
Be happy.

It's just that for the Yan family at this time, everything in front of them really can't make them happy.

When she left, Yan Jiedi was still a little girl. When she came back, she not only transformed into a woman, but also held a little girl in her arms.

No matter how bright her eyes and teeth are, she is still a wild child in the hearts of the Yan family, not to mention that the little girl is far from being able to catch a glimpse.

Perhaps due to the preference for boys over girls, the little girl has a skinny figure and a sallow complexion. She looks malnourished at first glance. Her hair is as messy as a broom, her clothes are ill-fitting, and her toes are exposed in her cloth shoes.

Naturally, he couldn't make the Yan family feel pity for him.

In particular, Yan Fugui is the kind of person who is extremely calculating and has to pay for his own son's meals. He will definitely not feed other people's children in vain.

Yan Jiadi's marriage had already been planned in his mind, and how much dowry money he would receive.

All have children.

How to collect the gift money?

In addition to not being able to get married, Yan's family's financial resources will also be wasted.

Unless you are marrying one of those widowers.

This is embarrassing for him.

The Yan family is a scholarly family in the courtyard.

Yan Fugui, who was trembling with anger, raised his hand and slapped Yan Jiedian's face fiercely with a big slap, which was hit hard by him with twelve points of force.

After a snapping sound, a red and swollen five-finger mark appeared on Yan Jiedian's face.

The child started to cry, and Yan Jiedai, who didn't care about the pain, coaxed the child in his arms. After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body, and maternal love overflowed.

The third aunt walked towards Yan Jiedai with tears in her eyes, wanting to hug her child.

Yan Fugui pulled her aside.

"Why bother with her? Our old Yan family has been completely embarrassed by her."

His hand slapped his cheek.

There was a lot of yelling.

"Is this still my face? This is my butt."

"Blame me?" Yan Jiedi also shouted, with a look of sorrow and indignation on his face, "The quota for going to the countryside was obviously for my third brother. You insist that my third brother can earn money for the family by doing odd jobs, so you want me to go to the countryside. I even knelt down for you, but you were unmoved. I am a sixteen-year-old child. What do I know? I am going so far away. I am alone. There are wolves in the mountains. It takes strength to work. I am a woman. What do I rely on, kid? It’s you, Yan Fugui, who forced me to this point. You say I’m embarrassed, am I the one who’s embarrassed the Yan family?”

Yan Jiediai vomited his bitterness.

He told the Yan family in person that they needed food money to eat, water money to drink, and rent money to live in.

Especially that radio, you have to pay for the wear and tear of the radio when you listen to it.

Yan Fugui's face was burning, and the three brothers of the Yan family were each troubled and speechless. Yan Jiekuang was the worst, and he was the initiator of Yan Jiekuang's unbearable fate.

After complaining about the Yan family, Yan Jiedai hugged the child and bumped his head against the wooden pillar next to him.


The third aunt fainted instantly.

Yan Fugui was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

The three brothers of the Yan family also looked stunned.

It was Yu Li who was reliable. She rushed to Yan Jiedai, pinched him, and shouted. Some neighbors who were watching the excitement gathered around and set up carts.

It's important to save people.

Yan Jiedi slowly woke up, looked around at the neighbors present, a wry smile appeared on her face, she said "I won't be part of Yan's family in the next life" and fainted again.


When Silly Zhu returned to the courtyard, he was mysteriously surrounded by the neighbors. The expressions on their faces were a bit cautious to please.

He frowned slightly.

The main reason is that I don’t know what kind of medicine these people are selling in their gourds.

First-class people are not good people.

He moved his mouth to ask a few questions, but before the words came out, someone took the initiative to explain the situation.

Different from what Sha Zhu thought, it was not to know about Yan Jiedai, but a huge happy event happened to the He family. His biological sister who had mysteriously disappeared for ten years, He Yuyu, suddenly appeared today. , I heard that in addition to He Yueyue, there was also a man about the same age as Yuyu, who was guessed to be He Yueyue's husband.

In the past ten years, where He Yuyu has gone has been regarded as the most mysterious incident in the courtyard. A few years ago, some people made a big fuss about this matter, taking the opportunity to liquidate Silly Pillar.

In the end it was settled.

Silly Zhu also wanted to know what He Yuyu was doing these years, whether he was growing mushrooms.

He muttered a few perfunctory words to the neighbors, squeezed out of the crowd, and ran towards the central courtyard in three steps and two steps at a time. He was so excited that he eventually turned into a sprint.

The moment I entered the middle courtyard, I felt that I was the head of a certain family. When I ran, I seemed a bit unsteady. I suppressed the excitement in my heart, deliberately slowed down my pace, and walked slowly towards my home, with my hands still behind my back. behind.

When I walked to the door of my house.


Step through the door.

There were also a few self-concealing words in his mouth.

"It's really a crime. What's going on? When Yan Jiekuang went to the countryside, he had to let Yan Jiekuang go. He was a child from a little girl's family. What do you know? Now it's better. When he went there, he was alone. When he came back, he was a different person. As two people, Yan Fugui's calculations, and Yan Jiedai's betrothal gift money, all went to waste. When they arrived at the hospital, they had no food in their stomachs, their bodies were weak, and they didn't have much strength. Otherwise, it would be really bad. The fate of death and death is a crime, Yan Jiekuang's partner has fallen out with Yan Jiekuang, and Yu Li has to separate and live alone. "

"Master, look who's back?"

Li Xiuzhi had already seen through Silly Zhu's little thoughts.

But it didn't break it.

In the past ten years, when the couple had nothing to do at night, they would also talk about topics related to He Yuyu, what He Yuyu was doing now, where he was, whether he was married, etc.

I know that Shazhu cares about his sister.

"The rain is back today."

"Yu Yu?" Sha Zhu looked past Li Xiuzhi and landed on He Yu Yu. "Our college student is back?"

Silly column maintained a calm.

The head of the family.

There can be no chaos.

But He Yueyue couldn't. She also missed her brother. Looking back, it was Shazhu who raised her from the age of six to an adult and provided He Yueyue with education. In the end, He Yueyue became a college student and became the pride of the courtyard.

Without Shazhu's responsibility, He Yuyu wouldn't be where he is today.

Unable to maintain her composure any longer, she flew over like a little swallow and threw herself into Shazhu's arms, with her tears falling.


"Yu Yu, stop crying, you're a big girl. What are you crying like? Are you still married or not? If you don't marry, I still have to wear my clothes. They are all wet with your tears."

A joke.

Liven up the atmosphere in the room.

He Yuyu gradually let go of Shazhu, wiped the tears on his face with his hand, and called brother.

Silly Zhu responded and looked at He Yuyu, making a sound of "um" in his mouth.

"Yes, I haven't seen you in ten years. It's good. Just take care of yourself when you are away from home. You don't have to worry about home." He turned to look at the man who had stood up from the stool since Silly Zhu walked in, with an unconfident expression on his face. man.

He has an upright appearance, thick eyebrows and big eyes, which matches He Yuyu very well.

He is about in his early thirties and about 1.78 meters tall, a little taller than Shazhu.

Although the clothes on his body were casual clothes, Shazhu still noticed a bit of a soldier in the other person's body.

He Yuyu became a military wife.

it is good.


"Brother, my name is Zhou Jianjun, and I am Yu Yu's lover."

The content of the speech is relatively strong.

Give people a sense of claiming sovereignty.

But the tone of his words smacked of a guilty conscience.

If you look carefully at his face, you will find a slight uneasiness.

"Zhou Jianjun, hello, I'm He Yuzhu, sit down." Silly Zhu waved his hand to Zhou Jianjun to sit down. He understood that Zhou Jianjun was uneasy when a new son-in-law came to the door. They are both men, so don't make things difficult for each other. "It's about the two of you. , I agree, you can't stay alone for ten years. You took care of Yuyu for me, which is good. Yuyu brought you home and she recognized you. When did you two get married? Didn’t come back with you?”

"Brother, Yu Yu and I don't have children."

The atmosphere instantly became extremely tense.

Silly Zhu looked serious.

Li Xiuzhi looked serious.

I don’t know if it’s because there are two extinct families in the courtyard. When the Silly Zhu couple heard that they had no children, they would subconsciously feel a little depressed.

The things that Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady did in the courtyard to avoid being exterminated are still vivid in my mind. Even though the deaf old lady has been dead for ten years, all the eight or nine-year-old children in the courtyard know her, and Yi Zhonghai, because After retirement, he became a cripple with a lame leg and a broken arm.

Miserable old.

People in the hospital are now waiting to see when Yi Zhonghai will die.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you looking like this?" He Yuyu said, "We are too busy with work and have no time to have children. It's not that we don't have children. We have been married for more than three years and have been married for four years."

she said so.

Silly Zhu couple's hearts.

Only then did he relax completely.

Co-authorship is such a situation.

The couple thought too much.

They glanced at each other and laughed.

Laughing and explaining.

"Yu Yu, I really don't blame your brother and sister-in-law for thinking about things in our courtyard. You also know that the old one has a deaf old lady, and the young one has Yi Zhonghai. My sister-in-law and your brother are really afraid of being plotted. They can't guard against it. You are not here In the past few years, he has never given up, but he is not planning to support us in his old age, he is planning to die with us. "

"Is that the cripple?" Zhou Jianjun said, "When you came in just now, you greeted me and said a few words. I felt like he was too saintly."

"Don't listen to what I'm telling you." Silly Zhu said: "No one in the hospital is paying attention to him now. He looks like a true king of morality every day, but in fact he is full of bad things."

"He said this is a civilized and advanced courtyard house, and asked me who he was. He also said that he respects the old and loves the young, and said that the reputation should not be ruined. He said that he is the steward of the courtyard house and has done a lot for the neighbors."

"Shit, everything he does is for the Jia family and Qin Huairu."

"Is the Jia family no longer living in our courtyard?"

He Yuyu interrupted.

Asked about Qin Huairu.

When I entered the hospital just now, I glanced in the direction of Jia's house. I didn't see Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, or Bangge. Moreover, there were several unknown people living in the Jia's house.

"Jia Zhang was imprisoned for three years for lulling her into stealing. When she was released, she was sent back to her hometown in the countryside. There is no Jia family in our hospital because Qin Huairu never gave up and was forced to remarry. Yi Zhonghai played tricks. The trick was played on Banggeng’s head and he was made to run away from home. Banggeng was gone. Qin Huairu went to look for him, but he was also gone.”

He Yuyu sighed for a while.

When she was studying.

The Jia family is the source of civil strife in the courtyard.

There is a saying that the Jia family has the final say whether the courtyard is in chaos or not. Even He Yuyu has suffered from the Jia and Zhang family.

Such a great family.


It’s also a good thing for the neighbors.

She turned and asked the deaf old lady.

"That old lady in the backyard?"

"You've been dead for so many years." Li Xiuzhi suddenly thought of something and said something to He Yuyu, "That old lady, it's a shame your brother doesn't associate with her anymore, otherwise your brother would have to go in. I guess not yet. come out."

"what happened?"

He Yuyu looked confused.


In her mind, she was a wicked man who was shamelessly scheming to support his old age.

Is there something else going on?

Interest came.

Looking at Li Xiuzhi eagerly.

"That old lady is a Dieter. Yi Zhonghai led people to arrest the old lady and found three boxes of things from the old lady's house. One box is treasures, one box is things like making calls, and one box is weapons. The weapons. Inside the box, there was a sign with the words Sichuan, What, How, How, Island. A few days later, he was shot. It was because of this that Yi Zhonghai survived to this day. "

He Yuyu was frightened.

The same is almost true for Zhou Jianjun.

When the two of them were together, they often listened to He Yuyu talk about the things in the hospital, about Yi Zhonghai favoring the Jia family, about Qin Huairu being scheming and hanging on stupid posts, and about the Jia and Zhang family acting recklessly.

I thought this was the bottom line.

Unexpectedly, the bottom line has exceeded human predictions.

"As long as you know, don't talk to Yi Zhonghai. That's not a good thing. After the deaf old lady was shot, Yi Zhonghai pretended to be the captain and wanted to use the fact that you didn't go back to work at the steel mill to tease our family. I dumped him. Two big slaps, and he suddenly became honest. He has been guarding against him for so many years. "

"Master, stop talking, hurry up and prepare dinner. Yu Yu and his wife are back, just talk."

"Yes, yes, I'm in a trance. I'm busy right now."

"Brother, you and sister-in-law sit down while Jianjun and I cook."

"Nonsense, this is your first time home. How can you cook for the first time?" Silly Zhu said: "Your brother is a professional chef, and he is not allowed to cook while the cook is cooking. You two Cooking by someone who is not a cook is a waste of food. I have to let Jianjun taste my cooking."

"Yu Yu, Jianjun, listen to your brother, you two just sit down." Seeing the children coming back, Li Xiuzhi hurriedly greeted them, "Xiang Hong, bring your brothers and sisters over here to meet your aunt and uncle."

Four children ran in.

Aunts and uncles shouted.

Yu Yu and Zhou Jianjun grabbed their respective bags, took out some things inside, and handed them into the hands of the four children. (End of chapter)

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