China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 115 Hollywood 4 Little Stars Part 1

Chapter 115
(Because something went wrong with the update, Chapter 113 was repeated. This is a replacement chapter. The body of Chapter 22 to be updated at 114:[-] tonight is not good?)
When did the fire start burning?

According to the memory of the person involved, it is not clear, anyway, it was inexplicable, there was a fire in the hearts of the two of them, and then it burned naturally.

The exuberance and intensity of the fire also exceeded the imagination of the two of them.


In the next few days, he also challenged Amber Heard, and he confirmed that it was indeed a lack of physical strength, not a lack of function.

Although Amber Heard is not as heavy firepower as Bryce, she is still stronger than that, that and that.

He Fang didn't expect that his physical strength would plummet after only one year of high-intensity filming. According to the memory of his body before filming, it would not be so difficult to deal with Hollywood actresses.

As far as his physical strength is concerned, He Fang can still show some prestige in front of Fan Bingbing, Liu Yan and others. In front of Hollywood actresses who have experienced thousands of storms, He Fang's physical strength is really not satisfactory now.

On August 8, the crew of "Pacific Rim" conducted a large-scale actor recruitment in Los Angeles, which was managed by Tuanhuo's Los Angeles branch.

The actor's assistant director in charge of Hollywood actors is called Rod Wallen. He is a very experienced actor's assistant director. Because he needs a lot of actors, he leads a team of five actors and directors.

After all, the number of European and American actors used in this shooting must be at least hundreds of people, mainly because the group performances are used a lot.

This is not a minority. It is not a small problem to deal with visas, food and drink, and management of these people.

Rod Wallen has gone to Changsha several times to confirm these things in advance, and repeatedly communicated with Zhang Qian and the Chinese actor and deputy director Hu Kai and others.

A blockbuster is a big project, and things are cumbersome.


On September 9, "People on the Road" was released for a month, and it won a total of 7 million box office. Zhang Qian said that everyone wanted to hit the box office of 1.97 million, so the application was postponed. After all, Huying has its own theaters. It is still possible to arrange films for a few tenths, insisting on a few million a month, just over [-] million.

There was another event on September 9th. "Single Zoo" was released globally, and the distribution was taken over by Fox Searchlight. He Fang held a big global screening ceremony at the Broadway Theater in New York with the whole crew.

He Fang is also really impressed. Not everyone can rent Broadway for the premiere of a movie, but Fox Searchlight has done it, which is very awesome.

Cameron and Leonardo attended the global screening very well, and then Fox spent some money to invite some stars to support the scene.

At this time, it is impossible for the Hollywood stars to sell their face to attend the screening. After all, among the Hollywood stars, who would fall in love with a non-Hollywood Palme d'Or director?

Many directors who won the Palme d'Or have no way to further increase their influence in the world, and they can't get involved in Hollywood. Apart from making some literary films, these directors can't bring Hollywood stars to bring commercial value.

Therefore, unless Hollywood stars want to win awards, they generally feel polite towards the award-winning directors of the three major film festivals.

For example, if "Single Zoo" wants to have a screening ceremony in North America, unless they spend money to invite celebrities to come, otherwise they really won't come to join them.

Everyone knows that this is building momentum.

Come on, everyone knows the routine. After the movie was over, when the reporters interviewed, all these stars praised the movie to the sky.

Why did "Single Zoo" have such a huge global release ceremony?This is more or less the meaning of Huying Group and the General Administration.

This is also one of the conditions that Huying put forward when Fox Searchlight won the global distribution rights. Chinese films need a new international image, and where is more suitable.

One is that he is closer to Hollywood. After all, he has studied and worked here for eight years, so he is more international.

The second is that He Fang is young enough, and there is enough room for development when he is young enough.

The third is that He Fang is a half-official person, who came from a film studio, and the company also has shares in the film group, and is helping the film group to industrialize.

The fourth is that He Fang is really good enough, whether it is commercial or literary, the three films are now very successful.

Some things don’t need to be said in a big way, but done quietly. In Chinese culture, it’s called keeping a low profile.

Everyone else hides, help He Fang build the platform well enough, and let He Fang flash alone.

As long as He Fang flashes well, it will drive the establishment and development of the entire domestic ecology, and it will also give direction to a group of people with lofty ideals.

To put it bluntly, it is to set up stars and benchmarks. In special times, we must believe in the role of stars and role models.

How useful is this thing?

Sometimes because a football star can drive the development of football in a country.

A basketball star can also drive the development and take-off of the entire national basketball.

A well-known movie star can drive many people's star dreams, and can make many people who don't watch movies go to the cinema.

A well-known kung fu superstar can drive a group of kung fu enthusiasts, and since then, kung fu in this country has ushered in a wave of development.

A military hero can lead a group of passionate young people to join the army, and from then on, there will be a large number of talents in the army.


This is the power of stars and role models, but it must not be underestimated, the effect is very great.

Now the Huying Group is promoting it concretely, and there is a stronger force behind it quietly promoting it, which is to make He Fang a pride of the Chinese.

It's just that this road is a bit slow and tortuous, but this is not a problem for China, which is good at long-term planning.

Therefore, when "Single Animal" completed its global release ceremony in New York, the major newspapers in major countries issued press releases.

Some people thought this was the behavior of Fox Searchlight, but it was not.

The major media in Asia are eager to portray He Fang as the strongest new director in Asia, anyway, there are all kinds of drafts.

Of course He Fang didn't know this, even if he knew, at most he thought it was Fox Searchlight's announcement.

Therefore, the best hunters often appear in the form of prey, or let the 'prey' themselves not know that they are hunters.

He Fang and other crew members did not do any further promotion in North America, and they set off from New York to return to China on September 9.

The first-day box office in North America and the world has also been released. The number of screens opened in North America was 1800. The box office on September 9 was 7 million, which is equivalent to a box office of 237 US dollars per screen. This figure is not bad. At least it belongs to the normal level, not the kind of literary film data with a bad attendance rate.

According to this development, Fox Searchlight predicts that it can earn 4000 million US dollars at the box office in one month after its release in North America. If a purely Chinese film can earn this box office, what else can it ask for?

The first-day box office in the rest of the world was US$165 million.According to this trend, it should not be a problem for "Single Zoo" to earn 3000 to [-] million US dollars at the box office in other parts of the world.

He Fang and Huying Group are very satisfied with the data of the first day of release of "Single Zoo" in the world, very satisfied.

Back in China, He Fang has to enter the final stage of preparation before the filming of "Pacific Rim".

But rest at home for three days first, this trip to the United States made him understand that his body has declined significantly, so he must pay attention to his body.

The only thing he can do now is to rest well and eat well.


It is best not to exercise blindly without a professional instructor. Exercise blindly will only get worse the more you practice.

Some people ran for three years without professional guidance, and as a result, they lost their menisci.

But he can't rest for too long, mainly because there is too much preparation work on "Pacific Rim", and it is impossible for him as a director to stay away all the time.

"Hi, Brother Jing, hello, why did you join the group early?"

On September 9th, when He Fang went to Huying Film and Television City, he accidentally discovered that Wu Jing was learning how to operate the mecha. This was originally not until the end of the month for the actors to come to experience it, and Wu Jing came early.

"Director, hello, I'm just idle, think about it and get used to it first." Wu Jing said with a smile.

"Brother Jing, let's not be so polite. How about it? After you get used to it, do you think it's okay?" He Fang patted Wu Jing's arm and said.

Think about it ten years later, who would dare to pat Wu Jing's arm and talk so kindly?Not to mention that He Fang is still a little proud at this time.

"It's simply too sci-fi. If it wasn't for the fact that it can't be controlled like a real arm, can't run fast, can't fly, and can't fire weapons, I would think it's a real mech. Tsk tsk, the current technology is really scary." Wu Jing praised.

"Haha, don't worry, we can see the real thing in our lifetime." He Fang laughed.

"By the way, the Raptor fighter plane you asked me to fly is really sci-fi. The 8 wings of the plane can move. It would be great if it was our real plane."

Wu Jing sighed again.

"Haha, don't worry about this, you can see the truth in half a year at most." He Fang smiled.

"What do you mean, is there really such a plane? Is it ours?"

"Shh, you can't say anything, don't ask, if you ask, you don't know." He Fang replied cautiously.

"Hiss..." Wu Jing was shocked. Seeing He Fang's expression, he felt that this was true. How could Fang know such a secret?
"By the way, Brother Jing, you are so good at martial arts, can you teach me some kung fu?" He Fang asked.

"Kungfu? I'm afraid it's too late for you to learn Kungfu at your age?" Wu Jing was surprised.

"Hey, I don't want to learn real kung fu, but I just want to learn something to keep fit and make people stronger. Or, it's the kind that can cultivate inner energy."

He Fang raised his eyebrows, a look you know.

"Haha, do you want to learn this? This... really doesn't exist." Wu Jing laughed, and suddenly felt that the relationship with He Fang was much closer.

"This can be." He Fang said.

"Ha, that's fine. However, if the internal martial arts is not strong, then it can only be Tai Chi, which is suitable for you." Wu Jing said.

"What I want is the kind that can be used in actual combat. Can you practice Taijiquan?" He Fang asked provocatively.

"Hey, then you underestimate me. I played Yang Luchan at the age of 19 and you said that my Taijiquan has no actual combat? You can question my southern boxing and northern legs, you can question my Wing Chun Sanda fighting, but you have to question my Taiji. Don't do it."

Wu Jing rolled up his sleeves, as if he was about to perform.

"Okay, then I will learn this, can I learn it before next January?" He Fang asked.

"Learning? It would be good to be proficient in a set of 108 moves. Do you know what it means to learn? It means mastering it well. You want to practice Tai Chi like your arms and fingers within a few months? Even me Don’t even dare to boast about this kind of sea.”

"Tsk, okay, it's my goal to be proficient in playing. Come on, come on, come on, Brother Jing, start teaching me."


"Of course, I can't wait." He Fang nodded.

"Are you finished with your work? When you are done, although we are not apprentices, why do you have to treat us to a martial arts banquet before we can start? What are you going to teach if you haven't eaten?"

"..." He Fang was stunned for a moment, "Oh, I don't understand the rules of this martial arts class, okay, I'll put a table in Huatian Hotel tonight, a box of Moutai, a Huazi, and a red envelope, as a gift for learning martial arts, why? Sample?"

"Hey, sensible, okay, then I will really teach you a set of authentic and complete Yang style Tai Chi 108 postures."


He Fang was very happy, finally found a good teacher to teach him boxing, he was imagining waiting for him to learn Tai Chi, tsk tsk...

We must use our strength to make those Hollywood female stars fly into the sky.Don't let yourself push yourself all the time, and then you are so tired that you are out of breath. The other party is still so weak, it's really shameful.

Just when He Fang was thinking about learning Tai Chi and how to kill the Quartet, his phone rang.

I took it out and saw that it belonged to Teacher Qian Lin.

"Hi, Teacher Qian, hello, do you have any instructions?"

"Instructions? Then did I instruct you to follow them?" Qian Lin said straight away, and He Fang felt a little embarrassed for a while.

"Cough, um, what are the specific instructions? As long as it doesn't make things difficult for me, I will do it." He Fang has no choice but to say such a thing.

"Then you must be able to do it. You promised me last year to come to Nortel to teach students. It's been a year, so it's time to fulfill your promise?" Qian Lin said.

"This? Hey, the point is, I'm not free. I'm preparing for the shooting of a new film recently..." He Fang is a little impatient, class?Are you kidding me?How long had he been out of school?
"I've learned that your movie won't start shooting until October, and it's still more than half a month before you leave the shooting. The last class is just a day's work, and it doesn't take up much of your time. Come here, and you set a date. "Qian Lin is very domineering, so it will be arranged.

He Fang was right and wrong, and indeed he could still squeeze out a day, but he was 1 unwilling to let him go to the film school to take classes.

"No, what you promised yourself, are you going to go back on it now?"

"Mr. Qian, how could I know how to give that lecture? I'd rather be in three consecutive all-night scenes..."

"What's so difficult about lecturing? Just say what you know, it's that simple."

"Then, what do you want me to say?" He Fangjian asked, unable to evade.

"Directing, acting, playwriting, just these three things, one day, three classes, how about it?"

"Oh, this, what day?"

"The 17th, it's Friday, it's fine, that's it, that's the arrangement, I'll go and prepare."

"Hey..." He Fang hung up the phone before he finished.

(End of this chapter)

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