China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 108 Actually advertising for a competitor?and box office on the first day

Chapter 108 Actually advertising for a competitor?and box office on the first day
He Fang's Weibo is very skillful. He first talks about the facts and constantly draws from the context, because he himself handled the incident very well when it happened, so he doesn't need to fish in troubled waters.

Since he doesn't need to fish in troubled waters, he stands on the moral high ground.

One is that he said something wrong, and he immediately admitted it and apologized, which prevented everyone from catching him by the tail.

The second is that he obviously has a good attitude, but others are relentless, as if he wants to take advantage of this to kill him.

The third is that kneeling to apologize and caesarean section are likely to arouse the extreme disgust of Chinese people.

The fourth is to magnify the matter, discuss the surface from the point, and discuss the situation from the surface.He is just a point attacked by the water army, but what if the level wants to attack a certain industry?And what if the navy wants to learn from the color reform in the Middle East?Then this is not the matter where he was attacked by the navy.

So, if four points are stuffed into a blog post, what will be the effect?
"Bastard, how can a cat or a dog make a well-known Chinese director kneel down? Can he make a rising star in the Chinese film industry dissect?"

"Down with the little devil..."

"Go back to Taiwan Province."

"The country must pay attention to the problem of the navy leading us. This is very serious."


It's just that within an hour, Wang Changtian scolded his mother.

"I'm sorry, is it true that He Fang will not give you any way to survive? If you do this, you won't be afraid of your peers..."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wang, I think we can also take advantage of the situation." Guang Guang's vice president immediately shouted excitedly.

"Using momentum? What kind of momentum?" Wang Changtian was still a little confused.

"It is to let the main creators of "City Watch" be interviewed by the media, let them stand on the stage of any place, say that they support that side, and put an end to the violence of the navy. Let’s work hard together.”

"..." Wang Changtian froze for a moment, feeling numb.

"Fuck, you are a talent."

In fact, just as the vice president of Guangguang thought, the whole network is now shouting at the sailors, boycotting a certain female star, and scolding her.

Actress Lin was stunned, this time she really cried.

"Director Yang, what should I do? Netizens are scolding me, don't they say they want to trample He Fang to death? How did you trample me to death?"

"Hiss, don't worry, don't worry, we didn't expect such an effect. In this way, I will arrange a reporter to interview immediately, and you will pretend to be wronged and cry in front of the reporter..."

"Director Yang, do I still have to pretend? I'm really wronged now, okay?"

"..." Director Yang was also dumbfounded, yes, uh, do I still need to pretend?Maybe they have been pretending to be used to it, so...

"Hey, that's where you cry in front of the camera, and say that you're the one being bullied, but you're still scolded by everyone. If someone asks who asked He Fang to kneel and have a caesarean section, just say you don't know, Your fans are all over Asia, who knows if there are some extreme fans?"

"At the same time, you have to oppose the violence of the troll army, and apologize to He Fang, saying that it is possible that your extreme fans have caused trouble to He Fang. Anyway, let's get away first and then talk about it."

Director Yang's idea made Lin Xing heave a sigh of relief, at least Director Yang's solution is relatively safe for now.

"Okay, that's what I'll do."

Sure enough, just two hours later, Lin's interview appeared on the Internet.

Then, a large number of netizens waved their flags and shouted in solidarity with actress Lin.

"Lingling, don't cry, you have always been a victim, why should you apologize?"

"Lingling, come on, maybe your extreme fans have complicated this matter, but extreme fans are also fans, and you can't control it."

"Lingling, work hard, you didn't hurt anyone, but you have to suffer such an innocent disaster, we support you."


As soon as the interview with actress Lin came out, the entire netizen was confused, what's going on?
No, according to actress Lin, she is indeed innocent, so what should I do now?
Before the netizens could react, the main creators of the crew of "City on Alert" were all interviewed by the media.

Aaron Kwok: "I am against troll violence. These used to be paparazzi, but now they are trolls with the Internet. It is really annoying. No matter who is right or wrong, troll violence is wrong." On August 8, "City on Guard "Come on with director He Fang who is fighting against the navy."

Shu Qi: "I have learned about the whole incident. In fact, both sides are victims. The real perpetrator is the navy. Where the navy attacks today, it is possible that the navy will attack me tomorrow. Therefore, I support the fight against the navy. On August 8th, "City Watch" cheered for the fight against the navy."

Wu Jing: "Some people who are not willing to die have turned to the Internet. Our people and the country must pay attention to it. As He Fang said, what is being dealt with today is the director, but tomorrow is the entire film and television industry? What about the country the day after tomorrow? 8 On March 6, "City Watch" will join forces to oppose the violence of the navy."


"No, I haven't slowed down from actress Lin's response. This "City Watch" matter what their purpose is, well, "City Watch" I went to the cinema to support."

"Anyone who opposes the Internet trolls, I support them. The crew of "City On Guard" is doing well. I will go to the cinema to support you."

"Seeing "City Watch" stand up against the violence of the navy, I think I see the power of unity in the competition, and support "City Watch."

"Support "City On Alert"..."

When He Fang saw this scene, everyone was stunned. What's going on?
Why is there so much support for "City on Alert" on the Internet, no, isn't this about him and actress Lin?Why did "City Watch" steal the limelight?


But at this time, is it still necessary to find out who is stealing the limelight?Because there are many things that don't need to be explained, the higher-ups immediately breathed a sigh of relief after "City on Alert" stirred up the water.

After all, if He Fang really confronts the people in Taiwan Province, it does not meet the current requirements. Now we need stability and harmony, not confrontation.

So the public opinion pushed it to the navy, and it was a good thing that it was snatched away by "City Watch", and it was too late to thank the higher-ups.

However, in the face of such a situation, He Fang was forced to the point where he had to advertise for "City on Alert". He couldn't do without it. The crew supported you so much, why don't you thank you?
Damn it, which director would be treated like this?To the point where you end up having to advertise for your competitors?
So He Fang tearfully posted a Weibo: "Miss Lin actress, you don't need to apologize to me, you and I are both victims, and opposing the violence of the navy is the fundamental way to prevent us from being hurt. Thanks to the crew of "The Whole City" In support, although on the 6th we are competitors in the box office, but today we are fighting for the same enemy, this is a friendship. "People on the Journey" and "The Whole City" will fight together on August 8!"

He Fang really wrote this Weibo with tears in his eyes. This is really too humiliating, but there is no way...

Of course, it may be a win-win situation.

It's too late to say anything now, because it's already the afternoon of August 8th, and the two movies will be released tomorrow.

It's just that Feng Xiaogang was really depressed, "Is this He Fang really so capable of making trouble? I think he is a topic maker."

Feng Xiaogang was drinking too much, if "Tangshan Earthquake" was not being released, he wouldn't bother to care about what happened to He Fang.

"Damn it, if it weren't for "Single Zoo" grabbing the box office, or He Fang was always talking about it. I estimate that "Tangshan Earthquake" would have at least one more than [-] million more box office, and "Single Zoo" would have earned more than [-] million at the box office. It should be "Tangshan Earthquake"."

Feng Xiaogang is really depressed, and Mr. and Mrs. Wang can't comfort him. You can say that what Feng Xiaogang said is unreasonable, but it is actually very reasonable.

But... For Huayi, both movies are good and they are both happy, but if they are forced to choose one, of course it is "Tangshan Earthquake". After all, it is a solo food.


Alas, it's a dilemma.

Feng Xiaogang was drinking, and He Fang was also drinking. He felt very uncomfortable being forced to advertise for his competitors, but he was helpless.

So, I booked a KTV by myself, and made a round of phone calls. Alas, our Liu Yan was the most considerate, and came over without saying a word.

She is a loyal woman, sister Xiang, she is a woman who dares to do something to a man, but also dares to give everything for a man, and even a person who can do both for her friends.

Well, the Xiang girl you met is not so good?You act like I didn't say that.

"Why, Director He didn't go on a date with Aunt Zhiling, why did he run away and drink drunk?"

Tsk, hot girls talk really hot.

"I also want my personal space, continuous success, I think it's okay to celebrate alone? Why did my celebration turn into drinking?" The stubborn He Fang would not admit that he was drinking.

"Celebrate? This movie hasn't even been released yet. Which one are you celebrating? Have you ever seen someone celebrating?" Liu Yan gave He Fang a blank look, then opened a bottle of beer and had sex with him.

He Fang took a sip of the wine and immediately felt that Liu Yan was better, tsk, he likes this way.

"Sometimes the joy only needs to be shared with one of the closest people. That kind of celebration is interesting, and the celebration of many people is just lively."

After drinking some wine, He Fang wanted some romantic words and words.

"Really? Okay, come on, then you sing "My Home in the Eight Hundred Miles of Dongting" and share it with me."

"Puff, cough, cough, cough..."


There is a kind of stimulation, which is to do something in public.

There is a kind of blur, which is the way you see the light spots on the other party's face after the music and lights are mixed.

There is a kind of paper drunkenness, that is, a pack of tissues is not enough.

There is a kind of gold fan, that is, the essence loses its direction.

There is a kind of arrogance, that is, the other party is willing to give themselves to you to act recklessly.

There is a kind of powerlessness, which is lying down after wanton indulgence.


At 8:6 on August 28, "People on the Journey" was officially released, with 33% of the national film schedule, a comprehensive ticket price of about 834, and a pre-sale box office of [-] million.

After a night of drunkenness, He Fang swept away all the haze, and Wang Baoqiang and Wang Baoqiang went to 6 theaters in Beijing on the 7th, really risking their lives.

"Ah, He Fang, we support you, reject the violence of the navy, come on."

"He Fang, come on, keep making good movies..."

The fans are cute, and the reporters are not polite.

"Director He, who did you say was the navy's violence? What did you find?"

"It doesn't matter who hired the sailors, because no matter how angry ordinary netizens are, they won't make me kneel down to apologize and cut my stomach open."

"Do you mean that the navy comes from an island country?"

"I didn't say that, you said it."

"Is it too exaggerated for you to say that cyber trolls can be as colorful as the Middle East?"

"Is it exaggerating, can't you see it? I won't talk about it, after all, we are a film director."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I didn't want to say anything, if you have nothing else to ask, I'm going to the next stop to promote..."


He Fang and Wang Baoqiang were busy until nine o'clock in the evening, because they were catching a flight to Shanghai.

"Baoqiang, thank you for your hard work." He Fang was so tired that he collapsed happily.

"I'm fine. I've learned martial arts before. This level of intensity doesn't make me tired at all." Wang Baoqiang patted his chest and said.

"I'll go, yes, you have studied martial arts. Tsk, next time I think of an action movie that suits you, I'll find you." He Fang made an inconspicuous promise.

"Okay, actually I wanted to be a martial arts actor since I was a child, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance."

"If you want to become a martial arts actor, you should go to Hong Kong. It is impossible for the mainland to have this opportunity. Because the film directors in the mainland are not good at making action movies, they can't make them." He Fang sat in the first-class cabin of the plane, and then lay down.

"Why do you think this is? Hong Kong can shoot, why can't the mainland? Is there no martial arts instructor? We don't lack these people." Wang Baoqiang was puzzled.

"No, it's because there is no good script. The screenwriters in the house can't write scripts for action movies, and...some themes are not allowed to be filmed. Okay, let's not talk about this, go to sleep quickly, and have to be busy when we arrive in Shanghai. "

He Fang broke the topic, squinted his eyes and rested.

Wang Baoqiang scratched his head, but nothing happened.

In this matter, He Fang neither likes the censorship system in the Mainland, but does not oppose censorship. After all, it is really inappropriate not to censor some things.

If the censorship is relaxed, no one can guarantee what the sixth generation of directors will produce.

However, it cannot be too strict.

It's like giving a dying person some time to save by pressing the chest and another time to give artificial respiration, but he still doesn't let go of the hand that chokes the neck. How can this save the person?

A few hours later, He Fang was gently pushed awake by the stewardess. He opened his eyes and looked at the stewardess who kept winking at him, and smiled.

Then he took the note she handed over and put it in his pocket, keep it, in case it is useful.

When the plane landed, as soon as He Fang turned on his phone, many text messages rang.

Picked out the text message from the Electricity Finance Office:
Box office on October 8:
"People on the Journey" 1654 million

"Tangshan Earthquake" 1389 million

"Whole City Alert" 1251 million


"Haha, keep it steady! The box office on the first day was 1654 million."

"That's great."

He Fang hugged Wang Baoqiang excitedly, then glanced at the stewardess who handed him the note, he winked, and Kong nodded without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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