In this day of dealing with numbers all day long, Shazhu was busy for more than a month. With the help of Li Xiuzhi, he managed to sort out the bad debts that had been accumulated in the steel rolling mill's logistics for ten years.

Taking advantage of this incident, Yang Weimin also fulfilled his promise. At a factory committee meeting, he nominated Shazhu as the deputy factory director in charge of logistics work.

When Li Huaide was in office, he promoted some people. These people followed Li Huaide to bring trouble to the steel mill. Li Huaide landed safely, but these people could not escape the law. One of them, count them all, was pouring beans into the bamboo tube to explain the past events and please them. It's too late, so of course he won't touch Yang Weimin's bad luck. As a result, Shazhu became the first deputy director to be unanimously approved since the establishment of the steel rolling mill. He took up his duties on the same day, and the office location changed from several people sharing a room to one person alone, and there was a phone on the table.

It's still those same things, it's just that the title is different.

The identity also changed.

At least when people in the steel rolling mill see Silly Zhu, they will no longer shout Silly Zhu one after another as they did before. They will respectfully call Deputy Factory Director He in person. Some people will even opportunistically refer to the Deputy Factory Director. Remove the subtitle of "," and call him "Director He".

The workers were not surprised at all by this, but felt that it was inevitable.

On the one hand, Sha Zhu is capable, on the other hand, Sha Zhu is kind to Yang Weimin.

Two plus one.

Yang Weimin must definitely suggest to his superiors that Sha Zhu be the director of the factory before leaving the steel rolling mill. And with the relationship with the big boss, this director is naturally a sure thing.

The tower near the water gets the moon first.

As Sha Zhu's apprentice, Ma Hua has good cooking skills. Sha Zhu promoted him to the monitor of the second canteen.

Another apprentice, Fatty, was promoted to deputy squad leader. Although he complained a little, he did not dare to complain too much and cooperated with MCA's work honestly.

Silly pillars are also bad.

After reading the script, I learned that Fatty would betray him in the end, so he deliberately gave Fatty the position of deputy squad leader, and privately made a huge pie for Fatty that was impossible to realize.

Fatty fell into Sha Zhu's trap and thought wholeheartedly that the deputy squad leader was Sha Zhu's test for him.

Work is called a serious job, and you do everything yourself.

Silly Zhu saw it in his eyes and said a few words of praise, and the fat man was even more excited.

Liu Lan has been Sha Zhu's partner in the Second Canteen for many years. Seeing that she treats him well, Sha Zhu promoted her to the canteen director. It was a huge progress to go from being an ordinary worker in the No. 2 canteen to being the director in charge of the work in the ten canteens. She also became the first female director of the steel rolling mill.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Si Zhu was so fond of her, and Liu Lan did not disappoint Si Zhu. On the day he took up his duties, he surprised the people who were intent on watching Liu Lan's show. All aspects of the work were arranged, and even Director Yang was there. At the meeting, he spoke highly of Liu Lan and bluntly said that Silly Zhu has a way of judging people.

After becoming the deputy director of the factory, he had the right to live in a building.

Thanks to Li Huaide, the only good thing this guy did in the ten years he was in charge of the steel rolling mill was that during his tenure, he built two rows of four-story buildings and more than a dozen houses on the open space behind the original Tongzi Building. They are lined up in a row, and there is a corridor outside, connecting more than a dozen neighboring households. Things such as drying clothes can be done in the corridor.

The newly built Tongzi Tower is not actually a Tongzi Tower. It is divided into living room, room, kitchen and bathroom. It truly allows you to go to the toilet without going out. Unlike the original Tongzi Tower, you have to go to the public toilet near the stairwell to use the toilet. When there are many people , you still have to queue up, and you can even poop your pants when you are running.

These newly built tube buildings were previously occupied by Li Huaide's confidants. During this period, those who entered were held accountable, those who entered were sentenced, those who were expelled were sentenced, and the houses were vacated.

Move the bedding into the house.

Silly Zhu didn't want to move at first, as the building was not as good as the courtyard house.

But the thought of Liu Haizhong coming back made Yi Zhonghai crippled again, in case he attacked the child.


Simply hide far away, stop paying attention to those things in the courtyard, and concentrate on your official career.

On the day he was promoted to deputy factory director, he sent someone back to the courtyard to tell Li Xiuzhi about the move.

Do it sooner rather than later.

Silly Zhu also knows the truth about long nights and many dreams.

After getting off work in the evening, he led MCA and the others to the courtyard with great force.

According to Silly Zhu's wishes, he can just hire a cart and pull his bedclothes there.

But MCA and the others insist on coming to help. The master is the deputy director of the factory and lives in the building. They are eager for the opportunity to flatter him, so how can they give up, especially the fat man, who can't wait to do such a thing alone.

Silly Zhu, who couldn't resist the crowd, could only agree to these people with a wry smile. He stopped riding the bicycle and pushed him along with MCA and the others.

Talking and laughing all the way, we returned to the courtyard around 6:30 in the evening.

As the workers of the steel rolling mill returned home, the neighbors in the courtyard all knew about Sha Zhu's appointment as the deputy director.

There are different opinions.

Without exception, they were all cautious about Silly Pillar.

But I don’t dare to rely on my so-called neighbors and ignore Silly Zhu in my eyes.

Silly Zhu's identity has risen with the tide.

Yan Fugui, who used to call Silly Zhu one by one, looked at Silly Zhu who brought MCA and the others back to the courtyard, and called Silly Zhu Director He. The third uncle in charge, whom Zhu admired in his heart, thought that if he opened his mouth, Sha Zhu would help him solve one or two work targets, so he took the initiative to join in.

"Director He, are you moving today?"

They all used honorifics.


Silly Zhu chuckled, and then his eyes fell on Yan Fugui. The little old man was a little funny, and he guessed that he had an idea.

Made a joke.

"Third uncle, you should call me Silly Zhu."

"This can't be done. You are the deputy director now, which is different from the past." He turned to his children and shouted, "What are you looking at? Brother Zhu is moving, and you guys are helping me."

Several children of the Yan family.


Those people in the second cafeteria will not let the Yan family get what they want. They are helping the Yan family move, and they will not hinder the Yan family.

Moved first.

All the things in twos and threes were moved to the open space in the courtyard.

There were several woven bags, some containing bedding, some containing clothes, and the remaining dishes and chopsticks were collected in a basin. These were all things Li Xiuzhi had prepared in the afternoon. All she had to do was transport these woven bags to the building.

Yan Fugui was unwilling to let Sha Zhu leave just like that. He wanted to hang on to Sha Zhu for life and death. Looking at the house in front of Sha Zhu, he had an idea in his mind.

"Director He."

"Call me Zhuzi. You are not from the factory. We are neighbors. Call me Factory Director He and slap me in the face."

"Third uncle, our boss is right."

Li Xiuzhi echoed.

Don't let people gossip about Silly Zhu.

"Then let me ask you to call you Zhuzhu." Yan Fugui expressed his thoughts, "Zhuzhu, you have moved into a building. Your house is a private house. You also know the situation of the third uncle's house. , the eldest brother lived with us after getting married, the second brother got married and needed a house, and the third brother also needed a house to find a partner. This is what the third uncle thought. Since no one can live in your house anymore, we might as well rent it to the third uncle. The rent will be whatever the market dictates.”

Seeing Silly Zhu frowning.

Lest Silly Zhu refuse.


"This house must be inhabited by people. As the old saying goes, a house supports people and people live in it. It can't be left empty for a long time. Zhuzi, the third uncle really has no choice. Please help the third uncle."

"Third uncle, I really can't rent this house to you. It's not a matter of rent or rent, it's mainly because of the inconvenience. Please be considerate and considerate of me." The house will not be rented to Yan Fugui.

There are some things hidden at home.

There are explanations for the cultural relics, calligraphy and paintings, as well as the furniture. Most of them were emptied out from the scrapyard or the abandoned warehouse of the steel rolling mill by Shazhu over the years. Some are displayed on the surface, and some are buried in the ground.

The Yan family moved in.

It's also troublesome.

When Yan Fugui saw that Shazhu refused to rent him a house, he could only settle for the next best thing.

"The third uncle will look after the house for you."

"Then I'll trouble the third uncle."

"No trouble, just what should be done."

When two people are chatting.

Yi Zhonghai walked out of the house limping one leg.

Followed by Xiaodang.

After ten years of not paying attention, Xiaodang became a big girl. Thanks to Yi Zhonghai, he did not go to the countryside. During this period, he heard that Yi Zhonghai was running for connections and planned to give up his position and let Yi Dang take his place.

Jia Dang changed his surname to Yi Dang.

I just don’t know what Jia Zhang would think if she knew about this.

Of the three children of the Jia family, Bangjian disappeared and Sophora japonica was given away, so Xiaodang's life was good.

"Zhuli, move?"

Yi Zhonghai's inquiry was treated as shit, Silly Zhu didn't reply, and Li Xiuzhi didn't say anything.

The surrounding neighbors also looked at Yi Zhonghai sarcastically.

So thick-skinned.

Knowing that others are ignoring her, she still rushes to get close to her.

Yi Zhonghai did not become angry just because Silly Zhu ignored him. Who gave Yi Zhonghai the courage to trick Silly Zhu in public, and hit Silly Zhu with a moral stick one after another.

"You are now the deputy factory director and the most promising person among the neighbors in the courtyard. As the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. After all, you have been an old neighbor of the neighborhood for decades, so you have to help the neighbors, like the third uncle's family Xie Di, the second son of Zhao Fengyun's family has returned from the countryside and has no job. This is what the first uncle thinks. There is no job and people have to eat and drink. It is not enough to idle around all day. If they go astray, the whole family will But it’s ruined. You help find a job for them. They are all in the same compound and help each other.”

Some neighbors.

The light was visible to the naked eye.

If there are dates but there are no dates, how many strokes will be made?

What if it works.


Don't be afraid, anyway, the person who spoke is Yi Zhonghai.

Silly Zhu didn't say anything.

But Liu Haizhong spoke.

Liu Haizhong, who returned to the steel rolling mill in the name of being re-employed as a master master, really didn't take Si Zhu seriously in the beginning. He had no control over logistics and production. But today, Si Zhu has become the deputy factory director in charge of logistics. .

If Liu Haizhong remembers correctly, Li Huaide, who had been in power at the steel rolling mill for ten years, had held this position before taking office. He also heard rumors from his coworkers that Sha Zhu would become the director of the steel rolling mill in the future.

Can't sit still.

Life and death must establish emotional contact with Shazhu.

Because I had tasks in the factory, I came back late. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard the fact that Shazhu was moving out.

People have moved away.

How to connect emotionally?

Liu Hai has always had a dream of becoming an official.

He walked a few steps, wanting to get as close to Sha Zhu as possible before Sha Zhu moved away. As soon as he reached the middle courtyard, he heard Yi Zhonghai's words about kidnapping Sha Zhu morally, and stood up without thinking. He came out and became the vanguard of Shazhu, who choked Yi Zhonghai.

"Lao Yi, how many years have passed since the stewardship was cancelled? Why do you bring it up again? Director He just became the deputy director, and you asked him to arrange jobs for the young people in the hospital. Are you a little impatient? If you have a chance, , I believe that Director He will not forget our courtyard, the big guy said, is this the truth? "

Silly Zhu glanced sideways at Liu Haizhong.

Haven’t seen each other for ten years.

Zhong listened to a lot of what the official fans said.

He smiled at Liu Haizhong as a response to Liu Haizhong's gang, and then directed Ma Hua and the others to move the woven bags full of things outside. He stayed and checked the doors and windows of his house, in front of the neighbors. In front of him, he locked the door with a lock, said something to the dazed Yan Fugui to help him look after the house, and left the courtyard with a pat on his butt.

The fat man didn't leave.

Waited outside.

The answer he gave was that he was worried that the neighbors in the courtyard would be unfavorable to Sha Zhu, so he wanted to help Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu was too lazy to point out the fat man's little trick, so he said a few words of encouragement, rode his bicycle, and chased Ma Hua and the others.

Inside the building.

Li Xiuzhi looked excited.

Looking at the clean building.

His mouth kept smiling.

Silly Zhu was also in a happy mood.

The house is nice.

The furniture arrangement is also good.

I thought it was a house with two bedrooms and one living room, but when I moved in, I realized that it was clearly three bedrooms and one living room, a master bedroom, two secondary bedrooms, a small living room and a small kitchen.

Silly Zhu and his wife slept in the master bedroom without hesitation, the two sons slept in the second bedroom, and the two daughters shared a small room.

As if they had won a huge prize, several children surrounded the silly pillar again and again, repeating one sentence.

'Dad, is this really our room?'

Silly Zhu also took the trouble to answer the same words again and again.

'Yes, this is your room'

The few little kids who got the exact answer either ran to see the kitchen or the toilet.

His face was full of surprise.

I always thought that the toilet in the building was a small public toilet. You use a bedpan, and then pour out the feces and urine in the bedpan. It is also the kind of toilet that flushes with water. Press the button and the feces and urine will be flushed. 's clean.

After having dinner in the new house, Li Xiuzhi put away the dishes, while Silly Zhu sat at the table and read the materials. The four children each returned to their rooms, doing somersaults on the bed and laughing. stop. (End of chapter)

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