Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 483 Thanks to Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady was arrested

Li Huaide heard that the deaf old lady's house had an unexpected harvest and that he had to be there in person. He felt a little suspicious in his heart, so he quickly drove here with his people.

After entering the courtyard, he saw three wooden boxes placed in the courtyard. The appearance had a slight earthy smell, and it seemed that they had just been dug out of the soil not long ago. When he thought of the deaf old lady, he could take them casually. A box of yellow and white things came out, and Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but squint his eyes and try his best to guess what was inside.

Some of the surrounding neighbors were also present.

Tang Daniu kept an eye on these people and regarded them as witnesses.

Yi Zhonghai's face was ashen, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he squatted on the ground alone.

The old deaf lady looked pale, probably because she was so frightened that she lost her temper, and her body collapsed on the ground against the pillar.

The two brothers, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, looked excited, as if they had embarked on a grand project, and were whispering something.

Director of the rolling mill.

One word.

The neighbors in the courtyard have never seen it, but they have heard of it.

Came in a car again.

Their eyes instantly focused on Li Huaide.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu trotted all the way to Li Huaide, and reported the detailed process just now. Their stupid minds suddenly became shrewd, and then they dragged Yi Zhonghai out and whipped the corpse.

They said that under the orders of Yi Zhonghai, captain of the employee inspection brigade of the steel rolling mill, they conducted an inventory of the ancestors of the courtyard courtyard at No. 95, Nanluogu Lane. They found something from the house of the deaf old lady, and asked Li Huaide to do something. They kept saying that it was all Yi Zhonghai. What Zhonghai led them to do was just following orders.

Li Huaide said a few words of encouragement to the two of them.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu were so happy that they couldn't find Bei in an instant.

Yi Zhonghai also raised his head at this time, showing a smile that was much better than crying. Probably because he felt that the deal was done and there was no way to change the outcome, he moved to Li Huaide and said a few words.

During this period, he also gave the deaf old lady a look that said, "I am also forced to have no choice."

The deaf old lady didn't see Yi Zhonghai's glance because her mind was not on Yi Zhonghai.

Li Huaide reached out and patted Yi Zhonghai on the shoulder, and applied the same words he had just said to Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu to the hypocrites without changing a word.

Knowing that he was just perfunctory, Yi Zhonghai could only stay with the smiling face as much as possible.

I thought of specific countermeasures in my mind. If the box was full of yellow and white things, I would do anything to help the deaf old lady find a perfect excuse to escape.

I'm afraid that there are not only yellow and white things inside, but also other things.

As the old deaf lady's caretaker, Yi Zhonghai knew some of the deaf old lady's secrets from the past, and they couldn't be exposed to the light at all, otherwise she would be dead.

As a member of the elderly care group, he has been with the deaf old lady for many years.

It really can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

The neighbors present all around could attest that the relationship between Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady was very deep.

The head is as big as a bucket.

He was as panicked as an ant on a hot pot.

Li Huaide, who saw Yi Zhonghai's careful thoughts, said a few words of comfort, and then asked Yi Zhonghai to order the cabinets to be opened.

There is a lock on it, and just now Tang Daniu and the others asked the deaf old lady for the key. The deaf old lady didn't even have the energy to speak, and the lock had been buried underground for a long time, and the lock was rusty.

The only way to open the lock.

Get on the sledgehammer.

In order to flatter Li Huaide, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu volunteered to open the box. They found a hammer for knocking carbon from the old deaf lady's house. They squatted in front of the box and shouted, "The hammer in their hands was... His head hit the lock hard.

He is worthy of being Liu Haizhong's son, and he is indeed very capable.

One hammer at a time.

Three locks, three knocks, and the locks were broken.

He looked at Li Huaide.

Li Huaide pointed at Yi Zhonghai.

The two brothers asked Yi Zhonghai for instructions and asked Yi Zhonghai if he could open the box.

It has reached this point, and it is impossible not to open the box. Yi Zhonghai also knows that even if she says no, these people present will not listen to her.

He is Li Huaide's person, and all this is what Li Huaide meant.

Ever since he turned in the yellow and white things yesterday, Yi Zhonghai has been treated as a scapegoat by Li Huaide. He has no right to make decisions. He nodded slightly, then thought about it and yelled.

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu each spit on their palms and opened the box that had been sealed for many years in front of everyone present.


Sounds of gasping came out of the mouths of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, and then the two men collapsed on the ground.

Pointing at the contents of the box.

Mouth wide open.

He looked like he wanted to speak but couldn't.

Liu Guangtian was fine, but he was frightened and sat on the ground. Liu Guangfu was so frightened that he peed his pants. The unpleasant smell of urine filled the air, and some neighbors pinched their noses with their hands.

Tang Daniu was very experienced, so he glanced at his subordinate. The man swiftly controlled the deaf old lady in his hands. He was worried that the deaf old lady had committed suicide, so he picked up a pair of smelly cloth. Stuffed it into the mouth of the deaf old lady.

Do it.

She was worried that the deaf old lady would not be able to think about it and would kill herself.

It was necessary to do this just because of the poor performance of Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu.

These smelly socks are also foot wraps. A deaf old lady with small feet can be regarded as a property returned to the original owner and used on her own body.

Such a big battle.

The neighbors at the scene were puzzled as to what was contained in the boxes, one large and two small, that could actually make the security department feel like they were facing a powerful enemy, and frighten Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu into this kind of behavior.

If they hadn't been concerned that the security department was on site, they might have swarmed over to the box to see what was inside.

They all stared at the Liu brothers who were still speechless with doubtful eyes. They cursed a few words in their hearts, "You are useless, but you are talking and making us guess."

The sound of footsteps flew into the ears of the neighbors.

Tang Daniu moved and came to the box in three or two steps. Like Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, he also made a gasping sound from his mouth, and then nodded towards Li Huaide.

Li Huaide stepped to the box and exclaimed, then ordered someone to take out the contents one by one and place them neatly on the ground.

The neighbors' scalps were numb and their bodies were trembling.

Yi Zhonghai had almost the same expression, and he felt a hundred and twenty disagreements in his heart at first. These things in front of him made him feel like a blessing in disguise.

Hit by accident.

What an accident.

The largest box was stuffed full of jewelry, jade, etc.

Those who looked at it were dazzled.

Many people also showed a bit of greed, and secretly said, the immortal deaf old lady is really something, and she is the richest man in the courtyard.

The remaining two small boxes contain prohibited items. One is a phone box. Neighbors have seen it in the movie. People sit in front of it and press the things on it. The ticking sound is heard and the contents are transmitted. Go out and there's another one with some weapons and stuff in it. Among these items, there is also a small long object wrapped in red cloth.

From the appearance, Li Huaide seemed to have guessed something. He grabbed it in his hand, opened the outer package and looked inside, and his expression changed drastically.

On it are the tablets with the words Sichuan, What, What, What, Island, How, etc.

He immediately thought of that damn guy.

The deaf old lady's house hides the tablet of that bastard who killed a thousand swords, which shows that the deaf old lady and her identity are very unusual.

The facts are there.

There is no argument to be made.

Li Huaide's heart, if it weren't for the lump in his throat, would probably fly out of his chest. He just wanted to clean up the deaf old lady. He really didn't think about these things. He never expected that the deaf old lady would be killed by accident. The wife's details were exposed, and if nothing else, just the contents of the two small boxes, he deserved to be promoted to the position of Li Huaide.

Something of real value.

It's the thing wrapped in red cloth.

A wave of his hand.

On the wrist of the deaf old lady, there was a pair of shiny bracelets.

The rest of the security department began to search through boxes and cabinets in the deaf old lady's house.

In the end, they returned in vain, with nothing but three boxes dug out of the ground.

Whichever level this matter involves, it is not something that Li Huaide can solve. He called his home and someone came from above and took the deaf old lady away, along with the captain Yi Zhonghai.

The two brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu came to Li Huaide and told some facts about Yi Zhonghai's care for the deaf old lady for many years, saying that Yi Zhonghai might be the deaf old lady's accomplice.

Yi Zhonghai was taken away on the spot.

The home was also sealed.

The quiet courtyard suddenly became alive with the departure of these people. The neighbors who witnessed all this had different opinions and spoke their own words.

"Will this matter affect the rest of us?"

No one has an answer.

My heart is heavy.

If we really want to get to the bottom of it, they are somewhat responsible. After all, the deaf old lady used to have the title of five-guaranteed household, and under Yi Zhonghai's moral kidnapping, she ate the good wine and food of the neighbors for several years.

"Yi Zhonghai is a bitch, he is not a good person, bah."

"We have to inform the men in the family about this matter. We can't let this bastard Yi Zhonghai go. He is the one who caused us harm. He must know the old lady's background and wants to avoid justice."


Yi Zhonghai was confused.

The old deaf lady had those things at home.

Kill me.

He knew that the deaf old lady was not an ordinary old lady, and he really didn't think about the relationship between the deaf old lady and that person. If he had known that the two of them had this kind of relationship, Yi Zhonghai would not have dared even if he had borrowed Yi Zhonghai's courage. Mess with the deaf old lady.

be terribly upset.

Only now did he realize how much trouble he had caused himself.

It's too late to regret.

The cause of all this was that Yi Zhonghai was so excited by Liu Haizhong's escape that he found Li Huaide and asked Li Huaide for help. He also promised the deaf old lady's things. The leg's revenge was not avenged, but he was folded into it.

Now I just rely on those people to find out the facts and clear my name.

Apart from planning for retirement, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady really had nothing else to do.

The hypocrite still doesn't know that the neighbors are going to put a shit basin on his head, and he is still thinking about how to get out.

Keep your head down.

Walking silently.

Completely unaware that not far away, there was a hateful gaze staring at him.

The owner of the hateful eyes was Qin Laoshi, who was cuckolded by Yi Zhonghai. In order to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai, he waited silently for three years.

I wanted to fight Yi Zhonghai today, but I saw Yi Zhonghai being taken away in handcuffs.

He spat at Yi Zhonghai's back, cursed a few words, turned around and went home.


Second canteen.

Silly Zhu is about to kneel down to Liu Lan.

As soon as there was news from the other side of the courtyard, Liu Lan learned about it very quickly and told everyone in the second cafeteria about it.

The deaf old lady was arrested and something was found in her home.

Yi Zhonghai was also arrested by those people because he and the deaf old lady had been together for many years.

They were all taken to the precinct.

Li Huaide also followed.

Silly Zhu became the focus of everyone in the second cafeteria.

The workers all know that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady teamed up to plot against Silly Zhu. They also know that Silly Zhu's resistance to the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai began in 1960.

He Daqing followed the widow to live in Baocheng in December 1950.

Sha Zhu brought Yu Yu to find He Daqing but failed. When he returned to the courtyard, he was plotted by Yi Zhonghai. With some small favors, he created a good character for Sha Zhu.

All the neighbors in the courtyard can testify.

Silly Zhu also reciprocated the attention Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady paid to him, calling each one "grandpa" and "grandma".

The deaf old lady also calls Silly Zhu her eldest grandson.

The dishes that Silly Zhu brought back from the banquet went into the mouth of the deaf old lady.

This is a fact, and Silly Zhu cannot be tolerated to say no.

Some things really don't matter what you say, it depends on what others mean.

Feeling the attention of everyone, Shazhu's heart was also in a state of confusion. The situation was becoming increasingly unclear. According to the script, he became the Jia family's bastard, helping the Jia family and helping Yi Zhonghai and Yi Zhonghai. Kouzi took care of himself until the end of his life, and even wore sackcloth and mourning for the deaf old lady. After reading the script, he felt that he wanted to change his destiny. Silly Zhu alienated the relationship with the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai and his wife. With the help of the street director Next, I married Li Xiuzhi as my wife and made friends with Xu Damao. I thought I could safely avoid the heavy rain and wind.

But he didn't expect that the deaf old lady would find those things in her home, and the deaf old lady would be arrested by the police station. The culprit was Yi Zhonghai, who accidentally stepped on Li Huaide's trap.

How to do?
How to clear up the relationship with the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

How can we make those people believe that they were calculated against those things that happened 60 years ago?

Inside the brain.

No thought at all.

He is not alone, he has a wife and children. (End of chapter)

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