Tang Jianjun came out of Shazhu's house, his steps were extremely heavy, but the expression on his face was a bit contradictory. The moment he entered the house, he seemed to have understood everything, and the inexplicable depression on his body disappeared, and his person changed accordingly. A lot more relaxed.

The mood is the kind of calmness of surviving a disaster.

Tang Jianjun's daughter-in-law quickly came forward to greet her. She looked at her man expectantly.

I went to Shazhu's house because she had something to do, just to find out about Shazhu's background so as to make preparations for what happened next.

When Tang Jianjun mentioned Yi Zhonghai at Shazhu's house, he didn't mention it rashly, he did it intentionally.

There is something about Yi Zhonghai here.

He was transferred from the textile factory to the steel rolling mill as the deputy director in charge of safety and human resources. Within a week, he had learned more or less about what happened to Yi Zhonghai in the steel rolling mill and the courtyard. Shame, what is his relationship with Silly Zhu, are they good, how is his leg lame, how is his arm broken, and he has a general understanding of the situation.

I want to stand up for Yi Zhonghai.

Tang Jianjun's wife's name is Yi Cuilian.

The surname Yi has already explained the situation. He and Yi Zhonghai are not close brothers and sisters, but they are not far apart. Due to some miscellaneous reasons, Yi Zhonghai and Yi Cuilian, who are both in the capital, do not know where the other is. Still alive or not. After Tang Jianjun was transferred to the steel rolling mill, when compiling information, he accidentally saw Yi Zhonghai's name on the list. At first, he thought it was a person with the same name. Later, after getting to know him, he learned that Yi Zhonghai was from the Yi family, three hundred miles away from the capital. Because of the war, the people in the village left their homes and fled north to the capital.

After returning home, he told Yi Cuilian about Yi Zhonghai's situation.

Under the arrangement of Tang Jianjun, Yi Zhonghai and Yi Cuilian met and recognized each other's identities.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai in such miserable condition, becoming a cripple, and being reduced from an eighth-level worker to a toilet cleaner, Yi Cuilian was not in a good mood. She thought that her man had become the deputy director of the steel rolling mill and could stand up for Yi Zhonghai. , take revenge on that person named Silly Zhu, give him some shoes or something. In Yi Cuilian's view, Yi Zhonghai planned to support him in old age to give him face and to think highly of him. Otherwise, why not find someone else and find Silly Zhu alone? , this was to give Zai Zhuyang a reputation for doing good deeds. Not only was Si Zhuyang not grateful, he also beat Yi Zhonghai.

The couple hatched a revenge plan.

Yi Zhonghai is also immoral. He knew clearly what the relationship between Sha Zhu and Yang Weimin was, but he did not clarify it. Instead, he consciously concealed some inside information, such as what relationship Sha Zhu had in the steel rolling mill, how he became the canteen director, etc.

Thanks to Tang Jianjun's caution, he felt a little wary when he heard that Shazhu had become the deputy factory director in charge of logistics again.

Even though he is the deputy director in charge of safety and human resources, there is a secretary, a director, and a first deputy director. These people should be listened to. On the other hand, Shazhu directly reports to the director, and is responsible for tens of thousands of workers. People eat, drink, poop, and sleep, but they are not on the same level.

Then there was a scene of a house visit.

In the end, Tang Jianjun decided that Silly Zhu was someone he could not offend. Let alone the big leader, let alone Yang Weimin, he was not someone Tang Jianjun could compete with. How did he get transferred from the textile factory to the steel rolling mill? Tang Jianjun knew clearly in his heart that if there was no Merit, second, no connections, just pure luck.

On the way home, I had already thought about it.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help with the matter, but there was a bit of resentment in his heart. Silly Zhu Tongtian's background, Yi Zhonghai didn't tell the two of them about such an important matter, no wonder he was called a hypocrite.

My brother-in-law is plotting.

He turned to look at his wife.

He sat down on the stool and looked at the big tea vat in front of him without saying a word.

After so many years as a couple, no one knew who was who. When they saw Tang Jianjun's unlucky expression, they knew that things were not going well. Yi Cuilian felt a thump in her heart. Could it be that she had kicked the iron plate?

"The child's father?"

Three words.

Tang Jianjun ushered in the storm.

Mainly because he was angry at Yi Zhonghai for digging a hole for him. Fortunately, he didn't offend Si Zhu. If he offended Si Zhu, his family would probably not have a good life.

"Yi Zhonghai and you are not brothers and sisters, we are just people from the countryside, and there are many people with the surname Yi. Yi Zhonghai, just Yi Zhonghai, there is nothing wrong, keep away from each other, and save yourself from being sold. Counting money for others, and praising others for their benevolence and morality, what kind of bullshit? Bah, eating melon seeds brought out a bedbug, and I met such a bastard, what the hell."

"What's wrong with Yi Zhonghai? Don't you mean Silly Zhu?"

"Silly Zhu? Do you dare to call me Silly Zhu? Did you also call me Silly Zhu?" Tang Jianjun lowered his voice. There were so many neighbors around, and it would be bad if they heard him. "I have to call them Deputy Factory Director He, you?" Calling me a fool? My family is living a good life. Do you want to live a bad life for a few days? Let me warn you, don’t get involved in Yi Zhonghai’s affairs. He looks like a gentleman. A wicked man deserves to be exterminated and his legs broken."

"His father, what happened?"

"I'll tell you what's going on. Just listen. What's going on with Yi Zhonghai? Save it for me."

Tang Jianjun told Yi Cuilian word for word what Sha Zhu told him, what his background was, who was Sha Zhu's backer, etc., etc., everything was explained clearly.

Yi Cuilian was dumbfounded.

I have been cooking for big leaders for more than ten years, even during the stormy years.

This kindness.

As long as Si Zhu doesn't make any big mistakes, he will definitely make a difference.

Yi Zhonghai's matter is really hopeless.

Not stupid.

After all, between Yi Zhonghai and Zijia, Yi Cuilian would definitely choose the latter.

"No wonder."

"What's the wonder?"

"I said it's no wonder that Shazhu was promoted to the deputy director in charge of production in less than a month after becoming the canteen director. It's because he has a background. Our family is not involved in Yi Zhonghai's matter. You are right. If you are a cousin, if you are not close to me, you will not have any contact with me. Your own family is important.”

"This background is also maintained by people themselves. When everyone is afraid of it, if someone takes the initiative to come to cook, who dares? Who dares to do it? He is the only one who dares to do this. It is right for him to be reciprocated. You If I had done the same thing as Silly Zhu and defended the leader of the textile factory, I would have been the deputy director of the textile factory, and a few years later, I would have been the director of the textile factory. "

"If others dare, do you dare? Is it useful to do something as an afterthought now?"

"I'm just saying, it's not like you don't know me."

"Dad, I mean, if you go tonight, you won't arouse people's suspicion, right?"

Tang Jianjun glanced at his wife.

Official career together.

It really can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences. There is no doubt that people have already seen through his little thoughts and made a big show for him. I thought he was a stupid young man, but the co-author is an old man.

"When you have nothing to do at home, walk around more with Li Xiuzhi. There are some things I am not comfortable saying. As a woman, it's okay if you say it."

"I see."

The next day.

It was as if it had been planned in advance.

Tang Jianjun deliberately waited at the door. When he heard the sound of opening the door next door, he opened the door and walked out.

Artificially create a random image.

"Deputy Factory Director He, are you going to work?" Tang Jianjun said with a smile, "How about we come together? I just transferred here and I am not familiar with everything. I want to study hard with Deputy Factory Director He."

They are all thousand-year-old foxes.

What kind of Liaozhai routine are you playing?

Still working.

I really thought that Silly Zhu couldn't see the other person's little thoughts.

"You're welcome, Deputy Factory Director Tang. You are a senior and I should learn from you. If I go to work, I'm sorry, but my wife has to clean up the house and I have to send my children to school. I'm sorry."

The old girl ran out of the house.

A look of excitement.

The daughter clings to her father.

She had been clamoring for Silly Zhu to send her to school, but because she was too busy at that time, working all day long, she couldn't spare any time, so she could only make a verbal promise to send her child to school.

He stepped on his little feet and handed the schoolbag in his hand to Shazhu.

Silly Zhu took it inadvertently.

I was almost dodged. Good guy.

What is so heavy?
Open it and take a look.

I was speechless for a moment.

The little girl just started preschool this year, and her schoolbag only contained some random things. It was very light. Unexpectedly, the little girl packed her sister’s old books in it. She couldn’t even count the numbers one, two, and three, so she packed them with first-grade books. textbook.

But it’s not broken either.

Holding the little girl's schoolbag in one hand and holding the little girl in the other, she walked downstairs.

When Tang Jianjun saw this, he didn't want to say anything. There was only a long time to come. Unless Sha Zhu didn't live here and was the deputy director of the steel rolling mill. At worst, he would go to Sha Zhu's office to get close to Sha Zhu and followed Sha Zhu downstairs. , watching Shazhu carrying the little girl towards the preschool in the distance, he also rode his bicycle to the steel rolling mill.

While Yan Fugui was washing, he looked at the houses of Shazhu's house intently.

Thinking about every detail of the matter.

Feng Shui turns.

No one thought that Silly Zhu, who was looked down upon by them at first and thought he would be plotted by Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady for the rest of his life, not only jumped out of Shuangqin's retirement plan, married a wife, had children, and raised He Yuyu into a college student, but also I became the deputy director of the steel rolling mill, moved out of the courtyard, moved into a building, and lived a good life without going out to the toilet.

It's too late to regret.

If you know today, why should you be in the beginning.

Ever since Sha Zhu moved out last night, Yan Fugui had been looking at Yi Zhonghai with a strange expression, as if the world was falling and the earth was falling.

Think about it.


Silly Zhu, who had been manipulated by Yi Zhonghai for almost ten years, turned against Yi Zhonghai, and his life was getting better day by day. This also showed a situation, and he fell out with Yi Zhonghai.

Really ridiculed Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai has completely cut off contact with Shazhu.

I can only compete with Liu Haizhong.

Yan Fugui could see things clearly that official fans couldn't understand. Yi Zhonghai still had a deep hatred for Liu Haizhong.

"Third uncle, what are you doing?"

Xu Damao asked.

Yan Fugui's thoughts were interrupted.

Lao Kou turned to look at Xu Damao and pointed the direction of Shazhu's house with his eyes.

Xu Damao then looked at the main house and saw two big locks on the door of Shazhu's house. He was confused. Shazhu had no relatives, and Li Xiuzhi had no relatives.

This lock has some tricks.

"Si Zhu, wrong, wrong, wrong, you can't call me Silly Zhu anymore, I have to call you Deputy Factory Director He."

Xu Damao was frightened.

He deputy director.

He looked at Yan Fugui seriously, and when he saw that Yan Fugui had no intention of joking with him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Good guy, our courtyard finally has a real leader. When did we move?"

"The promotion notice was given yesterday, and I can move out tonight." Yan Fugui suddenly lowered his tone and gestured in the direction of Yi Zhonghai's house, "That person's mood has not been very good."

"You deserve it." Xu Damao didn't care about Yi Zhonghai's thoughts. He spat in the direction of the Yi family and stomped on the spit without getting angry. "I guess I won't be able to plot against the children of the He family anymore."

"Da Mao, be careful what you say."

"Third uncle, you're afraid of him, but I'm not. He dares to swear to God that he doesn't have bad intentions for these children? What the hell?"

Yi Zhonghai was lame with one leg.

Come out of the house.

When he didn't hear Xu Damao's words, he walked forward without saying a word.

"Master, are you going to clean the toilet so early? You are really energetic. Walk slowly."

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but speed up his pace.

He was already scolding Xu Damao's eight generations of ancestors in his heart.

Xu Damao pushed his bicycle and followed Yi Zhonghai. When he entered the steel rolling mill, he met Silly Zhu by chance.

There was no fence on the door, and he deliberately made a joke.

"Good morning, Deputy Director He."

"You are also making trouble with me, making a fool of yourself."

"Why do you still remember brother, do you want to eat something tonight?"

"Okay, you decide the place and I'll do it."

"Dexing." Xu Damao and Silly Zhu walked side by side, pushing bicycles. "Yan Fugui told me that Yi Zhonghai was so angry yesterday that he might as well move out so as not to be remembered."

The people here.

Refers to Yi Zhonghai.

"I thought so too, so I simply moved out." After looking around, he told Xu Damao about Tang Jianjun, "I just moved here last night, and Tang Jianjun, who was transferred from the textile factory a few days ago, came on board. He walked through the door of my house, mentioned Yi Zhonghai, and asked about some previous matters. "

"Yi Zhonghai?" Xu Damao thought seriously, "What did you say?"

"Of course I told him everything."

"You." Xu Damao pointed at Silly Zhu with his finger, "You have become bad and know how to play tricks on you. This is good, so that he will not dare to have any ideas about you again."

He slapped his forehead.

The look of realization.

on his face.

"Zhuzi, I remembered why Tang Jianjun mentioned Yi Zhonghai. I heard someone said that his wife's name is Yi Cuilian."

Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Cuilian.

Silly Zhu seemed to have eaten a dead fly.

Your uncle's.

It's really for me.

Tang Jianjun is a relative of Yi Zhonghai, no wonder he has that expression on his face when he mentions Yi Zhonghai.

"I understand."

"Go and get busy."

The two separated at the fork in the road, one walking towards the Propaganda Department and the other towards the office building. (End of chapter)

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