After the report written by Zhou Jianjun about Yi Zhonghai's voluntary vacating the house was broadcast, a chaotic sound of doors opening and closing and stools being moved suddenly came from the Propaganda Department's loudspeaker.

When the workers in the steel rolling mill were stunned.

The answer is revealed.

Once again, this was beyond the expectations of the workers at the steel mill. No one knew who was behind this, or if they were really trying to flatter Yi Zhonghai. They even called Yi Zhonghai, the person at the center of the incident, to the Propaganda Department and forced an on-site interview with the workers at the steel mill.

"I'm Yu Haitang, and we've invited Master Yi Zhonghai, the protagonist of the house-vacating incident."

"I am Yi Zhonghai."

"Master Yi, you should have seen the report written by Publicist Zhou, right? Do you want to say something to the workers at the steel mill? I heard about your family's affairs. Your niece, Qin Huairu's daughter, seems to be of marriageable age. You can't bear to let her marry out, so you want to find a son-in-law for her. He needs a house, a job, and savings. Under such circumstances, you actively cooperated with the Security Department to vacate your big house. Are you really as selfless as Clerk Zhou said?"

"It's not selfless, I just did what a steel mill worker should do. Clerk Zhou is right. In fact, vacating the house is a good thing that benefits the mill and its employees. The mill needs to develop and progress, so we can't hold it back. My personal difficulties are small, while the mill's difficulties are big. For the future of the mill, I believe I can do better."

Yi Zhonghai in front of the microphone.

The tension just now is gone.

The whole person became calm.

In a flash, Yi Zhonghai figured it out. There is no difference between him now and when he fooled the neighbors in the courtyard. If one has to find a difference, it's that one person is more and one person is less.

They all want to fool some people and build up a good reputation.

Xiao Dang has reached the age of looking for a job, and is faced with the difficulty of finding a partner. Yi Zhonghai feels that he can take this opportunity to improve his personal image, which may have an unexpected effect.

The steel mill is playing a trick of praising Yi Zhonghai to death.

in turn.

Yi Zhonghai is also taking advantage of the steel mill. With his good persona, he can put forward conditions to the steel mill and arrange a job for Xiao Dang. As long as it is not cleaning toilets, it will be fine.

"I still say the same thing. I am a sinner of the steel mill. I have done many things that have brought shame to the steel mill. Whether it is true or false, it is not wrong to follow Director Yang. I have been cleaning toilets in the steel mill for ten years. At the beginning, I felt wronged. I was an eighth-level fitter before. Even though my arm was disabled, I could still contribute my remaining energy in the teaching position. Because of some things, I was unable to do so. Now I understand that the eighth-level fitter and cleaning toilets are both labels on me, Yi Zhonghai, and they are all serving the steel mill."

"That is nice."

"I would like to take this opportunity to say this: those new apprentices, or level 1, 2, 3, and 4 fitters who are interested in fittering can come to me, Yi Zhonghai, and I will teach you everything I know so that you can grow up as quickly as possible. Here, I would like to apologize to Sha Zhu. I'm sorry, I was wrong. I sincerely apologize to you and sincerely repent for the wrong things I did before."

Sit on a stool.

Narrowing his eyes.

A fool listening to the radio.

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yi Zhonghai is still the same Yi Zhonghai.

But he is no longer the same person he was before.

The hypocrite is still following his old ideas and plotting against Sha Zhu, otherwise this drama of apologizing in public would be hard to explain. He probably thinks that as Sha Zhu is the deputy factory director, he should consider his reputation, and if he continues to argue with Yi Zhonghai, it would be a disgrace to Sha Zhu.

He thought wrong.

Identity determines status.

If he had not become the deputy factory director, Sha Zhu might have taken Yi Zhonghai more seriously, but now he no longer takes Yi Zhonghai seriously.

However, Yi Zhonghai's words just now also reminded Sha Zhu.

He picked up the phone in front of him and called the security department.

The matter of vacating the room needs to be negotiated with the Security Department.

This was the first major event that Sha Zhu accomplished as deputy factory director.

Chinese people pay attention to a good start in everything.

He didn't want to die before accomplishing his mission, to be laughed at behind his back, and to be called a useless person who would spend his whole life working around the stove, and to be bluntly saying that Yang Weimin had no vision in judging people.

Sixteen workshops.

Liu Haizhong had a look of disdain on his face.

He knew who Yi Zhonghai was. Liu Haizhong might not be Yi Zhonghai's opponent in other aspects, but when it came to teaching apprentices, even twenty Yi Zhonghais tied together were no match for Liu Haizhong. All of Liu Haizhong's apprentices were now seventh-level blacksmiths, and the lowest were third-level blacksmiths. Among Yi Zhonghai's apprentices, the highest level was the second-level fitter, Jia Duanming, and Qin Huairu had always been first-level blacksmiths.

Hypocrite's philosophy.

The disciples of the church starve to death of the master.

I like to keep something to myself in everything.

The desire to control is particularly strong.

Why are all the people Jia Dongxu killed a grade-two worker?

It’s not that Jia Dongxu is stupid, it’s Yi Zhonghai who is deliberately doing bad things and teaching Jia Dongxu to do bad things.

Looking at the apprentices around him who were eager to try, Liu Haizhong gave a few words of advice in a way that spoiled the mood.

"Some things cannot be judged by appearances alone. You can ask privately about what kind of person Yi Zhonghai is. Don't believe what Yi Zhonghai says. I, Liu Haizhong, am not the kind of person who doesn't care about feelings. I will give you a morning to do whatever you want. Gather here at 2 pm. Blacksmiths don't need people who are afraid of hardship. If you can't stand any fatigue, you can't be a blacksmith."

"Chief Xu, who is Sha Zhu? Why did Yi Zhonghai say that?"

"Sha Zhu is Deputy Factory Director He. The matter between Yi Zhonghai and Sha Zhu cannot be explained in just a few words. Anyway, there is nothing else to do, so I will have a good chat with you newcomers."

The steel mill during this period.

More than 300 new employees joined the company.

No social recruitment.

All of them are parents who have retired and left their jobs to their children.

Some retire early.

Others involve the buying and selling of work indicators.

I guess they weren't told the secrets of the factory, so they didn't know who Yi Zhonghai was, who Sha Zhu was, and who Qin Huairu was.

Xu Damao serves as the deputy chief of the Propaganda Department.

Just took office.

He took the opportunity to tell these people the history of the steel mill and talked about the right and wrong of Yi Zhonghai, Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu.

Xu Damao's mouth.

can say.

This is a fact.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be characters with the highest level of first blood in the script, like Lou Xiao'e, Qin Jingru, and so on.

A very simple thing, when told by Xu Damao, sounds as if the storyteller is still alive.

Who is Yi Zhonghai, who is Qin Huairu, why did they plot against Sha Zhu, why was Sha Zhu called Sha Zhu, more than 300 new employees in the factory all knew the whole story. The hypocrite's plan was ruined.

Those who learned about the matter from Xu Damao became more and more curious and asked the old people in the factory one by one, which invisibly made Yi Zhonghai angry again.

At lunch time.

They all avoided Yi Zhonghai.

But Yi Zhonghai regarded these as respect for him. On the way, he stopped a man and insisted on teaching him how to do locksmith work. He was scolded by the man and only then did he behave himself.

2 p.m.

Just started working.

A man angrily stopped Sha Zhu who was coming out of the toilet.

The man who blocked the road was named Niu Shitou, the burly man who kicked Yi Zhonghai into the squat toilet a few days ago.

Because he is tall and strong, he is very powerful.

He is considered a good man in the steel mill.

Rumor has it that he is a very difficult person.

Sha Zhu knew a little about his situation. He lived in the courtyard house at No. 55 Nanluo North Street. Originally, there were two houses, one big and one small. He and his wife lived in the big house, and Niu Shitou's parents lived in the small house. A few years ago, a family moved out of the courtyard. No one knew where they went or why they moved away, but they were no longer in the courtyard house or in the steel rolling mill.

The Housing Management Department was originally going to take back the house, but because of the mess in previous years, the house was recorded in the department's files and they did not actually take it back.

It was a room with an inner and outer suit, about the same size as the courtyard house of the Jia family, divided into two small rooms by a grille.

Niu Shitou took over the house with his strong fists.

The vacancy notice issued yesterday touched upon Niu Shitou's vital interests.

This morning, someone delivered a message to Niu Shitou again, hoping that Niu Shitou could come forward and talk to Sha Zhu about this matter.

He specifically took advantage of the opportunity when Sha Zhu went to the toilet and blocked Sha Zhu's way with a sword and a horse.

Yi Zhonghai happened to see this scene and was overjoyed. He had disliked Sha Zhu for a long time, but for some reasons, he could not deal with Sha Zhu, mainly because he could not defeat Sha Zhu's iron fists. However, he was happy to see others deal with Sha Zhu, which was like venting Yi Zhonghai's depression.


Hit me hard.

It would be best to beat Sha Zhu into a cripple, and then Yi Zhonghai will go to watch Sha Zhu make a fool of himself.

The hypocrite looked around and saw that no one was around. He felt that it was not perfect and that Sha Zhu was embarrassed. Sha Zhu got beaten, and he had to let all the workers in the steel mill see it. Only by seeing Sha Zhu get humiliated could Sha Zhu save face.

Niu Shitou beat Sha Zhu, and Sha Zhu beat Niu Shitou in return. Yi Zhonghai would make as big a fuss as possible. The deputy factory director beat people, and the deputy factory director was beaten. It was a good thing.

Hurry up and call for help.

When they heard Niu Shitou stopping Sha Zhu to ask for an explanation, those who were interested gathered around, and those who were not interested also followed to watch the fun. Before long, the scene was surrounded by workers from the steel rolling mill, and it was a sea of ​​people, about three or four hundred people.

Yang Weimin saw it but did not step forward. Sha Zhu would not be unable to handle such a small matter. He believed in Sha Zhu's ability.

Yi Zhonghai, squeezed in the crowd, looked intently at the masterpiece on the scene.

I wanted to shout out loud.

Finally, I suppressed the fluctuations in my heart.

Go to the theater.

Don't lose big for small things.

"Step aside?"

"I won't let you, Shazhu. Others may be afraid of you, but I, Niu Shitou, am not. Today, in front of everyone, you have to explain to me clearly how to vacate the house. Why should a good house be taken back?"

No one spoke.

Everyone was looking at Niu Shitou and Sha Zhu.

Sha Zhu won, and they moved out as well. The house wasn't theirs anyway, and they didn't have to pay rent.

Niu Shitou won, and they took advantage of it, keeping the house that was not originally theirs and continuing to live in it.

"Why do you take it back? Don't you know the reason? There are so many people around, I, He Yuzhu, have made it clear, it's your house, it's your house, the steel mill will not occupy your house, it's not your house, it will never belong to you, yesterday's notice made it clear, the houses being taken back are the steel mill's houses, these houses were uninhabited at the time, they were occupied by you, but occupying them doesn't mean they become your own houses, the property rights of the houses belong to the steel mill, and the steel mill has the right to take them back."

A resounding voice.

It flew into the ears of everyone.

"You have been living in this house for so many years without any conditions. Since we are in the same steel mill, I don't care about these things. You don't even have to pay the rent. This is a good thing. Why are you not satisfied, Niu Shitou?"

"There are so many people."

"The large population is an excuse? Whose family doesn't have a large population? Doesn't every household have several people? Just because you have a large population, you can occupy the steel mill's house without applying. There is no order without rules. The steel mill has relevant systems and a housing management department. You must follow the rules and regulations of the steel mill to determine how much square meter of house you can get based on your level. If you just do as you please, it will be a mess."

"I don't care about the principles you said. I just want to say one thing: I won't vacate this house."


"No, I occupy the house, it's mine."

"Occupying state-owned assets at the steel mill, you must know how serious this crime is, right? Will you be satisfied if I really go to jail? Niu Shitou, I'm not your enemy. I'm helping you. I don't want you to go astray. If you go to jail, you won't be able to keep your job at the steel mill, and your house will be taken back by the housing management department. Don't you understand this?"

"I still say the same thing. If my house is not spacious enough, I won't vacate it even if it is."

"So, we can't reach an agreement?"

"I want to see what you are like, He Yuzhu. Even though you are the deputy factory director, you are actually just a cook. Besides cooking, what else can you do? Do you really think you can do whatever you want?"

"Who will go to the security department for me?"

There is a kind of flatterer who will listen to what Sha Zhu said.

He ran quickly towards the security department.

Yi Zhonghai felt a little uncomfortable. Niu Shitou, this guy is no good. Why are you trying to reason with Sha Zhu? Why don't you hit Sha Zhu? If you don't hit Sha Zhu, how can I stir up trouble?

He quickly made up for it.

"Deputy Director He, Niu Shitou is also confused. He shouldn't call the security department. Whoever has a turn for the house will think the same way. A good house is confiscated just like that. It's hard to get over it."

Provoking each other back and forth.

Let’s talk about Shazhu first.

Then stimulate Niu Shitou.

"Niu Shitou, you too, if there is anything you can't say to Deputy Director He, can't you just talk to him in a nice way? Look, the situation has even reached the point where the security department has been called in. When the security department comes, can they be as good as you, Niu Shitou? Just apologize to Deputy Director He right away, and let this matter be over." (End of this chapter)

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