China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 124 A Bunch of Hormonal Burst Men

Chapter 124

Since all the main scenes of "Pacific Rim" have been filmed, as long as the fighting scenes are filmed during this period, there will only be some literary dramas left.

The fighting scenes were probably filmed in about ten days, but the fighting scenes in this kind of special effects film are not very difficult. If you say that the difficulty is to simulate the injury effect of fighting.

It has to be realistic, after all, monsters, if the injury effect is not realistic, then this will be greatly discounted, and it will make the audience feel like they are watching a "children playing around" in plastic.

For example, the mecha punched a monster in the face and knocked off half of the monster's jaw. How is this effect reflected?

Then if you want the audience to enjoy watching it, you must anthropomorphize it, such as the changes in the muscles, flesh and bones of the monster punched in the past, and the final effect, etc. You must repeatedly test the fight when shooting after the result.

This cannot all rely on special effects. There is a good saying in the industry, which is called 'what can be solved in the early stage, must be solved in the early stage, so as to leave the greatest leeway for the later stage'.

Although it is a special effects movie, if it can be done well in the early stage, it must be done in the early stage.

In addition to these fighting effects, there are often situations where the actors' vision is disturbed.

Because the monster is sometimes big and sometimes small, sometimes it is gesturing with the real model, and sometimes it is a man in green hanging Wia to act as a monster there, where are the actors looking at?Behold the little green man or behold?If everyone's eyesight is not unified, it will give the audience a sense of confusion on the screen, and they will wonder 'do they see different monsters? '

Then why use the little green man instead of directly replacing it with a model?

After all, if you want to reflect the flexibility of monsters and mechs, you must have real people wearing green clothes to perform movements, and then use the capture system to transfer the data to the computer for generation, so that it can be anthropomorphic and real.

In addition to the problems during filming, other interesting things will also happen in the crew.For example, after several months of cooperation between the staff of the two countries, the speech in the crew is now mixed, and you will suddenly see a foreigner shouting in English with a few short Chinese sentences:
"Stop, wrong, wrong."

"Hey, can you do it?"

"FK, you Habbo."

"OK, you hang up, you're the boss..."

You will also hear Chinese crew members yelling words mixed with English, such as:
"That's good, Pfector."

"You can, You are amazing."

"Nice, let's use this."


That's why I often heard Jason yelling, "Have a meal, have a meal, have a meal...After you have a meal, wash your feet."

These sounds often make people messy in the wind, which is very dramatic.

However, the personnel on both sides are now used to it.

This is also one of the few funs of the crew. The crew has such an intense job, and the staff of the crew are best at finding fun at work.For example, talking about interesting things, such as eating delicious food together, such as playing poker, or such as games between the crew and the couple.

"Director He, do you have any good action movie scripts? I found that there is a lack of action movies in the mainland." Wu Jing accidentally talked about this while having dinner that day.

"Action movie? What kind? Martial arts? Or modern?" He Fang asked.

"Of course it is modern. There is no market for martial arts now." Wu Jing said.

"Modern ones? You should go to Hong Kong to shoot modern ones, not in the Mainland."


"Why else? Why use violence to solve the problem? The police can't handle it? There are bad guys in the police? Are you sure you have evidence? If you don't, you will forcefully slander. Even if you have, you won't ask the police's superiors? Do we have gangsters? It is true that once in a while there are one or two evil forces, but aren’t they all wiped out by crackdowns every few years?”

The more Wu Jing heard it, the darker his face became, he understood what He Fang meant.

"Of course, there are other reasons. In film and television dramas, our police cannot do nothing. Since the police have to do something, what does it mean for you, an ordinary person, to use violence to solve problems? What do you want to promote?"

"We have some real situations, and you can't say that this is wrong, after all, this is the truth. In reality, there is really no need for individuals to use violence to solve problems. We really don't have gangsters. You can't give birth to one for nothing, right? ? Then wouldn’t this become arbitrary rumors?”

"That's why I said that this kind of movie can only be shot in Hong Kong, because there are no gangsters in the world except for a few countries. The situation in other countries is true, and it's okay to shoot."

"..." He Fang's words directly silenced Wu Jingqian.

It's no wonder that Chinese action movies have declined, so what should we do?

Seeing Wu Jing's bewildered expression, He Fang put down his chopsticks and took out a cigarette to light a cigarette.

"Brother Jing, we don't have it, but there are overseas ones. Have you seen "Taken"? We can also do Hurricane Rescue. There is nothing wrong with going shopping in China, but something happened when you went out for a trip. Then you said Do not rescue?"

"For example, our peacekeeping force, isn't it? For example, in recent years, our warships have gone out and encountered pirates or something? For example, our Interpol transnational investigation..."

"I heard that Thailand is a world-renowned organ transshipment center, the Golden Triangle is drugs, India is human bones, the Philippines is gangsters, South America is popular with human oil, and there are more in Europe. What about the perverts on the dark web? Middle Eastern mercenaries, Africa Needless to say, in the United States, gangsters and cults are legal for robbing ore.”

"There are too many stories like this. We must set our sights on the international scene. Now that we are an international power, we should set our sights higher."

"Why do you need to be obsessed with fighting against the evil forces in China? There really isn't one in China. You can't create one out of thin air, right? That would really violate the rules."

After He Fang finished speaking, he took a long drag on his cigarette, and then took a sip of Coke.

Wu Jing nodded, "Yes, you are right, I heard that you have a screenwriting team, help me make such a book."

"You can go to them directly. We don't restrict screenwriters to obey the company's arrangements. The company will have jobs, but it depends on whether they are willing to accept them. If they feel that the company's jobs are meaningless, they can accept outside jobs. After all, we only take a cut of their income, as long as the source of income is legal and compliant, we don’t care about the rest.”

He Fang raised his eyebrows.

"Ha, what the hell, I want to join your company too."

"That won't work. We are not professional in the brokerage business. We don't even have agents to help them package and pull jobs. Therefore, it is not suitable to sign outside actors."

"Seeing how anxious you are, I'm afraid that I will benefit from going to your company. Haha..."


After shooting and shooting like this every day, He Fang gradually lost interest in the two Hollywood female stars, mainly because the meat became loose when he was older, his skin was dry, and there were many freckles, which was not interesting.

Of course, in addition to filming, there will be a group of visits from time to time to study.

Some are appointments with He Fang, some are friends of crew members, some are friends of actors, and some are inspection teams brought by group leaders...

There is one advantage of coming, that is, you have to spend a lot of money to buy some gifts for the crew.

There are more drinks and hot coffee, as well as fruits.

This made the American team very happy. It is really interesting to have food and drink given by others every day.

In addition to these things, there is another very important thing, that is, "Invasion of Wall Street" will be released on December 12, and a film announcement must be made.

The global announcement of 1000 million previously reached with Fox Searchlight did not include China.He Fang wants to do China's publicity.

Tuanhuo did some calculations, and the publicity fee in China is only 1500 million yuan. It only needs to get the materials out, then appear on a few shows, accept a few interviews, and then hold a premiere. That’s about it.

He Fang's name is here, plus Fan Bingbing and Jason Statham.

So after confirming the publicity plan, we will arrange some activities starting from December, and anyone else has to participate.

As for whether to hold the premiere in the United States?Forget it, what kind of premiere ceremony is there for only 1000 million US dollars of publicity, just go ahead, just hold one in China.

Therefore, after December 12st, movie fans around the world discovered that there was a trailer for "Invasion of Wall Street" in various promotional channels.

"Wow, is this the movie that He Fang and Fan Bingbing made in Hollywood in June this year? Is it finally going to be released?"

"Tsk, look at the trailer, Fan Bingbing has a lot of scenes, not soy sauce."

"It's fun to make movies abroad, and if there is a disagreement, you can go up and do it with a gun."

"Is this about the assassination of a Wall Street banker?"

"What's the matter? In the United States, you can just assassinate a big boss movie."

"Hurry up and release it, is it still on the 29th?"

"He Fang's purely commercial films are not bad, and the quality of two consecutive films is guaranteed."

"Is this an imported film or a co-production? Why can it be released in December?"

"...This He Fang seems to have popped up overnight, so amazing."


On December 12th, He Fang went to the capital alone. He was going to attend the premiere of "Let the Bullets Fly". He had watched this movie many times and had endless praises.

He thinks "Let the Bullets Fly" should be listed as an excellent film in both business and art in China. In this film, we can see the criticism in art films, black humor, irony, camera use, blank space, and symbol application. Use of color, music...

It also allows the audience to see the scenes of commercial films, big stars, clear story logic and other elements in the cinema, which can make the audience enjoy watching and understand.

If you want a star, you have a star, if you want a big production, you have a big production, you have to reveal a scene, and you have to be funny, and there is a funny...

Counting the history of Chinese films, how many films can do this?Not to mention in China, there are very few people who can do this in the world.

Guy Ritchie may be the one who can say it, but Guy Ritchie's films seem to be much inferior in terms of screen beauty and narrative grandeur. They are not as beautiful as Jiang Wen's, nor are they as high as Jiang Wen's films.

However, Guy Ritchie's narrative skills are more imaginative and spiritual, which makes the audience feel unexpected but very reasonable.

Alas, it's a pity that Jiang Wen's achievements are not high or low. Compared with Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, the awards are a little less, and compared with Feng Xiaogang, the box office is a little worse.

So, people, you must go to the dark on the same road, and you may be able to achieve something in this way, but it may be difficult if you always swing from side to side.

Not everyone is from He Fang, he is a time traveler, can this be compared?
The last time "Orphan of Zhao" came to pick him up at the airport was Chen Hong, this time "Let the Bullets Fly" picked him up at the airport was Ma Ke, both producers.

"Mr. Ma, why are you here? The standard is too high, how many glasses of wine do I have to drink to bear it?" He Fang and Ma Ke warmly embraced.

"Haha, what you don't know, Director He, is how many glasses of wine I drank to grab the job to pick you up. Teacher Jiang Wen kept saying that he would come in person. How can I let him come with such a shameful thing? Then he Do you have to get even higher?"

As soon as he said this, He Fang immediately admired him, this is a producer with super high emotional intelligence.

That's right, being a producer next to someone with a bad temper like Jiang Wen doesn't have any emotional intelligence.

"Oh, you can't praise me like that, I'm young and immature, I'm going to float."

"Then you hold on first, now that you're floating, how do you drink the wine at night? After drinking at night, you can float away. This is what Teacher Jiang Wen said, and I want to have a good drink with you tonight."

When we got to the premiere, it was almost two noon.

Jiang Wen welcomed him there with Li Yabo and Yang Shoucheng. After the last welcome, He Fang seemed to recognize his status a little bit.

"Mr. Jiang Wen, hello, we meet again."

"Ha, did Ma Ke tell you? I want to drink tonight." Jiang Wen warmly hugged He Fang.

"I said it, but I have to go back to the set to film tomorrow, so I can't get drunk, can I?"

"Haha, okay, how drunk are you?"

"It's fine to be drunk twice." He Fang stretched out two fingers.

"Two points? I'm afraid it's not enough? No matter what, you have to be nine points drunk, right? Nine drunks are drunk, how can it be called drinking if you don't have nine points?" Jiang Wen waved his hand.

"If you're [-]% drunk, you'll be unconscious. If you get drunk and sleep with some female celebrity, and you don't enjoy it, you'll get into a scandal. Thank you." He Fang shook his head.

"Haha... Don't worry, there are only men tonight, no women. Besides, the men tonight are not masculine, I can assure you." Jiang Wen patted his chest and promised.

"Then half drunk?" He Fang asked tentatively.

"Hey, how can a big man be so reckless, eighty percent drunk, that's it. Brothers, have you heard that? Director He is eighty percent drunk tonight, no more, no less." Jiang Wen shouted.

"Listen to Big Brother." The people behind shouted in unison.

"Hey, Director He, how much is your drinking capacity? We also need to know how much is eight cents." Ge You leaned out and asked.

"Master, how many catties do you think is suitable?" He Fang asked.

"Tsk, this is not suitable for Director He. How can I decide the amount of these few catties? I said ten catties, can it be done?" Ge You waved his hand.

"Or, according to your amount? If you drink a catty, I will get eight taels, if you drink two catties, I will get six taels a catty. What do you think?"

"Okay, this is good, I agree with this. Haha, Director He, you will definitely be drunk tonight. Teacher Ge You's alcohol consumption is not calculated by the catty, but by the bottle. Three bottles are the starting point, five bottles are the minimum, haha ..."


"Ha ha……"

After arguing for a while, He Fang met and greeted the others one by one.

They are all a bunch of hot-blooded men with soaring hormones, which is quite interesting.

Next, He Fang was led to put on makeup. After all, walking on the red carpet should be more or less formal.

He Fang didn't have an assistant, so he didn't bring any dresses, but the film crew prepared everything carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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