When Jia Dongxu married Qin Huairu, the Jia Zhang family did not occupy the house of Cheng Shazhu's family, nor could they find ways to get to Yi Zhonghai's house. In desperation, they paid someone to build a wooden grille in the house. The small house was divided into two rooms, inside and outside. Jia Zhang slept in the outer room, which also served as a canteen for them to eat. Qin Huairu and Jia Dongxu slept in the inner room, separated by a discarded bed sheet. After Jia Dongxu died, Jia Zhang Shi and Qin Huairu slept in the back room, and Banggeng slept in the outer room. The young Xiaodang remembered this scene firmly in his mind.

Looking at the crowded house in front of him, Xiaodang borrowed the original layout of the Jia family. Due to time constraints, he could not pay people to make wooden grilles, so he could only use local materials to drape curtains.

I started searching through boxes and cabinets.

She remembered it clearly.

I have an unused quilt, which was originally intended as a dowry, but now it can only be used as a broken door curtain. I can't sleep with Yi Zhonghai on one side of the house and Xiaodang on the other side.

Spread the word.

It doesn’t sound good either.

Now that she's at the age where she's dating, her reputation needs to be better.

I went out to look for a job these days, and things were going well at first. But later I heard that she was the daughter of Qin Huairu, the granddaughter of Jia Zhang, and her grandfather’s name was Yi Zhonghai. The faces of those in charge of registering names suddenly changed. No matter how low Dang made the conditions, even asking her to give her a bowl of rice without making any money, those people still cruelly rejected Xiaodang's proposal.

Xiaodang was very disappointed.

When it was time to leave, someone who was looking for a job with Xiao Dang saw the depression on Xiao Dang's face, so he kindly told Xiao Dang some secrets from the past and why Xiao Dang was not welcome.

It boils down to one sentence.

Suffering from reputation, Mrs. Jia Zhang is known far and wide as a wicked mother-in-law, Qin Huairu is known to women and children as a black-hearted widow, and Yi Zhonghai's reputation is extremely bad. Everyone knows that there are widows in the courtyard, and there are black-hearted old bastards who scheme against widows.

As the continuation of their bloodline, Xiaodang's reputation has also become bad. Even if Xiaodang has done nothing, those people will still look at Xiaodang with colored eyes.

Say something unpleasant.

Even the job of cleaning the toilet will not be given to Xiaodang! He said that someone with Xiaodang’s background was not worthy of having to pay for their toilet!

This is Xiaodang’s harvest in one day.

When she returned home and had to do things at home, something like this happened again.

After finding the sheets, another difficulty arose. The main reason was that there was nothing hanging horizontally. There was also a thin wire in the Jia's house. When sleeping at night, the sheets were put up, and when they got up the next day, the sheets were put away.

When you are at your wits end.

Yi Zhonghai walked in from outside. Because the smell was not very good when Xiaodang cleaned up the house just now, she opened the door to save Yi Zhonghai from making a noise at the door, knocking on the door and shouting.

"Grandpa." Xiaodang shouted, saw the wire in Yi Zhonghai's hand, stretched out his hand, "Give it to me, I will get it."

"I'll help you get it." Yi Zhonghai handed one end of the wire to Xiaodang and grabbed the other end in his hand, "It'll be faster this way."

Matching for men and women.

Work is not tiring.

In three or four minutes, a simple cloth curtain was formed in the hands of Xiaodang and Yi Zhonghai.

The small room was divided into two not-so-private spaces.

Yi Zhonghai sat on the stool, thinking about what to say to Xiaodang.

Xiaodang was busy cooking. Ever since Yi Zhonghai broke his arm, Xiaodang had been responsible for the housework at home. Over the past ten years, he had become a good hand at cleaning up the housework. He was said to be extremely agile in his work. This is Xiao Qin Huairu.

Two bowls of pimple soup appeared in front of Yi Zhonghai and Xiaodang respectively. There were also three steaming white flour buns and a plate of small pickles on the table as side dishes.

This is their supper.

While eating, Yi Zhonghai looked for a topic.

"Xiao Dang, don't worry. Grandpa will find you a house no matter what. I didn't think about what happened today clearly. I thought I could watch you get married and start a family in a big house."

"It has already happened. Don't mention it again. This is good. We can talk through the curtain at night."

"How's your job search going?"

"It's not so good. There are so many people looking for jobs, it's like they sprouted out of the ground all at once. Besides, I'm a girl, so some jobs are inconvenient."

Xiaodang put down the bowl in his hand.

He looked at Yi Zhonghai seriously.

With such attention, Yi Zhonghai knew that Xiaodang had something to ask of him, and his heart couldn't help but twitch. He guessed what Xiaodang was going to say, and there would be nothing else besides work.

Yi Zhonghai was not willing to give Xiaodang this job.

On the one hand, he didn't really trust the Jia family. Jia Dongxu initially obeyed Yi Zhonghai and did whatever Yi Zhonghai told him to do. After he was promoted to a second-level worker, he actually wanted to break free from Yi Zhonghai's control.

After a series of accidents, he became disabled, and his family was not as strong as described in the script. Over the years, Yi Zhonghai had only saved less than 200 yuan in savings. The debt is paid off.

People are fired, but the debt remains.

Yi Zhonghai paid off ten years of debt.

He knocked out his teeth and swallowed it.

Worried that Xiaodang would fall out of love after getting his job, Yi Zhonghai could only rely on his imagination for his retirement.

The nephew is a dog, and he will leave when he is full. This is an old rule passed down for thousands of years.

After all, Xiaodang is not Qin Huairu, and has a blood relationship with Yi Zhonghai.

Fang Sui worked, and Xiaodang replaced Yi Zhonghai. This house was Xiaodang's house. Yi Zhonghai changed from the owner to a guest. They could evict him whenever they wanted.

He didn't dare to reject Xiaodang forcefully, because he was worried that Xiaodang would be separated from him, which would leave Yi Zhonghai with no other candidate. If Qin Huairu was here, Yi Zhonghai's thoughts would definitely be on Qin Huairu.

"It's really hard to find a job now, so don't be discouraged. There must be a road to the mountain. It's ours, it's ours, and no one can take it away. I'll think about it when the time comes and see if there's anything I can do about it."

Not a rejection of rejection.

As for what to do in the future?
Yi Zhonghai didn't think clearly.

Just take it one step at a time.

He couldn't hand over the job of cleaning the toilet, no matter what, this was what Yi Zhonghai relied on for a living. "It stands to reason that my position should be passed on to you. You also know that grandpa is a toilet worker who cleans toilets. You are a big girl who cleans toilets in a steel rolling mill. It will not sound good if it is spread, and it will be troublesome to talk to someone."

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to talk too much about work issues.

Changed the topic.

"In a day or two, go find a matchmaker and ask them to help you find a gay man who has a job and a good background. You know about your grandma and what your mother's life was like back then. You also know that it's best to hire a gay man. The son-in-law who comes to your door, with my help, he won’t dare to bully you. This will save you the anger after marriage. Who knows what kind of character your mother-in-law is like after you get married? If she is like your grandma, just wait for a hard life. After marriage, "If you have a child, grandpa can help you take care of it."

Xiaodang said nothing and put away the dishes.

Then the curtain was closed.

The lights in the house also went out.

His head hit the pillow, but he was not sleepy. Yi Zhonghai thought of work, Xiaodang's marriage, and his own retirement.

Xiaodang was thinking about how to go in the future. He didn't want to be like when he was a child, with several members of the family crowded into one room, and he also had to think about work.

What Yi Zhonghai just said made it very clear that the work would not be left to Xiaodang's hands easily. Even if Xiaodang had no intention of going to the steel rolling mill to clean the toilet, Yi Zhonghai's indifferent attitude still made her feel a little unhappy. He said that Xiaodang was his only relative in the world, and said all kinds of clichés, but when it came to his own interests, he forgot about the friendship between relatives.

Who can help me?

If Yi Zhonghai was still an eighth-level worker, he might be able to help her.


I don’t have a job or a house, how can I recruit a son-in-law?
Just go for Xiaodang’s pretty face.

I couldn't sleep well all night because I was thinking about things. I woke up yawning the next day.

Inside the loudspeaker of the Publicity Department.

Yu Haitang's voice came out.

"Attention all workers in the steel rolling mill, I, Yu Haitang, will read out a letter of commendation and appeal from the factory office."

With a somewhat hoarse tone.

It got into the ears of everyone present.

The workers walking towards the major workshops slowed down their pace as much as possible to reduce the noise caused by their walking. They became calm and listened to the broadcast with their ears propped up.

If you want to know something, why should you praise it?

"Yesterday, the factory office issued a notice to vacate the redundant houses. Yi Zhonghai, a member of the second cleaning department, found the security department and proactively cooperated with the steel rolling mill's vacating action regarding the redundant houses."

Workers who heard the content.

They all feel a bit fucked up.

The main reason is that they don't believe in Yi Zhonghai's character.

They know this is a complete hypocrite.

"Yi Zhonghai is the first person to vacate the steel rolling mill. His active and cooperative attitude is worthy of learning by everyone in the steel rolling plant. After research and decision by the leaders of the steel rolling plant, Yi Zhonghai is now awarded to Yi Zhonghai as the first person to actively vacate the house. Here, I call on those workers who occupy the property in the steel rolling mill to learn from Yi Zhonghai’s spirit of cooperation and strive to complete the vacating of the steel rolling mill as soon as possible.”

some people.

Biao cursed on the spot.

Cursed Yi Zhonghai, scolded Yi Zhonghai’s eight generations of ancestors.

Last night, after returning home, we each thought about it and found that it seemed that this house really couldn't be vacated easily. A large family, some even more than a dozen people, were crowded together. If we vacated it, where would we live? This was a wedding. Due to family difficulties, some young people are talking about partners, and they have reached the stage of marriage. The house for the wedding has been packed up, and a notice to vacate the house ruined many people's plans.

I'm thinking about procrastinating.

The law does not blame everyone.

He died before he left the house, and the people who occupied the house had not yet reached a consensus, so Yi Zhonghai took the initiative to vacate the house and was praised by the steel rolling mill.

This way.

What other reason do these squatters have for occupying the house?
Yi Zhonghai even vacated his house, and even squeezed into a small house with his niece.

I didn't think about the fact that Yi Zhonghai was forced to vacate his house. Based on Yi Zhonghai's previous reputation-loving approach, I felt that Yi Zhonghai wanted to use this incident to regain his reputation.

I have no objection to Yi Zhonghai harvesting characters, but you have cut off our escape route.

Some people didn't go to the workshop and wanted to talk to Yi Zhonghai.

In the loudspeaker, Haitang's voice continued to fly. After reading the letter of commendation and appeal, Yu Haitang read out the content of today's factory newspaper. It was a report praising and praising Yi Zhonghai.

"Written by Zhou Jianjun, a reporter from the Steel Rolling Mill Newspaper, the title is, The Transformation of Yi Zhonghai, a Steel Rolling Mill Worker. Yi Zhonghai is a name that can be recorded in the history of the steel rolling mill. He was an eighth-level worker more than ten years ago and is now a toilet cleaner. From an eighth-level worker to a toilet worker, what has changed is his identity, but what remains unchanged is Yi Zhonghai’s spirit and philosophy of serving the steel rolling mill wholeheartedly.”

"The vacancy notice was issued yesterday. In the evening, he cooperated with the Security Department to vacate the extra house he occupied. He also said that if necessary, he could also vacate the small house he currently lives in to give it to those in need. House people.”

"When his niece had no job and needed a house to get married, Yi Zhonghai made a decision that shocked countless people. I asked Yi Zhonghai why he did this. He said, I am I am a sinner in the steel rolling mill. I have done many things that are sorry for the steel rolling mill. The workers in the steel rolling mill can scold me and beat me, but they cannot stop my determination to change my ways. "

"The action to vacate the steel rolling mill is not that the leaders of the steel rolling mill are deliberately making things difficult for us workers, but that the steel rolling mill is giving us a chance to change. Privately occupying real estate. What a crime. The leaders of the steel rolling mill have put themselves in our shoes and considered it. Even though we were sent to prison and our rent was waived for ten years, our hearts are full of flesh and blood. We must also understand the good intentions of the leaders of the steel rolling mill. "

"After the evacuation was completed, Yi Zhonghai held my hand and couldn't calm down for a long time. He said that the evacuation of the steel rolling mill this time is actually returning the house to its original owner and returning the house to the previous residents. These residents are Who? They are none other than the workers of the steel rolling mill. They are all holding the jobs of the steel rolling mill. They come back for a better future of the steel rolling mill. I can make any sacrifice for the steel rolling mill. I appeal, Actively cooperate with the steel rolling mill’s housing vacancy operation because we are glorious steel rolling mill people.”

"Workers, vacating housing is a good thing for the factory. Just as Yi Zhonghai said, only when the steel rolling mill progresses and develops can we live a better life. Learn from Comrade Yi Zhonghai, start with me and do the best." A proactive person who proactively cooperates with the steel rolling mill to vacate the building.”

He is worthy of being an expert in playing with pens.

Zhou Jianjun's report simply praised Yi Zhonghai to the sky.

No wonder there is a saying that "a man of letters kills without a knife, a pen is enough".

It's really awesome.

It’s okay not to accept it. (End of chapter)

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