China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 126 The method is low-level but effective

Chapter 126 The method is low-level but effective

Originally, the three Golden Globe nominations were a good thing, but suddenly a large number of drafts appeared on the entire Internet overnight, and a group of rhythmic online trolls also emerged.

What is the content of the draft?
"Chinese Film No.1, punching Ang Lee, stepping on Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige"

"Feng Xiaogang and Jiang Wen are not worthy to be compared with He Fang"

"All directors in China are rubbish except where"

"Where do Chinese film leaders have to look in the future"

"He Fang is the new leader of Chinese film"

"What is China Film?"See where I lead Huying to do great things"


"Wow, He Fang is the No.1 Chinese film, the youngest, the most talented, and the most courageous. I believe Chinese films will go to glory under the leadership of He Fang."

"In the face of film industrialization, China Film, Shanghai Film, Huayi, and Bona are all weak, like rubbish, and Chinese films have to look at me."

"What is Zhang Yimou? Can he win the Palme d'Or at the age of 27? Who is Chen Kaige? Can he make a blockbuster commercial film that can be applauded by audiences like "Far Cry"? Ang Lee? He will only hide in the United States to develop Chinese director?"

"Hong Kong movies are in decline, there is nothing worth watching, Taiwanese movies? Let's watch my really big sci-fi movies."

"A young man with the dream of Huying stayed in the United States for eight years. He learned all the skills and came back, leading Huying to turn the waves. This is the real inspiration and the hero..."


All of a sudden, the entire public opinion and the film industry were completely silenced by these public opinions. Although everyone didn't believe that this was a manuscript that someone asked someone to buy, it was very dazzling and uncomfortable to look at the content.

"Director Feng Xiaogang, it is said on the Internet that you are not worthy to be compared with He Fang, what do you think?"

There are also reporters who go to interview some people.

"What do I think? I stand and watch, can it be compared? Is that just nonsense for one or two people?"

After Feng Xiaogang replied, he ignored the reporters.

Then immediately there was news "Feng Xiaogang: Who am I not worthy to be compared with?"This is no place to talk nonsense."

"He Fang is too arrogant to say this. When Feng Xiaogang made the film, he was still in junior high school, right?"

"That's right, I liked He Fang quite a lot before, why are you so arrogant after being nominated for a Golden Globe all of a sudden?"

"Upstairs, why didn't I hear what He Fang said?"

"Is it important to say it or not? Such an arrogant attitude..."

Not only Feng Xiaogang was used, but also Chen Kaige.

"Punch Ang Lee, step on Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige? Haha, why is someone trying to spread rumors about where?"

Poor Chen Kaige, he only said this one sentence, and the reporter didn't use it, they just intercepted a disdainful look from Chen Kaige.

"Facing He Fang's arrogance, Chen Kaige uses his eyes to tell He Fang what it is"

"Yes, in front of Chen Kaige, what is He Fang?"

"Where is the boycott..."


"Buzz buzz..." He Fang was filming on the set, and saw the phone vibrating non-stop in his pocket, but he ignored it as he stared at the monitor tightly.

After seeing the performance inside, he picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed it, "Okay, click, photographer, let's play it back."

At this time, the photographer immediately played it back on the machine, and He Fang stared at the monitor again and then nodded.

"Okay, this one is over, the next shot." After He Fang finished speaking, the audience immediately moved.

Just when he lit a cigarette and took out his mobile phone to see who was calling, Zhang Qian hurried over.

"He Fang, something serious happened." Zhang Qian said to He Fang in a solemn voice.

"Big thing? What big deal?" He Fang froze for a moment.

"Come here, I'll talk to you alone." Zhang Qian dragged He Fang to a remote place.

"What's wrong?" He Fang was puzzled.

Without further ado, Zhang Qian took out his mobile phone and clicked on the webpage to show He Fang.

"Look, a large number of drafts slandering you suddenly appeared on the Internet today, and there are also many trolls leading the way. The key is that too many people are involved, all of them are celebrities or big companies." Zhang Qian was anxious Said.

He Fang frowned, after reading one manuscript after another, there were also some online trolls with rhythm.

He didn't realize that the cigarette had burned his fingers.

"Hiss..." He Fang threw away the cigarette butt, then took out another cigarette and lit it. He didn't say a word, but continued to look at these things while thinking about them in his mind.

Are these rumors believable?Of course it's unbelievable, at least a few big directors and bosses of several companies can't believe it.

However, the uninformed people cannot believe it.This kind of low-level draft is very effective. There are many examples of some people still believing in rumors made more than ten years ago after decades.

And now it seems that the purpose of the other party is to let He Fang make people in the whole industry not believe him at once?

Of course not, the other party must have thought that such a draft will not hurt anyone.

So what is their purpose?

"Boss, is this useful?" In a certain room, someone asked an islander with a dead fish face in front of the coffee table.

"Of course it's useful. Although it won't play a role of alienation, it will at least play a role of disgusting. Sometimes a person's image is destroyed step by step in this way. As long as he persists in doing so, one day he will be ruined."

"Haha, Dazuo is wise." The Taiwanese respectfully knelt down.

"No, it's not that I'm wise, it's that he wants to be famous so that he can go to Hollywood to develop, but he wants to do something. This is not something he can get involved in." Da Zuo shook his head and said.

"It means...? Then why did you let Fox cooperate with them?"

"The purpose of cooperation is to make money, but it does not mean that they are really allowed to do things well." Da Zuo said.

"Hey...Xi, I understand. Then why did you let him nominate the Golden Globe?"

"That's because the opinions of the adults in the empire are not unified. Only some people feel that He Fang needs to be suppressed, while others think He Fang is not worth mentioning."

"Oh...Understood, then we are going to suppress it?"

"Hey, of course, no matter what the adults of the empire decide in the end, we are right to do this. Because it is in our interests."

"Hi, Dazuo Hideaki."

"Hey, your female star Lin is not good, she can't figure it out, it's a waste, let her come over tonight, I'll teach her a bit." Da Zuo said.

"Hey, it's an honor for her to be taught by you."


"He Fang, what should we do now?" Seeing that He Fang had smoked three cigarettes without speaking, Zhang Qian asked cautiously.

"Hey, what else can I do? Make a statement, then send a lawyer's letter to the media that issued the notice, and really sue them, as well as those netizens who spread rumors. Sue to the end, until they don't dare to spread rumors at will next time .”

"It's just that I don't know how useful this will be." He Fang shook his head helplessly, "Come on, let's find a place to record a video first, and later you will upload the video I recorded to my Weibo and on the company's Weibo."

"Okay." Zhang Qian nodded, and followed He Fang to the conference room.

He Fang picked up the walkie-talkie at this moment: "That Li Nanshan who was with the group to shoot the sideshow, you come to the small conference room of the studio with the 5D2 camera. Others continue to arrange, and I will come back to shoot in an hour."

After He Fang issued the order, he heard someone shouting 'received' inside.

About 5 minutes later, the camera was set up, He Fang sat down, and then nodded to Li Nanshan.

Li Nanshan clicked the recording function, and the recording officially started.

"Hi everyone, I'm sorry to take up public resources to talk about a personal matter of mine. Suddenly, some drafts slandering me appeared in major media and websites today, as well as some rhythmic trolls."

"Make me the number one in the world, punch this and kick that, and be the leader of the Chinese film industry, and then I become someone who can't get used to it."

"This kind of method is very low-level and despicable, but it can't stand up to disgusting people. Here, I declare to all walks of life that those people are trying to slander me and pour dirty water on me."

"I guess they also know that their methods are very low-level. People with a discerning eye will know that they are spreading rumors at a glance, but if they can't stand up to disgusting people and deceive some people who don't know the truth, there will always be people who believe it."

"Therefore, I hereby expressly declare that I will never be merciless to those who spread rumors and cause trouble. This time, we must investigate to the end. And those media platforms that release bad information, don't you guys check the authenticity of the news? If others can use your platform to spread rumors, you are not responsible? I will not let it go this time."

"In addition, I would like to apologize to Mr. Feng Xiaogang, Mr. Chen Kaige, Mr. Zhang Yimou, Mr. Jiang Wen, Mr. Li An, and other directors who have been used to slander me. I have caused you trouble."

As He Fang spoke, he stood up and bowed towards the camera.

"At the same time, I also want to say sorry to the leaders of various film companies, because some people have used my reasons to cause bad influence on you."

"Finally, I want to say something. Some of our departments should pay attention to this matter, not because I was splashed with dirty water, but if they can use this method to damage a person at will, today is I, tomorrow may be our martyrs, our military personnel, our officials, even... I can't imagine."

"That's all for me. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by occupying public resources. Thank you for your understanding."

After He Zhu finished speaking, he nodded towards Li Nanshan, and Li Nanshan also extended an OK gesture.

"Okay, cut this up right away and give it to Mr. Zhang, let him do it."

"Okay, Director."

"Zhang Qian, then you go and deal with this matter."


After the two left, He Fang lit another cigarette, and then started calling one by one to apologize.

"Hey, that's it? Even a discerning eye can see that it's dirty water, so don't take it to heart, who hasn't been hacked yet?" This is Feng Xiaogang's reply.

"It's okay, I was hacked, I have experienced it too, so make a good film." Chen Kaige comforted on the phone, "It's just that you made a fuss about it, which made the promotion of my movie go down."

"Ha, that caused inconvenience to Mr. Chen, I'm sorry."

"I said it's fine..."

"Hey, Teacher Jiang Wen..."

"Haha, are you doing it for the sake of public opinion? Got hacked? It's okay, there's no need to make a special call, it's just that this group of people is too hateful, worse than gangsters..."


In addition to calling these celebrities to apologize, he also chatted with his father for a long time, chatted with the group secretary Gu, and chatted with Mr. Huang.

It was more than an hour after all the ventilation was exhausted. He sat quietly in the meeting room and smoked three cigarettes.

Never let the other party go, but who is the other party?Although he can guess, but there is no evidence.

Moreover, this is probably just the opponent's first move, right?

Hiss, nasty bedbugs, what a nuisance.

"Director He, what's the matter? Do you want me to massage your head for you?" At some point, Fan Bingbing stood at the door of the conference room.

He Fang froze for a moment, then frowned.

"In the future, we will try our best to keep a distance. Someone is watching me. It will be inevitable to hype me up with other female stars. You have to be prepared."

"Someone is pouring dirty water on you?" Fan Bingbing was very surprised. "I'm not afraid of this. They can stir up whatever they like, and they have brought me attention."

Fan Bingbing didn't care at all, she was a woman who grew up in dirty water, not only was she not afraid of this kind of slander, she even took advantage of it.

"..." He Fang smiled wryly and shook his head when he thought about it, really, Fan Bingbing couldn't be hurt, unless there were photos or videos of the two of them at the scene, otherwise it would be useless.

Not only is it useless, but it may also be beneficial to Fan Bingbing.Because gossip speculation also depends on the target, if it is with the most influential young director, then this is a profit.

(End of this chapter)

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