Chapter 114 One of the Four Little Stars in Hollywood...

"Ha, thank you, you are also very beautiful, and your eyes are also very charming. As an actor, a pair of charming eyes will make your performance more effective." He Fang also praised the other party.

"Really? Why do you say that?" Aima asked.

"Because eighty to ninety percent of the emotions in the performance are expressed through the eyes, and your eyes are always shining, so it is very important for the audience to feel your emotions from your eyes. A performance." After He Fang finished speaking, he smiled, picked up the cup and clinked with Emma.

"Thank you." Could Emma not know?Everyone is just looking for something to say.

Of course, women also like to be praised the most, especially the kind of men who are very successful in the industry, and they are very attracted to men.

This kind of man can praise them casually, and then they can push it halfway.

This is He Fang's experience in picking up girls in Hollywood, especially European and American women.

"No, you don't need to thank me, you should thank God, it gave you such beautiful eyes and a moving face." He Fang took out a cigarette and handed it to Emma.

Emma grinned widely, took the cigarette, and He Fang stepped forward to light it for her.

"Well, there is a fragrance on you, which is so charming."

"Is there a musty smell of grass? I like this very much." Aima said after taking a breath.

"No, it's a milky smell, like the moment when the milk is just washed away..." He Fang said softly beside Emma's ear, exhaling hot air.

It is said that exhaling hot air into a woman's ear can cause the woman's body to secrete something involuntarily, and the body will enter a state of excitement. This is scientifically based.

"Really? Do you want to find a place to eat...something that smells like milk?" Emma suddenly became dizzy.

"Forget it, I'm a good person, and I don't want to take advantage of you." He Fang finished speaking softly, and then distanced himself.

"No, what if I want to take advantage of you too?" Emma asked, holding He Fang's belt, watching the muscles move.

"Oh, God, I think my body has agreed to your request. You see, my hands can't help themselves." He Fang said and hugged Emma.

"Well, are your lips free now?"

"Happy to serve."

After all...

How do you sing a song?

Yes, the song "Yixiu Song" seems to be sung like this.

Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick...

I don't know how the two of them switched places. When the sun rose the next day, they were in a certain presidential suite at the Hilton Hotel where the Golden Globe Awards were held.

He Fang and Emma are doing the morning exercises that actors should persist in front of the window.

Blowing the warm ocean breeze from the west coast of the United States, basking in the sun of the eastern Pacific Ocean, watching one of the four little actresses in the United States..., this is fucking international entertainment, okay?

'Dinglingling...' At this time the phone rang, and He Fang comfortably took the phone and lit a cigarette.

"Hello, oh, it's all arranged, right? Okay, we'll come over at noon." He Fang hung up the phone and patted Emma's butt.

"Honey, I have something to do at noon and I have to leave right away. I'll make an appointment next time."

"Okay, did you keep my phone number?"

He Fang patted his forehead in frustration, "Look at my brain, how can I forget such an important thing. Come on, let's leave numbers for each other."

After the two left their phone numbers, Emma asked by the way.

"I heard you're going to make a big sci-fi movie? Have all the actors been chosen?"

"Yes, the contract has been signed. It's a pity that we met too late, otherwise there would be no other actresses." He Fang spread his hands.

"Hehe..." Emma didn't say anything, "I'll go to the bathroom first."


He Fang went to the reserved restaurant directly after he came out of the hotel. This is a Sichuan restaurant. I heard that the ingredients are all airlifted from Sichuan in China, and the cooking is very authentic.

He Fang went to the private room and ordered food within a short while, and then played with his mobile phone in the private room, drank tea and waited for others.

About half an hour later, Cameron and Leonardo were ushered in by the service.

"Hey, Ho, is this really authentic?" Cameron asked.

"Of course, you'll know after you taste it. Hi, Leonardo, I'm a fan of your movie. It's a pleasure to meet you." He Fang immediately went to hold Leonardo's hand after Cameron answered.

Cameron spread his hands: "It seems that I don't need to introduce you."

"Ha, hello, He, I have watched your movie "Single Zoo" twice, and I like it very much."

"Thank you for your liking, come here, please take a seat..." He Fang didn't ask Leonardo where he saw it, because the global release of "Single Zoo" will not be until September.


Sure enough, before He Fang had lunch with Cameron and Leonardo in the United States, there were a lot of reports on domestic websites.

"He Fang's new film really hired Cameron as the producer and Leonardo as the starring role"

"When the new film started shooting, He Fang went to the United States to meet the producer and the leading actor"

"Cameron and Leonardo Jia Minghe's new film, the global box office starts at one billion US dollars"

"A Chinese movie with a box office of 70 billion yuan will be born?We expect a miracle


Huayi has really spared no effort in order to collect money. This is all blown up, well-illustrated, and well-founded analysis. It seems that a new generation of global new directors will be born in China, and his new movie "Pacific Rim" is about to reach new heights.

and so……

"Mr. Wu, did you see it, did you see it, did I lie to you? The photos are proof, the pictures of the studios in the film and television city of Huying Group have been leaked, super blockbuster. Do you want to follow? If you don't follow, forget it, It is estimated that Huayi will not be sold tomorrow." The broker surnamed Shi hurriedly started selling to his clients.

"If Huayi doesn't sell it, won't China Film and Huying sell it?" Mr. Wu said.

"Okay, then you just wait. Others have already asked, and China Film Lake Film is not for sale. If you hesitate any longer, someone may buy it today and sell it next year and make a profit. That's fine, don't tell me, I Hang up the phone."

"Hey, wait a minute, I buy, buy, must buy..."

This matter immediately spread among private equity and Jiangnan entrepreneurial circles, and then...

Wang Zhongjun was blocked by reporters downstairs in the company the next day, asking him about selling shares.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible, we don't sell the shares of "Pacific Rim". In the morning, Director He called me and said that he had a good talk with Cameron and Leonardo. Am I stupid to sell shares at this time? ?”

Wang Zhongjun directly denied it, and now more people believed it.


He Fang just woke up after a nap, when he received a call from Wang Zhonglei and successfully sold it.

Tsk tsk, He Fang made a small fortune before the movie was made.

In the next two days, He Fang seriously studied with Cameron for a few days, and then discussed the feasibility of his "Fake Family" with Chris Bender.

Finally, through back and forth discussions, Tuanhuo Culture invested 1000 million US dollars, and Kenny Rosemore, the second male character in the original script, was renamed Kenny Wu, played by Zhai Tianlin, and became a Sino-US co-production.

And this Zhai Tianlin was one of the five actors in the group fire culture Hollywood training class last time. The other four were Su Qianwei, Gao Xiaodi, Li Jintao, and Liu Wenhao, all from Nortel.

The reason why He Fang recommended Zhai Tianlin to come here was mainly because Zhai Tianlin knew about Hollywood acting, and he knew it very well after eight months of training here.

The key is that his spoken English is not bad. The five of them came to study as actors, and the performance teacher at CalArts gave Zhai Tianlin the highest evaluation, and his level was the highest.

When Zhai Tianlin heard the news, he was so excited that he almost cried. Unexpectedly.

When recruiting advanced students in 2009, he felt that after graduation, he did not sign a company, had no crew, and had no future, so he tried to enroll in this advanced class and went to Hollywood to study.

Unexpectedly, since he made a guest appearance in "Invasion of Wall Street" last time, this time the boss actually asked him to go to Hollywood to act as the second male lead, and to act on the same stage with the four Hollywood actresses. This...

"Ah, ah, ah..." Zhai Tianlin shouted passionately in the rented house in the capital to vent his emotions.

Leaving aside the matter of Zhai Tianlin, after all, he is only a main supporting role. After He Fang signed a contract with Chris Bender, he held another party.

This time, Bender didn't call Emma, ​​but called several Hollywood potential new stars in their [-]th and [-]th years.

Tsk, what a busy night for He Fang. Caucasian girls can still do it before the age of 20. They are white, pink and tender, let alone the taste.

If you don't indulge yourself in the entertainment circle, why should you be a serious person if you are stupid.

As for black material?

He Fang is not afraid at all, who in the entertainment industry has no black material?
Besides, in the entertainment industry, the key is to see if you have any works. If you have a series of excellent works, as long as you don't gather crowds to mess around and have bad nature, no one will care. At most, you will be called a "playboy", but so what?
Of course, He Fang did not forget to chat with the leading actors of "Huan Tai", mainly to get familiar with it. It is not difficult to act in a commercial film like "Huan Tai".

Unless the later Xiao Xianrou is brought in, they will use their acting skills to ruin the movie, otherwise the acting skills of the actors he has chosen to perform in this movie are very simple.

Chris Hemsworth, with He Fang for one year, both in 83.He is less than 30 years old, and now is the time to be handsome.

This is already well-known in Europe and the United States, and his appearance can really open up the market in Europe and the United States, which is why He Fang chose him as one of the mech pilots, he looks good.

Commercial film, isn't it just to watch handsome men and beautiful women.

He Fang met with him alone, the two chatted about the requirements for the characters, and then confirmed some things, basically that's it.

If Emma Roberts is Xiaohuadan, she is the newcomer with the most potential.Then Bryce Dallas Howard is a female star who is slightly inferior to the four major female stars, but it is a pity that she is still a little behind the four major female stars.

There's no way, He Fang's budget can't afford the four major actresses.

This is the time when the four major female stars are on the rise, which one is not the one with a salary of tens of millions of dollars?With the investment budget of "Huantai", I really can't afford it.

Natalie Portman among the four female stars, the classic "This Killer Is Not So Cold" made her so popular at the age of 29. How can she afford it?

Not to mention Anne Heatherway, now she is the most perfect "princess" in the hearts of Americans, she is a saint.

As for Scarlett Johansson, tsk, well, I can't afford it again.

The last KK, Keira Knightley...their salary is 1200 million US dollars + share, how can this cooperate?

Therefore, He Fang had no choice but to choose an actress who was in the first rank of the four major female roles but was still somewhat famous. The most suitable cost-effective actress was Bryce Dallas Howard.

Bryce looks best when she dyes her hair red, and He Fang likes it very much. He Fang told her about her role in "Ring Tai" in Hollywood in April.

So when Bryce came to see He Fang, her hair was dyed red, and it really looked good in the sun, and He Fang was fascinated several times.

"He, you can touch it." Bryce said.

He Fang was stunned for a moment, looking at the 29-year-old Bryce, at this age she could barely do that, so should I do that?After He Fang hesitated for a while... let's touch it.

So, this touch made something happen.

(End of this chapter)

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