China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 139 Who is more suitable?It was decided on the spot

Chapter 139 Who is more suitable?It was decided on the spot

Hu Jun's performance is not bad, at least for He Fang to see, he performed a person's fear, regret, relief, gratification and concern before death.

The level of performance is rich and clear, which is worthy of being a powerful actor.

After Hu Jun finished his performance, He Fang stepped forward to help Hu Jun, and then gave him a tissue to wipe away his tears and sweat.

"Brother Jun has worked hard, he is really capable." He Fang praised.

"Heh, what's so hard about it? Actors just want to have fun and interpret different lives. This is what we pursue." Hu Jun smiled.

"Okay, if you can play this role, we will let you know within three days, do you think it's okay? After all, there are so many people who want to audition, and they have to be given a chance." He Fang explained.

"Understood, it's all like this, I can understand. That's fine, then I'll go over here first, and wait for your call later." Hu Jun is also a straightforward person.

"Okay, Brother Jun, go slowly..."

He Fang enthusiastically sent Hu Jun to the stairs again, until the moment he saw Hu Jun disappear in the corridor, he was still waving.

Actors like such directors, at least they respect you.

When He Fang returned to his seat, he nodded towards Hu Kai.

The next person to come was Liu Ye, another powerful faction.

As soon as Liu Ye came up, he nodded towards He Fang, "Hi Director He, hello teachers, I'm Liu Ye, and I'm auditioning for the role of Xin Xiaofeng."

"Mr. Liu Ye, hello, then let's get straight to the point. Come on, here are a few important scenes of Xin Xiaofeng, you choose one, and then perform it as your audition."

He Fang is very direct.

"Okay." Liu Ye also stepped forward and took out a piece of paper.

"Show me, which scene it is." He took a look at the note and took a deep breath.

This challenge is a bit difficult. Fortunately, He Fang was prepared, and he handed the note back to Liu Ye.

"Prepare in 5 minutes, okay? I don't need to do 115 scenes now, I will find an assistant. I will play Yi Guchun in 116 scenes."

"Okay, director." Liu Ye didn't understand what 115 scenes were, so he agreed.

But, after he took it over to take a look, he scratched his head.

"Director, after filming, is this scene really going to be played?" Liu Ye asked a question.

"Of course, otherwise why write about him?" He Fang nodded.

Liu Ye smiled wryly, and then continued to read the script.

There is a hint in the script that Xin Xiaofeng rescued a Taiwanese designer who was about to jump off a building, and then this Taiwanese designer came to pick Xin Xiaofeng off work every day.

In order to prevent Yi Guchun from doubting himself, Xin Xiaofeng prepared to pretend to be gay in front of Yi Guchun. The 115 scenes were the scene where Xin Xiaofeng deliberately let Yi Guchun see the passionate kiss with the Taiwanese designer.

The 116th scene is Yi Guchun's very sad conversation with Xin Xiaofeng. After 116 scenes, Yi Guchun seems to have given up his doubts about Xin Xiaofeng.

Of course, in addition to these two scenes, there is also an introduction to the story outline and a list of character introductions.

It is to let Liu Ye understand the background and characters of the story clearly, so that it is convenient for him to perform.


The audition process is unknown, but He Fang felt that Liu Ye used too much force in acting. This kind of actor has the advantage of being explosive and contagious, but also has the disadvantage of using too much force and losing authenticity.

He Fang thought about it for a while, and found that all the actors in the Chinese opera seemed to be like this, but the difference was that their exertion and restraint were better.

But Nortel's actors are weak and always limp.

Two schools, two extremes, and two styles can also be seen.

He Fang sent Liu Ye away with the same enthusiasm. He Fang walked back to his seat, sighing a little in his heart, and then he glanced at Hu Kai.

"Xiao Chen, next." Hu Kai called into the walkie-talkie.

So He Fang picked up his resume and took a look at who was next...

Hiss, it's finally here, and He Fang suddenly regained his spirit.

When the footsteps approached, a figure appeared at the stairway.

"Hello Director He, hello teachers, I'm Deng Chao, and I'm auditioning for Xin Xiaofeng." Deng Chao smiled.

Why does He Fang want to laugh just looking at him?Fortunately, He Fang is a professional actor who has been trained and generally can't laugh.

"Mr. Deng Chao, hello, let's get straight to the point. Here are a few audition drafts of Xin Xiaofeng's scripts. You can pick one and act in whichever one you get."

As He Fang spoke, he laid out a row on the table and pointed it out to Deng Chao.

"Okay, director." Deng Chao stepped forward and drew one.

"Show me, I'll see which one it is, and what assistants we want to prepare."

He Fang said that he took the manuscript in Deng Chao's hand, scenes 71 and 72, well, these two scenes mainly reflected Xin Xiaofeng's feelings for Tail, but they were worried that they would not take care of Tail after being caught by Yi Guchun, so they decided to The tail is given away.

So, what happened between the two while they were sending their tails.

This is a scene about Xin Xiaofeng's reluctance to part with his tail, and it also shows their suffering, powerlessness and hesitation in the face of fate.

Although they don't know if they will be alive tomorrow, the tail has always been the whole life of the three of them.Although the fate is too cruel and Taiwei is also terminally ill, but when they want to send away the common concern of the three of them with their own hands, they feel even more desperate than despair.

Deng Chao looked at the script repeatedly, brewing feelings for a while, and reciting lines for a while.

The one who plays the tail is a pillow, which is already in place. He Fang plays Yang Zidao, still using two chairs as car props.

"It's alright, Mr. Deng Chao." He Fang asked.

"Well, yes, come on." Deng Chao simply put down the script, appearing very confident.

And so the show begins...

He Fang pretended to take out a lot of things from the car, then tore off the labels, and was about to change the clothes for the pillow.

Deng Chao stopped He Fang: "Don't change it for her, let her sleep more."

Then Deng Chao hugged the pillow very carefully, as if he was really hugging a child.

Very good, He Fang didn't see that the performance was very hard, but he looked like a person who often hugs children.

Oh, He Fang suddenly remembered that Deng Chao is going to have his first child this year, right?So he went off to learn how to take care of kids?
He Fang pretended to hold a lot of things, and held a fish tank in his hand.

"Do you think that family will treat her well?" Deng Chao asked in a low voice and worried, and then glanced at the pillow in his hand.

Well, very careful.

"They really like tails," He Fang replied.

"Are you willing to spend money on her?"

"Yes, their family conditions are good."

"That will cost a lot of money." Deng Chao said worriedly.

At this moment, He Fang suddenly broke out.

"You are insane. They are raising children, not raising money."

Although Deng Chao was prepared, he was still taken aback by He Fang's sudden outburst.

But he quickly stabilized his mind and did not speak. He Fang pretended to put many things in the car, and then opened the door.

"Get in the car." He Fang said.

"Or, let's forget it, A Dao." Deng Chao tightened the pillow into his body, wishing to rub it into his body, but afraid of hurting the pillow.

Very delicate.

"Xin Xiaofeng, don't be here with my wife's benevolence, we are escaping, do you fucking know?" He Fang suppressed his anger and cursed.

"I know." Deng Chao looked at He Fang with a begging look like a child who has done something wrong.

"You know you're still here talking shit to me, get in the car."

He Fang urged, but Deng Chao hesitated.

"Give me the child." He Fang said and went up to snatch the child.

"A Dao..." Deng Chao begged again.

"Where are we going? Dad."

At this time, Hu Kai was accompanying the voice of the tail, but the pronunciation was a little blunt, but this can’t be helped. Sometimes the crew will tell stories about off-site interference factors to interfere with the actor’s performance, and see if the actor can withstand the interference. .

However, it is clear that He Fang and Deng Chao are immune to these two off-court factors.

He Fang: "Hey, go to sleep, go to sleep, ah."

Deng Chao stood there at a loss and couldn't bear it. He was like a child unable to protect his beloved.

He Fang pretended to get in the car, opened the door, and sat on the chair.

Hu Kai is still voicing the sound of the tail: "Little Daddy, little Daddy."

Deng Chao rushed to the car: "It's okay, don't cry, don't cry, it's okay."

Pretending to drive away, Deng Chao chased after him, trying to persuade the tail inside not to cry.Xin Xiaofeng rushed to the front and stopped the car.
Deng Chao: "A Dao..."

He Fang pretended to get out of the car: "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Deng Chao burst into tears immediately, tsk, this acting is awesome.

"Sorry, I……"

Deng Chao took out the script paper from his pocket and handed it to He Fang.

"Look, look, look."

He Fang asked, "What is this?"

Deng Chao cried: "The case of the tail."

He Fang pretended to watch seriously.

Deng Chao: "The one I gave to that family is fake..."

He Fang looked at Deng Chao in disbelief.

Deng Chao: "The doctor said, if there is no operation, she will not survive a year."

He Fang suddenly slapped Deng Chao, and Deng Chao fell to the ground.Hu Kai and Zhang Qian were startled for a moment.

But after He Fang finished beating, he also fell to the ground, pretending that the wound was painful and bleeding.

Deng Chao: "A Dao, don't talk, don't talk, don't say anything..."

Deng Chao cried bitterly.

He Fang seemed to have been sucked out of something, and said helplessly: "Resign to fate."

The performance ended here, but the two of them lay on the ground and slowed down for a while.

He Fang stood up, then stretched out his hand to pull Deng Chao.

"Teacher Deng Chao, I'm sorry, I did it and couldn't hold back." He Fang said apologetically.

Deng Chao also rubbed his face in embarrassment, "Ha, it's okay, it's acting, how can it be unreal."

He Fang nodded. Although Deng Chao also graduated from Chinese opera, his acting was not very forceful. Compared with Liu Ye and Hu Jun, he was much smoother. You feel very comfortable playing with him.

"Okay, Deng Chao, I won't say that much. You go back first. Two days later, you ask your agent to come to us to sign the contract. This role is yours. However, you can't say it now, because it will be unfair to others. .”

He Fang decided that there was no need to tweak it, whether it was his own preconceived ideas, or Deng Chao really impressed him with his strength, anyway, his current thinking is that this role must be Deng Chao.

"Ah?" Deng Chao was stunned for a while and then exulted, "Thank you director, thank you director, I will definitely not say it."

"Okay, then you go back first, and I will give you the full script when your agent comes to sign the contract." He Fang patted Deng Chao's arm. In this time and space, He Fang is a big boss, and Deng Chao is an ordinary actor.

Hey, it feels so good to be a boss in front of Deng Chao.

"Okay, director, then I'll go first."

"Okay, go slowly." He Fang still enthusiastically sent Deng Chao downstairs.

Just waiting for him to sit back at the table, Hu Kai just looked at He Fang.

"what happened?"

Hu Kai cleared his throat: "Then shall we continue the audition?"

"Try, why not? Maybe we can find Yang Zidao and Yi Guchun in the audition for the role of Xin Xiaofeng?"

"Oh, that's fine." So Hu Kai shouted with the walkie-talkie: "Xiao Chen, next."

"Who's next?" He Fang picked up his resume and read it.

"It's Duan Yihong." Hu Kai said.

"Oh." He Fang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he came to anything he didn't think of.

It may be that there are too few domestic literary films that actors are looking forward to, or that there are too few directors who can win the Palme d'Or, so He Fang's literary film auditions, these powerful actors are all active.

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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