China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 122 Obedience to Inner Pleasure

Chapter 122 Obedience to Inner Pleasure

"Hey, Director He, I think adding a warm scene of a family of three when the monsters attacked Tokyo Bay, and then the monsters attacked the city, only the child survived, he stood in the wasteland and cried while watching the monsters go away. "Chen Kaige also came, and after he came, he was inspired by watching it, and felt that it would be more perfect if the scene was changed.

"With this change, there will be more empathy, and the human's hatred of monsters will change from a toy feeling with special effects to an emotional reality. What do you think?"

He Fang was stunned for a moment, he had to admire Chen Kaige's occasional inspiration for changing scenes on the spot.

"It can't be changed. We already have this kind of emotional drama. It happened when the monsters attacked Hong Kong. Adding another one here in Tokyo Bay is obviously too sensational."

He Fang explained.

"Oh, then I haven't read the full script, so it's fine if I have it. However, one or two extra scenes of this kind of warmth under the chaos of war will bring some sublimation to the movie." Chen Kaige said.

"Director Chen, you are right. However, our film has already made some settings for the film's warm elements. There will be, but not many."

"Because our film is mainly reflected in the battle, this is the first film of ours. In the combination of size and size, we chose small emotions and small details as embellishments, and big effects as the main focus."

"After all, if the first film cannot attract the audience in terms of visual effects, then it will be difficult for us to continue to develop the second film. Besides, I can't change it even if I want to."

"The duration of our movie is calculated, and the schedule of the entire crew is also set. If there is an extra scene, it will disrupt our shooting rhythm. The key is that there is no urgency and necessity to add a scene, or not add."

"Besides, I don't want to add this kind of plot to this country. I don't want the audience to have even the slightest pity for this country, at least in my movie."

He Fang explained.

"Oh, so it's a pity. However, putting aside personal feelings, you don't have to be so rigorous. It's okay to give yourself a little bit of redundancy in your creation." Chen Kaige nodded and didn't say much.

"I can't help it. I'm just a scumbag. For a woman who once loved me and hurt me, I will never give her even a chance to raise her head in front of me."

Chen Kaige smiled and said nothing.

After that, he just watched from the sidelines without expressing his opinion.

But the more I watched, the more itchy my hands became. The directors who came this time were all hooked by He Fang's filming scene.

What director wouldn't want to play a blockbuster or two?Especially the blockbuster special effects that shocked the world.

In the past, Chinese directors had no chance. Domestic conditions did not allow this kind of film, no equipment, no post-production, no team, no venue.

Now that the Huying Group has supported all of this, shouldn't it be time to make a move?

Of course, the purpose of He Fang's doing all this is not to make them move?

Tired of shooting these days?It's also a little bit, after all, it's the first time to control such a large crew and shoot a movie with such a large investment, and all kinds of things keep going.

If it weren't for the production team of dozens of people and the team of assistant directors of dozens of people helping him solve the problem, not to mention letting him go to the creation of the sky, it would be impossible to complete the daily tasks with peace of mind. of.

"Director He, I heard from my assistant today that there are many members of the American team who have close relationships with schoolgirls after work. You have to let the crew pay attention to this matter."

After finishing the day's filming, He Fang was stunned when he heard Wu Jing come to whisper.

"What's going on?" He Fang asked.

"I don't know the details. I heard that some students came to learn English from Americans, and then invited them to dinner." Wu Jing muttered and spread his hands.

"Hiss, fine, I'll let people watch, I hope they won't cause trouble." He Fang nodded, with inexplicable emotions flashing in his eyes.

"Well, it's nothing else. We can't stop some things. We just need to pay attention to the crew not violating laws and regulations. I just want to remind you."

Wu Jing didn't say anything, after all, what can this thing say?The problem of not being able to rise to a very high level.

"Do you have any plans to make your own movie? I can invest in it." He Fang changed the topic, and the conversation on this topic is not very good.

"Hehe, I have this idea, but it's not very mature. When my idea matures, I will definitely find you." Wu Jing laughed.

"Okay, then I'll tell the production team about this."

"Okay, go get busy."

He Fang and Wu Jing parted, sighed, and looked at the sky helplessly.

The sky in Changsha in November was a bit foggy. After taking his last puff of cigarette, He Fang ruthlessly threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it, then left.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, he came to the hotel of the crew and went to Bryce's room.

After about a few minutes, anyone standing outside Bryce's door could hear her being tortured inside, and the pain lasted for about an hour.

At 12:30, He Fang came out of Bryce's room and knocked on Amber Heard's door.

The quality of this girl is not good, but at least it makes He Fang feel refreshed.

American girls can be controlled like Chinese men, can't they?
He Fang didn't want to turn into a man who only thinks about the lower body, but sometimes the feeling of you controlling a foreign woman can make people feel happy.He now needs this kind of pleasure to dispel an inexplicable unpleasant feeling in his heart, so he obeyed his inner arrangement.


When the main scene was almost finished filming at the end of November, He Fang sent part of the American team back to the United States.

One is to reduce the burden on the crew, the other is to worry about accidents, and the third is to stop teaching English to Chinese girls here.

After this period of cooperation between the two parties, at least they helped to flush out a group of staff from the Huying Group, and they have no problem dealing with some modern equipment in the film and television city.

"He Fang, I met Mr. He today. They said that "Happy Camp" wanted to do a "Pacific Rim" crew's detective show, and they wanted to ask me if I could do it."

Zhang Qian found He Fang and asked.

"Ah? Ask you? Why don't they ask me?"

"I said I was afraid that you would not have time to deal with this matter, so you came to ask me."

"Okay, there is a premise that it can't affect our normal shooting. If you want to interview an actor, you must make an appointment in advance and interview him after he is off the scene. But during the shooting, they can shoot some material."

He Fang thought about it for a while, anyway, it's all propaganda, and some things on the set are not afraid of being leaked, because if it is leaked, no one else can copy it.

After getting He Fang's reply, Zhang Qian called He Jiu.

Sure enough, on the third day, the program team of "Happy Camp" entered the crew of "Pacific Rim", and the hosts exclaimed repeatedly as soon as they came in.

They have seen all the equipment here, but they have never seen so many people working. It feels like a construction site, but they can be overwhelmed by the magnificent momentum inside.

"Hi, Teacher Wu Jing, hello, how do you feel about participating in this movie?" Just in time, I saw Wu Jing get off the mecha.

Wu Jing nodded to the hosts, "Hi, hosts, I don't feel too good about acting in this movie, it's very good."

"Then how far is the filming going now?" He Jiu asked.

"Well, it's two-thirds of the time, and the main scenes are basically finished shooting, and the rest are relatively less difficult scenes."

"Then how do you get along with American actors? What's the difference compared with domestic actors?" Xie Na asked.

"It's okay to get along. In fact, we are all human beings, and we are very harmonious after a long time. Sometimes different cultures collide and produce a lot of humorous things, which is quite interesting." Wu Jing is not the kind of person who cannot be flexible. The media is still a well-known program in the country, and he will also take advantage of this to get some shots.

"Any non-trivial anecdotes to share with us? Like how you pilot this big guy?"

"Interesting things? There are a lot of them every day. What do you want to hear? For example, have you seen that foreigner? Thin and tall, this guy has a quirk, he... oh, this can't, forget it. Anyway. , There are a lot of interesting things. Including one... Forget it, it’s all other people’s embarrassing things, so let’s not talk about it, those who don’t know think I like to speak ill of people behind their backs.”

"Oh, Mr. Wu Jing, you are good or bad. This kind of behavior that arouses people's ears but doesn't say it is very annoying, do you know that?"

"Ha ha……"

"What level do you think the quality of the movie will be? Can it be compared to "Avatar"?"

"Then I don't know about this. It can only be three points of God's will, and seven points depends on where."


Then everyone interacted for a while, and after a while Fan Bingbing also came, and then they interacted together again.

The American actors didn't see it. I heard that there is no play for them for the time being, and they are all resting.

Everyone chatted for a while, and He Jiu asked, "Why didn't you film? Where is the director?"

"Uh, we are preparing now. Director He is at the underwater pavilion, and he will be shooting with us later, so we are waiting for instructions."

"Really? Then let's go over there and have a look, so we won't disturb your rest."

When the "Quick Book" program team came to the underwater photography studio, He Fang happened to finish shooting a scene.

He's directing the next one.

"Ah, Mr. He, Mr. Xie, Mr. Li, Mr. Wu, Mr. Du, are you here? Welcome."

"Director He, hello, I'm interrupting your filming. If you need us to suspend shooting or mute the sound, you can tell us at any time." He Jiu exclaimed.

"Ha, it's nothing, you can shoot whatever you want." He Fang smiled.

"Okay, then you are busy with your work, don't worry about us." When He Jiu heard someone calling He Fang on the walkie-talkie, he immediately tactfully did not bother him.

"Okay, then you can watch for yourself." He Fang made an OK gesture and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, blow up the water waves, don't need to be too big, to create the shocking feeling of monsters appearing one after another, underwater photographers must keep up with the appearance of monsters..."

Several hosts followed He Fang quietly, and they were also curious about what He Fang was like filming on the spot.

"Wow, it's a joint shooting. Here is the situation in the sea, and the real mecha is also shooting. Hey, the person in the sea is obviously wearing green clothes. How come it turns into a person in the monitor? What about the big monster? How did this happen?" Li Weijia looked at several large monitors where the two scenes were being put together through computer software.

"This is what Director He Fang said about the industrialization of films. They are all high-tech, unlike other film crews. Even the monitors are small and black and white."

"This is synthesized after the green screen is automatically deducted. The people in green clothes become monsters. This is a computer animation model that has been built a long time ago. Now we only need to collect their data from the green men."

"Okay, the scene is quiet, everything is quiet..." Director Ding shouted there with a loudspeaker.

"Shh, don't bother filming..."

"Okay, ready to start, start shooting and recording, and the special effects artist will give me a composite picture, yes, give it to the main monitor. Okay, the scene notes, and the board."

"Scene 45 of "Huantai" takes 1 shot, let's start."


(End of this chapter)

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