China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 112 What is He Fang's version of "Pacific Rim" changed to?

Chapter 112 What is He Fang's version of "Pacific Rim" changed to?
Is He Fang's "Pacific Rim" or "Pacific Rim" in another time and space?

Of course not all of them, because he made a lot of changes.

Of course, the basic frame setting of the original "Pacific Rim" has not changed, that is, a time node appeared somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and then large monsters sprang from it, and the shape of these monsters is also the original setting.

Why did "Pacific Rim" change?Because He Fang showed his abilities, and he competed with another time and space, does it seem that he can change the script?

Of course not, because it won't work if it doesn't change. If it doesn't change, there's no way to make the film both domestic and international.

He Fang can't always copy the original film. The Americans took the lead in defeating the monsters, and then the Americans saved the world. It's an original Hollywood formula, right?

So how?How do domestic audiences respond?

How about explaining to the audience that 'the cost is so high, and the cost can only be recovered by doing a good job in the Hollywood model' to evade domestic audiences and media?Although the audience and the media can understand it, they always feel that this is a sneaky change of concept.

Everyone will definitely feel disappointed in He Fang.

Therefore, there must be strong Chinese elements.

What solution?

Of course He Fang solved it, which is one of the reasons why all parties were satisfied after He Fang wrote the script.

The new story frame looks like this:

In 2019, China, the United States and Russia have become the three poles of the world, and the warships and armies of the three countries often confront and friction in the Pacific Ocean, provoking each other.

And just this time, during the confrontation in the Pacific Ocean, all the electronic equipment of the three-party fleet suddenly became unstable, and the sea became restless. Out came a big monster, similar to Godzilla, but not Godzilla.

In an instant, the top formations of the three countries in the Pacific Ocean were attacked, and the aircraft carrier formations of the three countries launched a three-dimensional attack on this monster, but none of them were effective.

The aircraft's missiles don't work. This thing has strong protection and can emit super high-light attacks.

The monster moves while hitting, moving quickly towards a target.After everyone analyzed the route, it turned out that they were headed for Tokyo Bay. Sure enough, after the whole world reported the incident, audiences all over the world saw this monster enter Tokyo Bay in the live broadcast.

Seeing that the island country of Tokyo Bay was about to be destroyed, China, the United States and Russia had to unite and they decided to use nuclear weapons to destroy this monster.

In the end the monster was defeated, but just as the people were cheering for victory, a monster also appeared on the other side of the Pacific Ocean in Los Angeles.

The United States had to drop a nuclear bomb on it...

But this is only the beginning, monsters appeared everywhere in the surrounding countries of the Pacific Ocean, so the three countries became the busiest countries, and they sent aircraft carriers and bombers to destroy the enemy everywhere.

Although some monsters were wiped out, these monsters were extremely poisonous, and the entire Pacific Rim country fell into a tragedy of virus invasion.

Human beings have to deal not only with monsters, but also with viruses. The year after the monsters entered, the world entered the virus year.

Some scientists proposed to destroy the place where the monster first appeared, and destroy the space node to prevent the monster from entering. However, this plan has attracted opposition from many experts, who are worried that the space node will be opened instead of destroyed.

But in the end, Wuchang agreed to destroy the space node, so China, the United States and Russia sent detection teams, found the node, and saw more monsters that seemed to want to break through the node.

So under everyone's arguing, China, the United States and Russia took out a thousand nuclear bombs from their respective collections and dropped them in.

In the end, the node was blown up almost completely, but it still exists.

They did not dare to bet on whether continuing to drop nuclear bombs would destroy the nodes. After calculation, they came up with two results.

One is to completely blow up this unstable node, and the other is that this node is on the verge of a new explosion, and as long as a little external force may cause the node to expand in an all-round way.

So further action was aborted.

Now the earth needs time and needs to figure out a way to deal with the monsters.The only way to deal with this thing is to use nuclear bombs to destroy it. Missiles and aircraft are useless, but excessive use of nuclear bombs is very unfriendly to human beings, and it is also not friendly to the ecology of the earth.

Finally, through everyone's hard work, I finally figured out a way to create a weapon that can rival monsters, and has similar abilities to them, such as defense, attack, and flexibility.

Through the final argument, the ultimate form of this weapon is - mecha.

Therefore, China, the United States and Russia all started the construction of mechs. After three years of hard work, in 2022, the virus was basically under control, and the mechas of the three countries were also built.

At this time, the space node of the Pacific ocean floor was about to be broken by the monsters, and at the moment when the monsters finally rushed out, the mecha fighters from the Three Kingdoms came.

Chinese mecha fighters are slender, but flexible, fast, and versatile, but they are not the strongest in absolute attack and defense.

American mechs are too sci-fi, with strong comprehensive capabilities, but they are not flexible and absolutely not powerful enough. They can fight back and forth with monsters.

Russia's mechs are the strongest in terms of absolute strength, but they are always shut down, the basic industrial capacity is too weak, and the quality of the products produced is unstable.

The mechs of the Three Kingdoms have their own characteristics, but they also have their own problems.

Although they managed to wipe out the small monsters that escaped from the node, but for the few big monsters that were watching them, such a mecha would definitely not work.

Therefore, the Three Kingdoms decided to develop several joint mechs, the one that integrates the strengths of the Three Kingdoms.

But now time is waiting for no one. Experts predict that this big monster will be able to conflict with nodes in at most three months.Therefore, the joint battle armor must be produced within three months.

Only China can complete this task, so experts from the three countries came to China and started quarreling, wrangling, and dissatisfied with each other.

In the end, under the initiative of China, the advantages of the three countries were integrated, and the respective characteristics of the three countries were retained.

For example, the Chinese battle armor focuses on flexibility, fast speed, concentrated power, and specializes in the weaknesses of monsters, and is called an assassin.

The American Warframe focuses on science fiction. It can transform, has both offense and defense, and can entangle the opponent. It is called the main attacker.

The main force of the Russian battle armor is strong enough to adapt to all kinds of harsh environments. It can withstand beatings, but it is also good at beating. Although it is always missed, once it hits, the absolute damage value is full, and it is called a heavy gunner.

Therefore, in the final battle, facing the charging monsters, the mechas of the three countries cooperated with each other. The American mechas mainly attacked and entangled the opponent. The final fatal blow ended up losing the opponent's life.


In this way, the first part of "Pacific Rim" is over.

What a perfect solution, there are both Hollywood stars, Chinese stars, and Chinese elements, and even the theme is in line with the Chinese culture's idea of ​​"peace leads to win-win", and people all over the world unite to deal with big monsters.

This is what everyone was satisfied with when He Fang came up with the script, because the script was flawless and highly operable.

This is a group play movie, there is no absolute hero and heroine, and a total of three pairs of mecha operators are set up in charge of combat, representing China, the United States and Russia.

The Chinese mecha operator is named Leng Feng, played by Wu Jing, who has already signed a contract.The female operator is named Long Xiaoyun, played by Fan Bingbing, there is no way, for the box office, He Fang chose Fan Bingbing, who can afford it except her?
Originally Zhang Ziyi could do it, but He Fang has cleared Zhang Ziyi from the cooperation list.Of course, Li Bingbing is also available, but it is better to use Fan Bingbing than Li Bingbing, at least Fan Bingbing can discuss the luminous script at night.

Zhou Xun's acting skills are good, but he's too short to be included in international commercial blockbusters.

Of course, there is another Zhao Yanzi, this is impossible to use, right?
After all the calculations, Fan Bingbing can still fight.

In addition to a pair of Chinese mecha pilots, there is also a pair of American pilots, the male named Rollie Baker, played by the famous actor Chris Hemsworth, and the female named Sally, played by the actor Bryce Dallas Howard will play.

The Russian mecha pilot is called Yuri, played by Channing Tatum, and Natasha, played by Amber Heard.

In addition to the six mech pilots starring, there are three countries that have as many commanders as the six mecha operators.

The Chinese commander is Luo Qiang, played by Hou Yong, the American commander is George Rooney, played by Jason Statham, and the Russian commander is named Ivanov, played by John Malkovich.

The other roles with more roles are the mecha engineers of the Three Kingdoms. Because there are many mecha scenes in this drama, the appearance rate of engineers must be guaranteed.

The Chinese mech engineer was played by Zhu Yilong, and the actors from the other two countries went to the United States to select actors.

With this story and this cast, He Fang is confident that his version of "Pacific Rim" can win the box office not only internationally, but also domestically.

If you want to play, play hard.


So, why is He Fang coming to the United States this time?
Of course, it is to meet the actors, and most importantly, to meet Cameron, because he really needs Cameron’s guidance. He has never made 3D movies, and he has no experience in making sci-fi blockbusters.

Although I was an intern on the crew of "Avatar", how many things did I get in touch with?

It's like you once worked as an assistant to the chief designer as an intern in a fighter jet factory, but does this mean you can build fighter jets?
The movie is about to start, so he wants to learn from the scriptures and study hard.

The other is that he has to come to the United States to determine some actors and some technical things. Such a film involves a wide range of aspects, among which the production of mechs is still a little bit close to the end.

There are many problems, and He Fang needs to come to the United States to solve some problems.

"Hey, He, I didn't expect to see you in eight months. You won the Palme d'Or. It's unbelievable. It's too surprising." Cameron gave He Fang a warm hug when he saw him.

"Ha, I am also surprised, unbelievable."

"Okay, then let's discuss your "Single Zoo". I read the CD you sent me, and I watched it four or five times. Although the second half of the plot is a bit regrettable, but Overall it was amazing…”

The two didn't talk about how to make a sci-fi blockbuster, but first talked about "Single Zoo", which really surprised He Fang.

From He Fang's point of view, he really just made a movie casually, and then accidentally won a big prize. What he expressed to the outside world is: he thinks it's a fluke.

However, there are different opinions in the industry. Many filmmakers recognize the unconstrained vision of this film and its artistic value.

Perhaps He Fang has not met some filmmakers from other countries. There are many directors who are studying, analyzing, and lamenting "Single Zoo", and they are repeatedly studying the artistic value of "Single Zoo".

If He Fang knew that someone was frantically researching and interpreting it repeatedly, He Fang might uncomfortably pick a three-bedroom and two-living room with his toes.

However, art films are so strange that audiences don't like them, but those filmmakers have repeatedly studied them.

"He, don't you want to get to know Leonardo? I made an appointment for you to meet him tomorrow, and you can arrange the place."

"Ha, really? That's great. I'll make a reservation for the restaurant later, and I'll let you guys know how the Chinese restaurant is?" He Fang asked.

"Of course, the taste of the Chinese food I went to China last time is still endless. Is the Chinese food here authentic?"

"Yes, it depends on who eats it. If the Chinese eat it, they can ask for the authentic one. If the Americans eat it, then they will make something more suitable for American tastes."

"Then let's make an authentic Chinese taste." Cameron happily decided.

"Okay, then wait for my message."

After bidding farewell to Cameron, he returned to the villa. Du Chunsheng asked him if he wanted to go to the party tonight. Someone happened to invite him to a party.

"Who? I won't go to those bad parties. I won't go to those who smoke marijuana, same-sex or transgender people. I have to pay attention to my image." He Fang waved his hand.

"Huh, really? There is Emma Roberts tonight, are you sure you don't want to get to know her?"

He Fang was stunned for a moment, hissing, one of the four young actresses in the United States, do you want to meet him?

"Then if you want to say that, I'll do my best. Tell me, who organized the game and why did you invite Emma Roberts?"

He Fang asked.

"Go, talk while walking..."

Tonight's game organizer is called Chris Bender. He heard that he wants to make a comedy film and gather a group of fresh meat and flowers, so he organized tonight's game.

He Fang asked Du Chunsheng how he was invited, because Du Chunsheng told Chris Bender that he had the opportunity to help him get the movie to China to earn box office, and he could bring the Chinese big name He Fang there.

"..." He Fang was speechless. It turned out that he was used as a shield after going around.But it's somewhat understandable, this is the producer's bragging in the circle, promising others what to do in order to show their own strength so that they can exchange for other resources they want.

Besides, he wasn't betrayed. Whether he helps or not depends on whether he is willing or not.

"It's not that you don't know how to work in Hollywood, but you need to exchange resources. You often exchange some resources for this side, and the talents in Hollywood will help you. Besides, Chris Bender told me that if you can handle the Chinese market, Emma Roberts is yours tonight, make it what you want."

"Hey, he can get Emma Roberts' pimp? Don't you just set me up?" He Fang said with narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry, he has already made an agreement with Emma Roberts, as long as you promise to wait tonight, you will open up the Chinese market for their movies and for Emma herself. She agrees. What's more, you It's still a director of the Palme d'Or, maybe there will be cooperation in the future? Why doesn't she want to?"

Du Chunsheng said while driving.

"The co-author tonight's party is specially prepared for me?"

"Half and half."

(End of this chapter)

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