China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 125 Golden Globe 3 nominations

Chapter 125 Three Golden Globe Nominations
I don't need to say too much about the movie "Let the Bullets Fly". No matter whether you have watched it or not, you have at least heard it hundreds of times, and some people can memorize the plot in it.

But for the audience who watched this movie for the first time, it was really conquered, it was too hot and too explosive.

So in the post-screening interactive session, when the host asked He Fang about his evaluation of "Let the Bullets Fly", that's what He Fang said.

"Some people say that the best movie in China in 2010 is "Single Zoo", because it won the Palme d'Or, and won a domestic box office of 2.14 million and a global box office of more than 9000 million US dollars. However, today everyone clearly compares it. , The best Chinese movie in 2010 was "Let the Bullets Fly."

"This is definitely not my intentional flattery, but the strength of "Let the Bullets Fly" proves that "Let the Bullets Fly" is definitely higher than "Single Zoo" in terms of acting skills, business, or artistic roles. file."

"Of course, if it gets the Cannes Film Festival, maybe "Single Zoo" will win, but that is because of the preference of the film festival, not because of the quality of "Let the Bullets Fly."

"If I were to solve the analysis of this movie, I could at least write a [-]-word book to analyze the advantages of "Let the Bullets Fly"."

"If director Jiang Wen's previous films were films recognized by the judges and film critics of the film festival, then "Let the Bullets Fly" is definitely a film that satisfies the audience extremely."

"Thank you, I want to say too much, but I also said too much, let others take some time."

After He Fang finished speaking, there was light laughter and warm applause at the scene.

"Thank you, thank you Director He Fang for the truth. I am convinced of "Single Zoo", but I am not convinced. I am not convinced because I think my "Let the Bullets Fly" is not bad, and I am convinced because of "Single Zoo" It is indeed more suitable to win an award. Therefore, I think the words of director He Fang are pertinent."

Jiang Wen was not reserved at all, and climbed up the pole directly, but the audience was amused by his lack of reservation.

Of course, things after that were easy, the premiere was over, and the thank you party for the premiere was over, so He Fang was dragged to drink.

But at this time Xu Dongdong sent him an invitation and called him.

"Hey, Director He, are you free?" Xu Dongdong asked on the phone.

"Ah, I'm a little busy, why, what's the matter?" He Fang's words were a little cold, with a sense of distance.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just heard that you came to the capital. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I want to ask you to meet." Xu Dongdong's words are frank enough, right?
"Meet me? I'm afraid I don't have time now. If you have something to say, I really don't have time to meet you."

"Well, it's okay, you go ahead." Xu Dongdong pondered for a while, then said.

"Well, good, contact me when I'm free." After He Fang's faint words came from the phone, he hung up the phone.

Xu Dongdong listened to the busy tone on the phone, which made Xu Dongdong very discouraged and unhappy. He felt that He Fang was really heartless, and he couldn't help feeling a little resentful in his heart.

But where can this be blamed?

Aren't all directors in the industry like this?Who will sleep with you once and be responsible for your whole life?
I gave you resources for two movies, but you still can’t get up, who do you blame?

A heroine of "Far Cry", a female supporting role of "Single Zoo", a Palme d'Or award, a commercial success, and an award success.

Changing to any actress can take off by virtue of it, isn't Zhang Xinyu, I heard that there are many film appointments now.

Isn't Liu Yan?There are several films to be made in succession.

You didn't get up, so who is to blame?

You can't let He Fang really praise you like a wife, can you?Is that possible?Thinking about it myself, I feel that this is a bit of fantasy.

As for He Fang's continuous use of Fan Bingbing in three films, it is because Fan Bingbing can bring box office and can achieve mutual success with He Fang.

Otherwise, why should He Fang keep using Fan Bingbing?Liu Yan can't he use it?

About half an hour later, He Fang followed Jiang Wen and the others to a small courtyard for drinking. He Fang didn't expect such a secret place.

A quadrangle courtyard, the guest rooms, dining room, entertainment room, and living room are all well-organized and exquisite.

"Come on, come on, come on, thank you Director He for your support today, your flattering words are too good, brother, I thank you." Jiang Wen raised his glass and was about to drink with He Fang.

"Wait a minute, Director Jiang, what you said is wrong."

"Oh? Where did I go wrong?" Jiang Wen was surprised.

"What I said today is the truth, how can you say that I am flattering? Are you thinking that I really don't understand your movie or that Director Jiang thinks that my brother is not sincere enough?"

"Hey, brother, I think Director He's words are reasonable." Shao Bing nodded.

"Oh, does it make sense? Third, what do you say?" Jiang Wen looked at Liao Fan.

Liao Fan was stunned for a moment, "I think it depends on what you think, brother. If you think it's reasonable, you can have three drinks in a row."

"Hey, didn't you just ask if it was reasonable or not, why did you have three drinks in a row? Fourth?" Jiang Wen shouted.

"Brother, you know me. I'm just a soy sauce maker. You can do whatever you want." Du Yiheng spread his hands.

"How can you do this? Sixth son, tell me." Jiang Wen said.

"Brother, I think what the second brother said is right, this matter should be at the helm of the master."

"Hiss, did your second brother say that just now? Master? Master?" Jiang Wen shouted.

"Oh, you're so long-winded. Just looking at it, you can tell that Director He Fang is a sincere person. Isn't it just three glasses of wine? Come, drink."

Ge You waved his hand vigorously.

"Master is right. Don't tell me it's three glasses of wine. Director He, look at my brother, I'll show you a show of swallowing three rivers with anger. Come on, brothers and sisters."

Jiang Wen pulled the chair, and sat down again with a big horse and golden knife.

"Brother, here we come."

Speaking of Liao Fan, Shao Bing and the six sons holding three glasses of wine, Jiang Wen raised his head and said, "Pour."

"Okay, brother, you can continue."

He Fang was dumbfounded, so it turned out that this is swallowing three rivers with anger?

After Jiang Wen finished drinking, he wiped the corner of his mouth.

"How is it? Director He, are you satisfied?"

"Haha, Director Jiang, you..." He Fang gave a thumbs up, "Oh, my stomach hurts, Director Jiang, why don't I withdraw first?"

"Hey, I'm scared now, it's late..."

"All the gangsters, have mercy..."

"Ha ha……"


He Fang had a bit too much to drink that night, and talked with a few of them about movies, about the international situation, and imagined the future.

He also criticized Jiang Wen and domestic art directors for mixing too much with certain foreign cultural forces, and criticized the cultural layout of foreigners in China.

Tsk tsk, men can't drink, and if they drink too much, they can't control anything and spray everything out.

After drinking until after three o'clock in the morning, he became sober after drinking, but he was a little sleepy, and then he had to go back to Changsha, saying that there were still scenes to be filmed.

No matter how hard Jiang Wen and the others tried, they couldn't hold back. They booked the earliest ticket, and then Jiang Wen couldn't find someone to take him to the airport. Jiang Wen personally sent him to the security check.

Fortunately, He Fang is now considered a celebrity. After understanding the situation, the airport staff sent him to the VIP room to wait for the flight, and woke him up when he boarded the plane. When he boarded the flight, the stewardess also served him enthusiastically. .

When he arrived in Changsha, he slept almost the same, and got off the plane under the service of the flight attendant.

He Fang was very grateful, and then the flight attendant made an excessive request, saying that if she wanted to thank her, she would treat her to a meal.

He Fang is like this, if he can put fate on the spot, he will be on the spot.

So, he postponed his return to the set for an hour and a half, went to have a meal with the beautiful flight attendant, and then went to discuss the secrets of the movie for an hour.

Hey, that's why it's so good to be in the entertainment industry. Sometimes there are constant surprises, and you don't know where your luck will happen.

It's like opening a blind box, very exciting.

The key is that the initiative to open the blind box is still in your own hands. If you want to open it, you don’t know how many blind boxes are sent up.

that's just too...

No wonder everyone wants to be a star, who can resist these temptations?
Can Wu toothpick resist it?

He is handsome and famous, and he can't stop many butterflies and bees from jumping on you.

I participated in the premieres of the two top-tier movies in the Lunar New Year file in December. Is there nothing outside to bother you now?
Of course not, there is also the promotion of "Invasion of Wall Street". Fortunately, the hero Jason is in China, and the heroine is also there. Next, they will collectively accept media interviews after filming.

"Mr. Jason, how did you get to cooperate with He Fang? I heard that he didn't pay you a lot." The reporter asked Jason.

"I didn't know before. I have been in China for a few months, and I finally understand that He is the best at betting and playing tricks. There is no way, I am one of the victims." Jason spread his hands helplessly.

"Hehe, do you regret being tricked?" the reporter asked.

"Of course... no, I am very satisfied. Fortunately, I have cooperated with He, otherwise I would not have such a magical experience in China." Jason said happily.

"Haha, what's the difference between your characters in "Invasion of Wall Street" and your previous ones...""

"Of course, it's like this..."

After asking Jason dozens of questions, he asked He Fang.

"Director He, what's the difference between filming in Hollywood and domestic? Is there a big difference?"

"There is definitely a difference, and the difference is quite big. Of course, it doesn't mean that Hollywood is good, and our country is bad, but the culture is different. Over there, it is said to be eight hours a day, but it is really only eight hours. Hugh, this is unacceptable in China, if you don't stay up all night, it's because the plot is merciful."

"Of course, this is the graduation work of the Hollywood filmmakers training class that our Huying Group and the Changsha Group launched, so the difference is also very big, that is, to take care of the students' learning."

"In addition, it is about the content. This time our "Invasion of Wall Street" tells a story of revenge against financial capitalists..."

"Miss Fan Bingbing, how did you feel when you went to Hollywood for the first time?" The reporter asked Fan Bingbing.

"Well... there are many. The crew over there are more professional and the shooting process is more rigorous. Of course, the biggest feeling is that the food there is too bad. Fortunately, we have many Chinese restaurants in Los Angeles. However, takeaway It's expensive and the taste is average."

"anything else?"



He Fang thought that December would be spent in the final filming of "Pacific Rim" and the promotion of "Invasion of Wall Street". Who knew that on the 12th, a news came from the United States that made him unexpectedly hit the headlines again.

That is, the American Television Movie Golden Globe announced the list of nominations for next year's Golden Globe Awards. "Single Zoo" was nominated for three awards: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Screenplay, and Best Director.

This surprised the domestic media, but felt reasonable.Every year, there are films that bid for the Olympic Games. It should be reasonable to be nominated for the Palme d'Or like "Single Zoo", but three nominations are an accident within an accident, and it is worth bragging about.

He Fang was very surprised. He didn't pay attention to the Golden Globes and Oscars. As early as August, the group had told him that the General Administration would bid for "Single Zoo" this year, and he signed a document.

It's been four months, who would have thought of this.

In the end, it was a surprise.

"Wow, Director He, you've been nominated for three Golden Globe Awards, do you want to have an extra meal tonight?"

"Add, must add!"

(End of this chapter)

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