Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 513: Report Letter, Xu Damao Supports Sha Zhu

Yang Weimin didn't believe that Sha Zhu would embezzle money.

Having worked as the canteen director for a month and as the deputy factory director for half a month, what magical means did Sha Zhu use to embezzle money?
This letter.

It might just make Sha Zhu more famous.

This way.

He should not act like a mean person and should let things be clear.

In front of Tang Jianjun, he tore open the letter, took out the paper inside, and looked at it carefully.

There was a smile on his face.

A nonchalant and playful sound even came out of his mouth.

Tang Jianjun's face was tense. Yang Weimin had the right to laugh, but he didn't. After so many years as a workshop director, he was very clear about his position and just stood there honestly, making himself blind and deaf.

“Look at this!”

Yang Weimin placed the letter of complaint in front of Tang Jianjun.

The leader has spoken.

Even if you're just pretending, you still have to take a look.

Tang Jianjun set his eyes on the report letter, which clearly contained the full content of the report on Sha Zhu.

It was said that Sha Zhu became the deputy director of a steel mill and the director of a canteen, and that he made a fortune by dishonorable means. The so-called evidence of how he made the money was that Sha Zhu bought a courtyard house with two entrances and a quadrangle in Houhai. It was stated how much money he spent and when he bought it, and who the middleman was. It was said that if Sha Zhu had not gotten the money from the steel mill, he would not have had the money to buy the courtyard house with two entrances and a single family.

At the end of the report letter, there was a special note saying that if the steel rolling mill did not take relevant action against Sha Zhu’s corruption, he would continue to report to higher-level departments until Sha Zhu was dealt with.

Tang Jianjun's face fell instantly.

He had no idea how to respond. Although he was a seasoned veteran, this was the first time he had encountered such a relentless stream of reports.

A higher level of reporting.

How to do?
Why did Yang Weimin let him read the letter of complaint?
I'm worried.

The crisp sound of fingers tapping on the table echoed in Tang Jianjun's ears. He quickly put away his complicated thoughts and found that Yang Weimin was leaning lazily on the back of the chair, tapping the table lightly with his hands. A very rhythmic sound was produced under his fingers.

"Director Yang, how about checking it out?"

Tang Jianjun expressed his suggestions very carefully.

Once the report letter comes out, no matter what the result is, whether they are sincere in dealing with the matter or not, at least people should see their attitude in handling the matter.

What's more, the whistleblower has made it very clear that he will continue to report to the higher level, whether it is investigated or not. If the results of the investigation fail to satisfy the whistleblower and make the whistleblower misunderstand that Yang Weimin is protecting Sha Zhu, the whistleblower will report to a higher level.

Things got out of hand!
Investigation is inevitable.

But how to check.

Yang Weimin needs to give instructions.

He is the boss.

“We have to check.”

"Director Yang, how do we investigate? Do you have any specific instructions?"

The meaning is very simple.

You say whatever and I do whatever I do. I don't take any responsibility, nor do I take any credit. Whether it's good or bad, it's all yours, Yang Weimin.

"Submit a report to your superiors in the name of the steel mill. The content is that He Yuzhu, the deputy director of our steel mill, has been reported. Make several copies of the report and submit them along with the summary materials."

Tang Jianjun frowned slightly.

Yang Weimin's words were completely opposite to the steps he had in mind.

According to Tang Jianjun, even if there was an investigation, it would be a small-scale investigation. However, Yang Weimin deliberately made a big deal out of it.

He ran his hands through his hair.

He nodded foolishly.

"Notify the factory office and have a meeting in half an hour!"

"Deputy Director He?"

"Notice, the report will be discussed publicly at our meeting."


After half an hour.

Leaders of the steel mill and representatives of the workers of the steel mill.

Gathered in the steel mill conference room.

There are about one or two hundred people.

Such a big battle.

It’s really the first time.

This was the first time that a meeting of this scale was held during the period when Yang Weimin was in charge of the steel rolling mill. Many people were wondering what had happened or what needed to be explained.

It was not until Yang Weimin held up the letter of complaint and read out the contents of the letter in front of everyone.

Only then did everyone present put their doubts to rest.

Sha Zhu was reported by someone, and the report was made under this name.

Some brainless people actually thought that this was aimed at Yang Weimin. After all, Sha Zhu was promoted by Yang Weimin himself. They thought that someone disliked Yang Weimin and wanted to compete with Yang Weimin for the position of director of the steel rolling mill.

Could it be another Li Huaide who is not Li Huaide?
As old employees of the steel rolling mill, they knew more or less about the affairs between Li Huaide and Yang Weimin.

Some people with brains envied Sha Zhu in their hearts. This was not a report at all, it was clearly an attempt to help Sha Zhu gain political achievements. After one and a half months as the leader of the steel mill, even if Sha Zhu was a god, he could not get the money from the steel mill to buy a courtyard house with two entrances. Whether the steel mill had money or not, everyone present knew it. The steel mill had no money at all, and the Finance Department was not very familiar with Sha Zhu.

His eyes wandered between Yang Weimin and Sha Zhu, and he doubted whether Sha Zhu and Yang Weimin did this on purpose.

Looking at the expressions on Sha Zhu and Yang Weimin's faces, it was clearly not them who did it, and the person who received the letter of complaint was Tang Jianjun.

The matter is full of mystery.

It was Sha Zhu's voice that brought their wandering souls back to their bodies.

"Director Yang, the deputy directors present, the directors of all the workshops, and the representatives of the steel mill workers, I, He Yuzhu, beg the steel mill to clear my name. I have a clear conscience. There are some things I will do, but I will not do anything to suck blood from the steel mill. I beg you."

He said a lot of words to prove himself, begging the steel mill to give him a clear name.

The matter finally came to an end with Yang Weimin's summary.

Yang Weimin gave two suggestions.

The first point is to let everyone in the steel mill know about the report of Sha Zhu through the loudspeaker of the steel mill's publicity department, and to collect evidence from everyone in the steel mill about Sha Zhu's bloodsucking at the steel mill.

At the same time, it also shows the steel mill's attitude on this matter.

We will investigate and punish severely and will never cover up.

A special recruitment task force headed by Tang Jianjun was also set up, and the evidence of Sha Zhu's mistakes was reported to Tang Jianjun.

The steel rolling mill will report this matter to higher-level superiors.

Secondly, Sha Zhu will continue to perform the duties of deputy director of the steel mill. The reason given is that Sha Zhu's right to work for the steel mill cannot be deprived because of the letter of complaint. If it is true that Sha Zhu made a mistake, then Sha Zhu is making amends. Otherwise, Sha Zhu will not delay the work of the steel mill.

Ten minutes after the meeting ended, Yu Haitang's barely pleasant voice rang out from the Propaganda Department's loudspeaker.

"Attention all workers of the steel mill. I am announcing a new notice from the steel mill office. Someone reported that the new deputy director of the steel mill, He Yuzhu, took advantage of his position to make a lot of money during his tenure. He used the money to buy a quadrangle with two entrances and a private door near Houhai. After the Standing Committee of the Steel Mill questioned and verified Deputy Director He Yuzhu, the purchase of the house was true. However, regarding the money used to buy the house, Deputy Director He Yuzhu refused to admit that the money came from the blood-sucking steel mill, and bluntly said that he bought it with his life savings!"

"After research and decision by the Standing Committee of the Steel Mill, Deputy Director He Yuzhu's job will be temporarily retained. During the investigation, Deputy Director He Yuzhu will continue to perform the duties of the Deputy Director of the Steel Mill, make contributions to the Steel Mill, and serve the people of the Steel Mill. The Steel Mill has set up a clue collection team, with Deputy Director Tang Jianjun as the team leader. It is open to all people in the Steel Mill. Anyone who has clues about He Yuzhu's money, please contact Deputy Director Tang for an interview. Deputy Director Tang guarantees to provide necessary protection in this matter! All those who provide clues, and whose clues are true and valid, will receive a certain degree of reward afterwards!"

The rolling mill has a lot of attitude.

Lest people not hear it.

It was broadcast five times in a row.

A peaceful steel mill.


There are different opinions.

Most people don't believe that Sha Zhu could raise enough money to buy a detached courtyard house in such a short time.

short time.

This is the reason. He worked as the canteen director for a month and the deputy factory director for half a month. It is pure nonsense to say that Sha Zhu made so much money.

Do not believe.

Other people may not be able to afford a courtyard house with a private entrance, but Sha Zhu may be able to do so. In addition to his salary, Sha Zhu is also a skilled chef. The money he earns from private work is sometimes even higher than Sha Zhu's salary.

A small number of brainless people believed this and kept saying that Sha Zhu had made a mistake. They spoke with certainty, as if they had witnessed Sha Zhu's mistake with their own eyes.

There are two parties.

The argument goes on and on.

At this critical moment, someone found Xu Damao.

People from the security department.

Along with them came the factory office clerk.

Judging from the other party's posture, Xu Damao also knew what the other party wanted to talk about.

Talk about silly pillar.

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Xu Damao took the lead in telling the story.

"You are looking for me because of Sha Zhu, right? I read the notice from the factory office, and I also heard what those people outside said. Some say Sha Zhu was corrupt, and some say he was not. I, Xu Damao, have only one opinion, the latter, which is that Sha Zhu was not corrupt. Sha Zhu is not that kind of person. His wife is Li Xiuzhi, the most virtuous wife in the courtyard. After Sha Zhu got married, he was educated by his wife and became a talented person. I will tell you two pieces of evidence that Sha Zhu could not be corrupt."

Xu Damao's confident tone made those people a little stunned.

to be frank.

They also didn't believe that Sha Zhu was greedy.

But the process still needs to be followed again.

"First of all, you must know how much money was spent on buying the Houhai courtyard house. Sha Zhu was the canteen director for a month and the deputy factory director for half a month. During the time he was the director, we all saw how busy he was. He was so busy all day that he didn't even have time to eat. He had to run to the toilet. Sha Zhu sorted out the canteen's ten years of bad debts in just one month. One is one, and two is two. We can't deny Sha Zhu's efforts just because of a groundless letter of complaint. I think it's inappropriate."

Asking people.

Everyone nodded.

Time logic.

Shazhu has no chance to do anything greedy.

They all saw how busy that period was.

"The canteen director did a good job. Director Yang promoted Sha Zhu to deputy director. After Sha Zhu became deputy director, he took over the house and renovated it. We saw all of this. Even when renovating the house, the finance department was responsible for the money, the quality was the responsibility of the quality inspection team, and the renovation team was also selected by the factory office. Sha Zhu did not interfere from beginning to end. How could he be greedy?"

Change of tone.


"Now people are nagging about the money Sha Zhu spent on buying a house, saying that there is something wrong with the money. Sha Zhu is the best cook in our steel mill. Twenty years ago, he was paid about three yuan for private work. In the past few years, the salary has risen to five yuan. When he is busy, he can make ten yuan. This is not gambling. He makes a living by his own ability. With the salary from private work, he can save at least thirty yuan a month, which is three hundred and sixty yuan a year. How much money does it cost in twenty years?"

I am afraid that what I say is not convincing enough.

Xu Damao also revealed that Yi Zhonghai had withheld the living expenses that He Daqing had mailed to Sha Zhu.

"I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's a well-known story in our courtyard. Sha Zhu's father, He Daqing, was also a cook in our factory. He later ran away with the White Widow. He mailed Sha Zhu ten years of living expenses, ten yuan a month, which was one thousand two hundred yuan for ten years. This money was withheld by Yi Zhonghai. When the incident happened more than ten years ago, he gave Sha Zhu a lump sum compensation."

He Yushui also could not escape the fate of being used by Xu Damao.

To prove Sha Zhu's innocence.

Xu Damao said a lot of things.

"Shazhu's sister He Yushui was the first college student in the neighborhood. After graduation, she went directly to work in the department. I don't know how much she earns, but I guess it's not low. Because of this incident, Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong even tried to trip Shazhu up. They kept saying that He Yushui was Dieter and ran away, and they wanted Shazhu to give an explanation. Facts have proved that He Yushui has made great contributions to the country. She was raised by Shazhu. I remember she came back a few days ago with her son-in-law."

Facing those people's gazes.

Xu Damao expressed his unconditional trust in Sha Zhu.

"I said these words with no other intentions. I just want to prove one thing. Shazhu didn't need to be greedy with the money he used to buy a house. He used his own salary, the money he earned from private work, and the money his sister helped him with. Not to mention buying a courtyard house with two entrances, even if it was a courtyard house with five entrances, he would have plenty of money. Anyone could be greedy. Shazhu didn't need it. He didn't have the time, and he wasn't short of money. I think that the report was just someone who was jealous and thought that Shazhu had gone from a cook to a deputy factory director and was doing a good job, so they deliberately put the blame on Shazhu."

"did you mean?"

"Sha Zhu became the deputy factory director and took back the house that had been occupied by those people for more than ten years. These people don't say it on their faces, but they must be resentful in their hearts. I am just a suspicion, without evidence. Apart from anything else, Sha Zhu was the canteen director and the deputy factory director. The things he did are beyond my ability to do. A person who works diligently for the steel mill was blamed for his mistakes. The person who wrote the report letter is simply evil-minded. He can't bear to see Sha Zhu and the steel mill doing well. I believe in Sha Zhu and hope that the steel mill will clear Sha Zhu's name." (End of this chapter)

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