Chapter 116
He Fang really doesn't want to give lectures, the point is that he can't give lectures, it's okay if you let him make short videos to teach movies...

Forget it, since he has been forced to this point, what else can he say, just bite the bullet.

In this way, in the past few days, he not only held meetings with the entire creative team except the actors to discuss the shooting of the film, but also to prepare and solve many problems.

In addition, he spares time every day to learn Taijiquan from Wu Jing, and at night he will quietly write the courseware at home alone.

One day, three classes, each class will be taught for one hour, and the discussion will be between half an hour and four to ten minutes, so there is also a break.

After setting up this strategy, he began to write courseware for plays, performances, and directing. Where should he start?What are you going to say?
There is no need to repeat some similar theories. What everyone really wants to hear is different knowledge.

So this is the key point, so He Fang spent four days writing and rewriting the courseware, changing it again and again.

Finally, on the 16th, the changes were almost done, and it was time to go to the capital.

As soon as Wu Jing heard He Fang said that he would go to Nortel to give lectures, and also talk about playwriting, acting and directing, Wu Jing became interested.

"Director, can I go and listen?" Wu Jing asked.

"You? Do you want to write scripts, or do you want to be a director? You don't need to learn acting, right? You don't know how to act in award-winning literary films, and your acting skills are no problem supporting ordinary commercial films."

He Fang asked with interest, of course he knew what Wu Jing was thinking.

"I want to listen to it. After all, the director Palme d'Or is giving a lecture. This kind of opportunity is very difficult. I just want to learn." Wu Jing did not express his inner thoughts.

But He Fang didn't care and waved his hand.

"Okay, let's go, go to the capital with me."

So, He Fang and Wu Jing went to the capital together. In the evening, they stayed at the Peony Garden Hotel not far from the Film Academy. In the evening, they invited Teacher Qian Lin and the others to have a meal.

Of course, there were also teachers from the Academic Affairs Office who came with her. The specific ones were not named. In addition, there were also student representatives from the Student Union and the Youth League Committee.

These are here to welcome who will give a lecture, and to communicate the details of tomorrow's lecture arrangement.

What surprised Qian Lin and the others was that Wu Jing was also there, and they didn't understand what was going on until He Fang explained.

A group of people ate, drank, chatted, and soon after ten o'clock in the evening, the chat was over, so everyone dispersed.

Other activities?What are you thinking?There are other activities to be carried out at every turn. If there are no other activities, He Fang needs to recharge his energy for the next day's lecture.

He booked a standard room, and Wu Jing lived in the same room with him. What activities do you want?

But Peony Garden has a few good massage clubs...

For example, a sea club in Peony Garden, I heard that it is very good. I have never been to He Fang in this time and space, but I have been to He Fang in another time and space.

Remember...cough...then what...

The consumption is not cheap, the luxury suite tea room, the room fee is 498, and the massage is 798 for an hour, and there are other exciting services for the extra hour...

This is still the lowest grade, and the high-end price is another matter.

Alas, there are other services only for 2000 yuan, this is in Dongguan...

Therefore, He Fang in another time and space was poor and couldn't afford to spend, so he left silently.

No, he is lecturing. What about some sea massage?

If you want to talk about massage, don’t talk about a certain sea, even the Garden Hotel also has it. Why do you want to go so far?


He Fang was awakened by the sound of Wu Jing getting up to wash in the haze, and when he woke up, he found that Wu Jing had finished washing and was doing basic movement training such as push-ups there.

He Fang took a look at the phone, lost it, 06:30.

"Wow, Brother Jing, you... well, I have to work hard if I want to practice martial arts."

Afterwards, he spent about ten minutes washing up, and then followed Wu Jing for morning exercises. After practicing some basic movements under Wu Jing's guidance, he did a set of Tai Chi.

Then they went to the hotel to have breakfast, but after breakfast, they saw that the time was still very early, so the two of them slowly went to the Yuandadu City Wall Relics Park for a stroll, and slowly they followed the park to the park The back door of the film school.

Next to the Film Academy is the Yangliu office building, which surprised He Fang, who did not expect Yangliu to be here.

Behind the Film Academy was the Beijing Film Studio, and the two walked through the Beiying Community to stroll around the Beijing Film Studio, where a Prince Rong's Mansion was built.

This is the scene built for the 87 edition of Dream of the Red Chamber. Next to it is the red brick building of the Beijing Film Studio. Tsk, this building is really a feature of the 70s and [-]s, very nostalgic.

The two also saw a crowd of extra performers gathered early in the morning at the entrance of the Beijing Film Studio. They heard that they came here when they were looking for extra performers in the capital. Back then, Wang Baoqiang squatted here looking for work.

At this time, there happened to be buses coming over from time to time, shouting: "Twenty extra performers, 50 a day, if you have to do it, hurry up and sign up..."

"How is it, haven't you experienced it?" Wu Jing asked He Fang when he saw this scene.

He Fang smiled, "Normal, that's how it works in film and television. The crew members are all improvised."

"Let's go, I'm going to the Film Academy, the time is coming soon." Wu Jing didn't say anything, it's not unusual in this industry.

The two of them took a leisurely turn from the North Third Ring Road to Xitucheng Road, and walked towards Beidian.

At this moment, some students were hanging banners at the entrance of Nortel, which read 'Welcome Palme d'Or director He Fang to our school for lectures'.

"Yeah, I'm welcoming you." Wu Jing smiled after seeing it.

He Fang spread his hands helplessly, and then the two walked in.

"Hey, senior sister, do you think that person looks like Wu Jing?"

"Wu Jing?"


While the students were still surprised, He Fang and Wu Jing had already started to visit Nortel. To be honest... they were really small.

"Jingle Bell……"

"Hey, Teacher Qian, we've arrived and we're strolling around the Film Academy. Ah, it's all right, it's not so pretentious, there's no need for a welcome ceremony, let's start directly..."

After a while, Qian Lin found He Fang and the other two at the school, and then brought them directly to Principal Zhang's office. After a chatter, they chatted about some topics bluntly.

He Fang is not familiar with them, and has no contact with domestic film academic circles at all, so getting along with them is awkward.

When the time came to nine o'clock, He Fang was also invited by everyone to the standard release hall. Only here can accommodate so many people who came to listen to He Fang's lecture.

Without many famous directors or stars as imagined to attend the class, He Fang's class did not arouse such a big response.

However, this is already very good for He Fang, and the pressure is not so great.

With He Fang's consent, the film academy will videotape the whole process, and He Fang's condition is that he will be given a set after the recording.

"Pfft, pfft, teachers and students, our lecture is about to start. Let's welcome the winner of the Palme d'Or. He Fang, who is a director, screenwriter, and actor, will come on stage to give us a lecture. Welcome."

"Papa..." The whole auditorium burst into warm applause.

He Fang had already given the USB flash drive to the computer room, and he walked onto the stage with a remote control and a microphone.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you teachers and students for your applause. To be honest, if Teacher Qian Lin hadn't dug a hole for me a year ago, I don't think I would be standing here today."

"I really don't know how to give lectures, but I have to pay for the promise, so please bear with me if I don't speak well later. Okay, let's start now? Or do we have to go through a process?"

After He Fang finished speaking, the students in the audience collectively shouted 'no need to go through the process'.

"Okay, let's start now. Today we only talk about technical skills, not the difference between literature, art and business, the difference between director center and producer center."

"Teacher Qian asked me to talk about playwriting, directing, and performance. I let me decide the order. I thought about it. Playwriting is the beginning of a movie. Without a script, how can there be a movie? Then we will start from the playwriting. Well, although I know that everyone prefers to listen to the directing and acting part."

"Hehe..." The audience chuckled lightly.

"Before I talked about the play, I heard that many screenwriters are not doing well now, and their status is very embarrassing. Therefore, I am here to advertise for our company. Any student who is interested in screenwriting creation can go to Tuanhuo after graduation. Try culturally, we need screenwriters very much, and I promise here that I will absolutely respect everyone's creations, and will also protect everyone's creative achievements and benefits."

"I don't count this as an advertisement, right? It can also be regarded as solving employment for the film academy. It's a win-win situation. Haha, well, let's get to the point. Come, let's see the big screen."

"In my personal opinion, there are three parts to a play: first, where does the movie story originate from? Second, does the play have routines and techniques? Third, what does the best play look like."

"Come on, who can tell me where the origin of the movie story comes from? Tell me." He Fang began to interact with the students.

"Come on, can the staff pass the microphone to the students? One, two, three, four, five, the boy in the red T-shirt in the fifth row, it's you. You are so bright, I'm afraid of you if I miss you Mouth goes against my subconscious."

"Ha ha……"

He Fang also tried his best to enliven the atmosphere first, and don't make it so dry that people want to sleep.

When the staff handed over the microphone, the guy picked up the microphone and replied: "The origin of the story comes from inspiration, and only with inspiration can there be creative ideas."

After the boy finished answering, He Fang shrugged.

"Is there any other answer? Is there an answer from the Department of Literature?" He Fang asked.

There were many hands raised in the audience, and He Fang ordered a girl wearing glasses.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful girl doesn't study acting or playwriting at the Film Academy. Come on, it's up to you to answer."

"Hey..." Xiao Le laughed again in the audience.

"The story comes from life, but it is higher than life." The girl wearing glasses replied.

"Okay, thank you. Sit down. It's a standard answer. Both of you are right, but they are too general, and often confuse some novices. I often scratch my head, how to extract stories from life that are higher than life ? When did this damn inspiration come? Then no matter what you think, you can’t come up with a good story, and finally the very decadent self wonders if you are not suitable for writing stories. Does anyone have this feeling?"

He Fang shouted.

The audience shouted in unison: "Yes, that's right."

This is not only the case for novices, but even some veteran screenwriters have this distress. They are often troubled by "life is higher than life", and then troubled by the lack of inspiration.

"Very good. Next, I will use my experience to help you answer this question. Of course, it may not be correct. This is just my personal experience. If there is no theoretical proof, I will give you a reference."

"In my opinion, maybe in my actual creative process, most of the time the story comes from the feeling of external stimuli, coupled with the combination of experience."

"This is the source of my story. You can say it comes from life, or you can say it comes from inspiration."

"Because this kind of external stimulation is just the feeling of life that gave me the prototype of the story, so I used my experience to build a more suitable character and framework after I had the feeling, and finally Slowly the story came into being. A lot of the time it wasn't inspired, it was all combinations. I..."

Having said this, He Fang stopped, seeing that everyone was a little confused and didn't understand what he said?

"Is it a bit abstract? Okay, let's talk about some real things, all dry goods, let me give you an example."

(End of this chapter)

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