsteps of their father Liu Haizhong. With the fact before them, if they didn't want to be beaten up by the co-workers, they could only hug Li Huaide's thigh.

Before he said those words, Li Huaide might have ignored the two brothers.

It was really hard to talk about things when I was resentful of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

By the time Shazhu reached the corner of the office building, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu had already entered the office building.


The atmosphere in the house.


Li Huaide, who was sitting on the stool, looked at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu in front of him without saying a word, and his eyes seemed to reveal a sense of scrutiny.

A very depressing feeling enveloped Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu. The two of them stood in front of Li Huaide like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. They did not dare to take a breath for fear that due to some careless movement, Li Huaide would be offended. Angry, he kicked the two brothers out of the office.

I have suffered a lot.

Don't want to eat anymore.

Li Huaide is their only hope.

Time passed slowly in this strange calm.

About thirty minutes passed.

Li Huaide, who was silent, finally made a sound.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were also highly nervous. It was not until Li Huaide said all the contents that they felt a little relieved. Not eviction.

is asking.

The reason why I called Silly Zhu just now was to test my suspicion. If the deaf old lady really had some information, then the box of gold bars that Yi Zhonghai handed over to Li Huaide might just be a lot of gold bars that the deaf old lady kept privately. For a small part, if the gaps between people's fingers are leaking, I will be satisfied.

I'm afraid the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai both cursed Li Huaide's eighth generation ancestor in their hearts, saying that he was just an ignorant bumpkin.

This is not okay.

Li Huaide, who had already believed what Silly Zhu said, called Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to him in order to further corroborate his guess about Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

He tapped his fingers on the table.

He couldn't help but increase his tone and repeated what he just said.

"Tell me what you did when Yi Zhonghai returned to the courtyard last night."

"Deputy Director Li."

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu spoke.

It poked at Li Huaide's heart.

Although Li Huaide is still the deputy director, he is the director of the steel rolling mill. In the current steel rolling mill, it is the director who controls the overall situation and presides over the overall work.

He is worthy of being Liu Haizhong's son. He has inherited Liu Haizhong's heritage and is afraid that he will not die.

Although he felt unhappy in his heart, Li Huaide still had a smiling expression on his face, perhaps he had regarded Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu as another Liu Haizhong.

Since he is cannon fodder, there is no need to worry about these details.


"Yi Zhonghai went back last night to find the deaf old lady. Aren't our two brothers responsible for keeping an eye on Yi Zhonghai? We followed him. When he saw us following him, Yi Zhonghai even scolded us a few times and later bought... ”

Yi Zhonghai went to see the deaf old lady first, but failed to make the trip because Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were following him. He told Li Huaide exactly what happened later. Later, Yi Zhonghai bought wine and sold meat, and Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu got drunk. He didn't hide the fact that he was unconscious, he told everything about it.

The main focus is to tell the truth.

The hypocrite was superfluous. The Liu brothers may not have thought about the matter of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu getting drunk with wine and meat, but Li Huaide imagined it deeply. Combined with the yellow and white things Yi Zhonghai gave him, he was instantly relieved. After understanding the truth, I guessed that the deaf old lady should have other things at home, otherwise she would not have gotten rid of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu and did these things behind her back.

Tasks were assigned to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu on the spot, asking them to rest at home these days. In fact, they were to monitor and follow the deaf old lady.

The Liu brothers, who thought they had been reused by Li Huaide, left the office with satisfaction and ran towards the courtyard in three steps and two steps at a time.

Li Huaide gave them two days.

Must hurry.


Silly Zhu sat on the stool.

Head tilted up.

Close your eyes.

I want to calm down as much as possible.

Those people in the second cafeteria only knew that Li Huaide called Sha Zhu away, but they did not know what the two talked about. They saw Sha Zhu's face solemn.

Subconsciously thinking about this bad aspect.

Ma Hua, Fatty and others wanted to comfort Silly Zhu.

But I don't know what to say.

Everyone does their job.

Liu Lan left the Second Canteen. Looking at her retreating figure, she must have gone to find Li Huaide.


The stone in Yi Zhonghai's heart could finally fall to the ground.

Li Huaide is no longer pursuing certain matters.

Perhaps because he was in a good mood, he even greeted the workers around him.

For Li Huaide's sake, those workers who didn't like Yi Zhonghai put on a show of laughing but not laughing, fooling Yi Zhonghai with their talk.

The hypocrite also knows that his co-workers don't like him, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Reputation is bad.

If he hadn't won the title of captain a few days ago, I guess the workers in the workshop would have dealt with Yi Zhonghai at a score of two to zero.

I moved my hands and feet.

Shut down the machine.

Walked towards the outside of the workshop.

Stomach discomfort.

On the road.

A few colleagues' complaints flew into Yi Zhonghai's ears. Rumors about stupid Zhu being called to the office by Li Huaide, about Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu running to Li Huaide to beg for Li Huaide, etc. were heard by Yi Zhonghai. clear.

Maybe it's because of ghosts in my heart.

After hearing these words, Yi Zhonghai stirred up the sadness that he had barely calmed down.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu asked Li Huaide for help. Yi Zhonghai could understand this, after all, the factory needed a backer.

Things I don’t understand.

It was Li Huaide who was looking for something to do with Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu refused to deal with Yi Zhonghai and gave Li Huaide a box of gold bars. What happened?
Yi Zhonghai suddenly panicked. Probably because of his thoughts, he was a little distracted when he went to the toilet, and finally wet his pants.

After coming out of the toilet, I thought I still had to find a way to talk to Shazhu and find out a little bit of the truth from Shazhu's mouth.


On the way back to the courtyard.

Liu Guangtian explained to Liu Guangfu.

"Guangfu, Liu Haizhong ran away, leaving us two brothers to clean up his mess. You have also seen Li Huaide's face. This is our last chance."

"Deaf old lady?"

"Yes, she is the deaf old lady. Didn't you understand the meaning of what Li Huaide said just now?"

Liu Guangfu shook his head.

He really doesn't know anything.

Li Huaide face to face.

All that was left was panic.

There was a bit of disbelief in his heart. As his younger brother, he knew a little bit about Liu Guangtian's brain, and he was also an unintelligent master.

Liu Guangtian also didn't understand the things he didn't understand.

asked rhetorically.

"What does Li Huaide mean?"

"He wants to attack the deaf old lady." Liu Guangtian, who had been thinking hard for a while, said to Liu Guangfu: "Yi Zhonghai must have deceived Li Huaide. By the way, I guess the small box in Yi Zhonghai's hand this morning There's something inside."

"I think so too."

"Keep an eye on the deaf old lady, I guess Yi Zhonghai will ask her for advice. Then we will settle old and new grudges together."

The two took steps.

Back to the courtyard.

Yan Fugui, the gatekeeper, was a little dazed for a moment.

He looked at the two of them eagerly.

"Third uncle, don't look at it. Our two brothers were kicked out of the steel rolling mill just like you. The director asked us to come back and think about it for a few days."

Yan Fugui reached out and patted the two of them on the shoulders.

A few words of comfort.

"Think about it for a few days, that is, I can go back in a few days. The third uncle will never be able to go back. He will only have to stand at the door every day and be the doorkeeper."

The voice suddenly dropped.

"Guangtian, Guangfu, where is Yi Zhonghai's box this morning?"

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu ignored Yan Fugui, said something you guessed, and walked away. (End of chapter)

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