The expression on Yang Weimin's face became more and more shocked, and his mouth even opened slightly, as if he had never seen the world.

Anyone who listened to Sha Zhu's so-called cafeteria remarks would be frightened by Sha Zhu's knowledge.

In the minds of many people, Sha Zhu is a silly cook who only knows how to cook. He works around the stove all day long. The only highlight that can make them applaud is when he refused Li Huaide's promotion to the canteen director ten years ago.

Li Huaide's people have now been liquidated.

It turns out.

Silly Zhu is not stupid, at least he is not as stupid as he looks to outsiders.

Yang Weimin laughed at himself, feeling that he shouldn't look at people through the crack in the door, so he looked down on Silly Zhu.


He called Shazhu to the office and mentioned the content of the meeting just now. The starting point was to hear Shazhu's opinion.

There was a sigh in his mouth.

He also nodded his head.

The expression on his face became much lighter.

"You really gave me a big surprise. You can actually start from the cafeteria and see the doorways inside. It's a pity that some people are still holding on to the same old ways. It is inevitable for the steel rolling mill to make progress. , otherwise the only thing waiting for the steel rolling mill is death.”

Silly Zhu certainly knew who those old guys in Yang Weimin's words were referring to.

They are nothing more than those who opposed Yang Weimin just now, Deputy Director Xu, Deputy Director Ding, Deputy Secretary Ma, etc. These people have old ideas and are still planning the future of the steel rolling mill using their old ideas.

Yang Weimin's worries are not unreasonable.

During the ten years when Li Huaide was in power, the steel rolling mill not only stagnated, but also seriously lagged behind. In terms of production, energy consumption, personnel, technology, etc., they were not as good as before. The personnel were scattered and looked like a plate of scattered sand. Not only are the machines and equipment aging, but they are also lacking spare parts. The security department of the steel rolling mill has been checking this aspect in the past few days, and I heard that some people have stolen them and exchanged them for money and materials.

If the steel mill wants to survive, it must take drastic measures.

"With you here, the future of the steel rolling mill is bright."

"Zhuzi, let me tell you the truth."

Yang Weimin pointed at it.

Silly Zhu's face became much more solemn. Of course he knew what it was referring to. From the fact that Yang Weimin told Silly Zhu such an important matter, he knew that Yang Weimin did not treat him as an outsider.

"You say."

He used an honorific unnaturally.

Yang Weimin didn't care about these details.

"Do you know which production line our steel rolling mill introduced a few years ago?"

Silly Zhu certainly knows that eleven or twelve years ago, when Yang Weimin was the head of the steel rolling mill, he spent a lot of money to buy a steel rolling production line from Mao Xiong in the north. The production capacity was three times the original production line. However, the number of personnel is one-third less than that of the original production line.

To use the original words to describe it, the replaced workers can be engaged in other aspects of work, which greatly improves production efficiency and personnel utilization efficiency. Newspapers also published relevant content, saying that this was the beginning of the take-off of the steel industry.

At that time, the steel rolling mill also organized a large number of skilled workers to study this production line. We wanted to innovate this production line of Maoxiong and finally realize the purpose of using our own steel rolling machines. Yi Zhonghai also submitted a relevant application and wanted to join the research. group, but because of his notorious reputation and lack of technical ability, he was turned away, which caused quite a stir.

After Li Huaide took charge of the steel rolling mill, those people on the production line, especially the researchers, were severely punished by Li Huaide through Liu Haizhong. Some of them are gone, some have gone other places, and the research data at that time were also artificially damaged by Liu Haizhong.

Many people now say that Liu Haizhong is the sinner of the steel rolling mill.

Yang Weimin suddenly mentioned this matter, which made Shazhu doubt whether Liu Haizhong, the sinner, was going to be liquidated. He nodded with a conflicted mood.

"Do you know why Mao Xiong sold that production line to us?"

Did not wait for Silly Zhu to answer.

Yang Weimin gave the final answer.

"It's because Mao Xiong had a production line that was more advanced than this production line. They eliminated it and there was no need for such a high-energy-consuming production line, so they sold it to our steel rolling mill."

His tone suddenly became serious.

The expression on the face.

Extraordinarily dignified.

"The production lines in Western countries are one grade higher than Mao Xiong's production line, or even two grades higher. Do you know what this means?" His eyes fell on Silly Zhu, "It means that our current steel technology is different from that of Mao Xiong. They are two to three generations behind, maybe four generations behind. With the same materials, others can produce one ton of high-quality steel, but we can only produce less than half a ton. It is still a primary finished product and consumes more energy than others. Three to four times, sometimes five times, I am not being alarmist. Once we enter the market economy, the steel rolling mills will have no way out, and the only way out is to save themselves.”

Silly pillar's heart.


If Yang Weimin didn't say this, he wouldn't know either.

"A few days ago, a batch of steel was exported. The steel produced by the steel rolling mill was exchanged for a batch of high-quality steel. Do you know what the raw materials of this batch of high-quality steel are? It's the batch of steel blanks we sold. Inside and outside, others make money and we lose money. I originally wanted to talk about this in today's meeting, but as you saw, everyone stuck to the rules. "

"If you do their job, they will definitely understand your painstaking efforts."

“The superior’s intention is to let our steel rolling mill serve as a pilot unit to see how it works.”

"If it doesn't work, ask your superiors for money and buy a production line so that the steel produced by our rolling mill can meet relevant standards."

Silly Zhu gave what he thought was the simplest and most effective method.


More than ten years ago, Yang Weimin was able to buy a production line from Mao Xiong, and more than ten years later, he can still buy a production line from Mao Xiong.

Look at Silly Zhu's face.

Yang Weimin suddenly realized that Silly Zhu was still Silly Zhu.

You can't blame Silly Pillar either.

Whoever allowed Si Zhu to cook for so many years, to be able to analyze the changes in the planned economy and market economy from the canteen, already made Yang Weimin take a high look, and he didn't know something, which was normal.

If the big boss doesn't talk about these things, Yang Weimin doesn't know either.

"Do you think I didn't mention it to the big boss? Guess how the big boss answered me."

Silly Zhu looked curious.

I wonder what the big leader will say.

"Look at how much I can sell for. Sell me and exchange it for the production line you like." Yang Weimin's tone suddenly changed, "Zhuzi, the price the other party is asking for is three to five times the normal selling price. Even so, the production line sold to us is a defective product that they bought and replaced. There is a gap of one to two generations from their current production line. They don’t sell advanced equipment, no matter how much they pay, and We don’t have that much money, but we want to sell the fur bear, but we don’t want it. The price is high and the energy consumption is high. The point above is whether we can find an innovative way.”

"Are we going to form a research team?" Silly Zhu looked at Yang Weimin.

He wanted to make sure of one thing.

"Yes, those people who were willing to come back will be welcomed with both hands. Those who are unwilling to come back, there is nothing we can do. Who made our steel rolling mill feel sorry for them?"

those people.

That is, those people who were in the research team more than ten years ago.

I was bullied by Liu Haizhong.

Silly Zhu wants to know where Liu Haizhong will go when these people come back.

In the past, Liu Haizhong took advantage of being the captain and bullied those people even harder. Those people must have been holding their breath in their hearts, so Liu Haizhong's end seemed not to be good.

No wonder Yang Weimin lured Liu Haizhong to the steel rolling mill.

"In bangs?"

"Let's forget about his affairs for now. In the past few days, you will help the research team solve accommodation and other issues." A piece of paper was handed to Shazhu, "This is the list of the first batch of people to come back. Keep it."

Silly Zhu took the list and looked at the contents. There were more than twenty names, some of which he knew, and some of which looked strange.

There was no rush to leave.

Ask about accommodation conditions.

Should I live in a building or in a courtyard?

Yang Weimin needs to make up his mind.

Living in a courtyard, this silly column can arrange it. The houses of those people before are tidied up and people can move in. The only thing is to drive away those bastards who occupied the house. This is easy to handle. First, issue a notice, and then let the security department fully cooperate.

Those who are really brave are not afraid. One move of Su Qin's sword will defeat them.

What Sha Zhu is worried about is the building. There are extra rooms. It is easy to say that the problem is that the current building has no extra rooms at all. Sha Zhu can't give up his building.

If he really did this, he would offend the entire leadership.

It's not very good for Shazhu's career.

You have to ask about the situation.

"Director Yang, there are really no wealthy people in the current buildings, so we can only arrange them in bungalows."

"Let's build the bungalow first. When conditions permit in the future, we will give them priority." Yang Weimin warned, "But the bungalow must be cleaned up better. We can't let people say that our steel rolling mill looks down on them."

"I will write up an application in a moment. Please approve it and allocate a special amount of money to clean up their house."

"I'll just give you instructions then."

"Then you get busy first, I'm leaving."

Silly Zhu took the list and left Yang Weimin's office. After returning to his own office, he picked up paper and pen and wrote three materials.

One is an application form for house repairs. It is clearly marked with the words "house repairs for steel rolling mill research experts." The main reason is that the news will spread and the remaining family members of the steel rolling mill will also cause chaos.

The tens of thousands of people working in the steel rolling mill would cost more than 2,000 households if a family of five people were to live there. The maintenance fee of 10 yuan per household would be 20,000 yuan.

Yang Weimin just made it very clear that the steel rolling mill must be responsible for its own profits and losses.

The second piece of information was to ask his subordinates to move the information he had collected over the past ten years to his office.

These are the remnants of Liu Haizhong's destroyed materials. I can barely read the contents. If it is useful, it will save a lot of trouble. If it is not useful, I will say nothing and treat it as waste paper.

In the past ten years, Silly Zhu had been cleaning up these messy things while going to the scrapyard, and he really found a lot of things, including woodware, porcelain, bronzeware, calligraphy and paintings.

Some of them were hidden in the house in the courtyard, and some were placed in the second courtyard near Houhai.

Erjin Siheyuan was bought two months ago and went through the relevant procedures. Shazhu’s savings were all spent on it. Although the house inside was dilapidated and completely unfit for habitation, it could not stand up to the fact that there was a Erjin behind the backyard. The small garden of 300 square meters covers a large area.

As for the issue of house repairs, on the one hand, Shazhu has no money, and on the other hand, there are many things at present and it is a bit too busy. Li Xiuzhi also has to be busy with her own affairs.

The third document was a notice advising the people of the steel rolling mill to vacate the house they occupied and giving them three days to vacate. After the three days, those who did not vacate the house would be punished in accordance with the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill. The execution will not only make up for the lease payment for the past ten years, but if necessary, the steel rolling mill will also pursue the fact that it has occupied the assets of the steel rolling mill.

There are carrots and sticks.

After writing it, call the factory office and ask them to come and pick up the materials.

After the factory office sent someone, they registered on the reception form, and then took the materials written by Si Zhu and went to Yang Weimin's office and the Publicity Department office respectively.

Yu Haitang's voice clearly flew into the ears of everyone present through the loudspeaker of the steel rolling mill.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. In response to the latest notice from the steel rolling mill office, according to relevant information from the real estate department of the steel rolling mill, we are hereby notified as follows. Some workers who have over-occupied property in the steel rolling mill are requested to complete the clearance of over-occupied properties in the steel rolling mill within three days. During the vacating process, be careful not to damage the house facilities and ensure the original layout of the house. If you vacate the house voluntarily within three days, the steel rolling mill will not investigate the fact that you have privately occupied the property owned by the steel rolling mill, and you will not need to pay the renting fee. "

Steel rolling mill workers.

One by one they raised their ears.

It's about your own vital interests.

You must listen clearly.

"Those who do not vacate the property after three days as required by the factory office will be held accountable by the steel rolling mill for maliciously occupying property owned by the steel rolling mill. They will be required to pay ten years' rent for the residential property and be given a certain fine. In serious cases, , will be transferred to the relevant departments, and those who occupy the factory property and refuse to return it will be punished with demerits, expulsion and other penalties. The return of the property must be based on the materials on file in the Real Estate Department. There must be no fraud, fraud, good stuff, or minor stuff. The penalty will be doubled.”

It was read five times in a row.

A huge steel rolling mill.

It boiled.

Most people agreed, mainly because they were unable to occupy the house. When they saw outsiders occupying the house, they felt jealous, jealous, and various other emotions. They felt that this method was really good.

A small number of people cursed in their hearts, which was tantamount to losing their interests.

After the broadcast ends.

These people gathered together in twos and threes and discussed specific methods. Why should they give away the house they got? If they didn't give it out, they would be expelled and given a job.

If the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up.

It depends on what the people in front do. If someone takes the initiative to vacate the house, they will follow suit. If others don't vacate, they will follow suit. You can't just pick the weak persimmons. (End of chapter)

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