Hard times are coming for Liu Haizhong.

Yang Weimin made it very clear at the meeting, saying bluntly that this was a purposeful and targeted false accusation.

The task of investigation was also assigned to the Security Department.

Because of Liu Haizhong's past behavior, they accidentally suspected Liu Haizhong and insisted that Liu Haizhong was unhappy when he saw Sha Zhu became the deputy factory director, so he wrote a letter of complaint to report Sha Zhu.

Let Liu Haizhong explain the problem.

Liu Haizhong, who was caught in the crossfire, would not admit that he was the one who did it. For some reason, he accused Yi Zhonghai of being the one who did it, saying that Yi Zhonghai was more suspicious and couldn't stand to see Sha Zhu do well. He said with certainty that Yi Zhonghai wrote the letter of complaint, and used Yi Zhonghai's past schemes against Sha Zhu to ask Sha Zhu to help him with his retirement expenses to support his guess on the matter.

After Yi Zhonghai found out about this, he quarreled with Liu Haizhong late at night without even sleeping.

They were all cursing each other's ancestors.

The neighbors had never seen Yi Zhonghai as a shrew before, so they really watched a good show.

The two of them were cursing each other back and forth, enjoying themselves very much.

Liu Haizhong said that Yi Zhonghai was a child with no descendants and had done too many immoral things, so he would surely die without a burial place in the future. Yi Zhonghai, in turn, scolded Liu Haizhong for being a beast, saying that having a son was the same as not having a son, and that Liu Haizhong would end up being left in the wild and eaten by dogs after his death.

Later it developed into physical action.

Punch and kick.

One is a healthy person and the other is a disabled person.

During the fight, Yi Zhonghai suffered a loss and was no match for Liu Haizhong. If Zhou Jianjun's family hadn't suddenly appeared and scared Liu Haizhong away, Yi Zhonghai would have had to suffer another setback from Liu Haizhong's punches and kicks.

Even though Liu Haizhong beat Yi Zhonghai, he didn't feel good at all and didn't sleep the whole night.

The revenge seeker has arrived.

The families of Zhou Jianjun and Ma Zhichao glared at Liu Haizhong as if he were their grandson. It is said that Liu Haizhong and his wife were so scared that they did not dare to close their eyes all night. Even so, several pieces of glass in the house were still broken.

Who smashed it?
The neighbors all said that it was Yi Zhonghai who smashed it.

Only Yi Zhonghai said that he did not do such a thing, but unexpectedly Liu Haizhong said with certainty that he saw Yi Zhonghai smashing the glass of his own house.

They had another quarrel early in the morning. Liu Haizhong and his wife were fighting with Yi Zhonghai alone and scolded him harshly. It was Jia Zhang who saw that something was not right and helped Yi Zhonghai to end the quarrel.

These things.

Xu Damao told Sha Zhu all of this.

Biesun was also a thoughtful person. He rushed to the steel rolling mill early in the morning and ran to Shazhu's office. He took the trouble to talk about the courtyard house, and also mentioned the matters of Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu, and Yi Zhonghai's family.

Yi Zhonghai only had a small house of more than ten square meters, with a small area and few furniture. Except for the two wooden beds of Yi Zhonghai and Xiaodang, there was nothing else for Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu to sleep on. Banggeng occupied Yi Zhonghai's wooden bed, and Jia Zhang occupied Xiaodang's wooden bed. Qin Huairu hugged the two children, put the dining table together, and made do with it for the whole night. Xiaodang found two wooden stools and carried them all night. Yi Zhonghai slept on the floor.

When they got up in the morning, the family started arguing. Yi Zhonghai asked Jia Zhang to get out as soon as possible, saying that there was no place for her in the courtyard.

Jia Zhang said in return that she was living in Xiaodang's house, and if anyone should leave, it should be Yi Zhonghai.

Banggeng said nothing, as if he had become mute.

Qin Huairu hugged the two children, looking like an outsider.

As for why several people appeared in the courtyard, Xu Damao also explained it.

Banggeng took advantage of his godfather being drunk and knocked him out, then walked to the capital city alone and met Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu at the gate of the courtyard.

Jia Zhang was driven out by the people of the old Jia family. The reason for the drive was nothing more than the old witch's despicable behavior of throwing tantrums, being shameless, stealing things, and swearing.

It is said that Jia Zhang returned to the courtyard with a lot of resentment, and kept saying that all this was caused by Yi Zhonghai, and asked Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu to give him an explanation. This morning, the old witch yelled at Xiaodang and asked Xiaodang to take out some money. She was going to buy paper money and offerings, and take Banggeng, Qin Huairu and Xiaodang to the cemetery to visit Jia Dongxu's grave.

Xiao Dang gave Jia Zhang a 2-0 score.

Said he had no money.

Let Jia Zhang figure it out herself.

The old witch howled at Xiao Jia, saying that Xiao Dang was unfilial, changed his surname, and was ungrateful. She went up to Xiao Jia and gave Xiao Dang a severe lecture, saying that Yi Zhonghai had brainwashed Xiao Dang and made Xiao Dang forget even his biological father.

Xiao Dang ignored Jia Zhangshi, found an excuse to go to the toilet, and left the courtyard.

Qin Huairu didn't run back because she couldn't survive. She had no choice but to go back to the city. The widower who had helped Qin Huairu give birth to a child was dead, and the family's land and property were taken away by people from the same clan.

The widow was kicked out of the house.

The eldest son with a bowl-cut haircut is named Goudan. It is said that he stayed in the womb for a long time when he was born, so his brain is not very good and his reaction is slow. The daughter with pigtails is named Yaya, and this child is relatively normal.

No money.

Niang San walked all the way to the capital.

When Xu Damao was at work, he met Qin Huairu at the gate of the courtyard.

Qin Huairu called Xu Damao and told him about the difficulties she had experienced in the past. She cried more than she peed.

Liu Yufeng took out ten yuan from her pocket and stuffed it into Qin Huairu's hand, saying a few words, "Women should be self-reliant, especially women with children, who should strive to make progress." Qin Huairu was deeply moved, and the widow kept expressing her gratitude, saying that she would definitely return the money to Liu Yufeng in the future. Liu Yufeng ignored Qin Huairu and said that it would be better for the two families not to have any contact, saying that Qin Huairu didn't need to pay back the money she gave her, and she just hoped that Qin Huairu would stay away from them in the future.

Hearing this, Sha Zhu rolled his eyes at Xu Damao.

The good intentions have gone to the heart of the donkey.

Liu Yufeng has a very thorough understanding of things, and she does this for the Xu family.

Qin Huairu and Banggeng might stay in the courtyard, their household registration has always been on the street, and Jia Zhang might be sent back to her hometown again.

Sha Zhu and Liu Yufeng knew the widow's past behavior and reputation, so Liu Yufeng gave Qin Huairu a shot of vaccination in advance and used ten yuan to buy out their neighborhood friendship to prevent the widow from causing them trouble in the future.

This is a good thing.

Why does this bastard look so lonely?

Sha Zhu couldn't help but make a joke.

Xu Damao ignored Sha Zhu's teasing and told Sha Zhu everything about his nomination for the head of the Propaganda Department. Then the two of them exchanged suggestions on work matters.

How are you.

So what about me.

When he was about to leave, Xu Damao suddenly thought of something and reminded Shazhu in a low voice.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you. Qin Huairu's style is gone, but her daughter has taken over her legacy. If she doesn't get any good treatment from me today, she will definitely target you, Dashazhu. Your position as deputy factory director is more important than mine, Xu Damao, the head of the publicity department!"

A disdainful smile appeared on Sha Zhu's face.

Jia family.

Calculation engraved in the bones.

He actually had the idea of ​​betting on both sides, and at the same time had his own ideas. He also found Xu Damao in a cunning way, hoping to get a job through Xu Damao.

Scorpio poops, and he's trying his best to think of good things.

He doesn't burn incense on normal days, but comes to worship at the temple when the time comes. Does this mean the Jia family can do whatever they want?

This is pure nonsense. "You, you are a little late. When I left the courtyard yesterday, the granddaughter of the Jia family, the niece of Yi Zhonghai, ran out of the courtyard alone and called me. She apologized on behalf of the Jia family and Yi Zhonghai."

"Damn it." Xu Damao cursed, looking indignant, "So, in terms of the Jia family using backdoor connections, I, Xu Damao, am behind you, Dashazhu. What's going on?"

"I'm the deputy factory director, and you're the deputy section chief, so of course you came to me first."

"You agreed?"

"you guess."

"I knew you didn't agree. I'm not stupid. Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to get busy."

"Get out of here."

Qin Huairu set her sights on Xiaodang.

Looking at Xiao Dang's beautiful face, the widow did not feel very happy.

My mind is not on Xiaodang.

But in the current environment she is in, Xiaodang has become her only support, and Banggeng is completely useless.

Suddenly I want to talk to Xiaodang about marriage.

Like Yi Zhonghai, she also had her eyes on Xiaodang's marriage. The difference was that Yi Zhonghai wanted Xiaodang to find a son-in-law, but Qin Huairu wanted to marry Xiaodang to someone who could help her, preferably someone from a wealthy family. It would be even better if he could suppress Sha Zhu and Xu Damao.

The widow has been feeling uncomfortable since yesterday.

Sha Zhu becoming the deputy factory director hurt her heart. Even though she had never met Li Xiuzhi, she was extremely envious of her.

All are women.

Why are you better than me?

She wanted to arrange Xiaodang's marriage before Jia Zhang did.

Haven't seen you for over ten years.

There's a gap.

Qin Huairu has new children.

He first forced a smile on his face, and then started chatting with Xiao Dang in a friendly tone as possible.

"Xiao Dang, I didn't have time to talk to you when I came back yesterday. I'm relieved to see you're doing well." Her eyes were red, and she looked like she could cry at any time. "I just don't know how your sister is doing. Without mom by her side, she has no place to cry when she's been wronged. It's all mom's fault. If I hadn't gone to find your brother, nothing would have happened now."

"Things have already happened. Is it useful to complain?"

These are the words Qin Huairu said.

Xiao Dang had figured it out thoroughly in his mind ten years ago.

At Jia's house.

In Yi's house.

She was always an outsider.

Don’t think that Yi Zhonghai holds her in the palm of his hand because of Xiaodang’s value, otherwise Huaihua’s fate would be the same as Xiaodang’s.

"If you want to do this for our own good, you'd better send my grandma away."

Compared to Qin Huairu.

Xiao Dang hated Jia Zhang even more.

Last night, not only did she occupy Xiaodang's bed, she also hinted to Xiaodang in both explicit and implicit ways that she should hand over her money, saying that she was the ancestor of the Jia family and that as a child of the Jia family, Xiaodang should be filial.

There is Jia Zhang.

Xiaodang's future is bleak.

"Mom, please find a way. I thought you were married, but I didn't expect you were still single. Xiaodang, when a woman gets married, it's like a second life. If she marries well, she can sit back and enjoy the good life. If she marries badly, she will really fall into the control of the fire. Let's not talk about far away places, just talk about our courtyard. I, your mom, married your dad. Since you can remember, you know what kind of life your mom has lived."

The root of the problem is Jia Zhang.

after marriage.

She is lazy and greedy, and she is obsessed with being the mistress of the Jia family, making Qin Huairu serve her like a maid.

After Jia Dongxu's death.


He offended people everywhere in the courtyard.

If it weren't for Jia Zhang's disorderly behavior, Xiao Cang wouldn't have been unable to speak in front of Sha Zhu, and his work problem would have been solved long ago, and he wouldn't have been living off his savings like he is now.

"Mom, I still say the same thing. If you want to live a good life, you have to solve the problem of my grandma." Xiao Cang's tone was a little cold. "You and I are registered in the street, and my grandma is registered in the countryside. There is no house in the courtyard. My father has been gone for more than ten years. He has done his best. It's not that I am cold-blooded and don't care about the friendship between grandma and grandson, but as long as she is here, we can't have a good life."

"Xiao Dang, Mom knows everything you said."

"You don't know. She told me today that Goudan and Yaya are bastards. She said you are not a faithful wife and have brought shame to the Jia family. My father has been dead for more than ten years and I am still cuckolded. What do you want to tell me? It's just about marriage. You asked me to find someone who can help our family. I have no problem. I can find someone according to your wishes, but can it be good with her here? When she came, I didn't say anything. She put forward a lot of conditions, such as being good to her. She is marrying a wife, not lacking a grandma. I'm telling you something. My grandma thinks that my grandpa, you, have let down the Jia family and want to set up a mourning hall in the courtyard."

Qin Huairu couldn't catch her breath.

Almost died.

Here comes this trick again.

Does Jia Zhang think Qin Huairu is a fool?

I still think that Qin Huairu today is still the same Qin Huairu from more than ten years ago. A big drama of setting up a mourning hall can force Qin Huairu to bow her head.

Back then, Jia Zhang successfully controlled Qin Huairu by setting up the mourning hall. She forced Qin Huairu to swear in front of Jia Dongxu's portrait that she would never remarry, stay in the Jia family, be filial to her mother-in-law Jia Zhang, and raise children.

Xiao Dang is right.

The reason why the Jia family has fallen to this state is purely because of Jia Zhang's trouble.

"Zhu Zi, take a look at this document."

Yang Weimin handed over a letter with a big red official seal.

Handed it to Shazhu.

Sha Zhu took a look and found that it was a plan for housing reform and subsequent development of the steel rolling mill.

The former refers to the transformation from public to private, and the properties currently belonging to the steel mill, mainly bungalows, will be transformed from the steel mill's owned property rights to the personal property rights of the steel mill's employees. By paying a certain fee, the house you live in will belong to you from now on. The Real Estate Department will no longer be responsible for house payments and house maintenance, etc. Secondly, the Real Estate Department will develop from its current functions to residential and construction buildings.

That is the real estate of later generations.

The land was allocated to build residential buildings for employees.

good thing.

Once this news gets out, the employees will definitely be happy. (End of this chapter)

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