China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 107 I Was Splashed With So Dark Dirty Water

Chapter 107 I Was Splashed With So Dark Dirty Water

On the other side, Lin Chiling got into the car for a while, and she just woke up and realized that she might have been tricked by He Fang, but now she is not easy to get angry, because who called the car, and whether the driver was sent by He Fang? easy to say.

She immediately took out her phone and sent a text message.

"Director Yang, I was tricked by He Fang. Let me explain in detail when I come back. The plan failed, and I can't take over the job."

After Lin Chiling sent this news, she clenched her fists tightly, feeling a hundred anger in her heart. She, Lin Chiling, has never been humiliated in public for so many years.

Soon she returned to the hotel, and after a while, someone knocked on the door.

Three middle-aged men came, and they sat down separately.

"Zhi Ling, what's the specific situation?" one of the men asked.

"It's like this..." So Lin Chiling explained everything in detail.

The three of them were even angry after hearing this.

"You little bastard, I didn't expect it to be so difficult." One of the men scolded.

"How to do?"

"What else can I do? Tomorrow, all the media and public opinion will scold him, so that all the navy will not hack him to death."

"That's right. Since he doesn't know how to flatter you, don't blame us for being a black hand. Zhiling, you should accompany Deputy Director Zhang these few days. Although he is not educated, let's see if he can help. If you want to kill He Fang, Let them do it themselves."

"Deputy Director Zhang is afraid it won't work, right? Shall we inform the Colonel to let the island country do something on the mainland's line?"

"No need? It's just a small director. Da Zuo's clues have been buried for so long. I heard that they are all included in the big list. This matter can't be messed up."

"But this matter must be reported to the Colonel, right?"


He Fang may not know that someone is plotting to get him, just because he is disobedient and falls into their trap.

What a shame, is there something wrong with not being a dog?


"[People on Journey] The highlights outside the premiere are endless: He Fang criticizes the director-centered system, Chief Jia fights back, Lin Chiling rubs traffic, He Fang says he is not familiar with Lin Chiling and will not be with someone who can be his aunt People have a relationship between a man and a woman...》

"Attention Film and Television Drama Investors: Where to Remind You Not to Invest in Such Film and Television Dramas"

"He Fang shook off Lin Chiling's hand: She and I are friends who have only met twice"

"He Fang: I only met twice, I didn't speak more than twenty sentences, I don't want to find a woman who can be my aunt"

"What did He Fang say?"Let Chief Jia speak cruel words regardless of his image"

"Chief Jia: It's very wrong for He Fang to scold his mother after winning the grand prize"

"Chief Jia: He Fang doesn't even know what an author's film is"

"Where is no quality, Lin Chiling who came to join us crying angrily"

"Will this be the quality of a director who wins the Palme d'Or? "

"He Fang, please be yourself"

"Where to discredit the mainlanders"

"He Fang apologized twice"


Ever since the Internet came into existence, the speed of news information has been very fast. In less than two hours, all the bits and pieces have been released.

"Holy shit, shit, what's going on? How come there are so many melons all of a sudden? I can't eat it in one bite..."

"He Fang is really shameful, how can he talk to a woman like that?"

"Where is the apology, who is the apology..."

"It looks like someone has already apologized on the spot..."

"...He Fang knelt down and apologized..."

"Yes, not only kneeling, but also having a laparotomy."

... There are a lot of comments asking He Fang to kneel down and apologize, and cut his stomach open.

"What's the situation? I just watched the whole process. He Fang was about to tell the truth for a while, and he apologized on the spot. How could it be that He Fang had committed some great crime? He still had to kneel down and still It’s not right to have a laparotomy, isn’t kneeling and laparotomy the culture of the islanders, how can a Chinese be asked to do this?”

"Don't those upstairs understand? Offending Lin Chiling is equivalent to offending the island country, so the devils from the island country jumped out and asked He Fang to kneel down and cut open their stomachs."

"What the hell did He Fang commit? Asking He Fang to die? He just told the truth out of temper, and apologized on the spot. If this is also a sin that must be died, then those poisonous factions in the island province should not be punished." Cut to pieces?"

... The propaganda power of the Changsha Tuanhuo culture is not a vegetarian, and immediately counterattacked on a large scale.

As a traveler, he doesn't know the importance of public opinion?He doesn't know the importance of the navy?As early as "Far Cry", He Fang thought about using Internet public opinion alone to promote it.

He Fang was dealing with many distinguished guests at the reception, so he naturally didn't know about the confrontation on the Internet.

He was busy until one o'clock in the night, he saw off all the guests, and then dragged his exhausted body back to the villa he just bought.

The driver is Chen Huan, a staff member of Tuanhuo Culture BJ. In fact, He Fang probably can't live in this villa for a few days a year. He just bought it to use as Tuanhuo Culture's base in the capital.

As long as people from Tuanhuo Culture Company come, they can live here, and they can also apply to the company to use the Q7 car.

Because he drank a little too much and was too tired, he fell asleep when he returned to the villa.

"What do you think of He Fang's remarks? What can I think? I can't lose me. All the movies I made made money, and I didn't lose money from investors, so I don't object to what he said. It's just, I think This kid He Fang is not kind, is it interesting to grab the headlines like this? It has only been ten days since the release of "Tangshan Earthquake", and he has diverted the attention of the audience.

Feng Xiaogang is busy these days, and he also shows his face in front of the media every day. "Tangshan Earthquake" still needs him to continue to build momentum.

So he was very dissatisfied with He Fang's grabbing public opinion. Of course, what he said was half-truth, and both He Fang and the audience would laugh it off.

In addition to Feng Xiaogang's displeasure, there was another crew member who was displeased.

That is the crew of "The Whole City on Alert". They were also released on August 8 and premiered on August 6. Although the popularity and attention is not as great as "People on the Journey", they are not bad.

After all, there are celebrities such as Aaron Kwok, Shu Qi, Chou Zhaolong, Wu Jing, Zhang Jingchu, Yuan Hua, etc. This is a proper action blockbuster, and Wang Changtian of Guangguang is hoping to make a lot of money.


The popularity of "On the Journey" and "Single Zoo", coupled with He Fang picking things up at the premiere, and then arguing with Lin Chiling, in just one night, I feel that "On the Journey" can rely on what Together with Wang Baoqiang, they can pick out a series of Hong Kong and mainland stars headed by Aaron Kwok.

"Oh, I'll go, how can this really fix things." Wang Changtian was a little anxious.

In recent years, Guangguang has invested heavily in films. In 06, it cast two films, in 07 it casted three films, in 3 and 08 it casted eight films each year, and in 09 this year, Guangguang cast seven films in one go. Except for "Happy Flower Field 8" which surpassed 2010 million at the box office and reached 7 million, the three movies that have been released have not even surpassed 2010 million at the box office, which is a loss to grandma's family.

Now it is counting on "City on Alert" to be rewritten, and suddenly He Fang and "People on the Journey" have become obstacles in the way. Isn't this blocking people's way of making money.

"President Wang, what should we do?" Guang Guang's vice president was also anxious, all angry, his mouth was full of blisters, and he couldn't even eat.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Look for the navy and the media to grab the topic." Wang Changtian was also helpless, "Besides, if you give the theaters a little bit of a profit and line up more films, there must be some advantage."

Wang Changtian took out a cigarette and lit it.

He also has a headache. Since the company started to vigorously develop the film business in 06, the film has not made any money. They always lose five films and make one, and then lose tens of millions every year.

But if you don't make movies, the company's development direction will have to be adjusted...

Difficult, difficult, difficult, everyone only sees the brilliance of Huayi and the brilliance of stars, who would have thought of the hard work of ordinary film companies?
How many companies in China dream of making a fortune in film?There are tens of thousands of registered companies.But there are currently only two and a half companies that really rely on making movies to make money, that is, Huayi, New Picture and half of Bona.

Why can Huayi make money?Because they only play commercial movies, and they only bind Feng Xiaogang, and they don't vote for anything else.

Why can new pictures make money?Because of Zhang Yimou, which film did Zhang Yimou lose?Which one is not making a lot of money?
Half of Bona can make money because they distribute half of the blockbuster films domestically, and then they can still invest in blockbuster films. Can they not make money?

Because Bona is bound to make movies with China Film and Hong Kong directors, such as "Jiangshan Beauty", "Fuse", "The True Colors of a Man", "The Disciple", "Dragon and Tiger Gate", "Women Are Not Bad"... These are Bona Those who participate in the investment will make money.

So Bona's Yu Dong still has a lot of ideas and knows how to make movies.

If he hadn't wanted to go public on the New York Stock Exchange, Huayi would not have been able to sit so comfortably in China's No. [-] film stock.

Other film companies don't have directors who can make commercial films, so they can't be bound, and they don't have blockbuster distribution business, and they can't make money.

"Ten Reasons Why Aaron Kwok's New Movie Is Worth Watching"

"Sexy Goddess Shu Qi's Love Performance"

"Wu Jing teamed up with Zhang Jingchu, mainland actors are not bad"

"August 8th, [The whole city is on alert] VS [People are on the way], the hot August starts"


Suddenly there were many press releases on the Internet, there was a tendency to suppress He Fang's scolding with the literary and art circles, and there was also a tendency to suppress "He Fang bullied Lin Chiling and made her cry".

"He Fang, what's your situation? Why did you get into a fight with Lin Chiling?"

"He Fang, it's a bit irrational for you to lift the cover. We don't need to be enemies of the entire director circle now."

"Director He, it's not kind of you to do this. Our "Tangshan Earthquake" has only been released for less than half a month, and you took the heat away. The box office of my movie is under a lot of pressure..."

After He Fang woke up, his head was blown by a phone call. He had no choice but to explain one by one.

At the same time, he also went online to look at the development of yesterday's incident, and after he finished reading, he found out that those fucking Taiwanese people hacked him.

Is it tolerable or unbearable, even mobilizing the navy to make him kneel down to apologize and make him have a caesarean section.


Although He Fang doesn't usually play Weibo, a new thing, he has already registered and authenticated. He knows how powerful this tool will be in the future, and he usually sends daily updates to the staff.

Now his Weibo fans also have more than 1000 million fans, mainly due to the increase in the past half a month. "Single Zoo" really made him suffer a lot.

So, he spoke publicly under Weibo.

"As for the incident between me and Ms. Lin Chiling yesterday, it did have a certain impact. I believe everyone has watched the video or news reports during the entire process. If you haven't seen it yet, please see the link below. It's a video without any editing or taking it out of context."

"First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Lin Chiling for coming to support "People on the Journey". Secondly, I would like to apologize publicly again. wounded."

"Of course, I didn't post this Weibo just to apologize to Ms. Lin Chiling, because I apologized to her at the scene yesterday. I posted this Weibo because I woke up and found that the whole Internet was making me kneel. Let me have a caesarean section, this really scared me, I have to say that I was coerced by the people of the island country, shouldn't kneeling and caesarean section be a culture only in the island country? When can the cultural requirements of the island country be used? Chinese?"

"I was shocked and shocked at the same time. Where did I commit a crime? I want to use other countries' methods to atone for my sins? While I was shocked, my colleagues told me that this large-scale event made me kneel down." The person who had the caesarean section was done by the navy. That is to say, someone was playing the rhythm and wanted to pour dirty water on me. I believe that no matter which country I put it in, my words and actions would not make me kneel down and have the caesarean section, right?"

"Then who is splashing dirty water in rhythm? I don't know about this, and I can't find out. However, this incident has reminded everyone. I, a person who has not done anything evil, will suffer from these things." Others can use public opinion pressure to smear me, so can they also use this method to smear other celebrities?"

"In other words, they can hack Chinese celebrities and entertainers, or they can hack Chinese movies... Isn't it more frightening to think about it? These people can drive the direction of public opinion with only a few trolls. Ideas that can destroy some ideas in the hearts of the people."

"Everyone, think about it carefully, have they used a large number of trolls to mobilize the emotions of the people to attack, slander, and smear certain people and things over the years? Can they subvert something through such means? ... I dare not think about it."

"Forget it, I don't dare to say too much. I'm just a director. I don't have the background and ability to resist. It's my fault that I shouldn't say that to Lin Chiling... So I can bear these things and pretend that I don't care. But, Those people shouted every day to let everyone think independently, did you think independently when faced with my situation? Or were you led by others?"

"Oh, it turns out that an on-the-spot apology doesn't work, you have to kneel down and have a caesarean section?"

After He Fang posted this long Weibo, he waited for the development of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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