China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 121 Drainage has achieved initial results and the final global box office

Chapter 121 Drainage has achieved initial results and the final global box office

Where is the real difficulty in making blockbuster films?Why can't many of our directors shoot?

One of the biggest difficulties is the scheduling of large scenes, the simultaneous performance of countless actors, and the simultaneous shooting of dozens of cameras.

How many directors in China can make such a movie?There may be only three directors who can barely shoot.

The directors of those old film studios have a lot to shoot. After all, film studios in the 70s and 80s often filmed that kind of war scenes.

But now?How can there be such a movie?
Of course, some big scenes can also be solved with the help of cutouts, borrowed scenes, and special effects, but some big scenes cannot be solved with cutouts for the time being.

In addition to scheduling and big scenes, shooting big movies is also quite dangerous, because the more people, the more machines, the bigger the scene, the greater the possibility of risk.

For example, on the second day after "Pacific Rim" was launched on October 10, He Fang gnawed away some difficult scenes in the early stage, so the filming scene of "Pacific Rim" filmed an aircraft carrier and a fleet to welcome the big twelve. The picture of the big storm...

The first is the computer control team that controls the ship's swing. They need to measure, calculate, and generate models, and then make the entire swing system produce real wave swings.

Then thousands of group performers have to take their positions under the arrangement of a dozen executive directors, and don't forget to tell them how to perform.

The last thing is that dozens of cameras have to shoot the reactions of various aspects, and some of them have to move.

The most difficult thing is the recording department, dozens of microphones are everywhere, and it can't be worn out.

The number of people involved in this filming reached 3000 people, a dozen assistant directors ran around, and the on-site production reached a dozen people, each responsible for their own modules.


"Okay, all departments and units pay attention to safety, and pay attention to performances, come, get ready, start."

Following He Fang's instructions, dozens of cameras began to work, and then the actors also began to move around in response to the wind and waves.

"Quick, grab hold and sit still..." Following the commander's solemn instructions, the wind and waves came.

The first aircraft carrier was fine, but was thrown about ten meters high, but the simulated warship was thrown 15 meters high.

"Stop, stop, stop, sorry, director, it must be stopped." At this moment, the voice of the prop master of the American team rang through the intercom.

"Director, I'm Robin. Our calculations were wrong before. If we really simulated a category [-] hurricane, the slings would not be able to withstand it, and several model ships might be cut off directly, and there would be serious casualties... "

"Hiss..." He Fang was stunned when he heard this, but fortunately he stopped just now, otherwise the whole model would be ruined and the personnel would be injured.

"Okay, stop for now, wait a minute, I'll go to the control room." He Fang stood up and was still a little dazed, the situation just now was too dangerous.

If a major accident really happened, it is conceivable...

On the way to the control room, he exhaled foul air, took out a cigarette and lit it.

And the whole production crew was also buzzing about the discussion, and I don't know why it stopped suddenly. Fortunately, old directors such as Yi Wu Tianming and executive directors were there to comfort everyone.

When He Fang walked into the control room, the special effects director Robin Plebil spread his hands, "He, it was a mistake on our side. The effect of the twelve-level wind force you want is too risky, maybe you have to find another way .”

"The data I saw just now is that if we complete the simulation of a category [-] hurricane, all the models will be damaged, and at least two-thirds of the thousands of actors will be injured, and there may be dozens of them. Life is in danger, we were careless before."

Robin Plebil felt a little apologetic. After all, she was Cameron's special effects artist. She had done this kind of simulation when filming the big ship "Titanic", so He Fang believed her very much.

This kind of belief turned into blind belief in the end. He Fang and the Chinese team did not participate too much in the planning of these data and the early simulation. They only believed it when they heard the assurance from the American team that there was no problem.

When I asked her before, she also said no problem.

Americans don't have the spirit of craftsmanship. Are many of them blown out?Or did they lose their rigor when they got to China?Careless?

Could it be that they didn't prepare carefully enough?
"Can I have a look at the simulation first?" He Fang asked after taking a deep breath.

"Of course." Robin led He Fang to the control room, and then she patted the shoulder of the guy in front of the computer desk.

"Roy, demonstrate the simulation effect of the new data."


He Fang stared at the screen tightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched after watching the simulation in the computer.

"How about lowering the wind level? Now that everything is ready, it would be a pity not to shoot this scene." He Fang asked.

"Yes, but it has to be lowered a lot. You see...not even level [-], it needs to be lowered to around level [-], so as to ensure everyone's safety, but the shocking effect you want can only be made up for by post-production special effects .”

Robin Prybil said while moving the mouse.

"Why did the previous simulation work? Which data went wrong?" He Fang asked.

"Uh... this was my mistake." The operator Roy spread his hands, "The previous simulations have always set the tearing force of the waves as the default value, and I forgot to change the data, so... sorry, director."

He Fang patted Roy on the shoulder, "It's okay, it's not a big mistake if it didn't cause a major accident, but you have to be more careful in the future."

Before Roy could answer, He Fang turned his head and said to Luo Yi: "Then let's follow the level seven waves, and realize the results of everyone's hard work all day."

"Okay, don't worry, director."

Of course, after the modification, the shooting can finally start. Such a big scene cannot be completed in one go.

You can only do it again and again, because thousands of people and dozens of machines work together, so if one person has a problem or one machine fails to keep up, the whole thing will fail.

In the repeated shooting, the actors suffer the most, because who can bear being thrown up and smashed on the ground or chairs again and again?Even though they were all protected, it wasn't uncomfortable.

All the actors in this shooting method are in the best condition, and praying for a smooth shooting is the biggest wish, and no one wants to do it over and over again.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really fun to play." When the scene was successfully shot, Wu Tianming shook his head and exclaimed.

"Director Wu, when can we Xiying play such a big scene movie?" asked the young director who followed Wu Tianming.

Wu Tianming didn't leave the big boat enviously, and took out the smoke in his hand.

"Well, ten years later, I dare to make a decision to make such a film, now? Well..."

The young director beside him didn't speak, but just looked at the scene enviously.

"It's so cool to create such a big scene just to realize the description of 'a monster emerges and sets off a huge wave of tens of meters'. You guys said what will the 3D effect be like when you go to the cinema? Will it be? Make the audience's heart stop with fright?"

"Haha, then it shouldn't be possible. If this happens, Director He will be reprimanded."


Are there many scenes like "Pacific Rim"?There are quite a few, except for the scene where mechs and monsters are fighting in the sea, almost all other shots require countless people as the background.

So it is very difficult to shoot every day. In He Fang's words, if you gnaw a little every day, you will be a little closer to victory.

The strategy adopted by He Fang is to finish filming the big scene in one month first, and then have time to polish the quality of the later details. It can also free up a group of personnel and send away most of the American ensemble team.

If you shoot simple scenes at the beginning, it is really helpful for the crew to run in, but in order to make enough space and time for trial and error for the later big scenes, the director will choose to use the attitude of "almost pass" for the simple scenes in the early stage , which can seriously affect the quality.So, first shoot the big scenes, then shoot the mechs and monsters fighting, and finally shoot the literary drama.

There is another reason for this. The big scenes of sci-fi films may not have such high requirements for the performance of the actors. The big scenes are usually in the tense period of the plot, and there are special effects to attract the attention of the audience. Therefore, stimulated by the double stimulation of special effects and plot, actors As long as the performance is qualified.

The actors have finished filming the scenes of the previous big scenes, and the running-in period is basically over, but they will get more and more into the state later on.

During this period, some behind-the-scenes photos of He Fang's filming of "Pacific Rim" were also revealed from time to time, which was deliberately promoted by the crew.

Increase the audience's sense of expectation, especially the super-large hull and super-high mecha shown in the photos.

At this time, another news came out, that is, the global monthly box office of "Single Zoo" was also released.

The total box office in North America reached US$3797 million in one month, and the total box office in other parts of the world was US$2426 million. In addition to the domestic box office of more than 2 million yuan, the total global box office of "Single Zoo" was US$9378 million, which almost exceeded [-] million.

Because of this good news, the crew had two extra meals.

The news of such a good global box office, plus the filming of such exciting scenes, has not attracted the attention of all the great gods?

So, Tsui Hark ran over after finishing the promotion of "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven", saying that he would come to study and visit.

Even Zhou Xingchi got in touch with He Fang without knowing whose relationship he entrusted, saying that he would come to study.

Because he also has a blockbuster film with 3D special effects to shoot, it is not easy to find a crew in the East who is shooting 3D and learning, so he came here, and He Fang knew which one it was when he heard about it.

Anyone who comes from anywhere is welcome.

Then, Feng Xiaogang also came and said he wanted to come and have a look.

In the end, even Zhang Yimou couldn't bear it anymore. One was that he wanted to watch it, and the other was that Wu Tianming would call him after drinking some wine in the evening to recall the West Film Studio back then, and then envy the current Huying Group and He Fang. Such a blockbuster.

Then he said something to Zhang Yimou, "You must come and see, this kind of big scene, the technology used, and the special effects are really not simply enough people."

Therefore, Zhang Yimou was itchy to be heard, so he came here.

After Zhang Yimou came, he said to He Fang: "Your lectures at the film academy are very popular in the circle now. What you said is very good, but some old artists don't like it. They say that you can't call commercial movies every day, and you have to protect them. Literary film."

Zhang Yimou is not prejudiced. He doesn't think that business and art have to be at odds, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make commercial films.

He Fang smiled wryly, "Nowadays, people in China say that we should protect the diversity of films, and we can't just talk about business and not talk about literature and art, but what I learned after I went to the film school this time is: they never talked about film in their classes. Over commercial, it’s all the artistic expression of literary and artistic films. And as far as I know, none of the art film and television colleges focuses on commercials, and none of them allow commercial films to enter the classroom. Why should they boycott commercial and protect literary and artistic films? Isn’t this literary film well protected? Classrooms are monopolized by literary films.”

" are right, I said the same thing, but...don't say anything, I support you." Zhang Yimou was also happy.

As big directors ran to the film and television city of Huying Group in Changsha, the executives of Huying Group burst into laughter.

"Secretary He, we did the right thing and it worked. These big directors saw our base and expressed their willingness to come over to make films. Zhou Xingchi said that his new movie would come to shoot. He was very excited about the underwater studio. like."

General Manager Huang Ke of Huying Group was drinking tea with Secretary Gu in the office with a smile.

"Haha, this is a good thing. At that time, He Fang said that he would make a blockbuster film to attract traffic. Although I supported it with all my strength, I was still drumming in my heart. Unexpectedly, it really succeeded in attracting traffic."

"So, Secretary Gu, we need to speed up the construction of the film and television city and build a better platform. If "Pacific Rim" succeeds, the entire reaction will be huge."

"I heard people from the American team say that our current venue, personnel, equipment and other costs are lower than those in Hollywood. Maybe once "Pacific Rim" is successful, many Hollywood blockbusters will come to outsource the location and special effects. .”

Gu Yang also nodded in approval, this was also planned by He Fang long ago.

"The reputation of this platform must be established, Mr. Huang, you need to pay more attention to this aspect." Gu Yang said.

"It's okay for me to work hard, but Secretary Gu must lead us in the right direction. We have the motivation to do things."

"Haha, you..."

Put things on the positive side and everything will go well.

The Huying Film and Television City, which has been half-built, has suddenly become a learning place for outstanding directors in China, and people come every day.

When Han Sanping, who lives in China Film Group, heard the news, his face was calm and a little dark.

Can't stop it?Is it really unstoppable?
With the rise of Huying, what should China Film do with itself?
I want to ask which film company in China is the most profitable?Laymen know that it is Huayi and New Picture and half of Bona, but it is China Film that really makes money.

Think about the annual profits of all imported films. Hollywood blockbusters can only take 13% of the total box office, while theaters can only take 57%. Where does the middle 30% go?It all belongs to China Film.

Why China Film is active in introducing Hollywood blockbusters?Nonsense, just relying on administrative resources can earn 30% of the box office in exchange for you, are you active?

However, this kind of good days will come to an end in 2012, and the re-negotiation with the United States is that Hollywood's imported films will be divided into 25%.

Alas, China Film Group's income is about to decrease, what should I do?
"Han Dong, the group recently proposed a new plan, which means that we will use the power of the group to invest 30 billion in [-] domestic films every year to support the development of domestic films, do you think?"

"Have a meeting to study and study, agree in principle, detailed rules are needed for specific implementation..."

Han Sanping said flatly.

If you don't make some credit, the fuck will really be robbed of the limelight by Hu Ying.

Suppress Lake Shadow?It's not that he didn't have such an idea, but... the structure is too low, and it doesn't fit his status as the boss of a Chinese film company.

(End of this chapter)

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