The matter of Shazhu bringing a lunch box.

You can't just move towards the corner of the steel mill canteen abruptly.

Who among the workers in the steel mill has not brought a lunch box home from get off work? Who has not had food from the steel mill cafeteria in their lunch box?
I picked too much and couldn’t bear to eat it all, so I saved it for when I got home in the evening and shared it with my family.

We've all done this.

Including Yi Zhonghai, he also brought back meals from the cafeteria, asked an old lady to heat them up, and then delivered them to the deaf old lady.

If Jia Zhang's statement were true, none of the tens of thousands of people in the steel mill would be able to escape.

Seeing that Jia Zhang was still chattering on and accusing Sha Zhu, the anxious Yi Zhonghai shouted.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, can you shut your stinky mouth? If you can speak, speak. If you can't, just keep silent. If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. Do you understand? Zhuzi brought food with him. This is a fact. The neighbors also know that Zhuzi's lunch box is filled with food brought from the cafeteria. Qin Huairu is also there. Ask Qin Huairu if she has ever done such a thing?"

Qin Huairu glared at Jia Zhang.

She didn't object to Jia Zhang's taking advantage of Sha Zhu's misfortune.

I object to the following sentence: "Compensate the yard bought by Sha Zhu to my Jia family."

People immediately saw through Jia Zhang's tricks.


"You have also eaten the food Qin Huairu brought back from the canteen. According to what you, Jia Zhang, meant, this is also taking advantage of the steel mill canteen, right? Qin Huairu bought a portion of food, felt sorry for you as her mother-in-law, and was reluctant to eat it, so she brought it back and gave it to you and Bang Geng and the others. What's wrong with that? This is taking advantage of the steel mill canteen? Zhuzi thought so too. You can't hold a grudge against Zhuzi and put a accusation on him just because he doesn't talk to you and doesn't help your Jia family."

Neighbors watching.

Each of them widened their eyes.

This guy is the Yi Zhonghai who plotted against Sha Zhu over a disagreement.

What the hell.

He actually helped Sha Zhu.

However, Yan Fugui knew what Yi Zhonghai was thinking. He knew that Jia Zhang's words could not prove Sha Zhu's guilt, but instead proved Sha Zhu's innocence invisibly. If Yi Zhonghai followed Jia Zhang's wishes to accuse Sha Zhu, on the one hand he would be gossiped about and looked down upon by others, and on the other hand he would be worried that Sha Zhu would cause trouble for him, Yi Zhonghai, afterwards.

Look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

After all, Yang Weimin is the general manager of the steel rolling mill.

And Shazhu has the support of a big boss.

Just because Sha Zhu has been cooking for the other person for ten years, even if this is true, it is the result of making a big thing small.

Which one is more important?

Yi Zhonghai, who had a clear understanding of the situation, decisively chose the scene that was most beneficial to him.

"Yi Zhonghai, you!"

Jia Zhang didn't understand Yi Zhonghai's meaning.

A look of disbelief.

You are so good, Yi Zhonghai, when did you get involved with Sha Zhu?

Sha Zhu has beaten you, Yi Zhonghai, and even ridiculed Yi Zhonghai's face.

too crazy.

The mouse is the bridesmaid for the cat.

"Mom, what the uncle said is right. If it is really according to your opinion, everyone in the steel mill is a suspect. Sha Zhu's lunch box does not constitute evidence. Sha Zhu is not the only one who brought a lunch box. Everyone in the steel mill brought one. Without a lunch box, what would they eat with?"


"What do you mean?"

"We also believe that Deputy Director He is not greedy. When Yu Shui came back a few days ago, she came back in a car. I heard that she earns more than 100 to 200 yuan a month!"

By now.

The Security Department finally figured out the whole story.

Especially the neighbors' words about He Yushui made the security department look at Sha Zhu with a higher opinion.

After saying a few words, he asked Yi Zhonghai to sign the materials.

Originally, it had nothing to do with Yan Fugui, but Yan Fugui insisted on trying to get close to him and shamelessly left his name on it, as if he had gotten a huge bargain.

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Yan Fugui meaningfully.

Yan Fugui smiled at him.

Today's Yi Zhonghai is like a tiger that has lost its teeth and claws, and is nothing to be feared.

The matter of Shazhu being reported.

After reporting.

In front of the big leader.

After receiving Yang Weimin's report call, the top leader arranged for relevant personnel to go to the steel rolling mill to investigate and collect evidence on the matter of Sha Zhu being reported for corruption.

The steel rolling mill is at the critical stage of transformation.

Don't let the small lose the big.

This incident was a good opportunity to warn those people with bad intentions. Sha Zhu might have thought that someone was jealous of him, so he reported him. Yang Weimin thought so too, and felt that someone was targeting him as the factory director. However, the big boss saw something deeper, that someone was using Sha Zhu's incident to say no to the transformation of the steel mill.

It can be described as vigorous and resolute.

Two hours after the report was discovered.

The person sent by the top leader had already driven to the steel rolling mill, appeared in front of Yang Weimin, and brought the top leader's specific opinions on how to deal with the matter.

Yang Weimin naturally cooperated fully, but he also blamed himself in his heart, hating himself for not understanding the specific meaning behind this matter and almost making a big mistake.

It’s the same conference room as before, and the same people.

The different thing is that this time, Sha Zhu accepted the relevant inquiries in front of everyone.

This is also what the big leader meant.

Since Sha Zhu is innocent and has been falsely accused, we should let everyone see the real Sha Zhu.

In the conference room.

It was so quiet that if a pin dropped to the ground, one could hear the noise.

Outside the conference room.

But it was very quiet. Some people climbed on the windows, and some even climbed up the tree trunks.

Among the crowd of onlookers were Ma Hua and his group.

Liu Lan is not here.

Liu Lan, who was the canteen director, was qualified to attend meetings in the conference room and sat inside. People like Que Genxian who did not meet the requirements could only figure out a solution on their own outside.

"Ma Hua, what do you say?"

"I believe my master is innocent. You know who my master is over the years."

"I know, that's why I'm worried. Some people don't know. They believe everything they hear and don't think about it. Master He has only been the deputy factory director for half a month. How can he get such a large sum of money?" It's ridiculous.

Some people cannot understand things that even a simple person can understand.

"Stop talking and listen to what's going on inside."

The fat man greeted.

The people surrounding the conference room became focused and calm, and pricked up their ears as much as possible to listen to the movements in the conference room.

"Director Yang reported the matter as a whole. The superiors have said that they will conduct a serious investigation. If the contents of the report are proven to be true and reliable, we will deal with it in the right way. Otherwise, we will investigate the whistleblower for false accusation, because he has caused certain losses to the steel rolling mill. Next, let's get started."

Someone opened the book.

Someone grabbed a pen.

Some people also set their eyes on Sha Zhu.

The person involved.

"Deputy Director He, do you agree with the contents of the report?"

"I don't agree. It's pure nonsense and a false accusation. The house incident is real. I have reported it to Director Yang and others. The money for buying the house was my savings. I didn't commit corruption and I won't be corrupt."

"Where did the money come from?"

"Part of it was compensation from Yi Zhonghai. The living expenses my father mailed were intercepted by Yi Zhonghai and his wife. A total of 1,200 yuan over ten years. The two public security comrades who handled this matter were named Yang Jiguang and Zhang Shihao. They found clues and verified the matter. I didn't know about it from beginning to end. It was quite unexpected. Afterwards, they beat Yi Zhonghai and cursed him, saying that he was a hypocrite. Because of this incident, I also realized that my father had my brother and me in his heart. If he comes back, we will take care of him in his old age and see him to the end of his life."

Yang Weimin will present the relevant evidence.

It was handed over to the person sent by the superior.

During these two hours, the Security Department did not do nothing. They proved the source of the money that Sha Zhu used to buy the house.


"My salary increased to 60 yuan in . I was a cook, and I could fill my stomach just by tasting the dishes. I could save up my own rations. As the best cook in the steel mill, I would use my free time to cook banquets for people. At the highest point, I charged yuan for a banquet, and the average was yuan. I could make to yuan a year, and with salary increases, it would be about to yuan. After more than ten years, it would be enough to buy a house."

Yang Weimin presented the certificate issued by the bank.

Placed in front of those people.

It clearly stated how much Sha Zhu had saved over the past decade or so, how much he had saved every month. Sometimes he saved a lot, sometimes less, but it had never been less than twenty yuan.

It was not intentional.

It's purely out of laziness. I don't want to run around and I'm too lazy to come up with a pseudonym, so I just used my real name.

By accident, it served to prove Sha Zhu's income.

The testimonies of Zhang Shihao and Yang Jiguang and the passbook of Sha Zhu's savings over the past decade have already explained the problem.

False accusation!
"Let me say a few words!"

Yang Weimin spoke.

I didn't want to say it.

Suddenly I had the urge to speak.

I just understood the situation. The report letter reported that Sha Zhu used the money from the steel rolling mill to buy a courtyard house with a separate entrance and exit, and said that Sha Zhu used his power as deputy director to seek benefits for himself.

this is not right.

Time difference.

"I won't talk about the contents of the letter. Everyone present knows it. I'll just tell you one thing. I just discovered that Deputy Director He bought the independent courtyard house three months ago. At that time, Deputy Director He was not even the canteen supervisor. He was just an ordinary cook in the second canteen. A month and a half ago, I promoted Deputy Director He to be the director of ten canteens. In one month, he straightened out the ten years of mess in the steel mill canteen. Is that a credit?"

His tone sank.

The expression on the face.

Then he became solemn.

"Yes! Meritorious work deserves reward, and Deputy Director He has done a good job. The steel mill just happened to be in a period of lack of talented leaders, so I promoted He Yuzhu, who was still the canteen director at the time, to be the deputy director in charge of logistics. This happened half a month ago. Deputy Director He became the deputy director and took back the steel mill house that had been occupied by some people for ten years. He still deserves merit!"

He tapped his fingers on the table a few times.

When people turn their attention to him.

Yang Weimin grabbed the letter of complaint and shook it a few times in his hand.

"I can't understand why a man who has done a lot of good things would be maliciously reported by others, saying that he used his power as deputy director to embezzle a lot of money and used the money to buy a house. Now things have to be traced back to three months ago. I don't know who wrote the report letter, but I can only say one thing: the person who wrote the report letter has a black heart and can't stand the steel mill doing well!"

The atmosphere in the conference room.

Get excited.

many things.

Once you dig deeper, you will find that it cannot withstand any verification at all.

Just like the case of Sha Zhu, he was an ordinary worker in a steel mill three months ago, but we use today's standards to measure the former Sha Zhu.

It makes absolutely no sense.

"Everyone has seen how well Deputy Director He has done his job. The technicians need houses when they return. I didn't want to say it, but I couldn't. Deputy Director He has contributed his ancestral house to the steel mill. What else do you want? What do you want Deputy Director He to do? A person who contributed his ancestral house to the development of the steel mill was maliciously accused afterwards. There is evidence to prove that Deputy Director He is innocent. Think about it, if there is no evidence, yellow mud falling off the crotch is shit, even if it is not shit. Tang Daniu, the security department will investigate this matter strictly!"


"Director Yang, don't get excited. I have one last question for Deputy Director He."

"Just ask!"

"Lunch boxes, that is, your leftovers. Some people say that you take the free leftovers back from the cafeteria."

"Boss, I'm the director of ten canteens. My name is Liu Lan. I've been working with Deputy Director He. I think I'm the best person to answer this question!"

Liu Lan stood up.

He told the story in a very confident and relaxed manner.

"We did bring leftovers. At that time, there was a saying that if you live by the mountain, you can eat from the mountain; if you live by the water, you can eat from the water. I said that since 60, when Deputy Director He got married, we stopped bringing leftovers. They said that supplies were tight and as a member of the canteen, we couldn't take advantage of the canteen. Everyone in the Second Canteen knew this. If you don't believe me, you can go and ask. In 62, conditions improved, and we started bringing leftovers. But we paid for these leftovers. This was also Deputy Director He's instruction. The account book in my hand is the statistical list of the Second Canteen over the past decade. You can take a look."

In a green shoulder bag.

He took out an account book that he had obviously used for many years.

Handed it to Yang Weimin and others.

Yang Weimin and his colleagues opened the account books and roughly compared them. They found how much money was collected in what year and month. There was also the official seal of the finance department at the back, and the remarks column stated that the staff of the second canteen paid fees for taking vegetables home.

The people from the Finance Department also came forward and produced a list of records of the fees they collected from everyone in the cafeteria.

The innocence of Shazhu.

It was proven in an instant.

False accusation.

A conspiracy against Sha Zhu or Yang Weimin and the steel mill ended with a ridiculous result. The person sent by the big leader drove out of the meeting room to report the final result to the big leader.

Yang Weimin said a few words to Sha Zhu and started to summarize the materials by himself.

He will report the final results in written form to his superiors. (End of this chapter)

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