When I went to the toilet, I saw Yi Zhonghai cleaning the toilet. Now that so many people were surrounding Sha Zhu, Yi Zhonghai was adding fuel to the fire and trying to sow discord between the two parties.

You can guess who is behind this with just your toes.

Inside the rolling mill.

The first person who hates Sha Zhu and can't stand seeing Sha Zhu doing well is Yi Zhonghai.

Hypocrites are so out of touch.

Sha Zhu had to do whatever the hypocrite wanted. He followed Yi Zhonghai's wishes and dug a small trap for Yi Zhonghai.

"Niu Shitou, look at Master Yi, who took the initiative to vacate his house. How enlightened is he? How enlightened are you? We are both from the steel mill, so why is there such a big gap? Can't you learn from Master Yi?"

Three words: Master Yi.

The shout was so sincere and heartfelt.

Yi Zhonghai got goosebumps.

I felt inexplicably panicked.

It couldn't have accidentally overturned.

"Master Yi, you are the honor winner appointed by the factory leaders for voluntarily vacating your house. You are a role model for countless people in the steel mill. You should do some ideological work for Niu Shitou. As an old man in the factory, you can't just watch Niu Shitou go to jail. I know Niu Shitou's situation. His wife is unemployed, his mother is on medication, and he has two sons and two daughters. Niu Shitou earns money to support the whole family, and housing is also tight. But no matter how tight it is, you can't occupy the state-owned assets of the steel mill. This is a crime, do you understand?"

Sha Zhu followed Yi Zhonghai's old routine of moral kidnapping and viciously hit the hypocrite on the head with the stick of moral kidnapping.

Damn bastard.

Since you want to watch the show, I'll let you watch it to your heart's content.

"Now that Niu Shitou is in jail, the Niu family will be broken up. Niu Shitou's mother may have to bury her son before her. And the children of Niu Shitou have a father in jail. It will be troublesome for them to find jobs and start families in the future, and go to school now. Master Yi, you have to help Niu Shitou. I think Niu Shitou's family will remember you well."

Yi Zhonghai knew that Shazhu was not holding his fart well.

It turned out to be waiting for him here.

"Deputy Director He, things are not as you said. I, Yi Zhonghai, need to step in. I, Yi Zhonghai, am just an ordinary toilet worker. You are the deputy director and the person in charge of this matter. In my opinion, you have to make the decision."

He didn't dare to call out the name Sha Zhu in front of Sha Zhu, and instead used the title of Deputy Factory Director He.

He said a few meaningless words.

As soon as he finished speaking, Niu Shitou slapped Yi Zhonghai fiercely in the face.

The crisp sound of the slap caused an uproar among the people present, and also stunned Yi Zhonghai himself. He touched his slapped cheek with his hand, and until now he couldn't believe that he was slapped by Niu Shitou.

Is your brain full of shit?
I'm helping you fucking bastard.

If you hit me, why don't you hit Sha Zhu? Sha Zhu is your enemy. It was Sha Zhu who became the deputy factory director and led this so-called house-clearing operation. There is no reason for you to hit me.

Yi Zhonghai was confused and looked at Niu Shitou who was moving his wrist in surprise.

You hit me and you still complain that your wrist hurts.

Is it a human being?

"What do you mean by 'I'? I despise people like you. Don't think that the factory leaders say that you, Yi Zhonghai, are an advanced individual who took the initiative to vacate your room. You, Yi Zhonghai, think you are the boss. Bah, what a bullshit. If you can help, help. If you can't help, just shut up and stop talking nonsense all day long. It's okay for you to say something about others, but it's not okay for others to say something about you, Yi Zhonghai? No wonder people say that you, Yi Zhonghai, are a hypocrite and Qin Huairu is not a good person either."

People who don't understand.

Ask who Qin Huairu is?

The kind-hearted person deliberately told Yi Zhonghai who Qin Huairu was in front of him, and even shouted out the name of the pretty widow at the steel mill.

The scene became chaotic.

The noise was so chaotic that Sha Zhu had to maintain order at the scene.

"Stop talking and talk business. I believe there are people like Niu Shitou among the crowd. I, He Yuzhu, will say one thing: the rules and regulations of the steel mill cannot be violated. If it is the steel mill's property, it is the steel mill's property and no one can take it away. If it is not the steel mill's property, even if you beg the steel mill on your knees, the steel mill will not bother to lend a hand. The house-clearing operation cannot afford to fail. This is something that will only benefit the steel mill and not cause any harm. No matter who it is, no one can stop the steel mill's house-clearing operation this time."


Yi Zhonghai was slapped in the face again.

The one who takes action.

It’s still a cow stone.

Unlike before, this time Niu Shitou slapped Yi Zhonghai's right cheek with his left hand. Before that, he slapped the hypocrite's left cheek with his right hand. After two slaps, clear five-finger marks appeared on the hypocrite's face, making him look much more balanced.

What a great beating scene.

Yi Zhonghai's head was buzzing.

What's wrong with this?
Sha Zhu said you were forced to vacate the house, and you were angry, so you hit me, Yi Zhonghai. What kind of logic is this?

As soon as he raised his hand to ask for justice, Niu Shitou kicked Yi Zhonghai hard in the stomach, turning Yi Zhonghai into a 90-degree shrimp.

The hypocrite covered the part of his body that was kicked with his hands and rolled on the ground, occasionally making painful gasps from his mouth.

Many people were horrified by Niu Shitou's cruelty.

This kick.

That’s quite a lot of effort.

"Shazhu, did you see that?" Niu Shitou pointed at Yi Zhonghai who was kicked away by him and threatened him, "If you push yourself too far, this will be your fate. Do you really think I am a vegetarian? I don't have a temper?"

Yi Zhonghai was speechless.

You're threatening me, why are you kicking me?
So you are using me, Yi Zhonghai, to warn Sha Zhu by killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

I am human.

Not a slaughtered chicken.

"You have a temper, but I don't. The steel mill doesn't have a temper." Sha Zhu stared at Niu Shitou and pointed to the sky. "In the steel mill, you have to abide by the rules of the steel mill, otherwise the steel mill will not tolerate you."

"You dare to fire me?" Niu Shitou sneered, with a look of disdain on his face, "I don't believe it. If you have the ability, fire me and try. Don't think I'm Yi Zhonghai. I'm not as hypocritical as Yi Zhonghai."

Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

You're not going to stop picking on me, right?

"Isn't it just jail? Do you really think I'm afraid? It doesn't matter if I die. I still have a son and a daughter. If I don't die, just wait and see how I'll avenge you. If I can't deal with you, I'll deal with your children, right?"

"threaten me?"

"It's a warning." "I, He Yuzhu, have been afraid of everything in my life, except threats. Originally, for the sake of a steel mill, I gave you, Niu Shitou, three days to vacate the house. I didn't expect you, Niu Shitou, to be so ruthless, rushing to provoke, disregarding the development of the steel mill, and maliciously occupying the state-owned assets of the steel mill." Sha Zhu's voice suddenly rose, "Has the security department arrived?"

"Deputy Director He, we are here."

Several security guards carrying weapons.

Squeezed out from the crowd.

Standing in front of Shazhu.

"In the name of the deputy director of the steel mill, I order you to arrest Niu Shitou, who maliciously occupied the steel mill's assets and refused to return the property. Everything should be done according to the procedures. If necessary, you can notify the police station to send someone. The steel mill does not need this kind of borer."

Shiny handcuffs.

Worn on Niu Shitou's wrist.

He was then taken away by the security department.

Before leaving, he struggled a few times and turned back to look at Sha Zhu with contempt.

"Silly Zhu, when I come back, I will definitely have a good talk with you."

"I still say the same thing. I am not afraid of threats. Once you, Niu Shitou, go to jail, your family will be in trouble. I will go to Director Yang now and hold a meeting to discuss expelling you from the steel rolling mill. Once you, Niu Shitou, are no longer a worker at the steel rolling mill, can you still keep your house at No. 55 Siheyuan? Are the people from the Housing Management Department on site? If so, be on standby at any time."

A fool who made his attitude clear.

Turn around and leave.

The people who were surrounding the scene also gradually dispersed and returned to their respective workshops. As for Yi Zhonghai, who was beaten by Niu Shitou, he lay on the cold ground like a mangy dog, and no one cared whether he lived or died.

There are no secrets in the steel mill. What happened at the toilet door spread widely in a very short time. The tens of thousands of people in the steel mill were a little absent-minded for a while.

If you want to know how the matter will develop later, whether Sha Zhu will win or Niu Shitou will be more skilled, the former will vacate the house quickly without any greed, and the latter, the house will naturally still be theirs.

In the office, Sha Zhu met Liu Lan, who was the canteen director, and Que Genxian, who was the monitor of the third canteen.

Look at the two of them.

I actually felt a small sense of accomplishment.

These were all people promoted by Sha Zhu and can be considered Sha Zhu's confidants.

The reason why they were called here instead of Ma Hua was because only Liu Lan and Que Genxian could accomplish this task.

Spread rumors.

Sha Zhu wanted to use Liu Lan and Que Genxian to tell others about the steel mill's follow-up opinions on how to deal with Niu Shitou. Since everyone in the steel mill wanted to know the final outcome of the matter, he had to do whatever it took to satisfy these people's wishes and let them know that the steel mill's dignity could not be lost.

After a few opening remarks.

Liu Lan and Que Genxian, who understood Sha Zhu's meaning, came out of Sha Zhu's office one after another.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

In less than an hour, Liu Lan and Que Genxian spread the news of the steel mill's handling of Niu Shitou throughout the steel mill. Everyone, from the leaders to the workers who cleaned the toilets, knew about it.

Shock after shock.

The panic continued.

The actual result was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one expected that the consequences would be so serious.

It was so unbelievable that it scared them.

According to Liu Lan and Que Genxian, the steel rolling mill committee has passed a resolution to expel Niu Shitou, who refused to return the steel rolling mill property. Niu Shitou was taken to the police station. In any case, someone from the steel rolling mill saw the police station coming and taking Niu Shitou away. Niu Shitou had a pair of shiny handcuffs on his wrists from beginning to end, with his head drooping, and he did not have the ruthlessness he had just shown when challenging Sha Zhu.

Not to mention that Niu Shitou was fired, the Housing Management Department has already taken action regarding Niu Shitou's original house and the house he occupied. Within two days, they will take back Niu Shitou's house in Compound No. 55.

In addition to paying back the rent, a certain percentage of penalty was also imposed on the person who had occupied the house for five years.

In a word.

Niu Shitou's end was miserable. He lost his job, was imprisoned, and had to pay money to return the house to its original owner. His children were also affected to some extent because of this incident.

The bloody facts are faced to the face.

Some of the tenants who originally wanted to resist the strict enforcement thought that Niu Shitou had been dealt with by someone and they could not compare to Niu Shitou in any aspect. They also had the example of Yi Zhonghai and thought that they had to vacate their houses anyway and it was better to vacate early than late.

The people in the Housing Management Section were so busy that they were dizzy. The house-clearing operation that was originally planned to be completed within seven days had results within two days. Most of the houses were taken back. As for the parts that were not taken back, because the people in the Housing Management Section were too busy to check the houses, they could only simply make a mark on the house-clearing summary.

The first fire that Sha Zhu started as a new official was completely ignited. Those who were dissatisfied with Sha Zhu being the deputy factory director or who might have been just watching the show were also convinced by Sha Zhu's operation and gave Sha Zhu a nickname of "not afraid of threats".

Only one person cursed behind her back.

Yi Zhonghai.

Because of the house vacating matter, Yi Zhonghai paid a lot, and the final result was that he was beaten. Things went the opposite of what Yi Zhonghai expected, and made Sha Zhu happy.

The house-vacating operation consists of two parts: taking possession of the house is the first stage, and maintenance is the second part.

After the house was taken back, the money for repairs that Sha Zhu applied for also arrived.

Give a slap and a sweet date.

After discussing with Yang Weimin, Sha Zhu decided to hand over the maintenance of the house to the employees of the steel rolling mill. That is, the employees of the steel rolling mill will be responsible for recommending workers to repair the house, or they can be their relatives or friends.

In a word.

The meat rotted in his own pot.

On the one hand, he sold the deal to the employees of the steel mill, making them feel a greater sense of belonging to the mill and unconditionally carry out Yang Weimin's follow-up plan, and also doing Sha Zhu a favor. On the other hand, he did so to ensure the quality of house maintenance, because Sha Zhu had created a joint liability system, and the person who recommended the deal would be held accountable for the quality of house maintenance for three years. After three years, the joint liability would no longer exist.

After considering the pros and cons, the workers at the steel rolling mill got busy.

The workshop director submits an application to the Housing Management Department, and ultimately a review team composed of the Housing Management Department and workers selects the people or teams that are qualified to repair houses.

As the deputy factory director, Sha Zhu is in charge of the general direction.

It's equivalent to delegating power.

Listening to the noisy noise downstairs, Sha Zhu placed a cup of brewed tea in front of Niu Shitou.

"Shitou, I'm sorry for putting you through so much trouble these days. Go back and tell your wife, your children, and your parents not to worry. If I could be away, I would personally visit them and say thank you to everyone in your family. The house-vacating operation was completed so successfully, and your Niu Shitou family has made a great contribution. Thank you. Without your family's cooperation, this drama really couldn't go on." (End of this chapter)

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