China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 106: Hiring?Biao acting?I can do it too!

Chapter 106: Hiring?Biao acting?I can do it too!

In fact, after He Fang said this, he knew in his heart what he was going to face.However, he does not regret it, because it really broke the director-centered system of the author's film, and taking the absolute power of the director will only benefit the development of the industry.

Some people may say, what about others, what about the industry?If you do your job well, if other people's movies can't make money, isn't that more proof that you can do it?Then wouldn't investors flock to you more?

In fact, this is not the case. There is a famous marketing theory that says:
When you are the only clothing store on a street, you really monopolize the clothing business on this street.However, your business limit may only be 1000 yuan per day.

When the street is full of clothing stores, you do have a huge competitive challenge.However, people who need to buy clothes from dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles will be attracted here, because there are many goods and styles here.

At this time, the number of customers who buy clothing will be hundreds or thousands of times more than the customers on the street before you. ten thousand yuan.

When you have only one store on a street, your turnover is only [-], but when the street is full of clothing stores, your turnover soars to [-]. What's the reason?
The industry ecology is getting better, and the whole plate is getting bigger. In Alima's words, this is called 'making a big cake'.

This is the change that the industry ecology brings to individuals, and where is it beneficial.

Of course, He Fang also understands that the current Chinese directors have been kicked out of the power center, but is it enough to replace their producers?
Certainly not in the short term.

Because there is too much shortage of professional producers in China now, in the short term, once those non-professional producers enter the set and control the set, they will blindly direct the director to shoot randomly.

Before He Fang crossed over, there was such a chaos, a group of Internet professionals came to guide a group of filmmakers on how to make movies, and the result... can be imagined.

However, this is not a bad thing, because these amateur producers will automatically learn professional producer knowledge after losing some movies, and then the whole industry will be healthy.

That is to say, there will be some chaos after the seizure of the director's rights, but the overall situation will go well.

What's more, He Fang and Huying also set up a consulting center, which can assist these non-professional producers in the early stage to check the script, check the production of the crew, and check the market.


A group of literary and artistic directors left angrily, while the bosses of major film and television companies surrounded him.

"Director He, it's great that you lifted the cover. I felt the need to talk about it a long time ago. However, I was afraid that if I said it, no director would want to cooperate with our company, so I kept pretending to be stupid. Dazed. Director He, you are right." Unexpectedly, Wang Changtian of Guangguang was the first to support He Fang.

"Haha, so, we have never been able to get along with directors who are engaged in literature and art. In recent years, Xiaogang has worked best with us." Wang Zhonglei laughed.

"Director He has the demeanor of a young man, daring to speak and act." Old Wu of Orange Sky neither agreed nor opposed.

In fact, the meaning of what he said could also be euphemistically saying that young people in He Fang are not afraid of offending people, dare to say, and their emotional intelligence is not high.

However, He Fang didn't care at all about the comments of the bosses.

"Haha, I'm just a person who says what I say, so I'm a little more straightforward." He Fang said haha.

"It's okay, why don't you let me talk about problems? How can the industry develop? People in the whole industry are trying their best to cover it up. Then everyone in this industry can't make money." Han Sanping supported it.

"Ha, thank you, Mr. San, for your support. Let's go, go, go, go to the reception."


It was just waiting for He Fang to send the bosses to the car on the side of the road. The reporter was stopped outside and wanted to rush over, but at this time Lin Chiling appeared out of nowhere.

"Director He, I don't have a car to go to the reception, can I take your car?" Lin Chiling said, going to hold He Fang's hand.

He Fang was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Lin Chiling was about to hold his hand, he immediately broke free.

"Ah, Miss Zhiling, don't you have a car? Don't worry, I'll arrange one for you right away." He Fang said with a smile.

"Ah, Director He, are you afraid that my girlfriend will misunderstand you by holding your hand?" Lin Chiling said sweetly.

"Where, you are a big star, I'm afraid that the media will pour dirty water on you again, don't talk about it, I will arrange a car for you..."

It's just that before He Fang finished speaking, the reporters rushed over.

"Director He Fang, are you dating Lin Chiling? How far have you progressed?"

"Director He Fang, just now Director Jia said that you were lucky enough to win the big prize, and then curse at others after winning the big prize. This is wrong. What do you say? He said that when you go to Hollywood, you are superstitious about Hollywood, and there are bad movies in Hollywood..."

"Director He Fang, it is rumored that you and Miss Lin Chiling..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Director He and I are just good friends." Before He Fang could figure out the direction, Lin Chiling spoke first, and said delicately.

Alas, I'm almost in my thirties, it's really enough to be like this.

"What kind of good friend?" the reporter asked.

It wasn't until He Fang realized it at this moment that Nima came to catch his heat.

It doesn't matter if it is another female star, but Lin Chiling will definitely not do it.

"Lin Chiling and I are good friends who met twice and didn't speak more than [-] sentences. Why do people suddenly spread the news that I have something with her? Don't spread the word, okay? Ms. Zhiling can be my aunt if you say it. But there is no aunt complex."

He Fang replied immediately.

At this time, Lin Chiling's smile froze when she heard it, she was angry and embarrassed, but she couldn't lose her demeanor.

Tsk, one can imagine the complicated expression on her face now.

"..." The reporters at the scene were also stunned, they didn't expect He Fang's words to be so harsh.

He Fang expressed two meanings, one is that he is not familiar with Lin Chiling, he has only met Lin Chiling twice, and he did not speak more than [-] sentences.The second is that Lin Chiling is too old to be his aunt, and he didn't have any abnormal psychology with his aunt.

Are these two meanings cruel?

But any man with a little grace would not say such cruel words. What's the situation?
"Director He, I will be sad if you say this, I'll join you, don't hurt anyone."

Lin Chiling suppressed her anger, and said whiningly, as if she was about to cry, but no matter how hard she squeezed the tears, she couldn't squeeze them out. Nima usually didn't pay attention to her acting skills, but now she is lagging behind.

Now she can create an appearance of being bullied and weak and about to cry.

Look, everyone, I'm here to cheer this guy up, who would have thought that he would hurt someone with a backhand and bully me like this, he's about to cry, how uneducated and uneducated he is.

"Ah? Did it hurt you? I'm sorry, Miss Lin, I apologize to you. I'm a straightforward person who likes to tell the truth. Maybe you haven't gotten used to it. But I really didn't mean to hurt you, you I am very grateful for your support, and if I still hurt you then I, you know, I really don't mean to..."

He Fang also looked anxious, and said sincerely, as if it was true that he just said something that shouldn't be said outright.

"..." This anti-Lin Chiling can't do it anymore, "It's okay, everyone has seen this, it's all a misunderstanding, then I won't bother Director He, goodbye."

"Ah? I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, I'm so busy and confused today, I will treat you to dinner later and apologize to you."

While He Fang apologized, he summoned a car, opened the door and took Lin Chiling up.

What the hell is acting, who doesn't seem to know it.

You Lin Chiling pretended to be wronged, how could I not pretend to be hurt unintentionally and regret endlessly?
When Lin Chiling's car left, the reporters were still in a daze. The scene just now seemed like the plot of a TV series, but it was so real. Is it true or not?
It doesn't matter, anyway, there is news, and a reporter has videotaped the whole process.

He Fang didn't wait for the reporters to ask any more questions, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Guan Jianqiang, and secretly shut up.

"Old Guan, come outside the gate of the premiere scene. Something happened just now. I don't have time to explain it to you. Come here quickly and get the whole video of the reporters just now. It doesn't matter how much you pay. Be civilized."

"Okay, right now, you hold them back first."


Seeing that He Fang had finished making the phone call, the reporters immediately surrounded him again.

"Guys, you all saw it just now. I was really unintentional. Maybe because I was too straightforward, I said something that made Lin Chiling sad. I hereby solemnly apologize to her again. Please be a witness."

Fortunately, He Fang's brain is quick and quick, and he wiped out his sincerity in one fell swoop.

"Director He, what you just said is true? You only met Lin Chiling twice, and you didn't speak more than [-] sentences?" A reporter asked.

"Ah, of course it's true, otherwise I wouldn't have blurted it out. I really said this too directly, and I should have been more tactful. Alas, it's all my stupid tongue..." He Fang looked very regretful, looking His real eyes, he has regretted it now.

"Then how do you respond to Chief Jia's words?" a reporter asked.

"Wait a minute, let me slow down, I'm afraid I'll say something wrong again." He Fang shook his head in regret, like a child who made a mistake and was afraid of making another mistake.

"What did he say?" He Fang asked again after a pause.

"His exact words were..."

The reporter was able to completely retell what Chief Jia said, which shows that this reporter has solid basic skills, but it is a pity that he became an entertainment reporter, probably because he was put on small shoes in the work unit.

"You really said that? I don't believe it." He Fang looked shocked and disbelieving.

Tsk, he himself felt that he could be awarded an Oscar for his performance.

"It's true, we can all testify." Many reporters echoed.

"Oh..." He Fang looked unacceptable, but felt aggrieved, Lin Chiling of Nima can pretend to be wronged, why can't He Fang?

"I think some of Chief Jia's criticisms are correct. After all, my experience in the author's films is too young, and my understanding of the director's expressions is not deep enough. I accept his criticism."

"However, I want to clarify some concepts. First of all, industrialization is not a foreign product. Strictly speaking, the author's film is a foreign product. At the beginning of our founding, our films have already learned from the films produced by the Soviet Union. industrialization."

"So, industrialization is our tradition. The reason why I advocate learning from Hollywood is because the industrialization of Hollywood is more flexible than the industrialization of our original film factory, and it is more in line with our current development."

"If the literary and artistic film theory of author films hadn't entered China in the 80s, China would still be on the road to industrialized films produced by film factories. Therefore, author films are foreign products, and it is the problem of destroying our film market."

"Secondly, I did not deprive the director of the creative right, but just suggested that the director not recreate the script after the official shooting, which would destroy the story of the movie. If a movie has no story, is it still a movie? That's the same as What's the difference between a landscape film?"

"You can create the director in other links. I have repeatedly emphasized that the director wants to create the script before shooting. How can it be called depriving the director of the creation right? My proposal is to ensure the quality of the film. , rather than depriving the director of the creative rights."

"As for the fact that there are a lot of bad movies in Hollywood, I admit, which factory can't produce some defective products? Let's look at the whole thing. At least they sell movies all over the world as a whole to earn money from global audiences, right?"

"Of course, I know that some of the things I said and some of the views I expressed today will dissatisfy some people and cut off some people's money. I am deeply sorry for this. Although I am telling the truth, I Maybe he's still too young, and his temper is a bit more straightforward."

"But I believe that the seniors should be able to forgive a young junior who said the truth on the spur of the moment. Who didn't say something that people didn't like when they were young? But my starting point is indeed good. I am for the whole A virtuous circle in the industry.”

"Audiences will continue to support the development of film and television only when they see complete and excellent film and television dramas with complete stories. Only when the film and television drama develops can it make money, and only when the film and television drama makes money can investors continue to invest in film and television. Everyone should understand my point of view I have a warm heart, though what I said offended some people."

"I apologize here. My speaking level is not enough. I hope everyone who is angry don't care about it. You scolded me and beat me, and I answered them all."

After He Fang finished speaking, he bowed towards the camera.

When his eyes caught Guan Jianqiang's arrival, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I'll go first. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing if I go on. Next time, I'll talk to you when I think it over."

He Fang said, got into the car and slipped away, and he saw Guan Jianqiang negotiating with the reporters from the rearview mirror...

(End of this chapter)

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