Siheyuan, my silly column, picked up the script of Qinman

Chapter 514 Jia Zhang: I prove that Sha Zhu is greedy

While Xu Damao strongly supported Sha Zhu, he also implicitly hinted that Sha Zhu might have been maliciously reported by someone, and kindly gave a guess as to who the reporter was.

True and false.

The important thing is that he is also using this incident to clear himself of the suspicion of being envied by others.

Jealousy disease.

Very crazy!
Maybe Shazhu was just blamed for something that happened to him because of jealousy.

So he said some words, both explicit and implicit. Whether the other party believed it or not had nothing to do with Xu Damao.

After the person who asked the question left, Xu Damao fell into deep thought alone.

He hesitated whether to meet with Sha Zhu, but after thinking it over again and again, he gave up the idea.

At this juncture, it’s better not to be a conspicuous person.

Blacksmith workshop.

Someone found Liu Haizhong.

Looking at the person coming, Liu Haizhong's face was full of bitterness.

Not long ago, the second aunt ran from the courtyard to the steel rolling mill, found Liu Haizhong, and told him about the new people who came to the courtyard. At first, Liu Haizhong didn't care and felt that it had nothing to do with him. But when he heard that the new residents who moved into the courtyard were named Ma Zhichao, an engineer in the technical department, and Zhou Jianjun, the chief of the technical department, he instantly felt something was wrong.

Liu Haizhong knew clearly about what happened in the past.

He also knew what it meant to him for these two families to move into the courtyard.

For the first time, I felt regretful for having done something so ruthless.

When I was in a very bad mood.

The security department is here.

Liu Haizhong thought it was a matter between Zhou Jianjun and Ma Zhichao.

Before anyone could ask, he started to confess.

"Chief Tang, I am Liu Haizhong, oh! I was wrong. I listened to Li Huaide at that time. I apologize to them. No matter how wrong I am, it is all my fault. I am sorry for them."

Apologies are helpful.

What else do the police need to do?

The Security Department knows a little about what happened to Zhou Jianjun and Ma Zhichao's families, as two lives were lost.

"Master Liu, we are looking for you. It has nothing to do with Engineer Ma and Engineer Zhou."

Liu Haizhong widened his eyes.

He didn't even connect what was happening in front of him with the report on Sha Zhu.

What a stupid brain.

Being taken advantage of.

It's also reasonable.

"Master Liu, did you hear the notice issued by the Propaganda Department just now?"

"What's the matter?"

The security officer narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked at Liu Haizhong thoughtfully.

Such a big thing was known to everyone in the steel rolling mill, and everyone was discussing it hotly, but Liu Haizhong knew nothing about it.


Or do you really not know?

He recalled what Xu Damao had just said to him. Someone was jealous of Sha Zhu for being the deputy factory director and for making such a great contribution, so he made a malicious report.

Is it the handwriting in the bangs?
He quickly put aside his suspicion and explained the purpose of his visit.

"As for Deputy Director He, the loudspeaker just announced that someone has written a letter of complaint, reporting that Deputy Director He used the money from the steel mill to buy himself a private courtyard house with two entrances. The factory has set up a special inspection team to thoroughly investigate this matter. Master Liu, don't you know what happened a few minutes ago?"

The bangs are in the middle of the head.


to be frank.

really do not know.

His mind was full of worries about being held accountable by Zhou Jianjun and Ma Zhichao's families. A section chief and an engineer were not big shots that Liu Haizhong could compete with. Ten years ago, relying on Li Huaide's support, he dealt with these two people and caused some indelible tragedies. Now that they are in power, who knows how they will deal with Liu Haizhong. Liu Haizhong didn't think about anything else.

His dazed look implicitly confirmed the speculation that Liu Haizhong was the whistleblower.

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, no matter what you think, I have to warn you. This matter is very serious. It is so serious that Director Yang has just reported the matter in the name of the steel rolling mill. As an old man in the factory, you must know what this means, right?"

Stern tone.

The chaotic thoughts in Liu Hai barely cleared up for a moment.

Sha Zhu was reported by someone and the matter was reported to his superiors.

Big fuss.

"Chief Tang, I was just thinking about work and didn't pay attention to these things."

Liu Haizhong made up a reason.

The security department didn’t believe it.

If he is really focusing on his work, how do you explain his previous apology?

They are all foxes.

Stop pretending to be good or bad.

"What do you think of the money used by Deputy Director He to buy a house?" Seeing that Liu Haizhong was a little nervous and confused, the security department couldn't help but persuade him to relax. "Don't worry, just say whatever you want to say. Speak freely. Every word you say now affects this matter. The steel mill will guarantee your safety."

"Chief Tang, I don't think Sha Zhu is greedy. Why do I say that? Sha Zhu has money. With the compensation from Yi Zhonghai and the living expenses withheld, Sha Zhu can also make a lot of money by taking private jobs. Over the years, he must have made 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. Yu Shui is his biological sister and a college student. How much is a college student's salary? When they enter the factory, they are cadres. A little money leaking through their fingers is enough for Sha Zhu to buy a house. It's pure bullshit to say that the money Sha Zhu used to buy a house was embezzled. Put them in Sha Zhu's position and see if they can do it. Just try and you will know! I believe in Sha Zhu!"

"These are your instructions. Check to see if there is anything missing. If not, sign at the back!"

Liu Haizhong took the materials handed over by the other party.

took a look.

Signed my name on it.

As he returned it, the wind blew and Xu Damao's instructions and signature in front of him came into his sight.

The official fan had been stupid all his life, but at this moment he was unusually smart and remembered most of Xu Damao's instructions.

I felt a little scared.

Fortunately, he did not dare to play any ulterior motives just now, and based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, he stated some objective facts. Otherwise, his explanation would conflict with Xu Damao's.

To the silly column.

Fear arose.

Deputy factory director.

I know to some extent that this incident will not have much impact on Shazhu, and it may even get worse.

I also started to think about Xu Damao. He used to be a film projectionist, but now he is the deputy section chief of the publicity department of the steel rolling mill. It is easy to guess that Xu Damao will become the section chief. The chief of the publicity department will retire in a few days, and Xu Damao will be in charge of the publicity department.

Regret it again.

Those who were close to Sha Zhu had all made progress. Only he was still standing still. If he had been like Xu Damao and approached Sha Zhu, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Zhou Jianjun and Ma Zhichao were two life-threatening knives hanging over his head.

So sad.

Xu Damao mentioned Yi Zhonghai in his words.

Liu Haizhong's explanation also involved hypocrites.

The people from the Security Department went to the courtyard and found Yi Zhonghai, who was extremely depressed because of the house issue.

When they saw the Security Department coming to their house, people who didn't know what was going on thought that something had happened, especially Jia Zhang, who was trembling all over and was about to wet her pants. She thought that Sha Zhu had called the Security Department to arrest her.

I finally returned to the courtyard.

Must not be driven away.

The old witch howled and sobbed about her difficulties, like an old widow meeting a young widow, and being deceived by Yi Zhonghai and losing her chastity after decades of widowhood. She would not be able to go to the underworld to see Old Jia in the future, and she felt even more sorry for Young Jia Dongxu, as she would be cuckolded even after her death.

The neighbors, who were feeling very uneasy, were all delighted after hearing what Jia Zhang said.

Jia Zhang is truly Jia Zhang, everything she does is unexpected.

Yi Zhonghai was extremely depressed. Looking at Jia Zhang, he wished he could strangle this damn bastard to death. What did he mean by "I deceived your virginity for decades"? It was obviously my bad luck that I, Yi Zhonghai, married a bastard like you.

He was too embarrassed to use force in front of the security department.

With a lame leg and a broken arm, he could not defeat Jia Zhang.

Then he said a few words to excuse himself in a tactful way.

"What you said is really shameless. What do you mean? Forget it. I won't argue with you."

Jia Zhang raised her tearful face, suddenly smiled, and murmured something that made the neighbors burst into laughter.

The head of the security department set his sights on Yi Zhonghai and explained his purpose.

"Yi Zhonghai, we are here to ask you a few questions. The factory office just found a letter of complaint against Deputy Factory Director He in the complaint mailbox."

Silence fell.

Silence as silk.

I was shocked by what the security department said.

What a thing.

Sha Zhu was reported.

Or what just happened.

The neighbors thought it was impossible and guessed whether Sha Zhu had offended someone. After all, the matter of taking over the house had caused quite a stir. Yi Zhonghai, Jia Zhangshi, Qin Huairu and other enemies of Sha Zhu all had some ideas and it seemed that they could do something about it.

The better Sha Zhu's life was and the smoother his career was, the more uncomfortable Yi Zhonghai felt, and the more he felt that this was Sha Zhu's counterattack against him.

Qin Huairu also held the same idea. Everyone knew that she originally wanted to destroy Sha Zhu's marriage and then marry Sha Zhu. Sha Zhu's good points contrasted with Qin Huairu's bad points.

After witnessing Sha Zhu's glory, Qin Huairu felt like she was just a piece of stinky dog ​​shit in the mud.

Jia Zhang's idea was different from those of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu. The old witch had only one idea in her mind, that Sha Zhu had occupied her house, and as long as the fact that Sha Zhu had been reported was confirmed, she might be able to get the house back.

Thinking about how to gain benefits from this matter.

But because he didn't know the content of the report, he said nothing.

Wait for the next part.

"Someone reported that Deputy Director He embezzled money from the steel mill and used the money to buy a two-story, single-family courtyard house near Houhai Park. Before we came here, we had already conducted an investigation at the steel mill and questioned Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, Liu Lan, Ma Hua and others. We learned some information from them, such as the fact that you withheld Deputy Director He's living expenses!"

Yi Zhonghai was stunned.

Those who knew the inside story knew that the old lady was plotted to death by Yi Zhonghai.

"It happened, but it has nothing to do with me. My wife did it, and she paid Zhuzi back 1,200 yuan in compensation afterwards. I still don't know what happened."

Yi Zhonghai had just finished speaking.

Yan Fugui also interrupted.

Always thinking about the opportunity to get close to Shazhu.

This is not.

The opportunity is here.

Must be caught.

He followed Yi Zhonghai's instructions and told him some of the things that happened back then.

"Comrade from the Security Department, my name is Yan Fugui, a teacher at the Red Star Primary School affiliated with the steel mill. I used to be the manager of this courtyard. I know a little bit about Zhuzi's affairs. How should I put it? I don't believe Zhuzi is greedy. How much does a courtyard house with two entrances and one room cost? It must be an astronomical figure. I can't afford it anyway, but that doesn't mean Zhuzi can't afford it."

As a teacher.

The logic described by Yan Fugui.

Clear and orderly.

It's easy to be convinced.

"I remember it very clearly. In 60, Zhuzi was already a seventh-level cook in the steel mill, with a monthly salary of yuan. I drank with Zhuzi at the time, and Xu Damao was there too. Later, he became a squad leader, and his salary must have increased. This was his public income. The income from the banquets was also hidden. When our eldest son got married, Zhuzi was the chef. Considering the relationship between us and neighbors in the same compound, he charged me five yuan for my service. If it was someone I didn't know, it would definitely be eight yuan, and he would charge me ten yuan in a hurry."

Yan Fugui is really good at settling accounts.

The money that Shazhu got from taking private jobs.

The calculation is clear.

"If we host two banquets a week, it would cost five yuan, so he would make ten yuan. There are fifty-four weeks a year, which is more than five hundred yuan. Add Zhuzi's salary, which is one thousand yuan a year. After more than ten years, it is normal to collect thousands of yuan. It is not necessary to be greedy just to buy a courtyard house with a separate entrance. Forget about anything else. Zhuzi has only been the deputy director for half a month. According to me, Yan Fugui, this is clearly a deliberate attempt to put the blame on Zhuzi."

"What the third uncle said makes sense."

"More than a thousand dollars a year, that's a lot of money."

"That's nothing. Yi Zhonghai's previous salary was only over a thousand yuan a year."

Yi Zhonghai felt a pain in his heart.

The hero does not mention being brave.

"The cook eats and drinks for free, and he can fill his stomach just by tasting the saltiness of the dishes. It's possible to say that others are greedy, but it's absolutely impossible to say that Zhuzi is greedy. This house was earned and saved by others. You can't be jealous and say that he is greedy just because you see him buy a yard."

"Why aren't you greedy?"

Jia Zhang's voice rang out unexpectedly.

When people turned their attention to her, the old witch slowly told the story.

"Shazhu comes home with a lunch box every day. I can see it clearly. His lunch box is so heavy. Isn't that greed? Otherwise, where did the food in his lunch box come from? He must have stolen something from the steel mill cafeteria. Hurry up and arrest Shazhu, shoot him, and give his yard to my Jia family as compensation!"

Everyone was stunned.

What does Shazhu's yard have to do with your Jia family?
And compensate your Jia family.


Yi Zhonghai killed Jia Zhang's heart.

It's all there.

Silly Pillar lunch box, it is true, but it is not true.

In the first few years, some of the food brought back went into the mouth of the deaf old lady, some went into the stomachs of the Jia family, some was eaten by Yi Zhonghai, and some was also eaten by He Yushui.

If we really investigate further, it's easy for others to say, but the Jia and Yi families can't escape anyway. (End of this chapter)

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