He didn't want to be punished for what he had done, so he put on an approachable act for Liu Zihao, doing ideological work and lending him money on his own initiative.

The final result made Shazhu very satisfied.

It's a masterpiece.

He hid in the house alone, laughing secretly for a while, and his mood was inexplicably relieved to the greatest extent. He picked up the tea that had been brewed for Liu Zihao but Liu Zihao had not drunk a sip, and drank it all in one gulp.

No waste.

The phone on the table started to ring.

He did not rush to answer the call, but stared at the ringing phone for a while, wondering who was calling him, Yang Weimin or someone else. When the call was about to be hung up, he reached out and picked up the phone. As soon as he put the receiver to his ear, a familiar and somewhat shocking tone clearly penetrated his ear through the phone line.

"Deputy Director He?"

These four ordinary words made Sha Zhu's heart rise to his throat.

He was frightened by the caller.

Because the person on the other end of the phone was actually Deputy Director Li Huaide, who had been in charge of the steel mill for ten years and had made the mill a mess, and it was no longer as prosperous as it once was.

Some people in the steel mill are still obsessed with seeking justice from Li Huaide. If Shazhu were Li Huaide, he would definitely live an honest life. But then again, Li Huaide has been the person in charge of the steel mill for ten years. He has a backer and support. If he didn't have some skills, he wouldn't have used the excuse of illness to stay away from the steel mill, which is a dangerous place, several months in advance.

Don’t say anything else.

At least Li Huaide managed to land smoothly. All the gossips in the steel mill were successfully thrown away by him. No matter Liu Haizhong or Yi Zhonghai, they could not be traced back to Li Huaide at all. Instead, he took advantage of the incident of dealing with Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai to greatly improve his image.

Call yourself.

whats the matter?
The name for Sha Zhu is Deputy Director He.

Could it be that Li Huaide has an insider in the steel mill?

As soon as this thought came to Sha Zhu's mind, he ruthlessly rejected it. All the workers in the steel rolling mill knew that he was the deputy director, and they could find out by asking around.

It doesn’t matter whether he is in the inside or not, we just need to find out why Li Huaide is here.

In the script, the relationship between the two was not very good, and Sha Zhu even beat Li Huaide because of Qin Huairu.

The widow was not a good person. She ran to the steel mill canteen late at night and asked Sha Zhu to help her steal things. After Sha Zhu agreed, the widow did not leave in a hurry with the things, but stayed in the canteen on the pretext of something. Eventually, she was discovered by Li Huaide, who tried to rape her but failed. Sha Zhu was demoted to the workshop and worked as a handyman for several months.

"Director Li, please wait for me for a moment."

After giving instructions to the person on the other end of the phone, Sha Zhu put down the phone, walked to the door, closed it, and looked very cautious, as if he was fooling around with someone and was afraid of being discovered.

He moved back to the table and picked up the phone.

"Director Li, please give your orders."

The attitude is very humble.

The humble Shazhu himself didn't know what he said.


My thoughts are also in a mess.

"Deputy Director He, I don't deserve your orders. I called to tell you that it's nothing. I just heard that you, He Yuzhu, have been promoted to the deputy director in charge of logistics at the steel rolling mill. I want to congratulate you."

"You flatter me."

"You promoted Liu Lan to be the canteen director, Ma Hua to be the monitor of the second canteen, and Ding Feng to be the deputy monitor."

Sha Zhu's brain was working rapidly.

Li Huaide called rashly and mentioned a group of people on the phone.

I didn't believe him and called him to tell him all this useless nonsense.

Liu Lan is a colleague who has worked with Sha Zhu for many years, and Ma Hua and Ding Feng are Sha Zhu's apprentices.

Is there any hidden meaning behind this?
"They did a good job, and the steel mill was in a critical situation where they were short of manpower."

"Shazhu, you are the deputy director of the factory, and you can still call me Li Huaide Director Li. I am very pleased. It is said that when people leave, the tea gets cold. I see something different in you. I have just been back for a day or two. I will treat you. How about we get together at Shiweitian tonight?"

I’m worried that Shazhu will refuse.

Li Huaide also used moral blackmail on Sha Zhu, saying something like "You won't lose face for me."

Thinking that there was nothing to do in the evening, and Li Huaide had said so much, if Sha Zhu continued to make excuses saying that he was too busy and had no time to go, the little friendship between him and Li Huaide would be severed.

Li Huaide is a villain, a genuine villain.

Sha Zhu is pursuing a career in politics again.

As the old saying goes, more friends mean more roads, more enemies mean more walls.

If they can't do it openly, they will trip you up behind your back, which will make you feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, Li Huaide's father-in-law has not abdicated yet.

Think about it.

Meeting is more in Sha Zhu's interest than not meeting, so he readily agreed to Li Huaide's request to meet and said that he would meet Li Huaide at Shiweitian on time at 8 o'clock in the evening.

Li Huaide hung up the phone contentedly.

Sha Zhu fell into deep thought, racking his brains to think about the real Li Huaide and comparing him with the Li Huaide described in the script to see what the differences were.

Li Huaide in the script landed smoothly after ten years as a director. He was not held accountable and even became one of the first people to become rich by taking advantage of the convenient conditions at the time. When he appeared, Lou Xiao'e had her IQ lowered by the screenwriter and she was determined to compete with Qin Huairu for Sha Zhu. In order to win Sha Zhu back, she even opened a restaurant for Sha Zhu.

A total of three million was invested.

Obviously, it was Lou Xiao'e's restaurant, but Qin Huairu insisted on treating the neighbors of Siheyuan to a meal. She stood at the door of the hotel, looking like a hostess, welcoming the neighbors of Siheyuan who came to the banquet, and said some incoherent words, such as "eat more, drink more, don't be polite", and so on. Words like these kept flying out of Qin Huairu's mouth.

Yan Fugui asked Qin Huairu how much money was invested in this hotel.

Qin Huairu gave a number very proudly, saying that she invested less than three million.

The tone was so loud that the three aunts were scared.

Yan Fugui's face showed a bit of weirdness. He understood the situation, but deliberately did not point it out. The life savings of the three families of Jia, Sha Zhu and Yi Zhonghai were not enough for the investment. While the beasts in the courtyard were eating, Xu Damao, who was not used to Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu's behavior, unexpectedly met Li Huaide. This was the first time in the script that Li Huaide appeared in front of the neighbors in the courtyard after leaving the steel mill. He was dressed like a successful person, with a suit, tie and leather shoes. Liu Lan also ran to the box to meet Li Huaide. Xu Damao met Li Huaide as a former subordinate of the steel mill, talked about some things in the past, and also mentioned Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu and the hotel where they were eating, and said that Lou Xiaoe was the actual investor of the hotel.

What happened next was that Xu Damao and Li Huaide started a business partnership.

The beautiful lady You Fengxia also appeared.

Xu Damao was amazed by her beauty.

Many things happened afterwards, including Xu Damao tricking the neighbors in the courtyard into doing the import and export TV business with Li Huaide, and finally using tricks behind the scenes to inform on Liu Haizhong, Yan Fugui and others and make off with all their savings.

The final ending of the TV series is that Xu Damao and Yan Jiefang had all their wealth drained away by You Fengxia, Xu Damao's father was angered to death, and Xu Damao's mother moved into the Sihe Nursing Home which was invested by Lou Xiaoe but the beasts were grateful to Qin Huairu.

There was no explanation of Li Huaide's specific whereabouts, only that You Fengxia's whereabouts were unknown.

Sha Zhu's fingers tapped lightly on the table, and the room fell into an eerie silence.

Li Huaide is not an ordinary person.

find yourself.

There must be something going on.

Sha Zhu couldn't figure out what exactly happened, so he forced himself to calm down and wait patiently until he got off work in the evening. He was riding a bicycle and just came out of the steel mill when he saw Yi Zhonghai waiting at the door from afar. He waved his arm at him with a smile on his face, but Sha Zhu pretended not to see him and passed by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's face turned pale, mainly because he didn't expect Sha Zhu to not play according to the rules and ignored him.

How can this be good?

The hypocrite's subsequent rhetoric is completely useless.

Yi Zhonghai spent the whole night in the house with Xiao Dang. He was not used to it in every aspect and did not sleep well. He even dreamed that Xiao Dang ran away with someone, and that Yi Zhonghai's more than ten years of hard work had gone to waste.

This morning, I happened to hear some ridiculous rumors about Yi Zhonghai and Xiao Dang, and realized that I seemed to have thought things were too simple.

To remedy.

Thinking that Xiaodang had entered the steel rolling mill, all problems would be solved.

Looking around, it seems that the only person who can solve Yi Zhonghai's predicament is Sha Zhu.

The deputy factory director who was in charge of logistics could get Xiao Dang to work in the steel rolling mill with just one word.

She regretted that she had been too calculating towards Sha Zhu, which backfired and severed the relationship between the two. She resented Jia Zhangshi's excessive greed and failure to let Qin Huairu remarry Sha Zhu before he married Li Xiuzhi. Otherwise, she wouldn't have so many regrets now.

In fact, it was still Yi Zhonghai's old routine of moral blackmail. Thinking that Sha Zhu was the deputy director of the steel mill and had to consider his reputation, he took the initiative to get close to Sha Zhu in front of his fellow workers at the steel mill. Even if Sha Zhu hated Yi Zhonghai in his heart, just because of the three words "deputy director", he had to act approachable in front of his fellow workers and say a few words to him against his will. As a result, Sha Zhu ignored Yi Zhonghai and treated Yi Zhonghai as nothing the whole time, as if he were air.

Yi Zhonghai was helpless. Sha Zhu didn't care about his reputation as deputy factory director at all. His method of moral blackmail against Sha Zhu was of no use at all. Xiao Dang might go out of town if he couldn't find a job. There was no extra house at home, so he couldn't recruit a son-in-law according to Yi Zhonghai's idea. Yi Zhonghai's retirement was also facing a huge crisis.


After leaving the steel mill, Sha Zhu did not rush to keep the appointment with Li Huaide. Instead, he rode his bicycle back home and said hello to Li Xiuzhi. The couple exchanged specific views on Li Huaide's mysterious call and the meeting in the evening.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that I should take it one step at a time, as to whether or not I should tell Yang Weimin about this matter.

Li Xiuzhi meant that the matter could be revealed to Yang Weimin at an appropriate time. Assuming that Li Huaide wanted to use Sha Zhu to disgust Yang Weimin, the news of their meeting would definitely reach Yang Weimin's ears.

Since the result is predetermined.

Why not take the initiative into your own hands.

You can't not go.

From the moment Li Huaide called Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu had already joined the game.

A career in politics is more troublesome than cooking.

It is also more likely to make people jealous.

Any insignificant little thing may be magnified infinitely by the other party.

After bidding farewell to Li Xiuzhi, Sha Zhu rode his bicycle out of the residential building amid the gazes of neighbors who were paying attention, whether intentional or unintentional. He came to Shiweitian based on his memory.

I parked my bicycle in the open space in front of the hotel, locked it, and pushed open the door of Shiweitian.

To put it bluntly.

This was the first time for him to eat in a restaurant as a customer in all these years since he started working in the steel rolling mill.

Everything that came into view made Sha Zhu feel a little bit novel.

The food in front of him was completely different from the food in Shazhu's impression. The first floor was designed as a place for the general public to consume and eat. Four- and six-person tables were arranged in an orderly manner. When Shazhu came in, some neatly dressed diners were sitting around in groups of three or four. There were some dishes and opened bottles of white wine on the table, and they were talking all kinds of gossip.

Sha Zhu's gaze fell on the surrounding walls, and he did not see any slogans like 'Do not beat customers without reason or bully customers'. Instead, there were two plaques, one new and one old. The new plaque read "Rebuilding the Glory of a Century-old Store" on it, and the old plaque read "Food is the Heaven" in large characters and several smaller characters such as "The First Year of Xianfeng" on it.

Food is the essence of life.

During the years when Li Huaide was in charge of the steel rolling mill, a group of people rushed to Shiweitian, claiming that Shiweitian's signboard violated their taboos and destroyed their feng shui, and they insisted on chopping up Shiweitian's signboard and burning it as firewood.

Afterwards, Sha Zhu felt a bit regretful. Now it seemed that what was destroyed should be the replacement.

No wonder when Sha Zhu walked in just now, he felt that the sign on the door of Shiwei Tian was a little weird. It turned out to be a fake.

The second floor was designed as a private room. A wooden staircase connected the first floor lobby and the second floor private room. Numbers such as 201, 202, etc. were written on the boxes. The number Li Huaide said on the phone was 206.

Sha Zhu walked towards the stairs, and a waiter who was waiting at the stairs came up to meet him.

"Sir, which box are you in?"

"Comrade." Sha Zhu didn't like the other party's address of Mr. and frowned slightly, "No. 206."

"Mr. He Yuzhu, right?" The waiter greeted with a smile, "Mr. Li Huaide has arrived. Please follow me."

"No need, just tell me how to get to Room 206." The silly Zhu who was speaking looked around and found the box he was looking for in the southeast corner. "I see it, I can walk there by myself, don't send me off."

"Mr. He, take care and enjoy your meal."

In the words that gave Shazhu goosebumps.

He came to Box 206. (End of this chapter)

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