Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 504: Zhuzi, this is You Fengxia

No rush to go in.

Instead, he paused at the door for more than thirty seconds.

The sound of tea being drunk in the box entered Sha Zhu's ears. The sound of drinking tea must have belonged to Li Huaide, and he was sure that Li Huaide was the only one in the box.

His uneasy heart calmed down instantly. Sha Zhu forced a faint smile on his face and slowly pushed open the half-closed door with his hand.

Li Huaide's familiar face immediately caught Sha Zhu's eyes. Even though he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by Li Huaide's outfit.

A successful person's outfit.

When Li Huaide was the director of the steel rolling mill, he wore worn-out leather shoes, a black Zhongshan suit, and a domestic brand fountain pen in his left outer pocket, giving people a feeling of old age.

Li Huaide in front of Sha Zhu had black leather shoes on his feet that were so shiny that they seemed to be able to be used as a mirror. His clothes were no longer the old and monotonous black Zhongshan suit. He was wearing a small-lapel gray suit that was very popular in the south.

A black top hat was hanging on a hook in the corner, along with an exquisite black faux leather bag. I don't know what was inside, maybe documents.

It was clearly written in the script that Li Huaide opened the door to cooperation with Xu Damao with a red-headed document.

A pack of filter cigarettes was placed on the table in front of Li Huaide, with half a cup of tea next to it. When Sha Zhu pushed the door open, Li Huaide had just placed the half-drunk cup of tea on the table.

Before Li Huaide could speak, Sha Zhu took the initiative to get close to him.

"Director Li, I haven't seen you for half a year. I can't recognize you after seeing how different you are."

Who doesn't like a tall hat?
Li Huaide is also a human being.

"You silly Zhu, when I was the director, you didn't talk so much." Li Huaide pointed at Sha Zhu with a joking look, "I left the steel mill, and you, Sha Zhu, have become eloquent."

As for whether he is really happy or just pretending to be happy.

Shazhu doesn’t know.

I'm too lazy to dwell on this.

Without waiting for Li Huaide to offer his seat, Sha Zhu found a seat for himself and sat down on the stool.

He also had a bag in his hand, the green shoulder bag he used as a cook, with the words "Serve the People" written in large letters on the outside. He had used it for more than ten years and had never been willing to throw it away.

Carrying the shoulder bag was designed to give Li Huaide the illusion that he had just got off work at the steel mill.

Being busy is always right.

It was also Sha Zhu's excuse to shirk responsibility. If he could help, he might lend a hand because of their past relationship. But if he couldn't help, he would naturally refuse politely. During the past few days as deputy factory director, Sha Zhu had learned to say one thing in front of others and another behind their backs.

She deliberately picked up her bag, shook it in front of Li Huaide, and then threw it on a stool beside her. The empty lunch box in the bag made a crisp sound when it touched the stool.

"You should change your bag." Li Huaide blinked and stared at Sha Zhu, "Did you just come out of the factory?"

“It doesn’t really count as coming out of the factory.”

Ambiguous answer.

It seemed to have cut off Li Huaide's subsequent topics.

He raised his head slightly.

He looked at Sha Zhu with a scrutinizing look.

Sha Zhu pretended to be ignorant, and instead took the initiative to talk about the past events in the steel mill during this period, the things that Yang Weimin did in the steel mill, promoting him to be the deputy director, and clearing out Li Huaide's old subordinates. "Director Li, are you feeling better? You don't know, I heard about your situation, and I always wanted to visit you. As a result, I went to your house, locked the door, and asked the neighbors around. Some people said that you went to Haicheng for medical treatment, and some people said that you went to Shancheng for recuperation. I thought about waiting for you to come back and make you a nutritious meal. I didn't expect that you have been away for more than half a year, and a lot of things have happened in the steel mill. Now Director Yang Weimin is in charge of specific matters. I, the deputy director, was promoted by him. I didn't want to agree at first. Being a deputy director is not as comfortable as cooking. Later."

Li Huaide listened patiently to Sha Zhu's story.

He talked about some of the things that happened when he left the steel mill, which is the truth behind his so-called retirement due to illness.

True and false.

Silly Zhu doesn't bother.

The door of the box opened again, and a burst of fragrant breeze penetrated into Sha Zhu's nostrils. Sha Zhu's eyes subconsciously looked in the direction where the fragrant breeze came from, and the figure of a very charming woman came into Sha Zhu's sight.

The person who pushes the door is also the source of the fragrance.

She was wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes, flared pants, a floral jacket, and a beautiful silk scarf on her shoulders.

What attracted Shazhu's attention the most was actually her hairstyle. The woman who pushed the door open had big wavy curly hair.

At first glance, you can tell that he just came back from Guangzhou.

Guangzhou is close to Hong Kong Island, which has a very good economy. Many popular things are spread from Hong Kong Island to Guangzhou, and then from Guangzhou to Beijing.

I just saw this kind of attire for women in the newspaper a few days ago. It had a catchy title, "Self-initiative is popular in the country."

He thought that tonight's meeting would only be between him and Li Huaide, but he was wrong, as there would be a good-looking woman involved.

While Sha Zhu was looking at the woman, she had already moved her body into the box, closed the door, and sat next to Li Huaide, looking at Sha Zhu with a strange look.

She and Li Huaide seemed somewhat intimate.

When he thought of Li Huaide's lustful nature, Sha Zhu was relieved about the woman, she must be Li Huaide's woman.

In the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide and Liu Lan have maintained an unclear relationship for several years. In the script, when he saw Qin Huairu, he couldn't control his lower body and wanted to have a friendly match with Qin Huairu, but was finally punched by Sha Zhu.

He is not Xu Damao, and he will not get horny just because he sees a beautiful woman.

No matter how good the woman in front of him is, in Sha Zhu's heart, she is not as good as his own wife Li Xiuzhi.


"Zhuzi, let me introduce you. This is You Fengxia, the general manager of our trading company." Li Huaide introduced Sha Zhu and You Fengxia, and told each other their identities. "Fengxia, this is He Yuzhu, whom I often mentioned to you. He is the best chef in the steel mill and is now the deputy director of the steel mill who is in charge of logistics."

"Hello, General Manager You."

"Deputy Director He, please just call me by my name. Calling me General Manager is too formal."

"Yes, yes, yes, you are being polite. The people who come here today are not outsiders."

Li Huaide tried to smooth things over.

Sha Zhu also took advantage of the situation and started a hypocritical drama with Li Huaide and You Fengxia.

For some things, he just said what the other party wanted to say, and for some things, he just listened with his ears.

Listen more and talk less. (End of this chapter)

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