

These became two huge mountains weighing on Xiaodang's heart. As the daughter of Qin Huairu and the granddaughter of Jia Zhang, Xiaodang inherited the scheming style of the Qin and Jia families from birth.

The reason why Yi Zhonghai takes care of Xiaodang is that Xiaodang can provide for his old age. In order to do that, he has been doing ideological work on Xiaodang for so many years, reminding her all the time that she cannot get married, must marry a son-in-law, and the children she gives birth to must have the surname Yi to continue the Yi family's incense. If Xiaodang does not follow Yi Zhonghai's wishes and find a son-in-law to marry into the family, she will be ungrateful, unfilial, and an ungrateful person.

This is Xiaodang’s mission.

Otherwise, the person Yi Zhonghai sent away was Xiao Dang.

A sigh.

Fly out of Xiaodang's mouth.

She sat on the curb, holding her chin, looking at the passers-by, and fell into deep thought.



For some unknown reason, I suddenly thought of Sha Zhu.

I wish I could give myself a slap in the face.

In the courtyard, if we were to say who is the most capable among the neighbors, the first person that would be mentioned would naturally be He Yuzhu, the top chef of the steel rolling mill. He became the canteen director and a month later became the deputy director in charge of logistics. It is said that he is deeply trusted by the top leader of the steel rolling mill.

This was what Yi Zhonghai said in his sleep last night. Xiao Dang heard it and remembered it in his mind.

The canteen director is already a god-like figure in Xiao Dang's heart, not to mention the deputy factory director who is one level higher than the canteen director. It seems that just one sentence can solve Xiao Dang's problem of finding a job.

A steel rolling mill is a large factory with tens of thousands of employees.

Yu Haitang worked as an announcer in a steel rolling mill.

Xiao Dang has been coveting this job for a long time.

Having lived in the same compound for so many years, they met each other every day. Logically, this was Xiaodang's chance. However, when she thought of her family's relationship with Sha Zhu, Xiaodang backed down. Although Xiaodang was young at the time, she knew almost everything about what happened more than ten years ago. No matter whether it was the Jia family, the Yi family, Yi Zhonghai, Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi, or Xiaodang, they had no feelings for Sha Zhu and were even like enemies.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

How can I arrange a job for Xiaodang?

Don't even think about it.

Such a result made Xiao Dang, who had just felt a little excited, become like an eggplant hit by frost. She looked completely wilted. Even if Sha Zhu gave the work quota to an outsider, he would never give it to Xiao Dang.

For the first time, I resented my origins.

Hate Qin Huairu, hate Jia Zhangshi, hate Yi Zhonghai.

If it weren't for these people who were recklessly plotting against Sha Zhu and were willing to make his family extinct, Sha Zhu wouldn't have treated the Yi and Jia families as man-eating beasts, never having any contact with them, and not even bothering to say hello when they met.

How to do it?

How can I change Shazhu’s perception of himself?

Xiao Dang felt worried.

Yi Zhonghai refused to give her the job and she couldn't find another one, so she could only find a way through Sha Zhu.

Jia Dongxu had the idea of ​​rebelling against Yi Zhonghai, and Xiao Dang also had the idea of ​​​​jumping out of Yi Zhonghai's control.

If you want the donkey to pull the mill, you have to feed it grass.

Yi Zhonghai is reluctant to give up his job and money, but he wants Xiaodang to be grateful to him for the rest of his life and is willing to repay him with his marriage. It is understandable that Xiaodang is dissatisfied, but Yi Zhonghai just doesn't know about it. Xiaodang also knows that Yi Zhonghai must not know about this and it needs to be done secretly.

"Ah sneeze!"

Sha Zhu pushed the door and walked into the office.


He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and took a deep breath.

Then he stared at Liu Zihao intently.

A small employee in the factory office, he had been in the factory for more than half a year. Because he was an employee who joined the factory through internal retirement connections during the period when Li Huaide was in office, the newly appointed head Yang Weimin was too lazy to pay attention to him and treated him as a small transparent figure.

The leader doesn’t like it.

The subordinates naturally also disliked it.

There is a rule that is not a rule in the career. Only by following the leader's footsteps can you make a difference, rise step by step, and have a smooth career. On the contrary, if you do what the leader doesn't like, go against the leader in everything, and go east when he tells you to go west, you will never get a promotion or a raise in your life, so just endure it.

Liu Zihao's life in the factory office was not easy. He was treated coldly and no one paid any attention to him. Even if they talked to him, they just told him to do something.

I do odd jobs all day long, clean the factory office, and am responsible for replenishing hot water in each room of the factory office, which means I help fetch water and deliver notices and documents, which are the responsibilities of others.

The life is not hard, but still tiring.

It's impossible not to have resentment in your heart.

When Sha Zhu came in, Liu Zihao was wiping his eyes with his hands.

He could see it clearly, his eyes were red, and Sha Zhu guessed that Liu Zihao had just cried.

Got an idea.

What happened? What difficulties did you encounter that made you cry? Was it about work or family matters?

Interest came.

Want to know.

Because Liu Zihao holds the power of life and death over the leaders of the steel rolling mill. When he replenishes the hot water in each office, he is unhappy and resentful of you. When he fetches water, he spits in the hot water when there is no one around, or he touches the thermos with his dirty hands before the water is filled. He is even more ruthless and drops two drops of his own urine into the kettle of hot water. He is obviously no match for you and will suffer from your anger. He will try every means to plot against you behind your back. No matter how powerful a person is, he will have to eat Liu Zihao's saliva.

They can offend anyone except Liu Zihao, unless Liu Zihao is no longer responsible for boiling water for them.

See Liu Zihao is about to leave.

I hurriedly greeted him.

"Xiao Liu, wait a minute. I see that you are worried about something."

He showed concern for his subordinates. He even forced Liu Zihao to sit on the sofa, and even more considerately poured a cup of tea for Liu Zihao and placed it on the coffee table in front of Liu Zihao.

Demonstrate respect for the wise and humble through practical actions.

"Is there something wrong at home? Or is it something at work? I'm more than a dozen years older than you, so I'm more than qualified to be your brother. Tell me. Even if I can't help, it would be good to help you make decisions."

In order not to drink saliva tea.

Sha Zhu tried his best to act approachable.

The expression on Liu Zihao's face was extremely funny. His mouth was wide open and his eyes were round, looking completely frightened.

Everyone in the steel rolling mill knows that Sha Zhu is now a big shot second only to Yang Weimin.

One person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Just say a word and it will work. Even Yang Weimin will listen to Sha Zhu.

Such a great person told Liu Zihao that he could help him. How could Liu Zihao not feel panic? It was as if a pie in the sky hit him and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a pause of more than thirty seconds.

Liu Zihao forced himself to calm down, probably believing what Sha Zhu said, and confided his thoughts to Sha Zhu.

"Deputy Director He, I, how should I put it? Actually, this matter is my fault. I did not complete the task assigned to me by the leader very well. I felt that I was not good enough and I felt that I had failed the trust of the leader. "

Also a sly one.

Under the guise of high praise, he is actually making fun of his superiors.

From Liu Zihao's perspective, there is nothing wrong with doing so.

If it were Sha Zhu, I guess he wouldn't be as comprehensive as Liu Zihao and would definitely start cursing, talking about himself and his leader, and saying that the leader was blind and didn't see his value.

Liu Zihao implied that he did not have a very good life in the factory. Thinking about his dim future, he felt useless and very depressed. He was like a headless fly and did not know how to face the world. He also said that his salary was not high and he had not been given a permanent job. His mother was trying to introduce him to a girl, but because the family had no savings, the girl rejected him. His mother was so angry about this that she was hospitalized.

Even if you haven't eaten pork, you have seen pigs run.

Sha Zhu knew how to do ideological work on Liu Zihao. He was extremely nervous and kept secretly praying that it was time.

Liu Zihao is now full of resentment, and he is like a volcano that is suppressed to the extreme and will erupt at the slightest pressure.

I have hatred towards Yang Weimin.

This kind of hatred is hard to get rid of. Even though he is no match for you openly, he will definitely resort to some extra tricks behind your back, such as spitting a few mouthfuls of saliva into the thermos when he is boiling water for you and making you drink his saliva.

Purely disgusting.

As Yang Weimin's most trusted confidant, Sha Zhu might be implicated.

When he thought about drinking the boiled water that Liu Zihao had made for so many days, he felt nauseous, but he forced himself to suppress it.

Looked up.

Looking at Liu Zihao seriously.

"I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be these two things. Let me tell you a story. There was a man who inherited the cooking skills from his family. Logically, he should have learned from his father, but his father sent him to another chef to learn cooking. Because of his good friends, he could cook delicious dishes at a young age. He thought that if he went there, the other chef would teach him everything he knew and treat him like a treasure. Guess what the result was?"

Liu Zihao certainly knew the story told by Sha Zhu.

The person who inherited the cooking skills from his family refers to Sha Zhu himself.

"That chef was only asked to do one thing every day, which was to clean the cooking utensils, kitchen knives, spoons, chopping boards, pots and stoves, and even the copper fire sticks. He did this for half a year. After half a year, he thought the master was going to teach him cooking skills, but the master asked him to wash and cut vegetables for a living. He did this for three years. He got angry and asked his master about it. His master told him that only when a person can concentrate as much as possible on one thing, his emotions, feelings, etc., can he achieve success in one go. A few years later, at the age of 18, he became the best chef in the steel mill."

He patted Liu Zihao on the shoulder.

He looked like someone who had been there before.

"Yes, that person is me. I understand what you just said to me. You are so young, and it is inevitable that you will feel impatient when you enter the factory office. I deliberately ignored you to train you. Think about it, before you entered the factory office, all the people in the factory office were 27 or 28 years old. How old are you? If you don't do this, can you stay in the steel mill safely?"

Li Huaide leaving the steel mill.

He was also used by Sha Zhu.

"If I remember correctly, the person who recruited you was Li Huaide. Now Director Yang is in charge. You can find out about the things between Director Yang and Li Huaide by just asking around. Young man, don't be impatient. There is a long way to go, and good days are still to come."

"Deputy Director He, I understand."

"It's good that you understand. At any time, the road is always your own. Of course, choice is more important. If I had lost my temper and left without saying anything, I would naturally not be the deputy director in charge of logistics now. It depends on how you look at it. Think more open-mindedly and don't dwell on one thing. It's a good thing that I don't assign you a job. You can use this time to study hard and improve your knowledge."

He took out a wad of money from his pocket.

He left seven or eight yuan for himself and stuffed the remaining hundred yuan into Liu Zihao's hands.

Liu Zihao refused.

Sha Zhu tried to persuade him and relieve his depression, and he accepted it and appreciated Sha Zhu's kindness. But when Sha Zhu gave him money, he couldn't accept it. One hundred yuan was an astronomical sum for Liu Zihao.

It is equivalent to his five months salary.

Liu Zihao, who has not been converted to a regular employee, earns exactly 20 yuan a month in salary, bonus and other items, no more, no less.

"Deputy Director He, I can't take this money. I appreciate your kindness, but please take the money back."

"What good things are you thinking? Do you really think this money is for you?" Sha Zhu said seriously, "Although I am the deputy director, my family doesn't have much money. What I say doesn't count. I lent you this money. You just said that your mother was in the hospital. I think this is a heart disease. You should find a partner and your mother will recover and be discharged. When you have money, you can pay me back."

Upon hearing what Shazhu said.

Liu Zihao no longer refused.

He accepted the hundred yuan that Sha Zhu handed to him.

After saying a few words of gratitude, he turned and left.

When it was time to go out, Sha Zhu saw it clearly that the little guy seemed to be crying because he had fooled him.

This was exactly the result that Sha Zhu had been expecting. He thought that since he had done Liu Zihao a favor, Liu Zihao would not be so disgusting as to spit into his thermos. He didn't want to suffer retribution.

Why are people so entangled over such a small matter? It is because the story told by Sha Zhu is half true and half false. Some things are true and some are false. For example, he was treated coldly and had to wash and cut vegetables for three years. This is a fact, but the things that the chef said to comfort Sha Zhu were imaginary.

At that time, there was a saying that apprentices should be beaten. It was said that apprentices would not become useful if they were not beaten. They would beat you in various ways. Even if you did not make any mistakes, they would find a reason to beat you. After the beating, you had to empty the urine pot for the master.

Sha Zhu, who was dissatisfied, took revenge on the master in his own way. He got up early in the morning and made tea for the master. While making tea, he deliberately spit saliva, and then brought the saliva tea to the master. He was satisfied only when he saw the master drink it. Half a year later, with the help of He Daqing, Sha Zhu changed to a new master, which put an end to his subsequent career of spitting saliva into tea. (End of this chapter)

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