Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 484: Questioning Silly Zhu and interrogating the deaf old lady

Silly Zhu doesn't think about himself, he also has to think about his wife and children. He also has a girl like He Yuyu. After graduating from college, I don't know which unit this girl went to work in, but I also know that this unit is good. I guess it is a confidential unit. Compared with Silly Zhu is much better at the steel rolling mill, and he will definitely be a cadre in the future. Now it's revealed that he took care of the deaf old lady Dieter and Dieter's accomplice Yi Zhonghai, which implicated He Yueyue, which will cause trouble.

Suddenly I no longer have the inclination to cook.

He threw the kitchen knife in his hand on the chopping board.

He sat down on the stool.

A dejected look.

The people in the second cafeteria didn’t know how to comfort him. They said that Shazhu was fine. What if something happened to Shazhu? What if something happened to Shazhu? What if something happened to Shazhu?

They are also worried that Silly Zhu's incident will affect them, after all, they have worked together for so many years.

None of them make any noise.

Ma Hua was still honest and not as smooth as Fatty. Seeing that Sha Zhu was in a bad mood, he reached out and handed Sha Zhu's big teapot to Sha Zhu.

"Master, drink water."

Silly Zhu glanced at Ma Hua.

He didn't accept the big teapot handed over by MCA, nor did he say anything.

All are not fools.

Everyone knows what it means.

The atmosphere also fell into weirdness.


There is no wall in the world without ventilation.

The security department went to the courtyard to arrest the deaf old lady with great fanfare, and took the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai back in public. Everyone had mouths under their noses.

Just ask.

Then you know what happened.

The deaf old lady in the courtyard house at No. 95 Nanluogu Lane was arrested. The security department found a lot of yellow and white things from the deaf old lady's house, as well as things that Dieter only had in the movie, and even found a memorial tablet.

The fact that the deaf old lady was Dieter was instantly confirmed.

Along with it.

There was also the matter of Yi Zhonghai, who took care of the deaf old lady, who was also arrested.

Hot discussions abound.

As a neighbor who lives in the same Hongxing Street, people outside know more or less about the dirty things in No. 95 Courtyard. The deaf old lady is a destitute, and if Yi Zhonghai hadn't exposed the fact that Qin Huairu is his daughter, he would have In order to avoid being eaten by others, the old and young poor families hug each other to keep warm, and plan to provide for each other in their old age.

The deaf old lady chose Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai chose Jia Dongxu. For the sake of safety, he also listed Sha Zhu as a spare tire. He brainwashed Sha Zhu in every way and turned Sha Zhu into a stupid young man. This continues. In 60 years, Shazhu married his daughter-in-law Li Xiuzhi.

He really didn't like what the deaf old lady did. She kept saying that she was the ancestor of the compound all the time, and she acted like a big shot in the courtyard just to get a bite of food and drink.

No one can improve their lives without giving the deaf old lady the end.

It's just disrespectful.

It violated the will of the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai will teach people.

Good guy.

None of it is fun.

Think about it.

If it was a good idea, he could cause trouble to the neighbors in the courtyard like this.

They were all complaining about the two of them to add insult to injury.

These gossips slowly spread to the streets.

When such a big thing happened in the jurisdiction, the street director was the first to bear the brunt. Li Xiuzhi also had a hard time. She was a clerk in the street and lived in a courtyard. Moreover, Si Zhu was constantly involved with the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai 60 years ago. Everyone knew that the three of them were involved. People are regarded as the royal thugs of Yi and Deaf. Even if Li Xiuzhi married into a courtyard 60 years later, she would still eat some fruits.

She handed over the work she was doing and no longer held any position in the street. She also told Wang Hongxia some things about the couple, Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

Wang Hongxia said nothing.

I know what the situation is now.

With a sigh, Li Xiuzhi returned to the courtyard first.

Taking heavy steps.

Off the street.

At the street door, she suddenly stopped, turned her head, and stared blankly at the things in front of her. Over the past four or five years, she had put a lot of effort into it.


All turned into useless work.


Silly Zhu was called to the security department.

The person who gave the order is said to be Li Huaide.

Some people are watching Sha Zhu's good show, some people are worried for Sha Zhu, and some people are running around for Sha Zhu, such as Xu Damao. Hearing that Sha Zhu was caught in the security department, Turtle Sun was as anxious as if his house was on fire. Well, I was in a hurry. I left the steel rolling mill directly and ran home to find my father to make up his mind.

The remaining people are all waiting for the follow-up of the matter.

Relying on Li Huaide as her backer, Liu Lan went to the Security Department to inquire about information. Quegenxian followed Liu Lan.

The two of them propped up their ears and listened to what was going on inside.

Silly Zhu's intermittent voice penetrated the wall and penetrated into their ears.

"Everyone in the neighborhood knows what happened with Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady. At that time, I was sixteen years old and my sister was six years old. Our old man ran away with the widow and went to Baocheng. Yu Yu couldn't stop crying and insisted. Dad, some neighbors in the courtyard, the Jia family and the Jia Zhang family, told Yuyu that Dad didn't want us as brothers and sisters. I was about to go to Baocheng at that time, but Yi Zhonghai stopped me, bought me a ticket, and wrote a letter of introduction... "

On the way here.

I have already thought of a countermeasure in my mind.

Don't think about yourself.

We also have to think about Yu Yu and Li Xiuzhi.

Now he is not in a situation where one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry.

Starting from the year when He Daqing ran away with the widow, he told in detail how Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady plotted against Silly Zhu, and how after He Daqing ran away, he took the rainwater to Baoding. The city, how it was blocked by the White Widow, was all told.

When the atmosphere was about the same, Shazhu suddenly talked about Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady's plan against him.

Strictly speaking. Silly Zhu is also a victim of this incident.

"Yi Zhonghai told me that the neighbors in the hospital wanted to occupy our house, so I had to stand up. He told me how to stand up, which was to fight. He asked me to arrest those people in the hospital and beat them to death. , when something went wrong, he helped to deal with it. The deaf old lady also said the same thing. She said that among all the neighbors in the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai was the only one who treated me well. Others were watching my jokes. I listened to Yi Zhonghai and I beat the deaf old lady a few times, and gradually, I obeyed what Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady said. "

"How do you explain the lunch box thing?"

"Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady said they were kind to me. I was relatively young and didn't think about the problem comprehensively. I believed them. The money I earned from private work and the food and drinks given to me by my employer were all given to the deaf old lady. "Yi Zhonghai said that the neighbors in a compound should respect the elderly and care for the young. I didn't think about it elsewhere and believed their lies."

Silly Zhu told these contents.

a theme.

He was deceived by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady.

Don't say that.

He probably followed in those people's footsteps.

"Did Yi Zhonghai find a wife for you?"

Silly Zhu's face.

Anger arose.

If he hadn't met a matchmaker on the way, he wouldn't have thought that Yi Zhonghai would ruin his blind date and reveal Matchmaker Liu's name.

"We made several arrangements. They were fine at first, saying they wanted to date me, but then turned around and refused to admit it. Yi Zhonghai told me that he didn't like me, that he disliked me for supporting my sister, and that Rainwater was a drag on me. Later I found out that it was Yi Zhonghai who was behind this. He went to tell people at night and labeled me for everything, including beating people, being reckless, not cleaning up the house, etc. He also used me to support the deaf. The old lady and Qin Huairu talked about this matter. After I learned about it, I gave Yi Zhonghai a good beating. Our two families stopped interacting with each other. What followed was my marrying a daughter-in-law. After marrying my daughter-in-law, I did not talk to them. We had contacts and had several conflicts, as the neighbors can all testify..."

"Be specific."

"Zhao Yuxia from the garment factory, Zheng Sanmei from the meat factory, Li Lixia from the slaughterhouse, Wang Hong from the supply and marketing cooperative, and Yi Zhonghai either said bad things about me to them or their parents that night. "

Silly Zhu remembered that there were also things involving Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang.

"After listening to Yi Zhonghai's words, several of the girls' parents felt that Yi Zhonghai's words were not credible. They went to our courtyard to inquire. Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu met. Like Yi Zhonghai, they also said a lot about me. Bad words, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jia family are not here for retirement, but for the house. I heard Bang Gang say this, saying that when he grows up, he will get married in my current private house, and he will also work in my steel rolling mill. "

"Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang?"

"After I got married, Qin Huairu conspired with Yi Zhonghai and Jia Zhang to destroy my marriage. They said they would get me drunk. Qin Huairu got under my bed and made me speechless. I had to divorce Qin Huairu and marry her. Great joke. Because of this incident, Qin Huairu went to find Banggan and disappeared. As for Jia Zhang, after returning from prison, she was sent back to her hometown by the street. "

"Do you know the details of the deaf old lady?"

"I don't know. If I knew she was Dieter, I would have caught her out a long time ago. I cooked for the deaf old lady. The reason I just mentioned was all arranged by Yi Zhonghai from our courtyard. He looks like a gentleman, but in fact I'm full of tricks, I was deceived by the two of them, you think, I am a five-guarantee household, and I am supported by the steward, I really don't think about other places. "


When Li Xiuzhi returned to the courtyard, the neighbors were chatting incessantly. The content of the discussion was apparently about the arrest of the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

Saw Li Xiuzhi.

There was a crash.

They gathered around.

The neighbors all believed in what Li Xiuzhi did when she married into the courtyard house, and because Li Xiuzhi was a clerk in the street, they subconsciously regarded her as their backbone.

Surrounded by Li Xiuzhi, everyone started talking.

"Xiuzhi, something happened in our courtyard. You know, that old deaf lady in the backyard. She was arrested today, and a lot of things were found in her house. There was a sign in it, and I could see it clearly. It said something like "Sichuan how" "Island how" and so on, which scared me to death. "

"Just now, we neighbors were muttering that the deaf old lady is not a good person, and Yi Zhonghai is also a bastard. Because of Yi Zhonghai, every household in the neighborhood helped the deaf old lady. Do you think this will affect us? ? By the way, there is also the matter of your Silly Zhu, who was often deceived by Yi Zhonghai and took care of the immortal deaf old lady as a treasure. "

"When you didn't come back, we thought about a way. We should write a statement to explain our situation clearly at that time. We can't just be so unclear."

Li Xiuzhi comforted them casually.

Walking towards his home.

The neighbors who were all grumbling one second felt much better the next.

Think about them.

Thinking about Silly Pillar.

He was really tricked by Yi Zhonghai.


The deaf old lady confessed.

The main theme is to tell the truth.

What did people ask, what did she answer, what was her real name, in what capacity did she move into the courtyard, and who helped the deaf old lady go through these procedures in the first place.

Nothing was hidden.

The things in the house, including yellow and white items, communication equipment, weapons and tablets, were all explained clearly.

When mentioning Yi Zhonghai.

The deaf old lady hesitated for a moment, and then clarified her relationship with Yi Zhonghai, saying that Yi Zhonghai didn't know her true identity at all, and that she had deceived Yi Zhonghai with those yellow and white things.

The meaning behind the words.

Yi Zhonghai is innocent and innocent.

It was because of retirement that the two of them came together.

Whatever happens and whatever the consequences are, she, the deaf old lady, will bear them all by herself.

But her hesitation made the person opposite her a little suspicious, and the pen in her hand drew a circle on the three characters Yi Zhonghai.

After explaining the situation of Yizhonghai.

The deaf old lady suddenly took a step back and asked those people when they would shoot her.

The person sitting opposite her frowned slightly, turned his attention to the deaf old lady, and then asked about Silly Zhu.

The deaf old lady's face was full of mixed emotions. She didn't know whether she felt sorry for Silly Zhu, or she felt a bit remorseful when she was about to die. She sighed first, and then spoke about her relationship with him in a tone similar to atonement. Silly Zhu’s past.

"Si Zhuzhu is a poor man. He has been living in calculations. My calculations against him, Yi Zhonghai's calculations against him..."

It started with He Daqing running to Baocheng with his widow, and Sha Zhu taking Yu Yu to find He Daqing. He talked about the process of plotting against Sha Zhu with Yi Zhonghai, and how they tricked Sha Zhu into listening to them, including lunch boxes and money. Filial piety to them, and then told the things they did to brainwash Sha Zhu, how to ruin Sha Zhu's blind date, and how to hold Sha Zhu in their hands.

Li Xiuzhi is also mentioned here.

Frankly speaking, Li Xiuzhi was an accident. According to the calculations of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady, Shazhu had no wife before he was forty years old, and after he was forty years old, he could only marry Huan's widow.

Use desperate households to create desperate households.

After Qin Huairu became a widow, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai tried several times, but not only did they not succeed, they also made Sha Zhu hate them even more, and in the end they never had any contact with them.

Because of this incident, the deaf old lady was extremely resentful of Silly Zhu and Li Xiuzhi, and planned to use Qin Huairu to destroy their marriage. In the end, because of Qin Huairu's mysterious disappearance, the matter fell into nothing. (End of chapter)

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