China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 120 Power On, Power On

Chapter 120 Power On, Power On

What happened at the opening banquet is over, but there are a lot of jokes left, but it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the people in the American team thought it was fun, and it was completely different from their parties. There are two types of parties, one is well-dressed and polite.One is the kind of pure drinking without food, and then smoking marijuana and messing around.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The wine table culture in China has a human touch, a stronger life spirit, and everyone is more down-to-earth.

Of course, there are some foreigners who don’t like it. This is normal. This thing cannot force foreigners to like our culture and customs.

Fortunately, none of the people recruited this time had any other bad habits, such as smoking marijuana every day, or going whoring every ten days and a half months.

When recruiting people, I made it very clear that it is illegal to do these things in China.

However, some Americans found a new way to pass the time in Changsha, that is, shopping and eating, washing feet, massaging and singing K.

October 10th is still National Day, but the Chinese crew has no holidays, and the American team does not know Chinese holidays. The contract they signed has already stated that there are no holidays in China, and they have to work 5 hours a day, but the fee will be based on Weekend and overtime wages in the United States are calculated.

Don't think that none of them want to work overtime. In fact, there are still many people who want to make money.

People who don't want to make money have long refused to come to China, and those who come here want to make money.

The media center of the newly built Huying Group Film and Television City, "Pacific Rim" is holding a launch conference.

"Okay, I've finished my introduction. Next, the media is free to ask questions. This, Mr. Robertson from the Hollywood Film Reporter, please ask questions."

Zhang Qian pointed to the American reporter they specially invited to sit in the front row.

"OK, I read the synopsis of the story, and I want to ask the director, is this a story about the Chinese saving the earth? Are you sure the world will go to three poles in 2019?"

Americans are very sensitive to someone who wants to fight for their position as the world leader, so this question was discussed.

The question that remains to be answered is where to answer it.

"First of all, this is a sci-fi movie, not real. Could it be said that monsters really invaded the earth in 2019? Of course not. So, at that time, the United States was still the leader in the world, and China could not compete."

"Secondly, the theme of the whole story is not that the Chinese save the world, but that people from all over the world work together to save the world. Because of the cooperation between China, the United States and Russia, the success of saving the world is achieved. I believe that audiences around the world are happy to see this theme .”

Although He Fang is very disgusted with this kind of American question, he must tell the American audience or Western audience through the media in advance that "Pacific Rim" is a movie about humans working together to prevent the invasion of monsters.

If you don't say it in advance, Western audiences will think that the Chinese are drifting, and they will save the world just after becoming the second child in the world, and they will stare at the position of supremacy.

And no one would go to see a movie where the second child saves the world, just like people in the city would think it was a joke when they saw that countrymen were about to build airplanes, and would think that watching such a movie would insult their IQ.

Once Western audiences have this kind of mentality, will American audiences go to the cinema to watch "Pacific Rim" when it is released in North America?If you go to see it, everyone will definitely say, "You also watch the movie about the man-made airplane. Are you daydreaming like them?" '

It's like asking Chinese consumers to buy porcelain made in African countries. Consumers are born with a sense of resistance and distrust, 'who else can make better porcelain than a country that has been making porcelain for thousands of years? ', so consumers will not give you a chance to use quality to correct their ideas in a short period of time, because they don't even look at it, so what's the use of your quality?

As long as this kind of public opinion and atmosphere is formed, then "Pacific Rim" will fail in the Western box office market.

Therefore, the propaganda department of the entire "Pacific Rim" finally worked out a set of propaganda methods, which is to continuously instill a kind of idea to audiences in the West and around the world from the moment it is launched.

That is, 'This is a science fiction movie in which all mankind fights against foreign enemies together, and it embodies the unity of all mankind. 'Such an idea, when this idea goes from the boot, to the shooting highlights, to the actor's personal statement, to the global publicity, and the repeated bombing of the trailer, and finally some Western audiences praised it on the spot by way of point-and-shoot.

After such a set of procedures, I believe that some people's ideas can be changed, and they will enter the cinema.

In particular, it is necessary to do a good job in ordering screenings in North America. Only when the praise of North American audiences after watching the movie is cut into a video and released to other parts of the world for publicity, audiences in other countries will say, "Look, even the country of blockbuster movies" The audience said that this movie is good, so it must be really good. '

In other words, global audiences need North American audiences to endorse them.

Alas, what can be done to make it so complicated?
Your national strength is not strong, your culture has no right to speak, and your country has no relevant successful works in the world before...

Then, if you want to let the global audience accept your film, you have to help the audience build confidence in Chinese science fiction films step by step.

this is the truth.

Before researching this set of plans, He Fang actually took it for granted. He thought that after filming "Pacific Rim", and then getting through the announcement of its global release, it would be able to sell high box office.

In fact, this is not the case.


Back at the press conference, after He Fang answered the question, a reporter from The Hollywood Reporter continued to ask.

"Then does this movie feature Chinese characters? Or Russian characters? Or American characters?"

This question is also asked for Western audiences.

"Of course everyone is the protagonist. If you don't believe me, you will know if I'm lying when you go to the movie theater to see the finished film. Everyone's roles are similar, the emphasis is similar, and the role they pay for fighting monsters is also similar."

"Of course, if we want to say who plays a greater role in the process of fighting monsters, the American team may play a slightly bigger role, because they are the main attacking team for fighting monsters."

This is also the plan discussed by the team. There is no way, you have to emphasize to the Western audience that the dominance of the American team should be highlighted under roughly fair conditions.

He Fang wants to answer like this?Want to make a movie like this?Of course not, who doesn't want to be dominated by the Chinese?

However, the current Chinese market cannot support a blockbuster film like "Pacific Rim", and must be supported by the global market, so he must rely on Western audiences.

After answering these two important questions, other questions are more general and easy to answer.

"Director He Fang, I'm a reporter from Zhalang Entertainment. It was rumored on the Internet that the crew of "Pacific Rim" talked about having Cameron as the producer and Leonardo as the starring role. Why didn't they sign it?"

He Fang spread his hands innocently, "It's nothing, we never thought of finding Cameron as the producer and Leonardo as the starring role. Our actors were drawn up as early as January this year. Everything will be discussed in the next month."

"From the beginning to the end, it was never said that Cameron would be the producer and Leonardo would be the lead actor."

He Fang's answer made the domestic media reporters immediately send instant news.

"Director He Fang, there are many actors in China. How did you choose actors such as Wu Jing, Fan Bingbing, and Hou Yong as the leading actors? Why have you never heard of it before? You have an audition?"

He Fang nodded, "It's actually very simple, because the film "Pacific Rim" needs domestic actors with military temperament and kung fu, and they must also understand English and be international."

"Thus many conditions have been screened, and the qualified people are very limited. I can only choose Wu Jing as the male driver, and Mr. Hou Yong will do his part to play the role of the Chinese commander."

"As for Teacher Fan Bingbing, because she is not only well-known internationally, but also speaks good English, I saw that her makeup in uniform also meets the requirements."

"Therefore, the three of them were finally decided to star as Chinese actors, and this is the reason."

As a result, as soon as He Fang finished speaking, a reporter asked a question.

"Director He Fang, you said that there may not be many international actors in China, but there are still international actresses. Isn't Zhang Ziyi an actor who can speak English and has acting skills that are even more international?"

He Fang was stunned for a moment. Why is there such a reporter who can't speak? Since she is not here, she must have been chosen. Isn't it superfluous to ask this person a question?

"Maybe next time, but Teacher Fan Bingbing and I have just collaborated on two films, and her requirements are also met, so under the same conditions, use familiarity instead of rawness."

After He Fang finished answering, before the reporter asked any more questions, other reporters immediately started asking Hollywood stars.

"Mr. Jason, I heard that you only finished a movie with director He Fang in June. Did you discuss the last movie and this movie together?"

"My role in "Pacific Rim" was discussed with "Invasion of Wall Street", so there was no mecha pilot role for me at that time, I could only be the commander, but the role would not be less, just Not that enjoyable. Haha..." Jason Statham is a very cheerful person.

"Then how much is your salary?"

"This has to be kept secret, I can't say it." Jason waved quickly.

"Are you still used to the food and life here when you come to China?"

"Of course, it's great. I like it very much. I like to go shopping, eat delicious food, and wash my feet every day after work. Wow, washing my feet is very comfortable."

"Ha ha……"


"Mr. Chris Hemsworth, may I ask..."

The interviews with the actors are like this. For the Chinese media, they are asking them why they want to join this crew, and then they are asking them how they feel after coming to China.

The American media asked about their views on the characters, whether there is anything worth watching in the script, whether there will be challenges to their own performance, and so on.

The entire press conference lasted for two and a half hours. There were really too many actors and too many questions to ask.

So after the press conference, everyone went to eat, and also took the media reporters to have a good meal, and gave them some interview fees and interview gifts by the way.

"Wow, the Chinese crew is so generous." The reporters from the United States were overjoyed when they received the gifts.

In addition to the interview fee of nearly 13 US dollars, the gift was a MacBook Pro 5000-inch notebook, and of course a seven-day travel package worth RMB [-] to Zhangjiajie in Hunan, Fenghuang in Western Hunan and Furong Town.

Eat mine, take mine, why don't you say a few nice words to me when you go back?
Putting all these aside, at 01:30 in the afternoon, all the crew members of "Pacific Rim" gathered in the main studio.

The first shot was a shot of the American fleet driving on the sea. There were no lines, as long as each stood up and followed the software-simulated driving state and swaying poses in the water.

"Okay, all departments are ready, the camera is turned on, the recording is turned on, the scene is quiet, and the scene is recorded." He Fang shouted holding the walkie-talkie.

""Pacific Rim" Scene 1, Scene 1, Shot 1, start!"

(End of this chapter)

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