Yi Zhonghai has two east wing rooms, one large and one small, in the courtyard. The large one is about 267 square meters, and the small one is about 167 square meters. Originally, the couple slept in the big house, but they regarded the small house as their own. He moved into the utility room and after adopting Xiaodang, he tidied up the small room and turned it into Xiaodang's boudoir. He and Xiaodang shared a room.

In the script, Xiaodang hired a son-in-law and lived in the deaf old lady's house in the backyard. After the deaf old lady died, the house belonged to Shazhu, and the widow took it away with her own tricks. He Yuyu's house was occupied by Sophora japonica, and Shazhu followed After getting married, Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang slept in the Jia family's old house. Qin Huairu was worried about being laughed at, so she told the public that Silly Zhu was worried that Jia Zhang would get up late at night, so she moved to Jia's house to take care of Jia Zhang. , trying to put as much money on the Jia family’s face as possible.

In reality, Xiaodang is still following the footsteps of the script and released the idea of ​​finding a son-in-law.

On the one hand, Xiaodang's character is carefree and somewhat tomboyish. She barely finished junior high school but failed to enter high school. She is over twenty years old and has been busy looking for a job recently.

On the other hand, Yi Zhonghai's calculations stemmed from Yang Lao's calculations, and he calculated against Xiaodang.

The hypocrite took advantage of every opportunity to do Xiaodang's ideological work. As long as he had time, he would instill in Xiaodang the idea that you are the backbone of my Yi family. For the sake of our Yi family, you must find a son-in-law. If you marry a man, you are an evil mother-in-law. Ideas that will bully you.

Jia Zhang was also used as an example to demonstrate the unruly nature of the evil mother-in-law.

Ever since Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang left the courtyard, Yi Zhonghai had taken care of Xiaodang meticulously for more than ten years. Over time, Xiaodang believed Yi Zhonghai's words, and he himself had eaten up all Jia and Zhang's words. suffering.

Yi Zhonghai regards Xiaodang as a Silly Zhu who is not Silly Zhu. The difference between Silly Zhu and Silly Zhu is that Silly Zhu has no blood relationship with Yi Zhonghai. Yi Zhonghai is purely using his thoughts. Silly Zhu's future is not considered by hypocrites. Think only of yourself. Xiaodang is Yi Zhonghai's niece, and there is Qin Huairu in between. Although her concern for Xiaodang is out of calculation, it has a touch of family affection!

The hypocrite has already made up his mind. As long as Xiaodang recruits a son-in-law, he will let Xiaodang and his wife move to his current big house, and Yi Zhonghai will move to Xiaodang's small house to live out his life.

Good idea though.

There are many changes.

The cruel fact gave Yi Zhonghai a blow to the head.

The housing management department actually wanted to take back Yi Zhonghai's house.

He can only keep one of the two houses.

Yi Zhonghai's plan was suddenly shattered, what should I do?

There is no spare house, so Yi Zhonghai can only share a room with Xiaodang. Even the relationship between grandfather and niece is awkward. Xiaodang is a tall and beautiful girl, and she has to avoid suspicion, which makes Yi Zhonghai feel even more depressed. The thing is that he doesn't want to end up like the Jia family. The two apprentices, one is Jia Dongxu and the other is Qin Huairu, plus the evil mother-in-law Jia Zhang, they really form a mahjong table.

Several members of the Jia family are crowded together in one room. Jia Zhang is the grandmother, but they are still young.

What to do if it's Yi Zhonghai's turn?
No clue at all.

Moreover, there is only one house, and Yi Zhonghai and Xiaodang need to live together after they get married. Whether the gay man is willing to get married is still unknown.

If Xiaodang can't recruit a son-in-law, he will get married off.

After working hard to support her for more than ten years, she married off to someone else's family, leaving Yi Zhonghai living alone, and it is estimated that no one will know about her death.

This happened to be the key point where Yi Zhonghai felt guilty.

He was so worried that he didn't even know how he left the housing management department.

The mood is called panic.

When he came to his senses, it was already time to get off work. Yi Zhonghai was not only alone, but also some comrades from the security department. Looking at each other with eager eyes, no matter how stupid Yi Zhonghai was, he knew what was going on.

He raised three fingers, which meant three days to vacate the room.

The leading team leader raised the document that Yi Zhonghai had just signed in the housing management department.

He looked at it carefully.

The hypocrite almost missed it.

Good guy.

It turned out to be a declaration of willingness to cooperate with the management of the steel rolling mill to vacate the room. It was signed by Yi Zhonghai, and there were reporters from the factory newspaper around. Looking at the posture, he knew that he had to move.

With the big hats down, Yi Zhonghai was really convinced.

There are people who are more skilled in the tactics of moral blackmail than him, such as the first person to vacate a house in the steel rolling mill, the new awakening of an old comrade, the stories that have to be told about Yi Zhonghai, and Yi Zhonghai is Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai knocked out his teeth and swallowed them into his own stomach.

This is nothing.

The reporter said that the matter of Yi Zhonghai's initiative to cooperate with the housing management company to vacate the house should be reported in the factory newspaper, so that countless people in the steel rolling mill can learn from Yi Zhonghai's spirit of knowing shame and courage.

What shame?
There is no good or bad.

A large group of people rode towards the courtyard in a mighty manner. Yi Zhonghai, thanks to the vacancy of his house, had a rare chance to ride on the security department's bicycle and was carried on the back seat of the bicycle.

People who didn't know the inside story thought that Yi Zhonghai had committed something. He talked about Yi Zhonghai's bad things in the past with certainty, which made the security officers who followed Yi Zhonghai feel a lot more balanced.

This is not bullying Yi Zhonghai, this is doing justice for heaven.

Yan Fugui stood guard at the door as always. He saw a large group of people walking towards the courtyard from a distance, with Yi Zhonghai crowding in the middle. He also thought about the matter wrongly. He didn't care much, turned around and ran back to the courtyard, putting his bangs in the middle. Shout out.

Be prepared to let your bangs fight.

As soon as the neighbors heard that Yi Zhonghai had committed a crime, they all came out to watch the show.

This is also the reason why when the security department entered the courtyard, they saw all the neighbors crowded in the middle courtyard.

Liu Haizhong claimed that he was an eighth-level worker and an expert hired by the steel rolling mill. Feeling that he had some status, he went up to him with a big belly, and immediately sent Yi Zhonghai underground.

"Comrade, has Yi Zhonghai committed something again? He has a good reputation, but he is also hypocritical. The neighbors in the courtyard were more or less deceived by him. I guarantee that all the neighbors will stand up and tell Yi Zhonghai This criminal is sworn in. The deaf old lady is living together with Yi Zhonghai. She is actually a Dieter. Yi Zhonghai must be suspicious of him. Yi Zhonghai, I just say one sentence in my bangs. Please tell me honestly. Don’t even think about resisting. Otherwise, so many neighbors will not let you go, and they will drown you Yi Zhonghai alive with just a spit of spit."

Seeing the bangs is adding insult to injury.

Yi Zhonghai was anxious.

The revenge of the broken leg has not been avenged.

He was killed by bangs again.

He shouted in mourning.

"Liu Haizhong, what are you talking about? Why did I do something wrong again?"

A ferocious look.

I wish I could eat him alive and peel off my bangs.

"Lao Yi, your tone is wrong and your attitude is not good. You often tell us to take more care of our neighbors. You also say that the reputation of the courtyard cannot be lost. Why is it your turn? You do this? If you are okay , Can the comrades from the security department escort you back? With so many comrades from the security department bringing you back, it must be that the things you did back then were exposed."

There was a little pride in the center of the bangs.

He had been feeling uncomfortable since yesterday, especially when he saw Yi Zhonghai's hateful eyes, he knew that Yi Zhonghai had not let go yet and was worried that Yi Zhonghai would jump over the wall and do something to him.

The hypocrite is dead. There will be no worries anymore.

Regardless, Yi Zhonghai was given a big hat.

He also encouraged the surrounding neighbors to agree with him.

"Neighbors, do you think this is true?"

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, you misunderstood. We followed Comrade Yi Zhonghai. It was not Comrade Yi Zhonghai who made the mistake. It was Yi Zhonghai who dared to set an example for the steel rolling mill. He was the first worker to cooperate and respond to the management of the steel rolling plant. We are here to help Comrade Yi Zhonghai vacate his house. Comrades from the Publicity Department should record the highlight moments of Comrade Yi Zhonghai’s vacating his house.”

The hearts of the neighbors.

Then it fell into the stomach.

So scared.

I thought that what happened ten years ago would happen again.

Co-authorship is not.

It's Yi Zhonghai who is vacating the house.

No matter what they think in their hearts, at least they can look good on the surface. They all looked at Yi Zhonghai happily, thinking about whether they could get a share of Yi Zhonghai's house.

The Publicity Department made it very clear that people who are short of housing can apply to the Housing Management Department to apply for a house.

Can it fall into their hands?

Did not say.

It would be better to free up Yi Zhonghai's house first.

Some people complimented Yi Zhonghai against their will, saying good things about Yi Zhonghai in all aspects. The comrades in the Publicity Department were also good people. They interviewed him on the spot. When they heard that he could be published in the factory newspaper, they rushed over each other.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yi Zhonghai could only try his best to think about things as good as possible. He thought that after this incident happened, his reputation in the steel rolling mill would be better, and he would be a good candidate for Xiaodang to find a job and negotiate with. s Choice.

After comforting myself, I suddenly felt a lot better. I thought that there was no room for recovery, so I had to implement it faithfully.

Pointing to the small house next to it.

The words haven't been spoken yet.

The comrades in the housing management department made it clear that Yi Zhonghai should vacate certain houses. They did exactly what Yi Zhonghai thought and actually took back the big house.

The furniture inside was moved to the small house next door, locked and sealed in front of all the neighbors.

Before leaving, he took a photo of Yi Zhonghai and said he would use it as the cover of the next issue of the factory newspaper.

Yi Zhonghai kept a smiling face.

It just gave Xu Damao the feeling that Yi Zhonghai cried more. Looking at the scene in front of him, he hesitated whether to talk to Sha Zhu tomorrow. I believe Sha Zhu was very happy to see such a thing happen.

There were also some neighbors who were worried about how Yi Zhonghai would sleep at night.

Xiaodang's surname is Yi, but she is a daughter of the Jia family, a tall and graceful girl. Yi Zhonghai is also a notorious bastard. There will definitely be embarrassment in the house, and there will inevitably be some entanglements.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

The time came to around eight o'clock in the evening, almost nine o'clock in the evening.

Xiaodang, who had been looking for work all day, dragged his tired body back to the courtyard. As soon as he came in, he saw the neighbors who were enjoying the cold looking at him with meaning. He was used to the strange eyes of the neighbors. As Qin Huairu's daughter , Yi Zhonghai's niece, Jia Zhang's granddaughter, Xiaodang is looked down upon by others, and sometimes she hates herself in her heart, why she was born into such a family.

But he didn't think much and walked towards the big house.

After living together with Yi Zhonghai for so many years, I was used to visiting Yi Zhonghai's house first when I came back.

Maybe it was for food when I was a child, but for work when I grew up. Thinking about Yi Zhonghai Haolai, he was also an eighth-level worker in the steel rolling mill. He had been the steward of the courtyard and the captain of the steel rolling mill. He still had connections and seemed to be able to Solve her problem of finding a job.

She just figured this out this afternoon.

The worst case scenario is for Yi Zhonghai to give up his job, which is just to clean the toilet, but this is not what Xiaodang has in mind. Like Yu Haitang, joining the publicity department of the steel rolling mill and being an announcer is more like it. How can such a good-looking girl like her be able to clean the toilet? Where's the toilet?

Inherited Qin Huairu's beauty.

Xiaodang is very confident.

As soon as she walked up to the big house, Xiaodang paused. A seal with the name Steel Rolling Mill and the red official seal of the University of Science and Technology of China was affixed to the Yi family's door with a standard big cross.

There was a loud bang in the head, and the pot exploded instantly.

what happened?
Why was Yi Zhonghai's house sealed?

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

With Qin Huairu and Banggan disappearing one after another, and Sophora japonica being given up for adoption, Xiaodang becomes He Yuyu in the script, feeling extremely insecure. The seal on the door makes her mistakenly think that she is going to be a surrogate mother again. Drifting without roots, without a place to stay.

This is a big deal.


The kind-hearted neighbor from the courtyard walked up to Xiaodang and told Xiaodang everything.

"Xiaodang, it's not that the neighbors didn't help, it's that the security department of the steel rolling mill acted in accordance with the factory regulations. The old man is now a toilet worker who cleans toilets. He has no qualifications and does not have the conditions to live in two houses. At that time, the security guards took back the extra house. The first uncle brought them here. After the house was taken back, the first uncle went out. Don't think too much about it. It's sixteen or seventeen square meters, not to mention sleeping. It’s okay for you two to sleep with four or five people.”

The implication behind the words is that Xiaodang will only be able to squeeze into the same room with Yi Zhonghai from now on.

Looking at the face that he thought he had done good things for a good person, how could Xiaodang not know what the other person was thinking, so he patiently said thank you, turned around and walked towards the small house.

When he reached the door, he stopped, turned around, and took a strange look at Shazhu's house.

Not being envious is a lie.

Yesterday I heard that Shazhu became the deputy factory director and moved to a building.

I wish I could give myself a few big slaps.

open the door.

The house was in a mess, and it looked like a garbage dump.

He put the things in his hands on the ground and started getting busy. If he didn't tidy up, he wouldn't be able to stay there at night.

After sorting out the table, placing the cabinets, and arranging the grilles, we decided to look at how to divide the areas. After much deliberation, we could only copy the layout of the Jia family, like Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and Jia Dongxu sleeping separately. That way, get a simple grille. (End of chapter)

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