Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 485 The deaf old lady dies, years later

After explaining the situation, the deaf old lady was taken out of the interrogation room, and then Yi Zhonghai was brought in. He sat in the seat where his ancestors had previously sat in the courtyard.

Because Yi Zhonghai had the false reputation of taking the initiative to take care of the deaf old lady.

The interrogators were relatively polite to Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai himself is also a well-behaved master. After entering the interrogation room, without waiting for anyone to ask, he poured beans out of a bamboo tube and explained the things that happened between him and the deaf old lady.

"I lived together with the deaf old lady. I saw that the deaf old lady was a helpless old lady, so I felt pity for her, so I extended my hand. I really didn't think about which river or island the deaf old lady was. So did I. A native of the country, if I had known what kind of person the deaf old lady was, I would have brought her to our office."

He also used the fact that he took the security department to the courtyard today to deal with the deaf old lady as evidence.

"The deaf old lady was arrested, and I took people to arrest her in the courtyard. In my opinion, this incident is purely because I, Yi Zhonghai, did this..."

I felt a little lucky in my heart. Fortunately, I was forced to go there today and gained a good reputation for taking the initiative to expose and report. Otherwise, Yi Zhonghai would not be able to reap the benefits at all.

Then I thought about it.

This might not be an opportunity for him to take revenge on Silly Pillar.

Unlike the deaf old lady, the deaf old lady suddenly had an epiphany, maybe when she was about to die, and felt sorry for Sha Zhu. She told the truth about her conspiracy with Yi Zhonghai to plot against Sha Zhu, which proved Sha Zhu's innocence.

However, Yi Zhonghai took advantage of this incident and added insult to injury by holding the shit basin for Sha Zhu, saying that maybe Sha Zhu knew the inside story about this matter.

Let’s make a big deal out of the fact that Silly Zhu and the deaf old lady were married to each other.

"I know I have a bad reputation in the steel rolling mill, but on this matter, if you lend me a hundred courages, I won't dare to fool you with lies. Whether you believe it or not, I will say this."

There was infinite sincerity on his face.

The light of the moral sage.

Shining on the earth.

"After He Daqing ran away with the widow, Silly Zhu started to interact with the deaf old lady in the backyard. He called the deaf old lady one after another. The deaf old lady also called Silly Zhu grandson. If you don't believe it, you can go to the courtyard. Ask, the neighbors all know about this. If it weren’t for the deaf old lady’s protection, Silly Zhu would have been wiped out. But it’s not that I, Yi Zhonghai, can’t bear to see Silly Zhu, so I’m labeling Silly Zhu. Starting from the 60s, Silly Zhu. Zhu stopped interacting with the deaf old lady. I suspect this is a strategy to deliberately deceive my mother..."

Yi Zhonghai made up a story that concealed the truth and came out, saying that the reason why Silly Zhu and the deaf old lady did not interact with each other, or even until old age, was that the deaf old lady was most likely worried about the failure, which would implicate Silly Zhu and delay the deaf old lady's retirement. In the final plan, no one paid tribute to the deaf old lady, and deliberately did not interact with Silly Zhu.

The meaning behind the words.

The deaf old lady is Dieter, and the silly column is Dieter's accomplice.

The interrogator did not express an opinion, but put the information that Yi Zhonghai had confessed onto a piece of paper and gave it to Yi Zhonghai to look at. After confirming that it was correct, the hypocrite wrote his name, Yi Zhonghai, on it.

The sensational case of the deaf old lady Dieter.

It ends here.

The ancestor of the courtyard was shot and died a few days later.

Yi Zhonghai led someone to arrest the deaf old lady, and the deaf old lady tried her best to distance herself from Yi Zhonghai during the interrogation process.

The merits and demerits were balanced, and he became the nominal captain of the steel rolling mill but was not specifically responsible for anything. One day, he was attacked by Qin Laoshi and broke an arm. His career as a fitter was completely ruined.

Silly Zhu, who was severely stabbed in the back by Yi Zhonghai through this incident, resigned from his position as monitor of the second cafeteria of the steel rolling mill and worked as a custodian in the warehouse of the steel rolling mill.

Li Xiuzhi resigned from the street and became a housewife who was not a housewife.


Ten years.

Passed by.

Things and people in the courtyard are different.

Rolling mills are also subject to changes in personnel.

Li Huaide, who has been in control of the steel rolling mill for ten years, suddenly resigned from his position as director some time ago and his whereabouts are unknown. Some say that Li Huaide took a step forward. Some say that Li Huaide did many wrong things during his tenure and ran away because he was worried about being liquidated. , no matter what, Li Huaide is no longer there, and the mountains that weighed on the shoulders of the steel rolling mill workers have disappeared.

This is one thing.

Second thing.

Yang Weimin, who had been engaged in factory sanitation in the steel rolling mill for ten years, was reinstated overnight and became a high-profile figure in the steel rolling mill, presiding over the overall work of the steel rolling mill.

The first thing he did after his resettlement was to promote Si Zhu, who had been a custodian at the scrap warehouse of the steel rolling mill for ten years, to the director of ten canteens.

Silly Zhu didn't hear the broadcast. It was Liu Lan who went to the scrap warehouse to tell Silly Zhu about it. Only then did Silly Zhu remember that he had been living in this place for more than 3,600 days.

Dealing with scraps all day long.

I was a little dazed for a while.

He froze stupidly and looked at the things in the warehouse with complicated eyes.

Seeing Sha Zhu's appearance, Liu Lan took Sha Zhu's hand and was about to go to the cafeteria.

Silly Zhu knows what Liu Lan is thinking. When Li Huaide was the director, Liu Lan's life was pretty good with Li Huaide as his back. However, Li Huaide is gone and the person in the upper position is Li Huaide's enemy. He is worried about being tricked. Silly Zhu At this time, he became the director of the cafeteria, and the two had worked together for many years, so he placed his money on Shazhu.

I can't guarantee anything else. Silly Zhu can still make Liu Lan stay in the second cafeteria without any worries. He said a few words to Liu Lan, which made Liu Lan burst into tears.

If Si Zhu's promotion is a good thing, then Yi Zhonghai is a bad thing.

Although Yi Zhonghai is the only person in the Steel Rolling Mill Employee Inspection Brigade and he also holds the title of captain, this is because this is a position specially set up by Li Huaide for Yi Zhonghai.

Li Huaide is here.

Yi Zhonghai looks like a dog.

Li Huaide is not here.

Yi Zhonghai also had a hard time.

He had his arm broken and one leg was lame, so naturally he couldn't do his job as a fitter.

under various factors.

He became the person in charge of the toilet in the steel rolling mill, and the captain and team member also worked together.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together.

After getting off work, Sha Zhu, who was the director, and Yi Zhonghai, who was the toilet head, bumped into each other at the factory gate. Yi Zhonghai blushed and wanted to say a few words to Sha Zhu. Ignoring him, he rode his bicycle towards the courtyard, annoyed when he saw Yi Zhonghai.

There is no wall in the world without ventilation.

In the incident of the deaf old lady Dieter, Yi Zhonghai deliberately slapped a hat on Sha Zhu's head. In the past ten years, it has more or less reached Sha Zhu's ears.

There is no need to save face for Yi Zhonghai.

A cripple.

See when he gets unlucky.

Someone will take revenge on Yi Zhonghai.

During his ten years as captain, Yi Zhonghai, even though he was aware of Liu Haizhong's experience and lessons, still made some of Liu Haizhong's mistakes and attacked certain people. Some were instructed by Li Huaide, and some were purely Yi Zhonghai's own initiative.

on the way home.

There were cheering crowds everywhere, and many people were carrying either four fish, four chickens and ducks, or four boxes of snacks.

A smile spread across his face.

Silly Zhu also heard the sound of firecrackers.

Regardless of whether you know each other or not, you have to say hello when you meet. Silly Zhu is equivalent to saying hello all the way back to the courtyard from the steel rolling mill. As soon as the person stood still, Yan Fugui walked out of it with a smile, holding a dustpan in his hand. , there is some garbage and other dirt inside.

"Third uncle, have you married a new wife?"

Silly Zhu joked, guessing that Yan Fugui was up to something good.

It was a joke on purpose.

"Is it possible or not?"

"Silly Zhu, what are you talking about? The third uncle has taken care of your children's schooling."

"Becoming a team leader?"

Yan Fugui nodded. He, a veteran who had been cleaning the campus for ten years, could stand on the podium again and explain textbooks to students, and he also became the leader of the grade group.

Just announced today.

Except this thing.

The old girls who went to the countryside also got on the train back to the city and came back today.

Silly Zhu said a few words of congratulations, and then pushed his bicycle towards the middle courtyard under Yan Fugui's attention.

He locked his bicycle and carried his satchel into his house.

Li Xiuzhi is cleaning the house.

The little girl had a rope tied around her body and was sitting on the bed alone, playing with toys.

Two daughters and two sons. In the past ten years, Li Xiuzhi gave birth to four children to Shazhu, the eldest daughter, He Xianghong, the second son, He Jianguo, the third son, He Jianshe, and the fourth daughter, He Xiaohong.

Liu Yufeng gave birth to a daughter to Xu Damao, and together with the son in front of her, the turtle grandson could be regarded as having both sons and daughters in his life, and he did not have to be a destitute family as described in the script.

Xu Damao never forgets that he wants to marry Sha Zhu and marry him.

He was cruelly rejected by Silly Zhu.

The son of the Xu family is not worthy of the daughter of the old He family.

After teasing his daughter for a while, Shazhu washed his hands and made dinner.

Four dishes and one soup.

It's not just Shazhu's family who eats like this. Every household in the neighborhood has such a rich meal. The only family who eats Bangzi Noodles and Steamed Buns is probably Yi Zhonghai.

Who made Yi Zhonghai promoted to toilet head today?


Had dinner.

Neighbors gathered in the yard in groups of three or four.

Since most of the people are employees of the steel rolling mill, they all know that Sha Zhu has become the director. During the chat, they looked at Sha Zhu from time to time. Some people moved directly to Sha Zhu and squatted in front of him. On the ground, there was a quarrel with Shazhu, and Shazhu also echoed the neighbors word by word.

Li Xiuzhi, who was washing dishes and chopsticks in the house, listened to these contents.

I was a little dazed for a while.

Shazhu became the leader?

Only they knew what kind of life they had lived in these years, and they were really worried, lest someone make a big fuss out of the deaf old lady's incident.

Keep the clouds clear.

Finally have a good life.

Not deaf.

I heard what the neighbors said about Yi Zhonghai.

Hypocrites become toilet heads.

Deserve it.


Yi Zhonghai was in a very uncomfortable mood. He saw the neighbors improving their lives and heard their complaints. There was nothing he could do.

Today it is today.

Still regretting the deaf old lady thing.

A sigh came from his mouth.

On the way back, I heard someone talk about some of the current events, which scared Yi Zhonghai to the point where he almost peed his pants. Li Huaide even ran away, not to mention this little guy who Li Huaide didn't value.

If I had used my brain more at that time, such a thing would not have happened.

One wrong move.

Step by step.

It's too late to regret.


Xu Damao sneaked from the backyard to Silhu.

No words were spoken.

He threw a large filter cigarette to Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu caught it, pinned it to his ears, and winked at Xu Damao.

Xu Damao nodded slightly.

Silly Zhu stood up and walked outside. The excuse he gave was that he was going to the toilet outside.

Xu Damao also followed behind Silly Zhu under the guise of urinary escape.

We found a secluded corner on the street and talked about things.

"I heard from our daughter-in-law that the street came to see my sister-in-law today."

"I'll go back and talk to her."

"You know about Yi Zhonghai, right?"

Silly Zhu stared at Xu Damao.

Turtle Sun mentioned Yi Zhonghai unclearly.

Isn't this a hypocrite trying to make trouble again?

This will cause trouble.

But no one gave him the so-called captain's face anymore.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists.

In the past ten years, the person he guarded the most was Yi Zhonghai.

"what happened?"

"I also heard from people that after Yi Zhonghai was masturbated today, the hypocrite was worried about being ostracized by the neighbors in the courtyard and wanted to apologize to the neighbors."

Silly Zhu sneered.

Think of good things.

Do you really think that a few words of a painless apology can free Yi Zhonghai from the blood debt?
The hypocrite thinks too well.

Someone took action against Yi Zhonghai, and Silly Zhu didn't mind adding fuel to the fire.


"Dad, are we really going back?"

The second aunt looked at the excited bangs with a melancholy look.

Although the current situation has greatly eased, the things Liu Haizhong did in the past are all blood debts that cannot be recovered.

What's more, there is a hypocrite named Yi Zhonghai in the courtyard.

Neighbors for so many years.

He knew very well who Yi Zhonghai was.

The hatred of a broken leg.

Definitely report it.

Going back is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

Liu Haizhong waved his hand nonchalantly. He didn't just make a decision casually because his head was hot. An apprentice from the steel rolling mill had already told him about Yi Zhonghai's situation.

Yi Zhonghai is no longer the captain, he is now a toilet worker.



A hard slap.

He slapped Yan Jiedai on the face.

The one who takes action.

It's Yan Fugui.

The appearance of the old girl did not bring joy to the Yan family, but instead made Yan Fugui's originally excited heart become dead.

Yan Jiedai, who is 21 years old this year, went alone and came back as two people.

Becoming a mother.

According to those who were in the same batch as Yan Jiedi, Yan Jiedi was attracted by a local bad boy as soon as he arrived. Since he was the captain and had the right to assign tasks and tools, he would not agree to hand over to him. My friend Yan Jiadi attacked her in all aspects. A little girl with nothing to do with Shen Chengfu, and her family was full of scheming. She finally fell down, got married to that bad boy, and gave birth to a daughter after the marriage.

This girl is now in Yan Jiedi's arms. (End of chapter)

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