Shazhu is in charge of the management of ten canteens. He has just become the director and has to start from scratch on many things, such as personnel training, re-implementation of work systems, statistics of old accounts in canteens, accountability for debts, etc.

The Li Huaide Steel Rolling Mill was governed by the party for ten years, and the factory was in chaos for ten years.

The workers have developed a free and casual style. As long as they have nothing to do, they don't care who they love.

No one dares to care.

I'll give you a few words of advice and label you as a bully of poor workers, so that you can't bear the consequences.

Over time.

They are all dawdling.

It is easy to change from good to bad, but it is difficult to change from bad to good.

A lot of work cannot be carried out. If you tone a little more seriously and say a few harsh words, they will say that you are showing off your power and bullying your co-workers, and they will even label you as someone who has forgotten your roots.

Technical work must be grasped, and ideological work must also be followed up.

Silly Zhu was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink water. He had to run to and from the toilet.

So tired.

It was far less relaxed than when he was the squad leader in the second cafeteria. He had to do everything by himself. For a simple big pot dish, Shazhu had to personally give instructions on how to cook it and how much condiments to put in it.

Dragging his tired body back home.

As soon as I entered the door, I threw the satchel in my hand on the table. I really didn't have the strength to carry it. I slumped lazily on the stool, and my body bones were about to fall apart.

Li Xiuzhi looked distressed, but said nothing.

Men should put their career first.

It had only been a few days since Si Zhu was promoted to director. He was not used to it, and his co-workers were also a little unconvinced.

She brought the hot food in the pot to Sha Zhu, put the brewed tea in front of Sha Zhu's hand, and whispered softly to Sha Zhu to get up and eat.

Silly Zhu let out a long sigh, sat up straight, moved his hands, feet and neck briefly, picked up the big tea vat in front of him, drank the water in it into his stomach, grabbed the steamed bun next to him, ate it, and drank again. I ate a bowl of millet porridge, and then leaned on the stool.

"The bangs are back."

Li Xiuzhi, who didn't want to talk about the courtyard house, thought about it and felt that she still had to talk to Shazhu.

There are many people who are jealous of their family.

They are all ordinary workers. You suddenly became the director. He is still standing still, feeling unbalanced. These neighbors in the courtyard are still the best of the best.

Caution is the boat.

I don't want any surprises to happen.

Silly Zhu's lazy body sat up straight again, his eyes falling on Li Xiuzhi.

"Today, a comrade from the real estate department of the steel rolling mill came to share a house with Liu Haizhong. It is still in the old house of the Liu family. I heard that it is an expert from another unit in the factory, an eighth-level blacksmith."

After Li Xiuzhi narrated this, Si Zhu was relieved about the whole process.

When I was training the workers today, I heard Quegenxian say that the factory had specially hired an eighth-level worker from Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. He didn't pay much attention to Liu Haizhong, thinking it was someone else.

There are specific instructions from Liu Haizhong in the script, and he is a seventh-level worker from beginning to end.

I haven’t seen him for ten years, and I am impressed that he is now an eighth-level worker.

It doesn't matter if he comes back, he will help Sha Zhu a lot, saving Yi Zhonghai from staring at Sha Zhu all day long, so he breaks the feud with Liu Haizhong, and Yi Zhonghai will have to compete with Liu Haizhong. If it were Sha Zhu, Liu Haizhong will definitely not return to Siheyuan.

He knew it was a fire pit but still insisted on jumping in. I didn't know whether to call Liu Haizhong brave or stupid.

Try not to get involved in matters within the hospital as much as possible. Silly Zhu said a few words to Li Xiuzhi, and then talked about the content of his conversation with Yang Weimin today.

In the past ten years, Li Huaide has brought the steel rolling mill into a mess. Instead of focusing on production, he has regarded tormenting people as a top priority. Many educated, skilled and capable people have either left their hometowns or gone to lower levels to be promoted. Many people who are serious about their careers have come up. The foundation accumulated in the past has been completely destroyed by Li Huaide in recent years. From top to bottom, there is an extreme lack of talents.

This is Silly Pillar's opportunity.

There is also a feeling of help for Yang Weimin.

Silly Zhu himself is an expert in cooking.

The advantage is mine.

After a while, Yang Weimin will promote Shazhu to the deputy factory director who will be responsible for logistics management. This is the position that Li Huaide held before he became the director. The deputy factory director with certain jurisdictional rights has found out the conditions for housing allocation.

When the time comes, they will move out of the courtyard house.

To use the exact words Yang Weimin said to Shazhu today, he has also lived a happy life without going out to the toilet.

There are prerequisites.

To make achievements in the current position of canteen director.

Otherwise, Sha Zhu would not have been so busy today. In his official career, he was just a primary school student, and his wife was still working as a street clerk. He asked Li Xiuzhi about some things.

Li Xiuzhi also put forward some specific conditions.

Silly Zhu kept it in mind.

The next day.

Silly Zhu came out of his house and just pushed his bicycle out of the next room when he saw Liu Haizhong walking out of the backyard.

Became director.

Liu Haizhong was another eighth-level blacksmith recruited from the factory.

Patiently, he said hello to Liu Haizhong.

these years.

He also learned the art of duplicity.

Liu Haizhong replied that he heard Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu talk about Sha Zhu last night, and knew that Sha Zhu was the director of the cafeteria, and his tone of voice was slightly flattering.

Yi Zhonghai also came out of his house with one leg lame at this time.

Hypocrites are now the worst group of people in the steel rolling mill. Qin Laoshi broke his arm and can no longer work as a fitter. No one believes in Yi Zhonghai when it comes to teaching skills. Now he is responsible for cleaning the toilets in the steel rolling mill.

Liu Haizhong didn't have the consciousness of being Yi Zhonghai's enemy, and maybe he wanted to show off, so he greeted Yi Zhonghai with a smile.

Yi Zhonghai replied, with neither good nor bad in his tone.

Silly Zhu ignored Yi Zhonghai, pushed his bicycle out of the courtyard, and hurried all the way to the steel rolling mill. He parked his bicycle and walked towards the office building with his bag in hand.

In the office building, there is Shazhu's office.

It's a room for several people. Each person has a desk and a cabinet. Documents and information are locked in their respective cabinets, and the keys are carried with you.

The working hours of the staff in the canteen of the steel rolling mill are at nine o'clock in the morning, and Shazhu came at eight o'clock. He wants to use this hour to check the account books as much as possible, how much is the income and how much is the expenditure.

Smooth out this confusing account.

I cleaned up the room first, then opened the window. I saw that there was no boiling water in the thermos pot next to me, so I took the thermos flask to the boiler room to get two pots of boiling water. I returned to the office and made tea in my big teapot. He buried his head in reading the report in front of him.

Silly Zhu's eyes hurt from looking at a long series of numbers, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. (End of chapter)

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