Full of wine and food.

Leave each other.

As the night wind blew, Sha Zhu's confused thoughts instantly became much clearer.

Li Huaide was talking about things from the past from beginning to end at the dinner table, that is, how he treated Sha Zhu and how Sha Zhu treated him, Li Huaide, in return. He spared no effort to praise Sha Zhu's cooking skills and the way he dealt with people. He even talked about how he promoted Sha Zhu to be the canteen director but was rejected by Sha Zhu.

It is said that they are playing the emotional card.

Not an exaggeration.

Sha Zhu didn't understand Li Huaide's intention of the meeting at first, but now he understood the whole thing. During the meal just now, he kept mentioning You Fengxia.

Deputy director.

The value of Sha Zhu, who is the canteen director, is far less than that of Sha Zhu, who is the deputy factory director.

He also has a very good relationship with Yang Weimin and can influence some of Yang Weimin's decisions.

This should be the starting point for Li Huaide to invite Sha Zhu to a banquet.

As the old saying goes, if you live by the mountain, you eat from the mountain; if you live by the sea, you eat from the sea. If you have a steel mill behind you, you will naturally want to take over the steel mill. Liu Haizhong had an apprentice who was the factory director, so he took advantage of the former master-apprentice relationship to resell steel on a large scale and made profits. He became the second richest man in the courtyard after Xu Damao. He had a telephone and a pager at home, and even Liu Haizhong's two unfilial sons who forgot their principles for the sake of profit came to him to get close to him and serve him.

Money moves people's hearts.

Under the general policy of focusing everything on the economy, infrastructure products such as steel and cement are particularly hot. Today he heard from Yang Weimin that the steel rolling mill has already received orders for next year.

It's all money.

The only thing that Sha Zhu couldn't understand was why Li Huaide didn't try to find a solution from his father-in-law, but instead went to find him.

Suddenly he stopped his bicycle, and he thought of a key point. Li Huaide's father-in-law might have retired. With his father-in-law no longer being a good person to him, Li Huaide had no choice but to find himself with the thought of trying his best.

According to the description in the script, although Li Huaide became one of the first group of people to become rich, his methods were not very clever. He made money by selling TV dramas and found Xu Damao, who was at odds with Sha Zhu, as a partner. Because Xu Damao did not have enough money, he found Yan Fugui and Liu Haizhong's family, and because of the backstabbing of the Yan and Liu families, he secretly reported the two families.

So now Li Huaide is no longer to be feared. No wonder he spoke the most tonight and kept mentioning things from the past.

A phoenix with its feathers shed.

It is not as valuable as an old hen that lays eggs.

Compared with Li Huaide, Sha Zhu is more wary of You Fengxia, who is the one who caused Xu Damao and Yan Jiefang to lose their families in the script.

"Can it be done?"

You Fengxia looked at Li Huaide.

She followed Li Huaide at such a young age, not because of Li Huaide's age.

It's money.

Coming from a poor family, she knew what her face meant and what she could get in return for it.

Just as Sha Zhu thought, Li Huaide invited Sha Zhu to a banquet today and asked You Fengxia to come drink with him, which was actually a beauty trap.


Who isn’t lustful?

They all like beautiful women.

This is also the reason why Li Huaide was able to bring You Fengxia back to Beijing from Guangzhou. He knew what You Fengxia wanted and how to do it. He could not rely on his father-in-law at all.

Otherwise it’s just a matter of words.

When it comes to steel, we can only start with the stupid pillar.

It was because Li Huaide's connections with the party and government and the steel mill were wiped out, and he was also unable to take care of his connections with his father-in-law's family.

"He is not an ordinary person."

"A cook?" "Ten years ago, I was impressed by his cooking skills and thought he was good, so I wanted to promote him to be the canteen director. Guess the result?"

"It's not a rejection, is it?"

"He rejected my promotion and even used this incident to distance himself from me. Facts have proven that he is not stupid. He is very smart. You can't think he is stupid just because he is called Shazhu. Whoever treats him as a fool is the real fool. You also saw it during the meal. In just a few days, he has an unnatural aura of a superior."

"What do I need to do? Should I visit him in a few days?"

Li Huaide looked at You Fengxia.

As men and women who break through ordinary relationships, they use allies.

Of course he knew what You Fengxia was referring to.

It's nothing more than her irresistible face and certain things.

It’s not that Li Huaide looked down on You Fengxia. No matter how beautiful she was, in Sha Zhu’s heart, she was no match for Li Xiuzhi.

shook his head.

"you do not believe me?"

In You Fengxia’s words.

Revealing very strong self-confidence.

She knew how to deal with men.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I don't think highly of you. Let's not talk about the visit yet. Now is not the right time. Just now, Sha Zhu made it very clear that he is just a deputy director in charge of logistics. This is actually an excuse."

"You'll meet someone else with me tomorrow night."


"Xu Damao, a projectionist at the steel mill, is now the deputy director of the publicity department of the steel mill. More importantly, he is a smart guy and a friend of Sha Zhu."

A stupid pillar.

A Xu Damao.

These are the two people that Li Huaide couldn't understand. In his mind, these two people would never make it in their entire lives. At best, they would be promoted a little bit when they retired. However, it was proved that the two people he didn't think highly of actually staged a big drama of promotion.

When he became a deputy section chief, he became a deputy section chief; when he became a deputy factory director, he became a deputy factory director. Especially the latter, it was estimated that becoming the head of a steel rolling mill would not be his final destination.

Li Xiuzhi took over Sha Zhu's bag and helped him take off his shirt. Seeing that Sha Zhu was a little drunk, she brought him some brewed tea and handed him a wet towel.

He wiped his cheeks with a towel, picked up the tea, gulped down a few sips, and sat down on the sofa.

While taking off his shoes, he started muttering to Li Xiuzhi.

at this point.

Very well done.

He would not wait for Li Xiuzhi to ask, but would always be the one to confess actively.

He told Li Xiuzhi everything that happened at the banquet, including what Li Huaide said, what You Fengxia said, and how he responded.

Say it.

Staring at Li Xiuzhi seriously.

He wanted to hear Li Xiuzhi's opinion on this matter and whether it was exactly the same as what he thought.

Facing Sha Zhu's anxious gaze, Li Xiuzhi started talking. Her opinion was consistent with Sha Zhu's. They both believed that Li Huaide held certain ideas. As for the woman named You Fengxia, as a woman, Li Xiuzhi disliked her very much and asked Sha Zhu to stay away from that woman.

Sha Zhu nodded hurriedly. Even if Li Xiuzhi didn't say it, he would stay away from You Fengxia. He didn't want to end up like Xu Damao in the script.

Liu Lan had no choice but to follow Li Huaide, as she had to support her family. You Fengxia followed Li Huaide at a young age, so it was just that. (End of this chapter)

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