China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 127 The movie is finished and where do you want to make people perfect?some people don'

Chapter 127 The movie is finished and where do you want to make people perfect?some people don't want

The two chatted for a while, and then He Fang and Fan Bingbing went to the set to continue filming, what else could happen?

When someone wants to throw dirty water on you, if you can't find the person who splashed dirty water, you can only deal with and parry exhaustedly.

Although He Fang had already made psychological preparations for this, when this happened, he was still a little out of balance.

Sure enough, when the video of He Fang appeared on Weibo, and the statement letter of Changsha Tuanhuo Culture appeared in front of the public, and the law firm asked the major media platforms to delete the false news about He Fang within a time limit.

All this has long been expected by some planners, so, at a certain scene.

"Lingling, how's it going? I made you angry, right?"

"Hmph, it's a little too cheap for him like this, Commander, you have to make decisions for me." Lingling acted coquettishly.

"Ha, don't worry, this is the appetizer we gave him, next...!"


This time, not only did He Fang respond to Changsha Tuanhuo, but the media also stood up and severely criticized this malicious smear attack.

At this time, there are two voices on the Internet, one supports He Fang, and the other, although not supporting the rumors, is opposed to destroying press freedom because of He Fang's incident.

"Is He Fang so noble? Although it's gossip, it must be resorted to the law? Isn't it a violation of freedom of speech to shut up the media? Who would do that to gossip in developed countries?"

"That's right, Hong Kong stars are not the same as being ridden with rumors every day? He Fang is hypocritical, why can't there be any negative news about you?"

"Is this a place to tell news facts? Come on, tell me about the business..."

"Hey, that's strange, why do you object? Does anyone want our media to be full of rumors and slander every day?"

"It's called entertainment gossip. It's a manifestation of press freedom. News without entertainment gossip is not free. You don't understand upstairs."

"Well, there is still a long way to go. It's scary that a small director can influence the direction of public opinion."

"I don't understand how to crack down on illegal rumours. Why is it still our fault? Has the world changed?"

"Haha, we have made many mistakes, but if you say something on the Internet, people will call you shit, alas, you will be scolded if you say it."


Of course, He Fang's actions and statements are effective, and some platforms can't afford to sue people just because of a report. After all, the media now has a bit of an official shadow.

Therefore, most platforms withdrew related reports, but did not apologize.

Perhaps, they also feel that some gossip news is not worthy of an apology.

"He Fang, they withdrew the manuscript, but they didn't apologize, what should I do? Do you want to continue suing?"

The next day, Zhang Qian came to the crew to ask where he was.

"Sue, why don't you sue? If you don't sue them, they will feel like a bully. The next time something happens, they will still use the retraction to settle the matter. To them, retracting the manuscript is not a big deal, but for me, how to eliminate the bad influence?"

"It is absolutely wrong to encourage their fluke mentality and then bring us endless troubles."

He Fang is very determined, he knows that if he gives in half a step, people will take a big step forward, they are constantly probing your bottom line, taking your black material to earn traffic, and the price they pay is to withdraw the manuscript.

They make money, and the impact they want to have is also created, but the price they pay is insignificant, and such good things can continue to be done next time.

But what about the person who was lied to?A lifetime of black material, a lifetime of negative news, how much impact is this?
Maybe in front of the media platform, what do they think this personal loss is?They feel that you have made news for you, and you have also expanded your popularity.

"Okay, then I know what to do." Zhang Qian nodded.

He Fang shook his head, there is no way to do this, so this is the only way to do it.

Even so, there are still reporters who want to blog traffic to come to the "Pacific Rim" crew to block where, which is not to let the reporters get blocked.

"Director He Fang, there are a lot of public opinions on the Internet saying that you are interfering with the freedom of the press. This kind of celebrity gossip is a standard in developed countries. What do you think?"

He Fang glanced disdainfully, "If fake news, slander and rumors are part of freedom of the press, then from tomorrow onwards, find someone to fabricate and slander your news, and then seriously interfere with your life and work, are you willing? "

"But you are a celebrity gossip, there are celebrity gossips in every country in the world, why are you so fussy about it?" The reporter insisted.

"Celebrity gossip is based on rumors, but if you look at the reports on me this time, they are all convincing that I said those things, but I didn't say it. Isn't this fake news and rumors?"


That night, He Fang was called home by his mother for dinner, and then He Ben and Zeng Jinghua enlightened He Fang for a long time.

"Fang Yazi, don't care about the nonsense of the reporters. They are just a bunch of scumbags. You will lose if you are serious with them."

"Yeah, yeah, look at those stars in Hong Kong, what kind of dirty water hasn't been splashed?"

"I know, I don't care, but I can't make others think I'm easy to bully, so I still have to resist what should be resisted."

"Well, it's fine if you know the seriousness. Filming is stressful, and there are people making news here. Mom is also worried about you."

"Got it, Mom."

Fortunately, it's Lunar New Year's Eve now, "The Orphan of Zhao" and "Let the Bullets Fly" are on the rise, so the news about He Fang only appeared for two or three days before disappearing.

The crew of "Pacific Rim" can also get back on track, and the promotion of "Invasion of Wall Street" is also increasing.

On December 12, the American team had to return to the United States, because it was impossible for them to accept Christmas and work overtime, which is unforgivable for Westerners.

Fortunately, the movie is almost finished, and the American team is not needed for some of the ending scenes.

So on the 21st, the crew of "Pacific Rim" held a wrap-up banquet in advance to send off the members of the American team.

At the same time, He Fang also reached a consensus with Jason Statham, that is, Jason will come to the Chinese platform to promote at the premiere of "Invasion of Wall Street" on the 27th.

In order to promote "Pacific Rim", this wrap-up banquet was also recorded by Mango Channel's "Entertainment Unlimited" column for the convenience of broadcasting.

"Come on, come on, come on, toast, that, don't say anything. Friends from the United States, thank you for your hard work in the past few months, which has ensured the filming of "Pacific Rim". Here , On behalf of the "Pacific Rim" crew, I would like to thank you, cheers." Zhang Qian, a producer, is becoming more and more qualified.



After everyone had finished their first cup, Zhang Qian waved his hand.

"Okay, let our director say a few words, welcome!"

clap clap clap...

He Fang shook his head, stood up and waved his hands.

"The plot of "Pacific Rim" tells us that as long as China and the United States lead the world to cooperate, any monster can be defeated. At the same time, the filming and production of "Pacific Rim" also tells us a truth, as long as Chinese and American filmmakers cooperate, nothing is terrible Movies can be successful. For now, let's toast to a partnership that lasts forever."

"Cooperation forever, cheers..."

After drinking two glasses of wine, Zhang Qian waved his hand, "Next, let our American actor representative, Jason Statham, say a few words."

clap clap clap...

Jason smiled, then stood up and raised his glass.

"Long live Chinese food, long live Chinese liquor, and long live China-US solidarity and cooperation! Drink!" Jason finished his three sentences, and raised his head to finish the wine in his glass.

"Haha..." The audience was amused by his words, and of course, they all drank the wine in their glasses.


In this way, the wrap-up banquet unfolded in an atmosphere of joy and peace among the Chinese and American staff who had been together for several months, but also permeated with reluctance to leave.

There are always ups and downs in life, and in the film and television industry, you have to get used to constantly meeting new friends and saying goodbye to old ones.

Think about those staff members who take on a lot of jobs, they may have to take on several crew jobs a year, which means they have to say goodbye several times a year.

Although it is numb, there are thousands of words to evoke emotions after drinking a glass of wine.

No, it's only been three rounds of drinking, and some people choked up while talking at the scene.


Including Bryce and Amber, they are also reluctant to part with He Fang. After being in China for a few months, being pushed by He Fang for so long, it is a bit emotional, isn't it?

Love for a long time is said to women, and men like the new and dislike the old, He Fang is thinking: It has been a few months, and it is time to change.

After finishing the green banquet, he went to sing K again, and He Fang went home directly.

Therefore, He Fang did not satisfy the last request of Bryce and Amber that night.

Because he is a scumbag and cannot be missed.

At noon of the next day, a flight originally scheduled to fly from Shanghai to Los Angeles, which was equivalent to a charter flight, diverted to Changsha to pick up people.

He Fang and his entourage kept sending everyone on the plane, and they parted reluctantly.

Of course, the crew of "Pacific Rim" prepared red envelopes and Christmas gifts for everyone. Each person carried a big red box, which contained a set of Chinese tea sets, a box of tea leaves, and a pair of alcoholic drinks.

After waiting for the American team to leave, a group of Chinese actors including Wu Jing, Fan Bingbing, and Hou Yong will also board the plane. Well, it must be the end of the show for the main actors, including the main Chinese actors.

"Director He, it's a great honor to cooperate with you on such a large-scale movie. I hope we will cooperate again next time." Hou Yong came up to hold He Fang's hand.

"Ms. Hou, I am also very honored to cooperate with you, and I will definitely have the opportunity to cooperate again next time."

"Director He, we brothers won't say much, I will come to you soon." Wu Jing stepped forward and hugged He Fang.

"Ha, welcome to harass."

"Come on, shall we hug one too?" Fan Bingbing stepped forward and said.

"I'm fine, as long as you're not afraid of gossip."

He Fang hugged Fan Bingbing unceremoniously.


After sending people off from the airport, He Fang and Zhang Qian returned to the film and television city. There are still some ending scenes in the film.

Although the leading actors have all withdrawn, this does not affect their continued filming.

After "Pacific Rim" was proposed by He Fang in December 2009, it began to be fully prepared in January 12, and then went through 2010 months of various preparations. For this purpose, two large studios were built and a whole new set was purchased. equipment, formed a new team...

The filming didn't start until October 2010, and then it took another three months, one year. This will end the pre-production work, and the post-production is estimated to take another ten months. It is not easy to produce a blockbuster film.

"It's not easy. After all, we finished shooting this blockbuster." Zhang Qian sat in the underwater studio and watched He Fang shoot the last shot, shaking his head and sighing.

"Director He, there are black materials about you on the Internet again. Some people have dug up black materials about you when you were studying and working in the United States."

"..." He Fang was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately felt that it was reasonable, and it was impossible that there would be no follow-up.

(End of this chapter)

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