While a group of workers were whispering and having their own secrets, Yu Haitang's voice came out from the loudspeaker of the Propaganda Department again, this time reading a notice from the Security Department.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill. I am Yu Haitang. I will read out the latest notice from the security department of the steel rolling mill. After receiving the notice from the factory office, three days later, all members of the security department will cooperate with the real estate department of the steel rolling mill to vacate the house. This statement states that for those who refuse to vacate the steel rolling mill properties, the Security Section will take necessary measures in accordance with the steel rolling mill security regulations. In serious cases, they will be transferred to the relevant departments. We hereby urge those who have occupied the steel rolling mill properties for ten years. As a veteran of the steel rolling mill, please cooperate unconditionally, otherwise the only thing waiting for you is the ruthless iron fist of the security department.”

Shazhu’s notice.

If it's an appetizer.

This notice from the Security Department turned into a heavy blow.

Not stupid.

Distinguish between good and bad.

There are so many people coming back from the countryside, all looking for jobs, but they can't find one.

The steel rolling mill is also a large factory with tens of thousands of people.

The kind of unit that guarantees harvests during droughts and floods.

As long as one's own children take over, it is equivalent to having an iron rice bowl to eat, and it is easier to find a partner. If the partner has a job, he will be a dual-income family that everyone envies. Once he is fired because of the problem of vacating the house, he will lose more than just a job. Work is the hope of the whole family.

Those people who were clamoring a moment ago about giving the Real Estate Department a good look suddenly calmed down, as if a basin of cold water was poured on their heads.

It's better to just vacate the room honestly.

The Real Estate Department has relevant information stubs, but the squatters don't care at all. They have no relevant procedures.

The accusation of occupying the steel rolling mill's property makes them miserable. This is because the steel rolling mill looks after its own people and is looking for some convenience. If it is really put on the line, it will be occupying state-owned assets for a long time. In ten years, I must have discovered eating peanuts.

Which one is more important?

Clearly divided.

People with small calculations don't dare to make trouble again.

The third notification flew into their ears at this time.

"The latest notice from the office of the steel rolling mill is that the owners of the steel rolling mill, workers who need to improve their living conditions due to large crowds or other reasons, can write an application to the Real Estate Department after three months, and the Real Estate Department will make a decision based on the real estate of the steel rolling mill. Depending on the vacancy situation and factors related to the applicant’s qualification review, certain cooperation will be provided as appropriate.”

Pure painting.

Anyway, Silly Zhu knows that there are no spare houses in the steel rolling mill now.

Lots of people.

Is inevitable.

However, the Real Estate Department has the final say on whether you have the conditions to change your house.

Will determine whether you have the conditions to live in a big house based on your length of service, contribution, grade, etc. Just like Jia Dongxu, a second-level worker, even if there are Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, Banggan, and Xiaodang in a small house. , Huaihua and six or seven other people, the steel rolling mill will not allocate a house to him. If the conditions are not met, if you give it to Jia Dongxu, others will sue you.

The last notification also reminded Silly Zhu of something.

Yi Zhonghai.

The hypocrite tried to plot against Si Zhu by taking advantage of the convenience that Tang Jianjun didn't know about. Si Zhu had to let Yi Zhonghai get an education no matter what.

The property rights of Yi Zhonghai's house in the courtyard belong to the steel rolling mill. There are two houses in total, one large and one small. As an eighth-level worker, Yi Zhonghai is fully qualified to live in two houses. This was before Yi Zhonghai broke his leg. Things, a broken leg, a broken arm, and a toilet cleaner, the extra house should be donated, not to mention that Yi Zhonghai always used the moral stick of harmonious assistance to deceive everyone, no matter what, he had to try it Taste the power of the moral stick.

I called the real estate department and called the person in charge of the real estate department to come and say a few words.

Although Yi Zhonghai's name was not mentioned in the words, the meaning behind the words was consistent with Yi Zhonghai.

Being able to be the leader of the real estate department, his mind is naturally sharp, and he can guarantee with his name badge that things will be done well, but he will not let Silly Zhu bear the bad reputation of making things difficult for others.

Looking at the departure of the head of the housing management department, Shazhu leaned his back on the chair, squinted his eyes, grabbed the big teapot in front of him, and took a few sips of tea.

Then he fell into deep thought.

Think about yourself.

Think rolling mill.

Before today, someone told Silly Zhu how he wanted to be the leader of the steel rolling mill in the future. Silly Zhu would give him a score of two to zero no matter what he said. Now someone is telling Silly Zhu again how to be the leader of the steel rolling mill. If asked, Shazhu would smile and show humility that he was not qualified enough for the job. After being the deputy director for a day, he had already experienced the convenience of power. When he was the canteen director, the section chief of the housing management department, and Sha Zhu Qi Ping, but now he has to rely on Sha Zhu's breath to make a living. Sha Zhu opened his mouth and said a few words, and then he hurriedly became Sha Zhu's pawn.

Grab a pen and paper.

Got busy.

Silly Zhu is responsible for the food, drink, diarrhea and sleep of tens of thousands of people.

Compared to when Sha Zhu was the canteen squad leader, when he was tired and needed anything, he went directly to the canteen director. When he became the deputy factory director in charge of logistics, every drop of water that the workers drank had to be taken into consideration.

When he was busy until about ten o'clock, Xu Damao suddenly came to find him.

Look at Turtle Sun's face that needs a beating.

Silly Zhu suddenly regretted reconciling with Xu Damao.

The deal was already done, and Shazhu couldn't expel Xu Damao directly. As soon as he became the deputy director, he broke up with his friends and spread the word, which undermined the dignity of Shazhu's deputy director.

The pen in his hand was placed on the table.

Get up from the stool.

Xu Damao hurriedly stopped him.

"Deputy Director He, aren't you going to the toilet? I, Xu Damao, am also your friend. You became the deputy director. I came to congratulate you, but you just patted your ass and left? Shibie three days ago I am so impressed that you will be the deputy director for a day and show off for me."

"I'll make you some tea."

"Making tea, this is better." Xu Damao waved his hand, "Don't come, I'll do it myself. I just said you borrowed urine to escape, but you made tea and gave it to me, so you scolded me. Myself."

Without thinking of myself as an outsider, I found the tea cup, put a small pinch of tea leaves in, and poured some boiling water.

Silly Zhu sat opposite Xu Damao.

"Deputy Director He."

"Get lost."

"Then I'll call you Director He."

"Xu Damao, don't push me into the trap." "De Xing." Xu Damao, who laughed and cursed, suddenly lowered his voice, "Silly Zhu, let me tell you something. When I was at work today, I saw Yi Zhonghai Standing in the courtyard, looking at your house in a daze, I thought that this was a big deal and I had to talk to you. Although you no longer live in the courtyard, your house is still there, but don’t worry. I will help you keep an eye on your house and make sure it looks the same when you leave."

"That's it?"

"There's more." Xu Damao took out a piece of paper from his pocket like he was offering a treasure and threw it to Sha Zhu, "Look, my buddy is not worse off than you."

Silly Zhu grabbed it and took a look.

I was a little dazed for a while.

It turned out to be Xu Damao's transfer notice. Like Silly Zhu, Biosun also became an official, but instead of being a deputy director, he became the deputy chief of the Publicity Department, from a movie projectionist to the deputy chief of the Publicity Department. , which can be considered a big improvement. If Silhu hadn't maintained his relationship with Yang Weimin in the past ten years, he would have been the canteen director for a few more years.

In the script, we see that many people have gone out to work alone and made a lot of money, and Sha Zhu is a capable cook. The new factory director is worried that Sha Zhu will also go out to work alone, and uses the title of canteen director to tie Sha Zhu to the steel rolling mill. Even though Yu Li and Yan Jiecheng opened a restaurant and hired Sha Zhu to cook, Sha Zhu did not leave the steel rolling mill.

As for Xu Damao in the script, he is not only a desperate man, but also an unlucky man who was defrauded of all his family property.

In reality, after having children, my career also progresses.

"Not bad, pretty good."

"It's better not to have you. You are now the deputy director of the factory."

"Is there anything else?"

"The baby kiss thing."


"Get out of here."

Yi Zhonghai's heart.

If it wasn't for the blockage in his throat, he might have been so angry that he flew out.

He was holding the toilet, and when he heard that someone from the housing management department was looking for him, he hurriedly put down the furniture in his hands and limped towards the housing management department. On the way there, he was thinking a lot, but he didn't understand what was going on. doorway.

He thought that the matter of vacating the house had nothing to do with him. He did not occupy the house in the steel rolling mill, so naturally he had nothing to do with it.

When I was digging out the toilet, I heard people talk about a lot of things, such as the return of some experts and skilled workers, and I even knew that the houses being vacated now were in preparation for the return of these people.

Silly Zhu became the deputy factory director in charge of logistics, and the matter of vacating the house was under the jurisdiction of the Housing Management Department, which was also a department of logistics.

The new official took office three fires.

This was the first thing Shazhu did when he became deputy factory director.

Based on the bad relationship between the two, Yi Zhonghai managed it well without causing any obstacles for Si Zhu, and also asked Yi Zhonghai to cooperate.

What to match?
Is there anything to cooperate with?

Yi Zhonghai, who was full of ideas, received a blow from the Housing Management Department without saying anything after entering the Housing Management Department. A notice to vacate the redundant house appeared in Yi Zhonghai's hands through the hands of the Housing Management Department comrades. hands.

Look at the content above.

I was speechless for a moment.

Why should I, Yi Zhonghai, hand over my extra house?

My body was trembling.


The section chief of the housing management department walked up to Yi Zhonghai, pointed to the stool beside him, asked Yi Zhonghai to sit down, and then lectured the young man who handed Yi Zhonghai the notice.

"Xiao Ma, what did you do? The Housing Management Department is a department that serves all the workers in the steel rolling mill. No matter who comes, whether it is an eighth-level worker or a cleaner who cleans the toilet, in our eyes, they are all How can colleagues in the steel rolling mill be artificially classified as high and low? Master Yi is an eighth-level fitter in our steel rolling mill. Although it was ten years ago, he only taught Jia Dongxu and Jia Dongxu how to display all his fitter skills. Qin Huairu's two apprentices also made indelible and huge contributions to the steel rolling mill. "

Yi Zhonghai looked bitter.

It always felt like this was stimulating him.

What does it mean to be an eighth-level worker ten years ago? This sentence was taught to two apprentices, Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu. How should we explain it?
His shoulders slumped.

It was discovered that it was the person from the housing management department who had put his own hand on Yi Zhonghai's shoulder, and pressed down hard, forcing Yi Zhonghai onto the wooden stool.

A cup of brewed tea was placed in front of Yi Zhonghai.

"Master Yi, don't worry about drinking water or the house. We will implement everything in accordance with the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill. There will never be any artificial difficulty. If such a thing happens, the third floor is the Yang Factory. In the director’s office, you can go to the third floor to find Director Yang. I can say that everything is reasonable. "

The tone changed.

Started Yi Zhonghai's ideological work.

"I understand Master Yi's mood. The courtyard house at No. 95 Nanluogu Lane has two houses of different sizes. People are very emotional animals. After living here for so many years, we have feelings. No matter how we have feelings, we We also have to pay attention to evidence and fairness. You were a married couple and a well-known fitter in the steel rolling mill, so you meet the relevant conditions. But now you are either an eighth-level worker or a toilet worker in the cleaning department, and you are alone. "Occupying two houses is against the rules and regulations of the steel rolling mill."

The main event is coming.

He sounded considerate of Yi Zhonghai.

"This matter should have been implemented ten years ago. Considering the special nature of these years, we will not mention who is right or wrong. Now we have one idea. We must check the way to fill the vacancies and make up for the previous mistakes as much as possible. Master Yi, you must I understand the difficulties of our housing management department, so I won’t talk to you about it if I have the conditions. Unfortunately, the current conditions are very difficult. Houses for living are urgently needed, and the steel rolling mill also needs them. You, an old steel rolling mill worker for so many years, will not Are you refusing to move? You won't just watch the steel rolling mill fail. If you do, you, Master Yi, will be the sinner of the steel rolling mill, and countless people from the steel rolling mill will poke you in the back. "

The stick of moral kidnapping.

Hit Yi Zhonghai on the head.

Yi Zhonghai was speechless and didn't know how to refute.

The more he listened to these words, the more familiar they became. If he thought about it carefully, weren't they the same words that Yi Zhonghai used to describe the neighbors of the courtyard house more than ten years ago when he was the chief steward? What about respecting the old and loving the young? What is a harmonious courtyard house? reputation.

Those words that deceived the neighbors at the beginning hit Yi Zhonghai on the head without changing a word.

"In the steel rolling mill, when mentioning you, Master Yi, who doesn't give a thumbs up and say hello? In the steel rolling mill, you are the master that everyone respects. In the courtyard, you are the steward that everyone admires. I often listen to people Say, you, Master Yi, are warm-hearted and do things without asking for anything in return. Now is the time for you, Master Yi, to contribute to the steel rolling mill. Having said that, this house itself is not your own private house, it is the house of the steel rolling mill. There is a saying It's a good saying, everything returns to its original owner, Master Yi, don't you think this is true?"

Speaking of which.

Yi Zhonghai knew that this house had to be vacated.

People take charge.

Don't blame anyone, just complain that Yi Zhonghai has become a cripple and is no longer an eighth-level fitter in the steel rolling mill.

I thought of Liu Haizhong and Qin Laoshi. Thanks to the two of them, not only was I disabled, but I couldn't even save my house in the courtyard. (End of chapter)

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