As the deputy director with certain real power who is responsible for the logistics work of the steel rolling mill, Shazhu finally has his own independent office. He no longer has to be like the director before when more than ten directors shared the same room, and he could be caught even if he farted. When others know it, they have to be careful to prevent being plotted against.

His office had been tidied up yesterday.

With Yang Weimin's back and his ability to fight, whoever dares to offend Silly Zhu is too late to please him. Even the phone on the table is a new item.

There is a dedicated person responsible for cleaning the room.

The key is in the concierge's area, and a bunch of keys are tied together. During cleaning, they take turns opening the door one by one. When getting off work in the evening, the last person to leave is responsible for locking the door.

The key to the cabinet where documents and materials are stored in the house is held by the person in charge and will not be guarded by the concierge.

There is no possibility of theft or loss.

If something like this really happened, the security department would have to come forward.

People in the settlement department start working one hour earlier than people in the production department. Of course, they also get off work one hour earlier. There is no such thing as working extra hours.

at the door.

Gently pushed the door.

The door slid inside.

What caught Sha Zhu's eyes was an office of about 16 or 17 square meters in size.

On the south side of the wall, there is a window, and the early morning sunlight slants in. On both sides of the window, there are two posters, one with a tractor on it, and the words "strive to improve technology". , one has a painting of a sailboat, and the words "Sail" are written on it. There are two wooden chairs placed under the window. In the middle of the chairs is a rectangular table, which is a place for receiving guests.

Two flags made of red paper are posted on the west wall. Under the flags is a solid wood table one meter long and seventy centimeters wide. There is a black dial-up telephone on the table. Next to the phone is a brand new A white porcelain tea cup. There is a stack of documents on one end of the table. There is a paper notebook on top of the documents. There are several newspapers on the other end. Judging from the appearance, they should be yesterday's evening paper and this year's morning paper. Behind the desk is a hardwood chair. Silly Zhu’s work clothes that he accidentally left in his old office yesterday rested on the back of the chair.

The north wall is close to two wooden cabinets, which are almost two meters high. They are divided into upper and lower parts. The upper part is a glass cabinet door, and the lower part is a wooden cabinet door. Both have locks to lock the documents and keys inside. I had already given it to Shazhu yesterday and kept it in his pocket.

There is nothing under the wall on the east side, just a shelf for washing hands, with a small iron basin on top, and a towel placed on top of the iron basin. On the ground next to it, there is a thermos bottle with an iron shell.

There is no satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Just have a place to work.

Silly Zhu closed the door with his backhand, walked around the room with his steps, and touched the tables and other things with his hands from time to time. Everything was so fresh.

Sitting on the stool, he moved his hands and feet, and weighed the stool under his buttocks. Then he placed the white tea vat on the table on the small coffee table for guests. When it comes to drinking tea, it is a large iron vat, which is accompanying This artifact has been owned by Sha Zhu for more than 20 years. When he first accepted Ma Hua as his apprentice, Ma Hua used it to serve tea to Sha Zhu. After so many years, the tea jar has long been filled with thick theophylline, and what he drinks is This taste.

I walked to the thermos bottle and weighed it. There was boiling water in it.

Not bad.

Save yourself the trouble of going to fetch water again.

Of course, you have to be kind to the workers who collect water. If someone is unhappy and spits some saliva in the boiling water, it is equivalent to drinking someone else's saliva tea.

Make good tea.

Silly Zhu started his work and picked up the newspaper next to him.

There are three copies in total, one is yesterday's Beijing Evening News, one is today's morning paper, and one is the factory newspaper printed and distributed by the steel rolling mill itself.

Don't worry about the factory newspaper. Let's read the evening newspaper first.

As a deputy factory director, you must pay attention to the current situation at all times.

It’s not a big deal, so I’ll just talk about the current things. So-and-so did bad things, was beaten by someone, so-and-so returned as the king, and sent so-and-so the one who framed him in the first place. There are so many things like that, just scan them After taking a quick look, Silly Zhu threw the newspaper aside and grabbed today's morning newspaper. The content of the morning newspaper was similar to that of the evening newspaper, but there was an additional report on the advancement of economic reform. The overall length was not large, only a few hundred It was just a word, but Shazhu suddenly grasped the key point of the matter.

Run the brain.

I remembered something.

The main thing is to consider the content of the script.

According to the description in the script, from now on, the general policy is to align everything with the economy.

That means making money.

From planned economy to market economy, everything is market-led and the market speaks. The quality of your products is directly related to whether your factory can survive, how to sell products, how to increase the market share of products, etc. things.

I thought about it for more than ten minutes.

Silly Zhu just came back to his senses.

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is not. He is now the deputy director in charge of the logistics management of the steel rolling mill. He just needs to do his job well and prevent tens of thousands of workers from going hungry and without work clothes. As for the quality of the products, whether they can Selling and how to occupy the market are all matters that the factory director considers. The purchase of production materials and the sales of products. Yang Weimin also has the deputy director of production under him. It is not Shazhu's turn to worry about these things.

Although he and Yang Weimin are good friends and have a friendship that provides help in times of need, but in certain matters, Yang Weimin's feelings must be taken into consideration, and Yang Weimin cannot be created to feel like you are stupid and want to seize power.

Yang Weimin had already stumbled on Li Huaide, and he would not fall twice in a row at the same place.

At that time, I am afraid Yang Weimin will be angry.

After reading the morning paper, I browsed the factory newspaper again. There was actually a report about Sha Zhu, saying that Sha Zhu was the best cook in the steel rolling mill. He had been serving the workers of the steel rolling mill for more than ten years. The new Yang The factory director was grateful for Sha Zhu's efforts and promoted Sha Zhu to the deputy factory director in charge of logistics. He bluntly said that as the deputy director, Sha Zhu had made the best use of his resources and given full play to his abilities.

He grinned, drank some tea, then opened the cabinet and looked through the data inside.

Thanks to Shazhu's previous efforts, we can see the data clearly and know where the loopholes are and how to remedy them.

A crisp phone ringing sounded.

Pick it up casually.

The voice of the person in charge of the factory office came from the other end of the phone. He addressed Shazhu as Deputy Factory Director He and asked Shazhu to go to the conference room for a meeting in thirty minutes.

After hanging up the phone.

Silly Zhu fell into deep thought for the second time.

What meeting?

His eyes once again fell on the morning newspaper. After reading the words about economic reform, he suddenly had an idea. Maybe today's meeting was related to this report. It was even possible that Yang Weimin had received instructions from the big boss.

After staying in the room for twenty minutes, with notebook and pen in hand, I left the office and walked towards the conference room on the fourth floor.

His current office is on the second floor, with two flights of stairs to climb.

The notebook and pen in my hand are for recording some content during the meeting. Regardless of whether I can listen to it or not, at least I must express a humble attitude, otherwise it will be really difficult to get along.

When he turned into the third floor, Sha Zhu paused. Tang Jianjun seemed to act like he happened to meet Sha Zhu by chance. However, his overly exaggerated acting skills broke the atmosphere of the scene and made Sha Zhu see through Tang Jianjun's little tricks at a glance. The trick is not obvious, and he will not offend people for no reason for such a trivial matter, unless he beats him with a stick until there is no possibility of him getting over. Moreover, Tang Jianjun's eyes showed the intention of being on good terms with Silly Zhu. . He smiled a few times and asked a question first.

"Deputy Director Tang, are you going to a meeting? Let's come together."

A question disturbed Tang Jianjun's thoughts. He forgot how to say the routine he had thought of, so he responded stupidly, and followed Shazhu to the fourth floor.

The conference room is on the left side of the stairs on the fourth floor and can be seen when you reach the fourth floor.

Silly Zhu turned a corner and entered the conference room.

I thought I was the first to arrive, but when I entered the room, I found that many people were already in the room. They were talking to each other around a large table. In front of each person, there was a sign with their name written on it. In doing so, I also don’t want to make a joke about not knowing the other party’s name. The people here for the meeting are all deputy factory directors and leaders of the factory.

Seeing Sha Zhu come in, those people who came in front raised their hands to greet Sha Zhu. No matter what the grievances were, whether they were enemies or not, they were all filled with the so-called enthusiasm and harmony at this time.

Silly Zhu also responded to the other party's greetings one by one. He glanced around and found the sign with his name on it. He walked over and reached it. He pulled the stool open with his hands and sat on it, holding the notebook in his hand. and pen were placed on the table.

"Silly pillar."

A loud joke.

rang out in the noisy conference room.

Extraordinarily clear.

The messy conference room instantly became silent. People of all sizes focused their gazes on the two parties involved. Their gazes moved back and forth, sometimes looking at Silly Pillar, sometimes at Niu Shitou.

Niu Shitou was the one who didn't give Silly Zhu face and shouted the word Silly Zhu in public.

Starting yesterday, everyone who sees Si Zhu will call him Deputy Factory Director.

Call him Silly Pillar directly.

Simply create enemies for yourself.

Niu Shitou, who is challenging the boss Silly Zhu, is forty-two years old this year. During the ten years that Li Huaide was in charge of the steel rolling mill, he was promoted by Li Huaide to the deputy factory director in charge of logistics. In the meantime, he was fired from the deputy factory due to some things that outsiders did not know. After a period of time, he became the canteen director. After working as the canteen director for a period of time, he was transferred to the workshop and became an ordinary worker. After several repeated attempts, Li Huaide left the steel rolling industry. Before joining the factory, Niu Dali worked as a monitor in the third canteen.

I feel unbalanced and feel that I am the deputy factory director in charge of logistics, rather than a cook who has been cooking for ten years as the deputy factory director. In terms of seniority, he should be the deputy director.

I was unhappy and stimulated. When I saw Silly Zhu, especially when I saw Silly Zhu coming with pen and paper, I became more and more depressed. You, a cook, have nothing to be arrogant about.

Then he called out the title of Silly Zhu.

Finish shouting.

This guy already regrets it.

Silly Zhu was promoted by Yang Weimin. Yang Weimin is now the head of the steel rolling mill. He is so awesome. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, he is also Li Huaide's person.

In this month, many of Li Huaide's people were sent down, and some even went in.

If it had been anyone else, he would have wanted to live with his tail between his legs, but Niu Shitou was better, jumping out on his own initiative and arrogantly provoking Silly Zhu.

There is a saying that goes well, it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

To look down on Sha Zhu is to look down on Yang Weimin. Besides, Sha Zhu himself is also a capable person. All the bad debts in the cafeteria for ten years were cleared up by Sha Zhu in one month.

Want to apologize.

I feel like I can’t live with the shame on my face.

He simply grabbed the cigarette in front of him, lit one, and started smoking to relieve his embarrassment.

The cow stone sits on the wax.

Silly Zhu didn't care, he leaned his body back and said in a self-deprecating tone: "I used to cook for the leader, and the leader didn't call me much. Everything is accidental. It doesn't matter. It doesn't get in the way."

"Deputy Director He, the Prime Minister's belly can support a boat."

Tang Jianjun, who was sitting opposite Silly Pillar, smoothed things over. Next to him was Niu Shitou.

Silly Zhu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The people who came here for the meeting were all the leaders who had suspended their positions in the factory. Yesterday, it seemed that the notice that Shazhu was appointed as the deputy director was announced. When he was the canteen director checking accounts, Niu Shitou was the monitor of the third canteen.

appear here.

In what name do you appear here?

As for Niu Shitou's malice towards Shazhu, Shazhu had already felt it. After thinking about it for a while, he came up with an idea. After the meeting, he sent Yang Weimin a summary of the logistics information. In it, Niu Shitou's boss caught the logistics and was in arrears. Bad debts, this number, even if you die, you will have to shed your skin.


Didn't look for you.

You took the initiative to bump into me.

A fish that slipped through the net by Li Huaide.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Yang Weimin walked in from outside. Because the secretary of the steel rolling mill was not in place yet, Yang Weimin was now shouldering the responsibility, holding the positions of secretary and factory director.

A true promise.

The middle position belongs to him, and Yang Weimin also sits in this position.

He looked around at the people present.

I don’t know if it was an illusion. When I saw Niu Shitou, the pause seemed a bit long. Anyway, it was longer than when I looked at Silly Zhu. Shazhu figured out Yang Weimin’s thoughts, whether he wanted to attack Niu Shitou or promote Niu. Shitou, if it's the latter, the summary data in Shazhu's hands will need to be modified appropriately when submitted.

Pick out the cow stone.

on the contrary.

The things in Silly Zhu's hands will be handed over without hesitation. The life and death of Niu Shitou depends on Yang Weimin's wishes.

Silly Zhu, who was thinking, also listened to Yang Weimin's speech with his ears open.

Don't say it.

Silly Zhu really guessed it right. The theme of Yang Weimin's meeting this time was to start with the morning newspaper report. (End of chapter)

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